Text 1: "Libraries Are Our Link To The Past and Our Gift To The Future

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Text 1







112 Die in France from July Heat Wave

A heat wave that struck Europe last month killed
112 people in France, on Thursday, many of them were
elderly. Of the people whose deaths were attributed to
the sweltering temperatures in France, 66 of them were
age 75 or up. French officials said, This year people
must be more careful to avoid a repeat of the summer of
2003, when 15,000 people, most of them elderly, died of
heat related causes.
Who suffered a lot from the heat wave?
a. Young people
b. Old people
c. Children
d. Women
e. Teenagers
Why were the French officials said that people must be
more careful about this year heat wave?
a. Because the present condition is better
b. Because the present condition is worse that that
in 2003
c. Because in 2003 more people had died
d. Because they didnt want more people die
e. Because they were responsible for the citizens
Of the people whose deaths were attributed to the
sweltering temperatures . . .
The underlined word has almost the same meaning as
the word . . .
a. Due to
b. Comply with
c. Associate with
d. In response to
e. For the sake of
What is the newsworthy event of text 7?
a. French officials said This year, people must be
more careful to avoid a repeat of the summer of
b. A heat wave that struck Europe last month killed
112 people in France, on Thursday, many of
them were elderly.
c. Of the people whose deaths were attributed to
the sweltering temperatures in France, 66 of
them were age 75 or up.
d. Many of them were elderly.
e. When 15,000 people, most of them elderly, died
of heat related causes.
Text 2
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom is a constitutional
monarchy comprising of four constituent countries;
England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The first
three situated in Great Britain, which is an island that
lies off the North West coast of Europe. The island is
surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean to the west, and the
North Sea to the east. Meanwhile, Northern Ireland is
located in Ireland, which is an island that lies off the
West Coast of Great Britain. The island consists of
Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic.
The purpose of the text is . . . .
a. To describe the United Kingdom
b. To inform about the United Kingdom
c. To retell about the United Kingdom
d. To explain about the United Kingdom
e. To persuade people about the United Kingdom
Which country is not situated in Great Britain?
a. England






b. Wales
c. Scotland
d. England, Wales and Scotland
e. Northern Ireland
Where is the island of Ireland situated? It lies off . . .
a. The east coast of Great Britain
b. The west coast of Europe
c. The west coast of Great Britain
d. The west coast of Atlantic Ocean
e. The east coast of North Sea
What do you call the text 8 above?
a. Report
b. Description
c. Narrative
d. Review
e. Exposition
Text 3
I personally believe that libraries are among
humanitys most important institutions for several
Firstly, most of humanitys collective knowledge
is stored in libraries. Secondly, libraries protect and
preserve this knowledge. They also classify or group the
materials into logical and easily available divisions.
Furthermore, libraries make the materials
available to everyone and even provide librarians to help
us find what we need.
Finally, libraries are our link to the past and our
gift to the future.
From the facts above, I conclude that libraries are
important institutions for humanity.
Libraries are among humanitys most important
institutions for . . . reasons.
a. one
b. two
c. three
d. four
e. five
Libraries also classify or group the materials into logical
and easily available divisions . . . readers can find the
materials easily.
a. it
b. because
c. after
d. however
e. therefore
Libraries are our link to the past and our gift to the future.
This means that we . . . to the past and the future by
a. is linked
b. was linked
c. were linked
d. are linked
e. am linked
Text 4
Mothers Day
Julia Ward Howe and Anna Jarvis were the best
known pioneers who took up the cause of Mothers Day
in the United States. Julia Ward Howes Mothers Day
in 1872 was a call for disarmament by women. Anna
Jarvis, in 1907, organized a day to raise awareness of
poor health condition in her community, a cause she
believed would be best advocated by mothers. She called
it Mothers Work Day. In 1914, US President,
Woodrow Wilson signed a Joint Declaration. He
declared the second Sunday of May as Mothers Day, the
day to honor motherhood. Today, however, some may







