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Unoffical Players Guide to Panzer Grenadier

Edited by the CSW Crew

Document Version/Date: 3/1/2010. Additions and wording changes since 1 Jul 2009, are in Red.
Optional Rules are now listed in Green.

Table of Contents:
3rd Edition Series Rules
Specific Games/Modules
Optional Rules
Appendix: Examples
Flowcharts and Tables

I. 3rd Edition Series Rules

Presented in major case heading order.

Editors Introduction:
This file contains both FAQ, errata items, samples of
play, optional rules, internet links and everything related
to Panzer Grenadier. Originally the point of this file is to
be as thorough as possible in, but avoiding redundancies
and wordiness. It has evolved into an unofficial players
guide and looks to continue with new ideas related to the
game system.
Please dont let the length of this document turn you
away from the game. It is offered purely as an optional
reference for players everywhere.
If there are revisions that you feel are need please
posting them to one of main Panzer Grenadier forums.
This will allow you ideas to be seen, reviewed and most
likely added to this document. If you feel that you need
to get an official rules view please email Avalanche Press
directly and you will get an answer from the gurus.
Remember to post on the forums for all to see and so it
can get added to this document.
This has been made possible by all the players that
visit the Consimworld, Boardgame Geek, and Yahoo
groups websites. Thanks to all for you contributions.
Special thanks for Peter McCord for starting this
document as FAQs, Doug McNair for answering all the
emails and clarifiying the rules and Avalanche Press for
producing the Panzer Grenadier game system.

Definitions: Hex Control (errata)

Hex Control. The definition of hex control should say
last combat unit or units of one player that solely occupy
a hex controls it. Solely means no enemy combat units
are present at that moment.
When setting up a scenario, hexes are controlled by
the side setting up closest to them with combat units.
If one side begins entirely off board, they control no
hexes at start, and will physically have to move
through hexes to control them.
If both sides are in a hex with combat units, as is
common in assaults, then neither side controls the
hex (this usually matters for victory).
Note: the rule doesnt say anything about morale, so
technically a demoralized unit could seize control of
a hex, as long as it is fleeing/recovering legally.
Components: AFVs and Leaders
For nationalities that have limited numbers of AFV
leaders (see 6.8), recording the tank leaders is not
possible in modules where ID letters do not appear on the
tanks. In this case, orient the tanks that contain leaders
sideways in their stack, but dont allow them to be
specially targeted by firing enemies. Firers may still
target a type, (eg a T-34) but within that type roll
randomly to see which one gets hit if some have leaders
and some dont. Alternatively, create your own tank
leader counters. Some have been posted to CSW.
Components: APCs

[Errata: German SPWs in Eastern Front Deluxe

should have a printed armor factor of 0.]

Panzer Grenadier Forums

Consimworld Panzer Grenadier
Consimworld Panzer Grenadier Strategy
Boardgame Geek
Yahoo Groups

The following units are APCs:

German SPW 250, SPW 251,KTZN.
Soviet M3.
U.S. M3, M39.
British Bren.
Indian ACW is an APC, but pays motorized
movement costs as an exception.
All APCs share the following:
Move using mechanized costs
No inherent leaders (they are not AFVs). You need an
infantry leader, same or adjacent hex (if leader is not
disrupted) or an armor leader (same hex) to activate
them for combat movement.
They stack like transports.

Players Guide

They are combat units for the purposes of denying

movement, hex control, fleeing, etc., if they have a
DF or AT factor.
They are not combat units for the +1 stacking
modifier (4.4).
They function as transports (can transport units,
guns, as the movement/transport rules say).
Since they are not AFVs they dont give you +1
column shift in assault if accompanied by infantry.
All APCs may dig in (whether or not they have a
combat factor).

Components: Trucks
Note that Trucks can be fired at as armored targets, by AT
weapons: you treat the truck as if it were armored with a
rating of -1. Thats negative 1.
Components: Portees
(Applicable only to Desert Rats, Afrika Korps and South
Africa. Possibly later UK modules may see more):
Portees move like trucks and are targeted like trucks,
but they are not transports, which means they cant
carry anything else besides the gun, and they stack as
a combat unit. Each Portee unit is a gun and a truck
combined. When listed in OOB, they come together,
in addition to any trucks listed in that scenario. A
Portee assaults with the same restrictions/leadership
requirements similar to an APC.
Components: Prime Movers
Prime movers are Mechanized, and can only carry
artillery, anti-tank and anti-aircraft units (not mortars or
any infantry, MGs, etc.). They may carry leaders.
1. The German Skdfz 9 is unarmored and treated like a
truck (armor value minus 1), except for the above.
2. The German Skdfz 7 is armored, and treated as an
truck, except for the above, and the fact that it is
armored (at 0).
3. The Soviet KMS is armored and has a combat value,
so treat it as an armed APC, but adding the prime
mover limiations above.
4. The Slovak Praga is a Prime Mover.
Components: Wagons
1. Wagons move on the TEC as foot units (not
2. However many scenarios have river crossing
numbers for wheeled units: this includes wagons.
3. So even though wagons arent motorized, wagons
cross major rivers as wheeled in scenarios that use
that term.
4. Wagons cross minor rivers as foot.
5. Wagons are transports.
Components: Open-Topped Vehicles
1. Open-topped vehicles suffer from 7.61 (they are still
immune to M/M1/M2 results from DF or IF, but X

and greater results will cause them to take step

2. The following units are considered open-topped: All
APCs of all nationalities, and, all Prime Movers of
all nationalities, both of which are included in the
following list of AFVs/APCs/PMs that are opentopped.
Soviet Su-76, M3, KMS.
German Wespe, SdKfz 7, SdKfz 9, SdKfz 222,
SdKfz 234/3, SdKfz 234/4, SdKfz 251/10 AA,
Wirbelwind, SPW 250, SPW 251, Marder III,
Kubelwagon, 150 IG SP, Karl Mortar 40, Karl
Mortar 41, KTZN,Marder II, Nashorn, SPW
U.S. M3, M7, M8, M15, M16, M18, M36, Scott,
M3/75, LTV, M39,M10,T28.
British Bren, M3, Achilles.
Italian Semovente 90.
Note: contrary to the written module rules, the
German SdKfz 234/2 (Puma) is not open-topped.
Components: Tank Destroyers
Tank Destroyers are AFVs but do not give a +1 in
Assault for combined AFV/Inf assaults. The following
units are considered Tank Destroyers.
Soviet Su-100, Su-101, Su-76i, Su-85.
German Hetzer, Jagdpanther, JpzIV/70, PzJgr I,
Marder III,Marder II, Nashorn.
U.S. M18, M36, M10.
British Achilles, Archer.
Additionally the German Wespe and Wirbelwind do
not count as AFVs for the assault bonus, but they
technically are not TDs.
Components: Armored Cars
Armored Cars are motorized (not mechanized) and have
inherent leaders regardless of year or nationality. The
following units are considered armored cars:
German SdKfz 222, P204f, SdKfz 234/2, SdKfz
234/3, SdKfz 234/4, SPW 222, SdKfz 231/6,
SdKfz 231/8.
Soviet FAI, Ba-6, Ba-10M, Ba-64.
U.S. M8,M20.
British Humber, Rolls Royce, MHII,
MHIII,Stag,Daimler I.
Italian AB40, AB41, Lancia, Fiat 611.
Slovak OA.30
Components: Mortars/Limbering/Steps
Q: Is an 81 mm mortar a 1-step or a 2-step unit?
A: Only one step. The back is for limbering that will
allow faster cross country travel. See 5.1, 5.62 and 5.63.
Q: Im confused on how mortar units move and
limber/unlimber? Can have a mortar on its unlimbered
(firing side) and simply flip it to the unlimbered side and
move 2 hexes? And how about the reverse?
A: With all weapons, mortars or guns, you can either
move, fire or flip over (limber or unlimber) in one turn.

Players Guide

Of course you cant fire when on the wrong side of the

counter. Yes, this makes mortars slow...but note they
dont have to flip to load onto a transport, like weapons
do. (5.62)
Q: Does a Mortar have to be limbered to be transported?
A: No.
Q: Mortars: they can be carried by transport units. Is this
understanding correct?
A: Correct--for transport Mortars are personnel. See the
glossary for personnel units (they dont transport as
weapons in other words).
Q: Is a gun without a T on the limbered side allow to
transport limbered?
A: No, all guns need to be limbered to move. A gun with
a 1 is allow to move 1 hex without a transport, but
must be limbered.
Sequence of Play/Activation/Initiative
Q: Can I activate just some units in a stack?
A: Yes. 3.11. The rules say stack, but do not mandate
you must activate every single unit in the stack. When
the word all appears, it refers to all the units you
choose to activate in that stack or activation. In other
words, you may create your own substack and activate
just some units. You must declare this in advance (as
with all activations...who is moving, who is firing,
assaulting, etc.).

Q: Are Waffen-SS leaders allowed to activate (or assist)

regular German army leaders/units and vice versa. Are
Luftwaffe leaders allowed to activate (or assist) regular
leaders/units and vice versa? Are Soviet Guard leaders
allowed to activate (or assist) Red Army leaders/units and
vice versa?
A: Yes to allalthough scenario special rules may override this on occassion. If they dont prohibit it, then you
can do this (often the prohibition is the beginning of the
supplement book, not the scenario itself)
Q: If you activate a leader, and you have adjacent stacks
of units that you activate with that leader, can each stack
do different things?
A: Yes. Each unit may conduct different actions.
Q: If a single element of an activated stack fires, does
every element of that stack count as having fired?
A: No
Q: If a leader activates, and he activates with stacks
adjacent to him (under his command), but those stacks
PASS, can those stacks still perform opportunity fire?
A: When a leader activates he does not have to activate
adjacent units. If you do activate them, they are finished
for the turn.

Q: When calculating initiative differences, do all results

get rounded up or just the 1/2 to 1 mentioned in (3.0);
i.e., how many initial activations does a side get that wins
the initiative roll by, say, 7 to 4?
A: All results are rounded UP. So, 7-4 = 3. Divide this by
2 = 1.5, round UP = 2 activations for this side prior to
other side.
Q: If a previously activated unit or units is present in a
hex, can the remainder of the units in that hex activate as
a group?
A: Yes. Or individually.
Q: A hex has a regular leader, an infantry platoon and a
tank (with a tank leader). In 3.32 (3rd ed) it says
However and non-AFV units or regular leaders stacked
in the tank leaders hex can activate at the same time as
the tank leader if the stack self-activates. is this one or
two activations?
A: One. See 3.1 for activation and 6.8-6.85 for tanks,
APCs and Armored cars, and combining with infantry.

