U.S. History Assignment

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United States History I

Individual Assignment

Name: Sarah Waris

Student ID: I14006224
E-mail: waris_sarah@yahoo.com
Phone number: 017-2639619
Lecturers name: Mr. Kevin Tan

Write an essay not more than 800 words. Discuss the causes of the
American Revolution and state your position on whether the war, which
stated in 1776 could have been avoided.
These are the times that try mens souls: The summer soldier
and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of
his country: but he that stands it now deserves the love and thanks of
man and woman. Tyranny, like Hell, is not easily conquered. Yet, we
have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more
glorious the triumph, Thomas Paine, 1776.
America, which was originally the colonies of Britain, started to
come together as a country, rather than colonies ruled by a country
across the sea, when they realized that they were, in a way, used by
their mother country. The American Revolution has led America to
break away from British powers and gain its independence.
Naturally, there were several incidents that had led to the
revolution. Among them were, taxes were forced upon the colonists
and the repercussions of the colonists reaction to the new policies;
Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Townshend Duties, Boston Massacre, Tea Act,
Boston Tea Party, and Coercive Act.

Initially, the colonists had no

thoughts of independence; they just wanted British authorities to pay

attention to their complaints. Had the British authorities listened to the
colonists cries of complaints and decide to compromise, such as
passing the Olive-Branch Petition, the war could have probably been
avoided altogether. It wasnt until the news of hired Hessian soldiers by

Britain and the publication of Common Sense by Thomas Paine that

made them desire for a breakaway and a self-government nation.
America had received aid from European countries; Spain and
France. The Continental Congress had sent out representatives to
France and Spain to seek support for their cause. France had agreed to
aid America, as it would weaken the British, which was its enemy.
Spain too, had joined the cause for the same reason as France and
both these countries had secretly channeled money to America,
supporting Americas cause for independence. Without the Europeans
help, especially financially and their naval support, America could have
fallen amidst their battle for independence as the British had a bigger
army and more ammunition than the Continental Army. Though the
war wouldve already started, without the help of these two European
countries, the war wouldnt probably prolong as it had, hence, lessen
the amount of casualties on both sides, partly avoiding the war.
In conclusion, despite the fact that the war had already begun
before France and Spains aid, the war would probably not be
prolonged as it did if the America hadnt received any help for they
were still a growing and had no power whatsoever. Besides, if the
British authorities had lessen the burden of their country on the
colonies, there wouldnt be a rebellion to begin the movement in the
first place, hence, avoiding the war entirely.


Carnes & Garraty. The American Nation: A History of the United States.
14th ed. Prentice Hall, 2012.

Nussbaum (unknown year). Causes and effects of the American

Revolution. Retrived from:

Unknown author. (Unknown year). A Timeline of the American

Revolution from 1763-1787. British Library. Retrived from:

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