think that the commercial community purposely created

Mothers Day to make some extra money.
Nowadays, this auspicious day has literally
become commercial affair. Many people spend their time
buying material gifts for their mothers. In order to sell
more products, many restaurants, gift shops, cake shops
and florists usually give special offers on Mothers Day.
Consequently, their cash registers keep ringing non stop.
Obviously, Mothers Day has become a major profit
makes for businesses.
It is important to remember that the reason
behind celebrating Mothers Day is to say thanks to the
most important person in our life our mother. It is the
day to tell her how much we love her and how special
she is for us.
Therefore, instead of merely giving material
gifts, giving our mother what she needs and really wants
is more precious. Showing off our love by spending
more time with her, for example, will certainly give us
nothing but heartfelt thanks and real gratitude from our
Some people thought Mothers Day was . . . .
a. purposely created just to make money
b. created to honor the mother
c. created to make the mother happy
d. created to respect the mother
e. created to pay tribute to mother
Who was the creator of Mothers Day?
a. Anna Jarvis
d. Mary Thompson
b. President Woodrow Wilson e. Joan of Arc
c. Julia Ward Howe
What did Julia Ward Howe do in the 19th century?
a. She worked for the NGO.
b. She worked in a military service.
c. She called for disarmament by women.
d. She raised awareness of poor health conditions
in her community.
e. She became a charity worker.
When did the Mothers Day become officially
a. In 1758
d. In 19th Century
b. In 1924
e. In 1914
c. In 1800
According to the text, when the Mothers Days
a. On the 1st week of June
b. d. On the 2nd week of April
c. On the 2nd week of May
d. e. On the 1st week of December
e. On the 3rd week of May
What does Mothers Day bring to the commercial
a. It brings havoc to the commercial community
b. It brings problems to the commercial community

It brings adversities to the commercial community

d. It brings disasters to the commercial community

e. It brings immense business to the commercial
19. her class in diligent Jessica very is student a
Arrange the following jumbled words to make a good

a. 4 6 8 5 3 7 2 1
b. 4 2 1 6 8 5 3 7
c. 2 1 4 6 8 5 7 3
d. 2 1 8 5 3 7 6 4
e. 2 3 4 5 7 1 6 8
20. Arrange these sentences below into a good order
1.Sitting on a bike, make sure you know where the
bikes are and how to operate them
2.You have to learn to balance the bike. Find a
person who can hold your bike behind you and
try to go steady as you pedal it
3.Finally, you have to practice. Once you can
balance, pedal, start, and stop, you are bicycle
rider. Congratulation!
4.As you gain experience, raise the seat up so that
only your toes can touch the ground while you
are seated.
5.When you are ready, ride alone. But first, lower
the seat until you can sit and put both feet flat on
the ground
6.After practicing for a couple minutes, the person
can release his or her hands while you try to
keep your balance
a. 1 2 3 4 5 6
d. 1 2 4 5 6 3
b. 1 2 6 5 4 3
e. 1 2 5 3 6 4
c. 1 2 4 6 5 3
21.Dont come at five oclock because . tennis then.
a. I play
c. Im going to play
b. Ill be playing
d. Ive played.
22. At 8 P.M. tomorrow we . TV.
a. will be watching
c. have watche
b. are watching
d. will watch
23. His English is very good. He . quite a lot.
a. must have been practicing c. will have practice
b. should practice
d. practices
24. I hope that by the time my father retires, I . a job.
c. got
b.will have got
d. am getting
25. The quality of the paper and the picture of these
magazines . Not very good.
a. It is
c. is
b.They are
d. to be
26. The first plant- like organism probably . in the
sea, perhaps three billion years ago.
a. lived
c. life
b. living
d. it was living
27. Fossils show that early people . only four feet six
inches tall on average.
a. were
c. are
b.would have
d. they were
28.The plane . now is an hour
a. arrived
c. will arrive
b. to arrive
d. arriving
29. Many birds will, in the normal course of their
migration, . more than three thousand miles to reach
their winter homes.
a. be flown
c. will fly
b. is flown
d. fly
30.In 1066, a bright comet . in the sky attracted much attention.
a. was appearing
c appearing
b. appears
d. it appeare

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