Q: If a leader activates and wants to also activate an

adjacent stack, he doesnt have to activate any leader in
that stack (unless he wants to daisy chain to yet another
A: Yes, he doesnt have to activate them. Subordinate
activation is voluntary.
Q: Can a single, good order unit activate and move
without a leader?
A: Yes 3.1. Except that it can not conduct combat
movement (see 5.4).
Q: Armor leaders cant activate other armor leaders.
Can they activate an AFV that contains a leader?
A: Yes. The leader in that second AFV goes along for
the ride, but cannot activate anyone himself.
4.1 You CAN have 3 loaded transports/APC and 3
combat units, all in one hex. The penalty for forced
unloading (5.66) that results in over stacking is
elimination of the over stacked units, chosen by opponent
at end of turn.

Q: A leader activates a stack of 3 units. My interpretation

the rules seems that, the units move one at a time, so only
one of the 3 units can combat move with him toward
enemy units
A: A unit can move forward if its activated by a leader. It
does not have to move with the activating leader.

Q: Can I move units as a stack?
A: Not combat units/trans/AFVs/APCs/ACs. Only
leaders move with other units. Except for leaders, all
other units move individually.

Players Guide

Q: A unit is moving along a road; the road passes through

a town/road hex. The unit pays 1 MP, rather than 1/2
A: Yes. There are no hexsides on the TEC, only hexes,
and you pay MPs to enter a hex. Town hexes are thus
slower than roads.

entering a town using a road hexside ==> road

movement cost

entering a town not using a road hexside ==>

town movement cost
moving from one town hex to another town hex
==> town movement cost
Q: Can a disrupted unit load onto a transport?
A: No. 5.66 should make this explicit, but inferring the
correct answer is no.
Movement: Major Rivers and Engineers:
Q: The rules indicate (5.75) that units assaulting into a
major river hex are penalized by a two-column shift on
the first round if neither side has an ENG in the hex. The
combat chart indicates that this shift only applies if the
defender does not include an ENG unit. Which, if either,
of these applies?
A: The chart is in error and the rule is correct.

are no special mods that apply to leaders; the only mods

that apply to leaders are those that would apply to
everything in the target hex (-2 for target hex being a
town, +1 for target hex being swamp, etc.)."
Leaders: while being transported
Q: When leaders are loaded in a transport, could they :
1. assist moral check in their own hex?
2. assist moral check in adjacents hexs?
3. if they are loaded on APC, add their combat modifier
if the APC fire?
4. if they are loaded on APC, combine fire value of
differents hexes?
5. assist in a recovery attempt (own hexs and/or
adjacents hexes)?
6. activate units in their own hex and/or adjacents
A: Yes to all. Assuming the leaders are not disrupted or
demoralized, the answer is "yes" to all six questions. In
each case recall that loaded units cannot fire, but the
APCs can fire, and the leaders may direct them, whether
the leader is loaded or not.
Leaders: Non-Armor and Armor:
Q: May a regular (non-armor) leader may use his morale
modifier to help AFV units passing moral check in his
own hex or any adjacent hex ?
A: No. 6.81-83 should be more clear on this.
Q: A regular leader activating with a tank leader may use
his moral modifier to help AFV units in his own hex to
recover from disruption/demoralization ?
A: No. 6.84 allows for leaders of mixed type to activate
(and possibly assault or combat move) together, neither
type affects units outside of its type in any other way.
Armor leaders dont have morale values, but if they did,
they wouldnt affect infantry. Regular leaders cant assist
with AFV recovery.

Leaders: Modifiers
Q: If I have a squad in a hex with a leader with zero
morale modifier. Next to this hex is a leader with a 2
morale modifier. Can I use the leader adjacent to modify
the squad if they get a morale check combat result?
A: Yes. You can add the modifier from any leader you
want. However you can only add the modifier from a
single leader, and you may do so from the same hex or
adjacent for morale checks as well as assisting recovery.
Disrupted leaders can only activate/assist morale
checks/assist recovery within their own hex, not
adjacent hexes (3.12 and 6.53).
Note: Leaders dont have to activate to assist morale
checks, but they do have to activate to assist

Combat: Mixed attacking direct fire stacks

Q: What is the modifier for DF when some units are
adjacent and some are not?
A: With mixed attacking direct fire stacks (some
adjacent, some not) or (some three hexes away, some
two), you always take the worst modifier. Thus it is
usually better to just take separate shots. If you want the
+2 for adjacent all firers must be adjacent. If you dont
want the -1 for 3 hexes, then all must be less than 3

Q: Can a leader attempting morale check aid his own

morale check?
A: No, but a higher ranking leader could.
Q: Can more than one leader assist a morale check with
is morale modifer? or for recovery?
A: No (6.52). In all morale situations, only one leader
may apply his modifier, not two or more.

Q: An AT gun and an artillery unit are in a town...the
Artillery unit fired and is now spotted but the AT gun is
not. On an attack into the town does the unspotted AT
unit still suffer the column shift as the target is actually
the artillery unit?
A: First, because the hex is spotted it can be fired upon.
Secondly, all units in the hex are potentially affected
(depending upon fire type: IF and DF affect the whole

Q: Are Leaders stacked with artillery subject to +1 shift

on DF/BF tables?
A: None of the unit-specific mods would apply to the
leader since he's not a mortar or an artillery unit. There

Players Guide

hex, AT targets a single unit). Third, each unit applies its

own target shifts as nessary when taking fire.
Q: Is the spotting limitation of 3 hexes for
hills/elevations absolute or relative to the height of the
unit attempting to spot?
A: Absolute. Any unit on a hill or elevation hex is in
limiting terrain and can only be spotted at 3 hexes or less.
Q: Units occupying swamp may not be spotted by enemy
units more than one hex away. Does the rule about
being spotted automatically when firing overrule this?
A: Yes. You get a spotted marker when you fire. You
lose the marker by moving out of the hex.
Q: Do units in assault hexes become spotted to units
A: Yes.
Q: Can a leader in an assault hex spot units outside of
the hex, given normal spotting ranges and terrain
A: Yes.
Q: If a unit fires from a hill, can it be spotted from more
than 12 hexes due to the increased range rule?
A: No, but the unit on a hill would spot a ground unit at
increased range by 8.41.
Q: Spotted in Limiting Terrain: 8.22 indicates that to
hide after being spotted, a unit needs to move to another
hex. Does a unit which has it spotted, get a chance to fire
at it in the new hex before the Spotted marker is
A: Only if it is otherwise spotted in that hex.
Opportunity fire is per the entered hex (not leaving) and
you arent spotted in the entered hex (or maybe you are,
it depends on terrain and other markers there)
Q: A unit in woods fires. No enemy is within 3 hexes,
but a couple of AFVs are at 5 hexes, so it becomes
spotted. It moves to an adjacent Woods hex, the AFVs
still have a line of site and are close enough to fire on it.
Do they get opportunity fire before the moving unit
hides again?
A: No (It would be yes only if the new woods hex was
within 3 hexes.)
Q: Can leaders that are being transported spot for
A: Yes.

Q: 8.42 says that town hexes are considered 20m higher

than their base hex elevation for spotting and LOS
purposes. Does this mean that units can spot, achieve
LOS and fire as if they were 20m higher?
A: Yes, Yes, and no. In other words you cant fire from
the higher elevation, only spot/achieve LOS. Thanks to
Paul Aceto.
Combat: Bombardment (and Off Board Artillery)
Q: I am playing A Rotten Morning in which the
Germans have six off board artillery units. Can they all
be activated in the same action segment as long as no
more then three fire at the same hex and each hex is
spotted by a leader?
A: No, 1 activation allows for only 1-3 off board
elements to fire 1 shot (total). So you could use 2
activations firing 3 each time, or 6 activations firing 1
each time.
Q: If I have more than one Off-Board Bombardment
Value, can I attack more than one hex in a single Action
Segment (as long as I meet the other criteria)? That is,
each targeted hex is attacked by no more than three
combined Off-Board Bombardment Values, and each
target has a spotter. If the answer is yes, can one spotter
call in OBA to multiple targets or does each target need a
separate spotter?
A: No. See the previous question. There will only ever
be one spotter for one off board fire in one activation.
The only question is whether you commit 1, 2 or 3 off
board elements to that fire, which will always be against
one spotted hex.
Q: Can bombarding units fire without leader assistance?
A: Yes, self activation by a bombarding unit or stack.
Q: Can an already activated leader spot for artillery?
A: Yes. Leaders are not activated to spot for artillery, so
a leader, activated or not, can spot as often as they want
in a turn.
Q: Is bombardment the same as indirect fire?
A: Yes.
Q: According to 13.0 units with bombardment strength
may not make an opportunity fire attack with its
bombardment strength?
A: Correct. All opportunity fire is Direct Fire, or AT fire
(never bombardment).
Combat: Direct Fire
Q: In a direct fire attack some of my units are adjacent to
the target and some are not do I get the +2 adjacent
A: No. With mixed attacking direct fire stacks (some
adjacent, some not) or (some three hexes away, some
two), you always take the worst modifier. In the first
case, 0. In the second, -1. If you want the +2 for adjacent

Q: Does the provision in Deluxe Eastern Front that

woods and towns extend up one level from their base
elevation (for the purposes of blocking LOS) extend to
all other boards and modules?
A: Yes. In other words, woods and towns are the same
height, and block LOS equally. Towns have the
advantage detailed in the next question.

Players Guide

all firers must be adjacent. If you dont want the -1 for 3

hexes, then all must be less than 3 hexes.

fire, first fire (12.43) for assault. All U.S. units want to
attack into the town.

Q: When you halve the firepower of a disrupted unit

(14.2), do you round up or down?
A: Round UP - see 1.2, Definitions; Fractions

Q1: as the U.S. units move into the town, does the
German get to use opportunity fire?
A: No, you cannot opportunity fire into an assault hex.

Q: Does the diagram and rule in 10.1 apply if the firer

has height advantage?
A: Yes and no. ALL unit types (not just those listed in
10.1) can fire over friendly units at a lower elevation,
however, there must STILL be one clear-hex per 10.1.

Q2: Rule 12.43 only lists dug-in or entrenched units for

first fire, so I assume that the Germans in the town are
not conducting first fire?
A: No. The hedgerows in Airborne give the Germans
first fire.

