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Section VII: Planning for the Future



Description of Evaluation

Goal 1:
Maintain and
expand a current
collection of
resources to
support and enrich
the curriculum
needs of students
and teachers.

Objective 1A:
Inventory the current library
collection and weed needed areas.
This will determine what areas
need new or up-to-date materials.

Circulation data will be pulled from the

Destiny system of the areas being
weeded. This data will serve as
information to determine what items
should be removed and/or updated.

Objective 1B:
The SLMS will obtain additional
print materials using allotted
SPLOST funding to meet the
informational needs of the
current library collection
development and to plan new

At the end of the year, the SLMS will

pull circulation data of the purchased
materials. Use the data to determine
future use of the materials and their

Objective 1C:
After the school year ends, the SLMS
The SLMS obtain eBook readers will review how much eBooks have
for student checkout.
been used and determine what they
were used for. The SLMS will bring
this information to the committee to
review and determine what needs to be
done next.

Goal 2:
Collaborate with
teachers as an
partner through
integrating literacy
and technologies.

Objective 2A:
The SLMS will choose a grade
level to focus on collaboration at
the beginning of each year.

Objective 2B:
The SLMS will decide on
another grade level to
collaborate at the beginning of
each year.

At the end of the school year, the

SLMS will obtain survey data from the
grade level teachers about their
collaboration experiences. This
information will be stored in the grade
level meeting notes that are kept from
meetings and turned in to
administrators at the end of the year.
During the collaboration meetings,
sample lesson plans and units will be
shared from other grade levels as

Objective 2C:
The SLMS will keep a notebook of
The SLMS will attend two grade information discussed in the meetings.

level meetings per nine weeks

per grade to collaborate with
classroom teachers on creating
lessons integrating curriculum
and critical thinking.

After each nine weeks, the teacher

collaboration notebook will be kept in
the media center. The SLMS and
teachers will keep track of the lessons
that are taught to see if there is an
increase in collaborative lessons.

Goal 3:
Objective 3A:
Promote and
The SLMS will add materials that
encourage a lifeappeal to reluctant boy readers.
long love of
reading and
learning among all
Objective 3B:
The SLMS will promote summer
reading for students. Information
will be provided to the students
and parents (via handouts,
school website, etc.) regarding
the county library summer
reading program. The SLMS
will also hold three library
checkout sessions during the
summer for students to check out
books. The SLMS will
collaborate with teachers to
provide students enrichment
opportunities using the summer
reading books the following
school year.

At the end of the school year, the

SLMS will review how much the
books related to boys have been
checked out. This will help determine
if additional books need to be added
for future use.

Objective 3C:
The SLMS will seek funding
opportunities to provide
technology resources in the form
of eBook devices to
accommodate student learning.

The SLMS will allocate any additional

local school funds obtained through
fund-raising events and grants during
the current school year to be
designated for purchasing eBooks and
eBook titles. The SLMS will compare
the prior school year funds raised by
the media center and utilize the
additional monies toward this
particular library collection.

After the summer ends, survey the

students and the parents to see student
involvement in summer reading. This
will also determine its effectiveness.
The SLMS will share this information
with the media committee to determine
if there needs to be further
implementation or changes of the

Rationale for Established Goals

The goals were created based on the teacher stakeholder survey given to the
teachers at Lula Elementary School.
The first goal Maintain and expand a current collection of resources to support
and enrich the curriculum needs of students and teachers was created because the results
of the survey showed that there was a lack of current resources available to students and
teachers. Teachers felt the materials currently in the media center were not as up-to-date
as they should be. By inventorying and weeding items in the media center, the SLMS
can determine how relevant the materials are to the students and teachers. If the
inventory is not as current, students and teachers will be less likely to use them.
Secondly, by obtaining additional print materials, students and teachers will be provided
with more materials to use. Also, by asking teachers for their input, it will be easy to
determine what materials will actually be used, so the money spent will not be wasted.
Finally, Lula Elementary does not currently have any eBook devices. While print books
are still of interest to students, providing eBook devices to access eBooks is important.
These can be useful to students of special needs and English Language Learners. It will
also give students the opportunity to become 21st century learners of technology.
The second goal, Collaborate with teachers as an instructional partner through
integrating literacy and technologies, is extremely important for todays media
specialists. The survey results showed stakeholders had a high desire for collaboration
between the SLMS and other teachers. This is also driven by the desire to create a plan
to help students be 21st century learners. The SLMS will choose one grade level to
collaborate with at the beginning of the school year. Since library media specialists are

also now part of a data-driven environment (McGriff, Harvey, & Preddy, 2004),
surveying and assessing are vital to the success of the school library program. The
teachers will be surveyed to provide feedback at the end of the year of their collaboration
experiences. These will be kept with the grade level meeting notes, which are turned in
to administrators at the end of the school year. Each year, the SLMS will increase the
collaborative planning with another grade level until collaboration is occurring with each
grade level. Lastly, attending grade level meetings will help to increase the level of
collaboration. The survey results suggested there was some collaboration, but there
needed to be more time set aside for specific grade level planning. Also, by keeping
notes and creating assignments during these meetings, will keep everyone on the same
page. This can also be helpful from year to year because the archived notebooks can be
used as guides in creating new lessons.
The third goal Promote and encourage a life-long love of reading and learning
among all stakeholders, is important because this is still one of the main goals of a
media center. AASL (2009) states, The school librarians ability to to build strong
relationships with teachers, school administrators, and the community is key to
implementing change (p. 47). Promoting and encouraging reading and learning would
be easily obtained if there is a positive working relationship in place. The stakeholders
suggested continued support of reading throughout all classrooms. It was noted that boys
tend to not enjoy reading and/or struggle with it more than their fellow female
classmates. The first objective to promote a life-long love of reading is to increase the
amount of books boys may be interested in reading. The second objective was created
because the stakeholders said they felt students would excel more if they continued

reading throughout the summer and not just during the school year. Therefore, a summer
reading program where students are able to come to their school as well as visit public
libraries may increase the amount of students who continue with their reading. The
summer reading will be promoted and incorporated in enrichment assignments the
following school year. The last objective was created to help incorporate technology to
promote a love of reading. Some students prefer to use their technology to read
information. Providing more than one outlet for reading will open their minds to
enjoying reading.

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