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Reading & Writing

Project 1
Read a book. When you finish reading your book (eg.Penguin Books short
stories), and you are ready get artistic! You have to complete THREE
Remember the following requirements:
You must complete ANY THREE projects (for your book)
Each of your three projects is due October 19.
Creativity is a MUST!

Si notas que le calor

Entonces muchas suerte
Es el nico mgico frvolo
Aya yay puede ser un ladron

Primary Colors
1.Re-write the Ending:
Have you ever LOVED a book but HATED the ending? Well, this is your
chance to make things right. For this reading project, you get to step into
the shoes of the author and re-write the ending. Show the author of your
book how it is done!


Re-write is at least one paragraph (SEVEN sentences)

Re-write is original (does not resemble original ending)
Re-write is easy to read and follow (grammatical errors do not impede

I had many problems with daisy and she abandoned me. She hated me
because I was lying and betraying much.
Stanton havent good luck, everything goes wrong . So what are you going
to do?
Im staying, she says: Then Im going far away.
She cried. Really?

Yes, I said. I hope to see you soon, Daisy. Ill go over and I will not be the
Governor now.

The Stantons were hearing radio when I arrived,

Governor, I said. Im here because I pass the Libbys test.
Henry! he said sad, Stanton. Were parents! Were not driverman*.
We listened at Picker on Radio. He looked serious
and proud. He took a piece of paper from his pocket
and said, Today I win the campaign to be
Congratulations? someone shouted. What said
some words, Mr. President?
I started in politics in 1978. Now, I was having
family spectacular, but that wasnt the real reason
because I start the politician. The real reason was
that I had a dream, this dream was have a betther
There was a moment of applauses before Picker
continued. Theres one more thing I want to say. I
know Jack Stanton very well and I can say that he
couldnt be make a good President. Thank you and goodbye.
Jack turned off the radio and looked at me. You still want to quit, Henry?
Yes, I said.
Henry, he said. Picker to be the next President of the Country. Hes going to
the White House! Dont you want travel to hawaii with me?
I stood up to leave.
Come on, Henry, said Stanton. You need vacation. Are you tired! You can

2.Book Critique:
Everyone has an opinion, and this is your chance to let yours be
known. Whether you loved your book, or hated it, we want to know.
Give us an honest critique of a book of your choice, and dont hold
back. Who knows? Your critique could influence future reading lists!


Critique must be at least one paragraph (SEVEN sentences)

Critique gives clear, specific reasons (at least three) for loving
(or hating) the book
Critique is easy to read and follow (grammatical errors do not
impede understanding)

This book was too over-the-top for my tastes, political fantasy that
was extremely difficult to swallow. The characters were all greasy and
self-satisfying, leaving everything to be desired from the reader's
perspective. Primary Colors did not contain a single challenging
thought. It was like reading an awful political soap opera with
unbelievable characters. I tried and tried to connect with even the
remotest strand of humanity in the characters and alas -- nothing! I
kept reading and reading, hoping that I might be able to find even one
morsel worth savoring; well, I did discover one thing -- that I don't
ever want to read the book again -- and it is already lying in the
Goodwill bin waiting for the next victim of utter disenchantment.

4.Newspaper Article:
Are you a journalist trapped in the body of a middle schooled? Take
this chance to let your inner journalist shine! Identify the major
conflict (problem) in your book of choice. Then, turn that conflict into
an action packed news story.


Article is at least one paragraph (SEVEN sentences)

Article includes the 5 Ws (who, what, when, where, why)
Article is clear and easy to read (grammatical errors do not
impede understanding)

The book begins as an idealistic former congressional worker, Henry

Burton, joins the presidential campaign of Southern governor Jack
Stanton, a thinly disguised stand-in for Bill Clinton.[4] The plot then
follows the primary election calendar beginning in New Hampshire
where Stanton's affair with Cashmere, his wife's hairdresser, and his
participation in a Vietnam War era protest come to light and threaten
to derail his presidential prospects.[4] In Florida, Stanton revives his
campaign by disingenuously portraying his Democratic opponent as
insufficiently pro-Israel and as a weak supporter of Social Security.
[4] Burton becomes increasingly disillusioned with Stanton, who is a
policy wonk who talks too long, eats too much and is overly flirtatious
toward women.[4] Stanton is also revealed to be insincere in his
beliefs, saying whatever will help him to win.[4] Matters finally come

to a head, and Burton is forced to choose between idealism and


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