Q: Does height advantage negate intervening friendly

units which might otherwise block fire through their hex?
A: Yes, except the that the clear-hex provision of 10.1
still applies.

Q3: Assume that all U.S. units get into town in good
order. The Americans attack with 15 DF points and the
Germans get a two column shift in their favour for being
in town?
A: Germans will have first fire, so they conduct their
assault roll first and resolve all their effects before the
U.S. units can fire back. The U.S. assault will get a -2
column shift as the Germans are in a town.

Q: Do hill/elevation modifiers apply if the firer is also

on a hill/elevation of equal or higher height than the
A: No. You only earn a -1 when the target is higher than
the firer. (applicable to both Direct Fire and AT fire).
Combat: AT Fire
Q: A US 57 mm AT-gun fired at a German Panther tank.
The gun is strength 3, the tank armor strength 6, giving
the gun a -3 DRM, leaving it with no chance to damage
the tank. Can a shot like that be used to set up cross-fire
(11.12 )?
A: Yes.

Q4: in the same turn, after the American assault, the

Germans counter-assault. Do the Americans also get to
take advantage of the town modifier since they are now
in town?
A: Yes.
Q5: Assume that one American platoon is disrupted. It
can still assault at half strength, correct?
A: Correct. Or it can attempt to rally for its activation
(and not lend its half strength to the assault total) while
the other guys in the stack assault.

Q: If you have a spotted AT and another non-spotted

combat unit in concealing terrain, the attacker can fire at
the AT and even get a +1 modifier, but if an X is scored,
the defender can choose to take the step loss from the
non-AT unit?
A: Yes.

Q6: Assume that one American platoon is demoralized by

first fire. It can still assault at quarter strength?
A: No. Demoralized units can only defend at quarter

Optional AT Gun Efficiency: Allow AT guns to fire with

efficiency (twice) if they are 50mm or less. Thanks to
Alan Sawyer.
Combat: Assault
Q: Are leaders and transports considered units for column
shift modifiers?
A: No, only combat and weapons units are considered
units for column shift modifiers, leaders and unarmed
transports do not count. In other words, leaders do not
count for the +1 modifier for all units that are
demoralized, or for the morale level modifer (nor do
unarmed transports).
Q: 3 U.S. platoons of 5 direct fire point each and one
leader with no DF bonus assault two German platoons
of 6 DF points each and a leader with no DF bonus. The
Germans are in a town. The Americans are in a field next
to the town and a hedgerow runs between the field and
town (combat effects for hedgerows are -1 for direct

Q: If I have a German 75mm ATG and a German 88mm

AA in the same hex and they spot some infantry, can the
75mm and the 88mm ATG can combine for a direct fire
attack or must one must attack using direct fire and the
other bombard?
A: No, the latter. You cannot add different fire types.
Q: If negative modifiers move you off the assault combat
table what do you do?
A: Rule 12.42 Minimum Strength, column modifiers
cannot reduce a column below 1.
Q: Is a unit allowed to make attempts to dig-in in an
assault hex, provided the unit is not interrupted by
becoming demoralized or disrupted or participates in the
assault as the attacker (section 16.21)?
A: Yes

Players Guide

Q: If multiple friendly regular leaders are participating

in an Assault, do you earn a +1 column modifier for each
or is this capped at a total of +1?
A: It is capped at a total of +1 - see 6.43:...Additional
friendly leaders do not give additional column shifts
Q: What happens to the defensive status of dug-in units
or units in entrenchments after they initiated an assault
against enemy units in the same hex?
A: If dug-in units initiate an assault they wont have the
first fire when they attack, but the dug-in/entrenchment
marker is not removed. They will get first fire again as
Q: If you have multiple stacks that are adjacent to an
enemy that you wish to assault, can these multiple stacks
combine to attack the same enemy? (Even if the assault
move would violate the stacking rules?)
A: No. When you assault you actually enter the hex, and
4.1 does not allow voluntary overstacking. Stacking
rules still apply in an assault hex, so you can only have 3
units attack. Note: you could also have 3 APC which
could be armed, in addition to your 3 non-transport units.
Q: How does infantry assaulting tanks work? Do you just
use the assault tables and normal assault rules?
A: Yes. Assault is the same for tanks
Q: Dug in Status and Assaults: Later in a turn, the earlier
defenders activate and assault. Do they get first fire
even though theyre now attackers? On the next turn, if
the original attackers assault again, does the defenders
still get first fire? If not, are they considered not dug in
any more for all purposes, or just for first fire purposes?
A: No. Yes. Still Dug in. Conceivably it could work like
this: Attacker Assault (def first fires). Defender assaults
back (simultaneous fire). Attacker Assaults again next
turn (def first fires), etc
Q: What happens when a leader is left alone in an assault
hex with enemy combat units (because all of the leaders
combat units were destroyed)?
A: First the leader takes a casualty check and an M2. If
he survives that then you apply the 9+ rule for moving
into a leaders hex. If he survives that he is free to be
displaced per that rule.
Q: The wording for 12.3, especially the second sentence,
is confusing. Does 12.3 allow me to combine units
entering an assault hex with units already there, in one
bigger assault?
A: Yes, but only if those units could otherwise activate
per normal rules. Pay close attention to the first sentence
in 12.11 and 12.51 for how leaders work. Recall how
mixed AFV and infantry activations are handled under
The practical effect is that an Infantry leader IN an
assault hex cant activate a tank outside of his assault hex
to come in and combine with in-hex units, all in one

activation. He could, however, bring in other outside

infantry units. The only way for a tank to join an in-hex
assault for a combined attack immediately would be if an
armor leader were in the assault hex and activated.
See the appendix for a comprehensive example.
Q: Can infantry with no AT values assault tanks.
A: Yes, they can. Per rule 7.25, "Armor gives no
protection on the assault table (for example, M =
morale check for all assault targets including AFVs)"
Q: Are tanks in towns more susceptible to AT fire
from infantry.
A: Yes there is a modifier, see the Assault Combat Chart,
second to last modifier in the right column: "+1 assault
against enemy AFV(s) in town or woods without any
enemy infantry of any kind present (enemy HMGs and
enemy infantry loaded on APC/transports do not count)".
Q: Should the -2 modifier for assaulting in towns be
ignored if the defender is a pure tank force?
A: No, modifiers are cumlative. -2 for town and +1 for
tanks only.
Q: Can infantry with short range AT use them on
tanks that are leaving an assualt?
A: No, the infantry MUST be activated to use the
short range AT. Note this applies for defending units as
Optional/House Rule: when assaulting enemy guns
(AA, ART, AT, Mortar) with no other (non-gun) armed
defenders, give any non-gun attacker a +1 shift.
Combat: Opportunity Fire
Q: If a leader is moving with a unit that takes
Opportunity Fire, do Fire results affect BOTH the combat
unit and the Leader?
A: Yes, both. The leader would check morale first and if
he passes could use a morale bonus to help the unit it is
moving with.
Q: An infantry unit moves through a stack of 2 infantry,
and takes Opportunity Fire in that hex with a result of
X2. Does the rest of the stack, that was not moving, need
to make a morale test?
A: No. Opportunity fire only targets the moving unit. No
effect on anyone else in the hex.
Q: Can loading/unloading, limbering/unlimbering.
Digging-in trigger opportunity fire?
A: No. 13.11 a moving unit may be attacked in a hex(es)
within range that it ENTERS along its movement path.
Q: With armor efficiency can a unit take one opportunity
shot and then later in the turn take one regular shot?
A: No. An efficient armor unit can take two AT
opportunity shots or two AT activation shots in a single
turn, but cant take one of each.

Players Guide

Q: If an armor unit w/Armor Efficiency undertakes

opportunity fire, killing its target with the first shot and
has no more targets, does it get to bank its second shot
for later possible opportunity fire?
A: Yes. Airborne 1ed had special opportunity fire
markers. I recommend marking all shot-once units
with a spotted marker, and then flip it to fired/moved
when they take their second shot.

Q: If a stack with a leader in it becomes disrupted, can

that same leader attempt recovery? Or does another
leader have to do it?
A: Yes, although a disrupted leader would be limited to
applying his leadership modifier to the hex he is in. Good
order leaders can apply this to his hex and the 6
surrounding hexes.

Q: Units can fire twice using Opportunity Fire during a

turn. They can only Direct Fire once. A unit cannot
Direct Fire and then use Opportunity Fire and visa-versa
in the same turn. Is this correct?
A: Yes.

Q: Stack A has a Captain and adjacent Stack B has a

Sergeant, who happens to have a better morale modifier.
Stack A is hit and everybody needs to take a morale
check. Can the infantry in Stack A use the morale
modifier of the Sergeant in Stack B?
A: Yes. The infantry can use the sergeants modifier as
long as he isnt disrupted or demoralized.

Q: Can a leader take part in and/or modify opportunity

A: Yes, as long as they were inactive beforehand, or had
previously only contributed to one other opportunity fire,
if/when they are entitled to two shots (13.0). This
includes adding their combat values and/or directing fire
from multiple hexes if their combat values allow.

Q: Units that suffer a casualty do not undergo a Morale

Check as well?
A: No, units that suffers step loss has to take a morale
check at the new, reduced morale. See the results
explanation to the right of the fire table

Morale: Recovery
Q: I have a Disrupted German leader (morale mod of 1)
and a Demoralized reduced Gren platoon in the same
hex. I activate both the unit and the leader (to assist their
recovery roll - which he can even though he is disrupted
because he is in the same hex) Can the leader also make a
Recovery roll for himself- or is his activation used up
by supporting the Recovery of the unit?
A: Yes. A disrupted leader may recover and assist
recovery in the same activation (in the same hex). A
demoralized leader may not. (Hes unable to assist
recovery 6.53 - he is unable to activate units in his own
hex 3.12 and only units activated by a leader may benefit
of this leader moral modifier for recovery 6.52).
Q: In an assault hex I have a Demoralized Gren unit and
a Disrupted Leader. In the German activation I activate
the hex with the leader supporting the unit in Recovering.
The unit fails to recover and so has to flee from the
combat. The leader has to flee with them as he assisted
their recovery, correct?
A: No you have to choose. (see 6.52) If the leader is good
order he may choose to move with the unit. If hes
disrupted he can move with the unit but must become
Q: If a unit is demoralized, and is suffers another direct
fire attack, which forces another morale test, if they
successfully pass the new moral test, do they become
disrupted, or stay demoralized?
A: In your example if the demoralized unit passes the
moral check it stays demoralized. It will have to
successfully make a rally during its activation to try and
improve morale to disrupted.

Q: Can a unit flee forward (towards an enemy unit that

may cause harm) if that hex is a safe hex (for example,
into a swamp where it cant be spotted)?
A: No. A unit must always flee laterally or away from
harmful units. The spirit of the rule is a panicking unit,
not one carefully selecting alternatives or having total
knowledge of when fleeing forward might be better.
Q: Does decapitation (6.72) and Catastrophic loss (6.73)
apply to leaders that desert (14.44)?
A: Yes, even more important that it applies to desertions
as this would cause other troops to think twice about the
Morale: Fleeing
Skip the text and refer to the last page for a diagram.
1) Safe Hex Definition
a. Any hex that is out of LOS (or) unspotted (or)
out of range of an enemy that possesses the
correct fire type (either AT or DF) and range to
harm this unit.
b. Indirect Fire is NOT a factor.
c. (note: this means at night or in low visibility
scenarios there will be a lot of safe hexes)
2) Priority destinations when fleeing to a safe hex (Ed. I
added Bunkers and Entrenchments to priority rules
in 14.31). These are not in order, you may choose
among them. They are not necessarily safe hexes,
but priorities that must be moved towards when
fleeing toward any safe hex:
a. Town
b. Woods
c. Entrenchment
d. Bunker

Players Guide

3) Demoralized units attempt to recover:
a. If you recover (roll LESS THAN your current
demoralized morale) you remain in place and are
upgraded to disrupted.
b. If you roll a natural 2 you recover to good order
(not disrupted).
c. If you fail (roll equal or greater than your
morale) you flee. Go to step 4, 5 or 6 to flee.
4) Fleeing unit already in a safe hex
a. remain in place
b. marked as activated
c. still demoralized

goto 4b.

Special Unit Types: Aircraft

Q: If I have more than one aircraft unit can I attack more
than one hex in a single Action Segment?
A: Yes, 15.11 says The owning player selects the target
HEXES. Editors Note: I find this one a little strange.
Q: Do aircraft attacks receive the +2 column modifier for
the target being adjacent to all firing units?
A: No.
Q: On the aircraft counters - What do the little numbers
inside a black circle mean?
A: These are AT values.

5) A Fleeing unit NOT in a safe hex

a. must flee if it has MPs remaining (and is
eliminated if it has a movement allowance of 0 or
T, 14.34). (EXCEPTION: a unit in an
entrenchment does not have to flee ( 14.31). Go
to 4b. (optional rule: bunkers get the exception
b. must not move toward an enemy combat unit that
could harm it (as per 1a)
c. must move away from and out of range from a
combat unit that possesses the ability to cause
harm (in range, in LOS, spotted, correct fire type
(AT or DF, but not IF), not demoralized itself,
activation status doesnt matter). (14.31 and
14.33). Units in Assault hexes must always flee
(go to 6.)
d. lateral moves with respect to a possible harming
unit are OK, but ONLY if no other moves are
possible to satisfy c. (14.33)
e. among the hexes possible that satisfy c. or d.,
you must move towards a priority hex (see 2.)
f. if you cant satisfy c. or d., you must stop in
place...goto 4b.
g. if you are still unsafe and out of MPs there is no
penalty, stop there. You may choose amongst
equally distant unsafe hexes. (You dont have to
speculate as to which route is potentially more
safe, nor do you have to consider how next turns
potential continued fleeing might be impacted by
this choice...but you must have tried to obey the
priorities in 2, you must take the shortest route).
h. if you reach a safe hex you must stop (Going to
ground, 14.32)...goto 4b.
6) Fleeing unit in an assault hex
a. must leave that hex
b. may only move one hex (per assault rules)
c. may take assault fire as it exits, if there is no rear
guard and enemy is not demoralized.
d. since no adjacent hex is likely to be safe, simply
seek out a priority hex (2).
e. if the enemies in the assault were demoralized,
then all six adjacent hexes may be (temporarily)
safe hexes for your fleeing unit.

Q: How do you handle aircraft spotting?

A: The chance of spotting an enemy unit is included in
the probability of successfully hitting a target (in other
words, aircraft always attack from above, within
whatever the spotting range of the defence hex is).
Q: Can limbered AA guns cause the -1 shift on attacking
A: No, only unlimbered guns since limbered guns can't
Special rules: Cavalry
15.31 "target hex for the charge must be spotted by the
charging unit".
Special rules: Digging In
Q: Some scenarios appear to allow units to setup Dug In
in Towns/Woods, which is generally not allowed. Can
you setup this way?
A: If scenario special rules allow for it, then yes. If the
setup instructions (only) seem to allow for it, assume it is
an error in the setup wording and you cannot setup dug in
in terrain that prohibits digging in.
Q: Can a leader dig-in?
A: Yes. Leaders may also assume dug in status with
combat units they are stacked with, so generally they
wont need to dig in by themselvesbut they may do so.
Q: May a leader remain dug in if all the combat units in
his hex are destroyed?
A: Yes, for what that may be worth. He may not,
however, confer that dug in status to a combat unit.
Combat units must either setup dug in, or go through the
two turn process.
Special rules: Smoke
Q: In the rules, it mentions that in some scenarios, smoke
may be available. It then goes on to describe the kinds of
units that can produce smoke. I have yet to run across
any scenarios that explicitly say that smoke is available
so Im surmising that as long as the scenario has units

Players Guide

that can produce smoke, that smoke is available in the

A: No, scenarios specials rules must explicitly state that
one side may fire smoke. Very few scenarios give this

down to 0m) a town based on 0m terrain (even to the hex

just behind the town), but could not see over and down to
0m a town based on a 20m hill. Example: A unit on a
20m hill could see over a town on 0m to another 20m

Q: If a unit reinforces entrenched friendly units in an

assault hex, do they receive the defensive advantages of
the entrenchment immediately? I know this is not the
case with dug-ins, but Im not quite sure about
A: With Dug In you never benefit from some one else
being dug in (you have to dig in yourself). With
entrenchments, you benefit from them as soon as you
enter the hex. Entrenchments are there for all occupants
of the hex to enjoy...Dug In is a status each unit achieves
(or sets up in) by itself (exception: leaders may join a
Dug In unit, in which case, they benefit upon moving in).

Major Rivers and Engineers (cross listed here as there

is a chart correction):
Q: The rules indicate (5.75) that units assaulting into a
major river hex are penalized by a two-column shift on
the first round if neither side has an ENG in the hex. The
combat chart indicates that this shift only applies if the
defender does not include an ENG unit. Which, if either,
of these applies?
A: The chart is in error and the rule is correct.

Special Rules: Night and Spotting

Some scenarios set the night visibility to be 2 (instead of
1). Such turns are still night turns for the purposes of
5.5, 8.21, 8.41 and 17.4. In Arctic scenarios where
midnight sun special rules set the visibility to be higher
than 2, night rules do NOT apply. Similarly, dusk or
dawn turns where visibility is greater than 2, night rules
do not apply.
In scenarios where the Night Visibility is 1, dawn or
dusk turns with visibility 2 are not considered night.
Special Rules: Wrecks
Clarification for 16.3: if you are in a hex with 2 wrecks
and you create a third through AT fire or assault, that's
OK. You can still push them out via the above rule,
and/or exit the hex per regular rules. You just can't enter
any hex with 3 wrecks.

Q: Is digging in allowed in Light Woods?

A: Yes.
Q: Is it true the only impact on combat for light woods is

Special Rules: Minefields

Clarification: Demoralized ENG units cannot impart the
benefit of 16.73.


Woods, Light Woods, Light Forest, Heavy Forest

1. Light Woods appears graphically in Battle of the
Bulge maps only, and has unique effects explained in
those rules.
2. Light and Heavy Forest (in Arctic Front and other
scenarios) are different. Light Forest is the same as
Woods and Heavy Forest is explained in Arctic
Front. These only appear via scenario special rule
there is no special graphic. See Arctic Front

the -1 column shift for direct fire? When doing assaults

and AT fire there are modifiers for "woods" but I'm
assuming those only apply to regular woods, not light
A: Per Bulge rules, the modifer states -1 direct fire. There
is nothing stated about assualts or AT so it shouldn't

Q: Since a unit can see through two light woods hexes,


does the defender get the light woods -1 DF shift if

he's in clear terrain but has a light woods hex
between himself and his attacker?
A: Only light woods terrain IN the target hex can cause
column shifts.

3rd Edition TEC

Q: In the 3rd Edition TEC, the movement cost for Roads
is listed as INF: 2/3, MOT: -, MECH: -. What are
the costs for MOT and MECH units?
A: 1/2 for both. New charts are available for download
from the APL website:

Railroad Embankments (On Airborne Map 13)

Q: Are all railroad/road hexes that go through swamps
considered embankment hexes?
A: Yes.

Elevation and Town/Woods

As per the EFD special rules, and 8.42, all town and all
woods hexes (including every type of woods/light woods,
etc., and hedges and hedgerows) extend upward from the
base height to 20m. Essentially all town/woods then are
a 20m obstruction, which means youll need to be 20m
higher than their base height to see over them to lower
terrain. Example: A unit on a 40m hill can see over (and


Q: Is there a difference between roads and railroads for

movement purposes?
A: Yes, the units travelling along the roads, and not the
railroads, receive the road travel rate
Q: Can you use road movement through embankment
hexes? If so, do those units still get the blocking and

Players Guide

direct fire embankment bonuses? Are they also still

considered to be in the swamp for combat effects and
spotting purposes?
A: Movement per above answer. When a unit occupies a
hex with an embankment it receives the combat and
spotting bonuses of the embankment terrain.
Q: Since embankment hexes co-exist with swamps, do
you use both sets of combat modifiers or just one, and if
so, which one?
A: Per above use the embankment
Note: The Fronte Russo module has its own RR
Embankment rules.
Motorcycles and Cavalry Leaders
1. Some Scenarios dont specify special leaders for
these units. In such cases allow at least 1 leader for
every 5 (round up) such units to move at that units
movement rate (usually 5 for Cavalry and 12 for
Motorcycles). Players may randomly choose all their
leaders first, then select from those whichever ones
they want, within these limits, to be either Cavalry or
Motorcycle Leaders.
Tiger Tanks
Tiger Tank counters are labeled in the PG series:
Tiger Is:
PzVI, Heroes of the Soviet Union & Red Warriors
Tiger I, in Sinister Forces
PzVIE, in Easter Front Deluxe
Tiger, in Road to Berlin
PzVIe, in Beyond Normandy
Tiger IIs:
Tiger II, in Road to Berlin & Elsenborn Ridge:
Battle of the Bulge
Tiger IIIs:
Tiger III, in Secret Weapons.
Frozen Rivers/Lakes
1. In Scenarios that use these features, follow the
scenario special rules for fire modifiers (usually +1).
However in all cases, units may not setup in these
hexes dug-in, nor may they attempt to dig-in such
hexes during the scenario.
Hedgerows (Airborne, both editions)
Q: Is LOS traced along a hedgerow spine of a hex
A: Not merely by the spine itself. Using 8.31 you might
be able to see past a spine hexside.
Examples from board 13:
0803 can see 0902


0408 can see 0605 (and 0704)

0905 can see 0705 (assuming the defender is spotted, and
the defender gets a modifier)
0705 can see 0905 (but the defender wont get any
benefit to fire or spotting range)
0906 can NOT see 0506 (you can see past the spine
0805/0806 but not across either hexside adjacent to 0706)


Specific Games/Modules

General FAQ
Trucks: a vast majority of scenarios say trucks dont
count as step losses for initiative (and quite often for
victory as well). Take that at face value. In other words,
if such a phrase does not appear, then trucks do count for
either initiative or victory, as the case may be.
Beyond Normandy Clarifications
1. All British AFV units have inherent tank leaders and
are efficient.
2. Hedges provide a -1 column shift for direct fire and a
-1 drm for anti-tank fire.
3. The note about hills and increased spotting range on
the back of the scenario book is wrong. Each
elevation level adds six hexes for spotting (as
correctly stated in the special rule for hills).
4. All woods hexes in Beyond Normandy are light
woods. The values on the back of the scenario book
are correct.
5. The maps are not numbered: Map #1 has the towns
of Tourville, Gavrus and Coeville. Map #2 has Hill
112 & the towns of Fontaine-Etoupefour & Versoz.
Map #3 is the small map with St Mauvieu on it.
6. SS 105mm guns should have white, indirect fire
7. German halftracks have an armor value of 0.
8. British Bren carriers should all have a movement
value of 7.
9. Terrain effects are not cumulative for Towns/Woods
hexes. Use the Town effects.
10. SS PZIVH tanks should have a movement of 8.
11. Scenario 15: The British off-map artillery value chart
should be the same as in Scenario 14.
12. Scenario 1: The OOB calls for an SS 50mm but no
such counter exists. Use the non-SS 50mm.
13. Counters: The British trucks have the same DF
values as the British APCs, 6-5. It is a typo, use
normal truck values.
14. On map 3 there is a bridge symbol on the hexside
between 1609 and 1709 that is incorrect. The bridge
should be rotated 90 degrees so it crosses the river,
not the road.
Q: In Beyond Normandy, is a unit behind a hedge
considered to be in limiting terrain? Is a unit at a higher
elevation considered to be in limiting terrain if a unit at a
lower elevation is trying to spot it?
A: Yes and yes.

Players Guide

Heroes of the Soviet Union

1. All Scenarios: References to T-34a are to the T34/76a tank units and reference to T-34/76 are to
the T-34/76b tank units.
2. 81mm for German counters & 82mm for Russian
3. Scenario 18: Red Parachutes: Bukrin Bridgehead, the
German setup unit; 1 x 75mm self-propelled, should
be a 1 x 150mm self-propelled counter.
Airborne (First Edition!)
1. Map: There is no number 13 on the map. It should
be in hex 0201.
2. Counters: The StuG IIIG counter should have an AT
value of 6-8 in lieu of 5-8.
3. Special Rule 3. Strong points receive no intrinsic
defensive benefits and are eliminated if forced to
4. Scenario 9: Replace Special Rule 3 with the
following: The Germans were shaken by their sudden
change in fortune. The American player may ask the
German player to surrender at the beginning of any
turn. When asked, the German player rolls two dice,
subtracts his or her current initiative value and adds
the current number of German eliminated and
demoralized units (not steps) AND leaders. If the
result is more than the morale values of the highest
ranking German leader (or more than 6 if all German
leaders have been eliminated), play ends. If the result
is greater than the leaders morale, the Germans do
not surrender, German initiative increases by one and
play continues.
5. Scenario 10: German reinforcements should enter the
map through hexes 0114-0217. US forces should
enter the map through hexes 1206-1209. Add 1 x
Jeep to the US forces.
6. Counters: Wagons have 3mps, not 8.
7. Terrain: Hedgerows are -1 for direct fire (not -2).
Spotting Range is 1 hex (in other words, you must be
adjacent to see the other side of the hedgerow, unless
the unit fires and gets marked as spottedthen
normal daylight or night spotting ranges apply).
Afrika Korps
0. Units: The British Rolls Royce is an Armored Car.
1. Counters: The Italian General should have a morale
of 9 and a modifier of 0 instead of the other way
2. Counters: Four Italian M13/40 counters (1502-1506)
have the incorrect NATO symbol (infantry in lieu of
armor). This has no effect on play.
3. Counters: Two British infantry have their fullstrengths printed on the reverse side. They should
both be 2-3.
4. Counters: The two German Pzjg 1 counters have
their full strength printed on the reverse of the
counter, and reduced strength on the front.
5. Special Rule 3. Surrender: This rule is correct.
British/Australian tanks can trigger a surrender roll in



a stack of undisrupted and undemoralized Italian

units when this rule is in effect.
Special Rule 4. Terrain. Salt Marsh: In the fourth
sentence replace Subtract two from... with Add
two to...
Special Rule 8. Bush Artillery: The second to last
sentence should read On a result of 11 the unit is
removed from play.
Scenario 2: Giarabub Garrison set up. In the third
sentence replace 1610 with 1510.
Scenario 3: Setup: IT in 2616. That hex is off map. It
is do to the map being reduced by 2 hexrows. It
should now be 2416.
Scenario 6: Other: In the last sentence replace
##13 with ##08.
Scenario 12: In the Italian set up replace 3 x L3/35
with 2 x L3/35 and replace 7 x L3/35 with 3 x
Scenario 13: Other: Replace 1923 with 1922.
Scenario 21: Replace 2603 with 2403 in the
Scenario 22: The Allies should have 5 x 13 offmap artillery instead of 3.
Scenario 24: In the 8th Machinegun Battalion leader
list replace 5 x LT, 1 x SGT with 3 x LT, 3 x
Scenario 25: Other: Delete instructions and add
Scenario 46: Other: In the first sentence replace
Map 2 with Map 3.
Scenario 47: In the map graphic the lower map
should be Map 2 not 3. Wadi hexes are 2012 and
Surrender Rule. Certain units listed in the special
rules of some scenarios are subject to elimination
through the surrender rule. The surrender rule is
triggered whenever an active, undemoralized enemy
unit with direct fire values starts its activation
adjacent to or in the same hex with one or more
demoralized units that are subject to elimination
through the surrender rule. At that time, the inactive
player must roll two dice, and if the dieroll is higher
than the current morale of his highest-morale unit in
the subject hex, ALL units and leaders in the hex
(whether demoralized or not) immediately surrender
and are eliminated. If the dieroll is lower than the
morale of the unit with the highest current morale in
the subject hex, there is no surrender and the inactive
units are unaffected. The active units that forced the
surrender roll can take all normal actions during their
activation, whether the enemy units surrendered or
So, that means that a moving tank (or other moving
unit) can't force enemy units to surrender, because a
unit can only force enemy units to surrender at the
beginning of its activation (before it moves or fires).

Players Guide

Battle of the Bulge

1. Counters: The German Wespe self-propelled artillery
unit (1201) should have an armor defence value of 1
on the front and back of the counter.
2. The 16-31 fire values on the two German 105mm
units (1204 and 1205) should be indirect fire values
(white text).
3. German Sergeant #1614 has morale and combat
modifiers of 8. Both should be 0.
4. Scenario 28: Replace the German SPW250/9 unit
with a 234/2.
Q: Are the trees lining the roads considered a terrain
feature? Or are they there for aesthetic purposes only?
A: Theyre just there to be pretty, and so the U.S. Army
can march in the shade.



Q: In some scenarios, the wording luftwaffe is used, in

other scenarios para. Are those different wordings for
the same unit-type?
A: Yes, use the light blue pieces.
Q: Are the different formations in a scenario fixed
formations or can they be mixed up during play?
A: Unless the special rules say otherwise (applies to most
modules, actually).
Q: In Beyond Normandy infantry have AT ability
in assault but not in Bulge of the Bugle.
A: That's because the rule for infantry AT weapons in
assault combat hadn't been invented yet when Bulge
came out. Go ahead and use the same infantry AT rule
in Bulge that's in Bulge 2: Elsenborn Ridge and in
North Wind.



Airborne (Second Edition!)

1. Swamp: The Airborne TEC for swamp contradicts
the series TEC for swamp. Use the 3rdedition series
TEC for swamp (and disregard the swamp combat
effects at the bottom of the back page of the rules).
In general, when in doubt, the 3rd edition TEC should
over-rule scenario terrain for swamp.
2. Hedgerows are -1 for direct fire (not -2). Spotting
Range is 1 hex (in other words, you must be adjacent
to see the other side of the hedgerow, unless the unit
fires and gets marked as spottedthen normal
daylight or night spotting ranges apply).
3. Scenario 18: "No units may setup in to enter hexes
##12 or ##02". But the US setup specifies in hexes in
or adjacent to 1202. The setup instructions should
have a parenthetical note at the end saying "(except
as noted in setup instructions)." The units that are
specifically allowed to setup in the otherwise
prohibited hexes may do so, but may not re-enter
those hexes once they move out of them.
4. Scenario 18: The setup for the 505th Para and the
325 Glider specifies hex 1202 or adjacent hexes.
With all the units for both regiments they will not fit


in 5 hexes. Add hex 1103 as a hex they may setup in

or adjacent to.
Scenario 18: The total number of Para platoons for
the entire scenario (17) exceeds total number in the
game (16). Delete one reduced PARA platoon from
the US reinforcements (make it 2 x PARA (reduced)
instead of 3).
Scenario 18: The total number of US Para Captains
(3) exceeds the total for game (2). Delete one CAPT
from the OB of the 505th.
Scenario 18: The total number of US Para 1st
Lieutenants (3) exceeds the total for game (2). Delete
one 1st Lt. from the OB of the 505th.
Scenario 18: The 70th Tank battalion enter turn 34
(1930) but the time 19:30 occurs at turn 45 based on
an 8:15 start. They enter on turn 1930, which is turn
45 (the numbers must have gotten transposed to 54).
Scenario 19: There arent enough PARA CPTs and
1st LTs in the counter mix to fill out this scenario. It
uses 4 CPTs (where only 2 exist) and 3 1st LTs (only
2 exist). Remove the 2 CPTs and 1 LT from the
reinforcement group (official). Unofficially Id say
let the American player choose where to trim the
OOB of leaders, as the official ruling really cuts into
the reinforcement group.
Scenario 8: Use SdKfz222 for the SPW251 counter.
Scenario 8: There is not enough PARA units for the
scenario, use INF with PARA values for the reduced
PARA units.
Scenario 10 - Leaders may enter with any
Scenario 10 - If both sides achieve a victory, the
result is a draw.
Scenario 11 - Leaders may enter with any
Scenario 11 - Visibility on turns 1-6 is 1 hex.

Q: What happens when a strongpoint (alone in a hex)

takes a step loss on a 1 Assault result -- is it
A: Yes, since it is a single step unit.
Q: Does a defender in the hedgerow hex get the first fire
option for assault each time he is attacked or is it only
applicable to the first time an attacker enters the hex?
A: The first time the attacker enters accross a hedgerow
Q: After the initial phase/turn when the attacker entered
the hex, the attacker, now a defender, is attacked by the
original occupants (whose phase/turn it is) of that
hedgerow hex. I played where this new defender could
also use first fire.
A: No, starting with the second instance of either player
assaulting in this example, neither would get first fire.
Q: If that does not apply in this situation, what about
when the attacker sends reinforcing units to join the
original occupant in a counter-attack?

Players Guide

A: Reinforcing units would suffer the first fire hedgerow

effects if they assault by themselves. If, however, the
reinforcing units and the existing attacking units
activated together, in one combined assault, there would
be no first fire then.


Sinister Forces
1. Scenario 2: The setup instructions should read: the
Russians can setup anywhere east of the river, and
the Romanians setup anywhere west of the river
outside of Russian direct fire range.
2. Scenario 3: The scenario is 10 turns, not 12.
3. Note: SF Special Rules indicate SS do NOT get
inherent tank leaders. Add the following:
a. Scenario #27- 6 German Tank Leaders
b. Scenario #28- 4 German Tank Leaders
c. Scenario #29- 2 German Tank Leaders
4. Scenario 15: change the Germans' set-up restrictions
to "two combat units per hex". Allow partisans to
keep their movement at 2 in spite of the snow.
Q: Can the SS and NKVD leaders command all units of
their respective sides? That is, can NKVD leaders
command regular army units? Can regular army leaders
command NKVD units?
A: Unless theres a scenario special rule forbidding it,
yes. There are sometimes for German Army-SS
combinations, Im pretty sure there are none for the
Soviets, if so not often, and I think partisans always have
NKVD leaders. Its not the same social dynamic on each
side of the line.
Red Warriors
1. In scenario 2, Add 2 tank leaders to the Soviet OOB.

2. In scenario 20, The Bloodiest Fight, the Soviets

only get VPs for exiting RKKA units from the
81st Tank Army (the units that set up at the
southern end of the map.)
Deluxe Eastern Front
1. A few scenarios appear to have used the old 1d6
system for river crossings (the 3rd Edition rules use
2d6). You can tell because the number for AFVs is
1. You cant roll a 1 or less on 2d6. Whenever the
river crossing numbers are 6/2/1 or 5/2/1, you are
rolling just one d6 (and trying to roll equal to or less
than those numbers, by type, Foot/Motorized/AFV).
The scenarios affected are 22, 26, 27.
2. A large number of scenarios have river crossing
numbers and major rivers, but no engineers! (see 5.7:
major rivers can only be crossed at bridges or with
engineer assistance). The scenarios affected are 4, 8,
11, 12, 14, 26, 32, 46, 48, and 65. For these
scenarios only, let all units attempt to cross as if an
engineer were there (boats, fords, pre-planned
wading attempts, etc.) using the crossing numbers as
if an engineer were present. (In scenarios where you
DO have an engineer, you cant invoke this rule, you




must use the engineer when you have them per 5.7 of
the series rules...bigger rivers, tougher to cross, etc.).
Scenarios 37 and 73 dont have rivers listed. In both
cases they are minor rivers.
Scenario 24: The Soviet 1st Motorized Division
enters anywhere along the east edge.
Scenario 8: lists the 1st turn as 2030 but the special
rules list visibility for 2000. Scenario should start at
Scenario 112: The modifier for Tiger movement is a
negative die roll modifier (not positive). In other
words, moving off-road is more difficult, not less.
Scenario 1: Instead of using boards 8/3/1 use boards
8/3/2. The scenario lists the Soviets as 1xLTCOL,
4xCPT, 3xLT, but the correct listing should read 1x
Scenario 11: Romanians have no wagons. Set up is
Scenario 90: Setup: Map 8 should be Map 2.
Scenario 56: Correction: Soviets receive victory
points for exiting the WEST (not east) edge.
Are the Countersheets "4" from Road to Berlin and
Eastern Front interchangeable? Yes.
All SS 75mm IG guns are direct fire weapons, not
indirect as the counters specify.

Blue Division
1. Free bonus Eastern Front scenario, Red Fury and
Spanish Blues: give the Soviets Two Tank leaders.
Editors Note: APL took down the online link.
Scenario is a VERY small chunk of the massive
scenario found in Blue Division, #15 Las Tropas me
Abandonan (which has its own, correct number of
tank leaders).
2. Scenario 18: add two Soviet tank leaders.
3. Some scenarios require Soviet Penal units. These are
available in Red Warriors and/or Heroes of the Soviet
4. Scenario 11: Remove the scenario special rule #2
saying the Soviets lose 1 level of initiative for every
seven steps lost. Their initiative starts at 0.
South Africa
1. Scenario 3. (which uses pieces from Desert Rats):
The Italian setup lists a 75mm Portee and a 77mm.
There are no 75mms listed under Desert Rats Portee
rules, and there are no 77mm units either (they exist
only in Afrika Korps). If you dont own AK,
substitute a 47mm Portee and a regular 75mm,
respectively. If you do own AK, use the units as the
scenario indicates.
2. Surrender Rule. Certain units listed in the special
rules of some scenarios are subject to elimination
through the surrender rule. The surrender rule is
triggered whenever an active, undemoralized enemy
unit with direct fire values starts its activation
adjacent to or in the same hex with one or more
demoralized units that are subject to elimination
through the surrender rule. At that time, the inactive

Players Guide

player must roll two dice, and if the dieroll is higher

than the current morale of his highest-morale unit in
the subject hex, ALL units and leaders in the hex
(whether demoralized or not) immediately surrender
and are eliminated. If the dieroll is lower than the
morale of the unit with the highest current morale in
the subject hex, there is no surrender and the inactive
units are unaffected. The active units that forced the
surrender roll can take all normal actions during their
activation, whether the enemy units surrendered or
So, that means that a moving tank (or other moving
unit) can't force enemy units to surrender, because a
unit can only force enemy units to surrender at the
beginning of its activation (before it moves or fires).
Fronte Russo
1. Tankettes=AFVs. Theres no game rule for
tankettes, theyre treated as AFVs.
2. Scenario 6: The Fall of Peritrovka: give 9th Pasubio
one tank leader.
3. Scenario 7: Special Rule 3 should read: "Visibility
turn/hexes: 12/10, 13/8, 14/6, 15/4, 16/2, 17/4, 18/6,
19/8, 20/10." (thus, for turns 21-26, visibility reverts
to 12).
4. Scenario 40: The CSIR Motorcycle units in Fronte
Russo are 5-3/3-3. When using pieces from Afrika
Korps or Desert Rats (for the extra 6 Motorcycle
units that appear as reinforcements), remember that
theyre flipped strength should really be 3-3 (not 2-3
as in those other games).
5. Scenario 45 & 42: (online bonus scenario): Board 12
should instead be board 21.
6. Scenario 24: Delete the note that says to treat all

river hexes on board 2 as gullies.

7. Scenario 10: That is Soviet Troops CAN NOT
set up in the town on Board 2. Only outside. This
is to represent the 80th (who are not on the board
in counters) holding the centre of the town.
During the game. The Soviets can only enter
town hexes on board 2 that are edge of town
Tank Battles
1. Mars Scenario 14: This actually took place by the
village of Teniko not Rhevz. The victory conditions
first sentence should read to the west of the Nacha
River (not to the east of the Nacha River)
2. Mars Scenario 17: All references to board 9 should
be to board 8. There is no board 9 in the scenario just
boards 2 and 8.
3. Mars Scenario 22: 21xKV-1 should be 2xKV-1.
4. Mars Scenario 9: Russian at start forces-enter on
game turn 1 as follows:
100th Tank Brigade: enter on the east side of board 6
on turn 1

4xBM-13, 3xBa-10, 5xKV-1, 7xT-34a,

3xM3stuart, 2x SMG
o Leaders: 6x Tank,1x COL
Elements, 31st Tank Brigade-Enter game turn 1 on
the east side of board 6
o 3xMatilda, 3xT-34a, 6xBT-7, 3x SMG
o Leaders: 5x Tank,1x LT.
Mars Scenario 10: in the initial Russian set up under
247th Rifle Division should be 2 Bm-13 not 12.
Mars Scenario 11: Board 3 should be to the right of
board 4a with the number in the bottom right hand
Mars Scenario 25: Luchesa River Blues III: The
Bloody Nose. In the initial German setup eliminate
all units of the 5th Panzer Regiment and elements,
605 Panzerjager Battalion. Also in the initial Russian
set up it should be 3xBM-13 not 5.
Mars Scenario 13: Soviets Enter on Turn 1 on West
Edge (entrance rules are missing)
Little Saturn Scenario 3 - The setup rules say "Play
area limited to any hexes East of xx09". The
orientation should be West not East.



Desert Rats
1. Scenario 48: The scenario requires 12 Grants. Two
numbers were transposed in this scenario. 2nd
Armored Brigade should actually have 7 Crusader I
and 6 Grants, not the reverse.
2. Scenario 5: Libyan Defiance. The victory conditions
on sentences one and two contradict each other,
ignore the second sentence.
3. Scenario 9: Like Scenarios 10 and 11, setup requires
two sets of counters (or AK counters).
4. Scenario 3 add 4xBritish Tank leaders
5. Scenario 40: add the following to the German victory
conditions Or no British units remain on the map.
6. Scenario 35: Hill in 2005/2006 should be 2006/2007.
7. Surrender Rule. Certain units listed in the special
rules of some scenarios are subject to elimination
through the surrender rule. The surrender rule is
triggered whenever an active, undemoralized enemy
unit with direct fire values starts its activation
adjacent to or in the same hex with one or more
demoralized units that are subject to elimination
through the surrender rule. At that time, the inactive
player must roll two dice, and if the dieroll is higher
than the current morale of his highest-morale unit in
the subject hex, ALL units and leaders in the hex
(whether demoralized or not) immediately surrender
and are eliminated. If the dieroll is lower than the
morale of the unit with the highest current morale in
the subject hex, there is no surrender and the inactive
units are unaffected. The active units that forced the
surrender roll can take all normal actions during their
activation, whether the enemy units surrendered or
So, that means that a moving tank (or other moving


Players Guide

unit) can't force enemy units to surrender, because a

unit can only force enemy units to surrender at the
beginning of its activation (before it moves or fires).
Jungle Fighting
No entries.
Semper Fi: Guadalcanal
1. Theres a typo in Scenario #2 (Tulagi) in
Guadalcanal. In the victory conditions the Americans
are required to control hex 1706 and 2311, but both
are all-sea hex. Correct Hex is 1709 and 2309.
2. If a loaded landing craft in an all-ocean hex becomes
disrupted or demoralized, the unit(s) it is carrying
suffer the same fate but do NOT unload (they wish to
avoid drowning). This is an exception to rule 5.66.
Q: Can the Japanese armor units cross the Matanikau
River? I'm not sure how the river-crossing rules would
translate to river hexsides.
A: You can only cross the river with your Japanese
Tanks at the Sandbar Heside, +1 to cross, it is on the back
of the Guadalcanal scenario book.
Q: Do Japanese units in caves get the first fire in an
assault on the cave?
A: Yes, they are treated just like Entrenchment plus they
get one additional -1 column shift. See Caves rules on the
Guadalcanal scenario book for more details
Road to Berlin
1. Scenario 8: Soviets have only 8 (not 9) SMGs. The
first 4 turns are visibility=1, which means night rules
are in effect for those turns. The Soviet player still
gets air support on those turns.
2. Scenario 54: All Russian units are Guards. 24xRIF
should be 24xINF. Use RKKA units where there
arent enough Guards units to fill out the scenario.
a. Likewise all Guards RIF in the following
scenarios are actually INF: 13, 25, 47, 73
3. Counters: one of the Guards JS-2 tanks in RtB has an
AT value of 9-9 printed on its front side, instead of
the standard 8-8. 9-9 is a typo, use the standard 8-8
like the rest of the JS-2's
4. Scenario 75: Contrary to the setup instructions, units
may NOT set up Dug In in Towns or Woods.
5. Scenario 27: In the German setup, 9 INF should be 9
6. Are the Countersheets "4" from Road to Berlin and
Eastern Front interchangeable? Yes.
7. All Guards T34/85 should have AT values of 7-7 on
the front and back of the counter.

No Entries.
Arctic Front
1. Terrain Clarifications (also apply to Edelweiss and
Lions of Finland): "Light Forest" is just another
name for Woods (in other words, no change). "Heavy
Forest" has the same combat effect(s) as "Light
Forest" (ie Woods). But spotting is 1 hex (instead of
3) and movement is 3 for foot (instead of 2) and
prohibited to vehicles (instead of 4 or 5).
2. Scenario 5: Christmas Morning has one Finnish Tank
Leader, but there are not any tanks in this scenario,
so the tank leader is ignored/not used.
Arctic Front (Expanded Edition)
1. In scenario #36, Warranty Revoked, the Finns should
receive 3 tank leaders.
Lions of Finland (the precursor to Arctic Front)
No entries.
March On Leningrad
2. Scenario 10: The missing German information
should read: Morale 8/7, Initiative 4, Off board
artillery 3x16.
3. Scenario 2: I see there are 2 x 88mm Flak Guns but
only 1 x prime mover shown. Should there be 2 x
sdkfz prime movers instead? Or should there be only
1 x 88mm?
Add 1 prime mover to the German OOB.
Seige of Leningrad
No entries.

1. Counters: German H38 tanks should have an antitank value of 2-4.

Eastern Front (First/Second Editioni.e. not

1. All reference to a German 82mm should read 81mm.
2. Scenario 1: Delete 1xHMG under the Soviet setup.
3. Scenario 27: Soviet 4xSGT should read 1xSGT
4. Scenario 29: is only 24 turns long.
5. Scenario 35: delete 2x82mm from the German
6. Scenario 41: Maps are, left to right, 1 (number in
upper right corner), 8 (number in lower left corner).
7. Scenario 51: 50th Rifle Division Setup: A maximum
of 15 and a minimum of 10 (not counting trucks and
wagons) must begin the scenario on Board 8. The
remainder begin play on Boards 2 and 3:
12 x INF
6 x INF reduced, 4 x HMG,
2 x HMG reduced, 3 x 82mm, 1 x 120mm, 1 x
37mm, 4 x 45mm, 3 x 76.2mm, 9 x wagon, 1 x
Leaders: 1xCOL, 1xMAJ, 2xCAPT, 3xLT
8. Scenarios #14, 18, 26, 27, 28, and 31 have major
rivers but dont list river crossing rolls in the special
rules. In the above scenarios the major river cannot
be crossed except at the bridge.

Edelweiss Expanded (Second) Edition

Iron Curtain


Players Guide

1. Scenario Book Rule #6: Open-Topped AFV's. SU-76

is open-topped. The SU-76i is closed-topped.
White Eagles
Q. White Eagles contains units called Taczankas which
are HMGs mounted on wagons. The rules say they
are treated as one unit so does that mean they are not
susceptible to the 1 column shift during
bombardment for shooting at a loaded wagon?"
A. Correct.
1. The map graphic for Scenario 19 of White Eagles is
wrong. It should be four maps setup in a vertical
rectangle as follows: Top: 18 and 19, both upright
Bottom: 17 and 15, both upright
North Wind
2. In scenarios that use the American M18, Players
should feel free to use the M18 special rule from
Battle of the Bulge, which reads: A two-step M18
unit can fire one anti-tank shot and move on-half its
movement allowance (retain fractions) in a single
impulse. The order in which it does these two
actionsis the players choice.
3. Scenario 1. Use the standard victory margin from
other scenarios. +1 to +10 is a minor win, +11 or
more is a major. 0 is a draw.
4. Scenario 2. The standard VCs dont give the
Americans a lot of options, and might favour a draw
too heavily. If you feel that way, try these:
Optional VCs:
German: same
US: Modify the stated Minor Victory to German
step losses count double for this purpose (tanks
quadruple). Additionally, give the US a minor win
if they have a non-demoralized combat unit on each
North-South road at the end of the game.
Alaskas War
1. Scenario #1: Special rule #5: Cruiser Guns. At the
Start of each turn ending in 00 OR 30, not 00 of 30.

2. In scenario 1 it says both sides are to refer to

special rule 5 for off-board artillery however
Special rule 5 only addresses the Japanese. The
OBA line for the US should read "none".
3. Scenario 6 has the opposite problem. The OBA
line for the Japanese in scenario 6 should read
"none" as well.
First Axis
No Entries.
Battle of the Bulge II: Elsenborn Ridge
No Entries.
Cassino 44
No Entries.


Secret Weapons
No Entries.
Campaigns & Commanders
The Service Record charts can be downloaded from the
following link:
Page 9 is misprinted. Half way down the left column the
text shifts to the top of the right column down to the Nine
Live section at which it shifts back to the left side.
Panzer Lion
1. module rules, #7, the JSU-152 is not an Open-top
Kokoda Trail
1. With the role playing leaders, replace you can only
substitute your leaders for those of equivalent or
lower rank in a scenario with you can only
substitute your leaders for those of ANY rank in a
2. Q. One of the medals the Australians can get in
Kokoda requires that a unit the leader activates in an
assault destroys a tank step. Unless I missed
something, there are no tanks in any of the Kokoda
campaign scenarios, so it looks like this medal isnt
achievable. Is there an alternate way to get the
A. Good catch! I copied that straight out of The
King's Officers, since the medal is available for
all British Empire leaders. Since the deadliest
thing in Kokoda Trail is probably HMGs, say
you can get it for destroying an HMG step.
Aachen 1944: Germany Invaded
1. The M10 should be listed as an open-top AFV.
1940: Fall of France
1. There are three types of fields, examples are
2. Motorcycles cannot enter roadblocks, they must
dismount and change to INF platoons to enter a
roadblock hex. Once dismounted they cannot
3. Scenario 13 Lords of Steel, French Major should
be a Commandant.
4. Scenario 20 Early Montcornet, French Major
should be a Commandant.
5. Scenario 23 Unstoppable Force, French Major
should be a Commandant.
6. Scenario 28 They Shall not Pass! should have a
PzIVa instead of PzIIIa

Players Guide

7. Scenario 6 First Armor Clash add a German

Leiuteneant for an artillery spotter.


--- Spanish

Download Links

These are download links from the Avalanche Press

website. They are current as of the document date.
--- Soviet

--- Finnish (Please
see my corrected attachment)

--- South African

--- US
--- Austrian

--- Dutch

--- German

--- Multinational & non-national
s.pdf (Soviet, Polish) (also
Dutch counters)
pdf (Soviet, German)

--- Italian
(Soviet Guards, SS)
nts.pdf (German, Romanian)
(Italian, Italian Colonial, German AK, New Zealand, Indian) (needed
for Divisione Corazzata)
unters.pdf (British, SS, German) (needed for

Divisione Corazzata) (US,

--- British (New
Zealand, Australian, Indian, US Marine)
rs.pdf (US, SS, German)
(US Marine, Japanese)
--- Romanian
(German, Italian, British, Indian, New Zealand)


Players Guide
(German, French) ( ) ( )

Bonus Fronte Russo scenarios: ( )


Optional Rules

Fog of War
This optional rule (17.4) is highly recommended. Instead
of rolling 3d6 (for 16+) you might instead roll a d20
(with the turn ending only on a 20), if you feel that saves
time or dice rolling.

--- Campaigns & Commanders record sheets
--- David Jackson's Battlegroups ( )


When using Fog of War if you have any un-activated

demoralized units, you may not pass. You may activate
other units first, but you cant pass as long as you have
demoralized units eligible for a recovery activation.
Strategic Movement (and other optional rules):
For a variety of reasons I strongly recommend not using
optional rule 17.3. It doesnt work in most scenariosit
can usually only be invoked at times where it breaks
scenario balance or historical accuracy. If you want to
experiment with movement rules, see these rules below
or linked here at APL:
I modified the FM/HPM version of that link as follows
(the below supercedes the link)
Easy Option
An option that has proven popular with players is to
simply play all vehicles with a movement rate of 1.5
times (or 50% higher than) their printed movement
allowance. Such moving units suffer
an additional +1 to Direct Fire opportunity fire
against them while moving (essentially +2 then)
a +2 to AT Opportunity fire (essentially changing the
-1 for moving to +1)

Players Guide

to reflect the fact that faster moving tanks are usually

taking roads or high ground or are operating with the
hatches open, etc.

for the owning side. The artillery factor may begin firing
again on the turn after it recovers.
Artillery Spotting

More Difficult Options (FM/HPM)

High-Profile Movement
Before a good-order armored vehicle moves, the player
may declare he is using high-profile movement. The
vehicle may increase its movement by up to 50% (round
fractions up). During this movement, all direct-fire
opportunity fire directed at the vehicle gets an extra +1
column modifier in addition to other modifiers, and all
opportunity AT fire earns an extra +2 column modifier in
addition to other modifiers. High profile movement may
not be combined with Strategic Movement.
Forced March Movement
Before moving a good-order infantry unit or leader, the
player may declare a forced march. The unit adds 1 to its
movement allowance for the turn but suffers a +1 column
modifier on all opportunity fire directed at it during
movement. Forced March movement may not be
combined with Strategic Movement.
Units using Forced March/High Profile Movement
(FM/HPM) must obey these as well:
1) Allow units to use (FM/HPM) whenever they declare
movement as their activation, but they must declare it up
front. The only penalties are the fire modifiers, and:
2) When using FM/HPM only one stack may activate per
activation, and all activated units in that stack must use
FM/HPM--and they must have been activated by a leader
of their unit type (either armor leaders for AFVs or
regular leaders for infantry, APCs can use either type of
leader for this rule. Armored cars always have their own
3) You cant use FM/HPM on the first or last turn of any
Ammunition Limits

At the beginning of a scenario, each unit (off-board and

on-board) with bombardment fire values must be
assigned to a leader. The owning player writes the ID
number of each leader and each bombardment-fire unit
he can spot-for on a piece of scratch paper. Only the
assigned leader may spot for the units or offboard
artillery factors to which he is assigned. Such
assignments must further satisfy potential scenario limits,
such as paratrooper leaders that cannot spot for U.S.
Army artillery in Airborne.
If an assigned artillery-spotting leader is killed, or if a
player wishes to assign a single bombardment unit, an
individual stack of bombardment units, or up to three
offboard artillery factors to a new leader, then the owning
player simply activates the new leader.
The leader and the units or offboard artillery factors
rolled-for may not move, fire, or perform any action
except rolling two dice to request the reassignment. If the
die-roll result is less than or equal to the activated
leaders morale, then the reassignment is successful and
the leader may spot for the assigned unit(s) or offboard
artillery factor(s) on future turns. Write down the
reassignment. The unit(s) or offboard artillery factors
rolled-for may not fire on the turn in which their spotting
leader is reassigned.
Failing the reassignment dice roll has no effect other than
to waste the rolling leaders activation. The unit(s) or
offboard artillery factor(s) rolled-for may fire normally
that turn.
Solo Hidden Units
There are several optional rules developed by CSW
players. Below are a few examples:
Lemandre Rule

If a player rolls a 12 when conducting any type of fire

combat, all currently-firing good-order units run low on
ammunition and become disrupted. All currently-firing
disrupted units run out of ammunition and become
demoralized. If offboard artillery is currently firing, one
factor runs out of ammunition.
Units that become disrupted or demoralized due to this
rule can recover normally and suffer no other ill effects
after recovery. If an offboard artillery factor runs out of
ammunition, the owning player must make morale
recovery rolls for that artillery factor on future
activations, using the normal, full-strength morale value


Deploy all units on map but put a smoke marker on all

hidden units/stacks. You can't fire on an hidden unit until
you've spotted it. When an ennemy unit come in spotting
range (1/4 of the normal spotting range see 16.6) of the
hidden stack, roll on die :
1-2 : The stack is spotted, remove the smoke marker.
3-5 : The owner of the hidden stack may displace the
stack one hex (or some units in the stack, they don't have
to stay together, they don't have to be displaced in the
same hex) . That's not a movement and that's mean you
can displace the stack in the ennemy hex, and the

Players Guide

ennemy have to assault you.

6 : Same as 3-5, but you can displace your stack 2 hexs
Heath Rule
1. If the Japanese are allowed X hidden units, choose the
units you'd like to start hidden and give them X identical
additional units.
2. Before play, fish out 2X minefield tokens - X real
numbers and X decoys (if you don't have enough
decoys, use decoys & 1's or decoys and 2's...)
3. Shuffle the minefield tokens face down, and place
them under your chosen JPN units (& their clones),
these are now all treated as "hidden units"
4. Play rules-as-written with respect to revealing hidden
units, and once revealed (or once attacking/attacked)
check the counter underneath - if it's a decoy that unit
is removed from play and was never really there, if
it's not then carry on.
Links to Daily Content optional rules:
The Laskas Rock-n-Roll Variant
Pontoon Bridges
Tank-killing artillery
Assault variant
Fast Combat
House rules on PG Yahoo Groups


Players Guide

Leader A in the PZ38t can activate all AFVs stacked in

and in adjacent hexes.

Appendix One: Examples of Play

Leader B in the PzIIIG can activate the PzI, PzVIE and

the SPW251, but not the Major, HMG or AT Gun.

1. Activation
Types of Activations

2. Unit Actions

Single Unit It is the only unit to activate for an action

Stack All units may activate for the action phase,
including AFVs.
Leader A May activation himself and INF platoon but
not the AFV.
Leader B May activate himself and INF platoon
stacked together. In the adjacent hexes he my activate the
ENG, ING, HMG, Truck and AT gun but not the AFV.

All the above actions require activation and will get a

Move/Fire marker for these actions.

Subordinate Leader Activation

In one action, the Lt. Colonel can activate all the units
through subordinate activation.
AFV Leader

All the above actions require activation and will get a

Move/Fire marker for these actions.


Players Guide

Opp Fire Action

Note - In all examples both units are consider NOT to
have fired and blown their cover.

Enemy INF initiates movement, HMG fires first opp fire

at INF. If the INF does not break it continue to a second
hex and the HMG can take a second opp fire. Note two
Move/Fire markers track the first opp fire shot and one
symoblizes all opp fire is complete for the turn.

Both the German and Soviet unit are in limiting terrain,

hill hexes, but they can spot each other becuase they are
with 3 hexes of each other.

Offboard Artillery Action

The German and Soviet units are both in limiting terrain,

hill hex for the Soviet and elevation line for the German.
They are 4 hexes apart so they cannot spot each other.

The Romainian HMG is hit by offboard artillery during

an action. The spotting Lieutenant and INF are not, nor
can they be activated from the offboard artillery

The German is in a clear ground hex and the Soviet is in

a hill hex. They are 5 hexes apart so the German cannot


Players Guide

see the Soviet unit due to limiting terrain, but the Soviet
can see the German in the clear ground hex.

The German unit is in a clear ground hex and the Soviet

is in an elevation line which is limiting terrain. They are
6 hexes apart. The German unit can see the Soviet unit
due to limiting terrain, but the Soviet unit can see the
German unit in the clear ground hex.

The German unit is in clear ground level terrain the

Soviet unit is on an elevation line, limiting terrain. LOS
passes through a hex that is higher than both the German
and Soviet unit so both units cannot be spotted.

The units A and B are in "limiting terrain" (woods). Unit

A and B are spotted by unit D because A and B are within
three hexes from D. Unit B is spotted by C because B has
a spotted marker. Unit A is not spotted by C because A
is not within three hexes range from C.

Units C, D and E are not spotted by B (20 meters level)

because LOS is blocked by the woods. The woods extend
up one level from their base elevation. Nevertheless units
D and E can be spotted by unit A because A is on 40
meters level. Unit C is not spotted by A because C is in
limiting terrain, has not spotted marker and it is not
within three hexes from A.

The German and Soviet units are in hill hexes, limiting

terrain. They are 5 hexes apart. Both cannot see each
other as they are in limiting terrain.
Unit C is spotted by A and B because the LOS is not
blocked. A and B are on 80 meters level, unit C is on


Players Guide

ground level and the town is on 40 meters level (+ 20 =

60 meters). Unit B is spotted by C because B has a
spotted marker. Leader A is not spotted by C because A
is in limiting terrain and it is not within three hexes
range from C.

The LOS between A and B is blocked. A and B are on 60

meters level. The town is on 40 meters level, but we must
treat the town hex as being 20 meters higher than the
terrain it sits on. Therefore the town hex blocks LOS in
this case.


Players Guide

SAFE HEX DEFINITION (see 14.31): Any hex where a unit could not be harmed by any potential enemy firer with the appropriate
fire type, either AT or DF (but not IF), within range, LOS and spotting abilities. It does not have to be a town or woods hex, but
those hexes are a priority destination while fleeing.

unit rolls for



2d6>= demoralized morale

Unit Flees
(2d6=12 eliminates leader)

2d6< demoralized morale

Unit Recovers to
Remain in hex
Unit Fully Recovers
Remain in hex
Is the unit in a


Does the unit have 0 or
T as its printed
movement value?

exit an

Unit may
take assault
fire if no
rear guard

Remain in
new hex

1a or 1b is
possible (unit
moves into
the hex that
satisfies 1a
first, else 1b.
Obey 2 if

Unit Remains
in Hex


Is the unit in a
Bunker or



YES (but may

opt to follow

Unit is


Does the unit have

unused movement


Unit ends
in hex


Unit tries to flee one hex

Toward a safe hex
Away from enemy units that could harm it
(the units currently making the hex not safe)
laterally with respect to harming unit if that is only choice
Priority: toward Town, Woods, Entrenchment or Bunker
(but can ignore if these dont exist, or moving toward them
would violate 1a or 1b)

1a AND 1b
are not
(unit does
not move)

Game / Module Cross Reference

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