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To Prevent and Reverse,

The Absolute Health (AH)
Integra<ve Oncology Method

Find out why it is eec<ve and dierent from the conven<onal method of
Surgery, Ra<otherapy and Chemotherapy.

What is Cancer ?

Cancer is the bodys response to accumulated toxic insults that can result from the environment and lifestyle of
the person. When certain cri:cal components of cell that u:lize oxygen to convert glucose into energy are
destroyed, the cells compensate through a process known as fermenta:on in order to keep the cell alive. This
sends a message to the DNA to start expressing genes to support this modied form of metabolism
(oncogenes), causing the dierent func:onal units inside the cell (enzymes) change to facilitate this new
metabolic requirement, results is uncontrolled growth with invasion into nearby :ssues and distant spread to
other organs and lymph nodes.

In 2012 about 14.1 million new cases of cancer occurred globally (not including skin cancer
other than melanoma), causing about 8.2 million deaths or 14.6% of all human deaths (1).
The new cancer cases have been increasing and is expected to 19.3 million new cancer cases
causing 13 million deaths by year 2025.

1) "The top 10 causes of death Fact sheet N310". WHO. May 2014. Retrieved 10 June 2014;

In year 2008, 72% of cancer related death occur in developing

countries and has been increasing steadily. It is es:mated that by
year 2025, cancer related death in developing countries will increase
to 80%.

The Most Common Types of Cancer

What Cause Cancers ?

Cancers can be regarded as a METABOLIC DISEASE as 73% of cancers are caused by

lifestyle (tobacco, alcohol, obesity, diet, occupa:on, lack of exercise) or environment
related (UV & ionizing radia:on, pollu:on) factors.

Tobacco in the form of cigareae contains at least 60 types of carcinogen, that is why
cigareae smoking is the commonest cause of cancer in both genders worldwide.
(Homann D, Homann I, El-Bayoumy K. (2001). Chem. Res. Toxicol., 14: 767-790)

Lacking of physical ac:vi:es and increase calories intake create a conducive environment
for cancers, as cancer cells grow robustly at anaerobic (low oxygen), high insulin & high
glucose, high estrogen and chronic (cytokines induced) low grade but inammatory

Carbohydrate and Cancer

A new

study published in
the journal Cancer
Epidemiology, Mile
Markers, and Prevention is
presenting evidence of the
link between the
consumption of refined
carbohydrates and cancer.

Dietary causes of cancers are mostly due to the intake of foods contaminated by naturally
occuring or industrial carcinogens in the environment, e.g. Aatoxin & Dioxin. These
carcinogen can contaminate the water / crops, hence contaminate the caale when they are
fed with the contaminated crops. These carcinogens go into human body by drinking the
contaminated water or ea:ng the contaminated crops or meat.

Dioxins & Aatoxins causing cancer by

suppressing the immune systems,
allowing cancer to grow without the
threats of our white blood cells.


University of California, Davis. Submission of Report to the ScienLc Review Panel on

Benzene by Emil M. Mrak, Chancellor Emeritus, to Gordon Duy, State Air Resources
Board, Sacramento, CA.


Ionizing Radia<ons

Polycyclic Aroma<c Hydrocarbons (PAH)

A carcinogen from inappropriate cooking of foods, e.g. BBQ , smoked or char-bioled sh

and meat. PAH is also present in cigareae smokes. It causes cancer by aaach itself to a
part of DNA, forming a carcinogenic DNA structure call PAH-DNA adduct.

Virus Infec<ons


Incidences of cancers increase as we age, due to the overall degenera:on of immunity

and gene repair.

Flawed / Defected DNA Repair

Cancers occur when the dna repair mechanism in the body not func:oning properly
and does not destroy mutated cells. Some mutated cells can turn into cancer cells.

While most cancer causes are preventable, some are unavaoidable. Apart from
keeping a healthy lifestyle, it is important that we detect it early. With early
detec<on, reversing cancer is possible.

Conven<onal Cancer Screening - Imaging

Conven<onal Cancer Screening Blood Test

Tumour Markers are the commonest early detec:on

method available for conven:onal medicines but these
tests, very ohen prone to errors. High dose hook eect (a
false nega:ve result with certain immunoassays due to
very high concentra:ons of a par:cular analyte) causes
the reported quan:ty of tumour marker to be incorrectly
low when the quan:ty is high. An undetected hook eect
may cause delayed recogni:on of a tumour.

- Standard tumor marker accuracy is less than 50% , only pick up

20% of early cancer !!
Standard cancer screening technique can only detect cancer
when they grow to 200-1,000 mg tumor !!


A biopsy is a sample of :ssue taken from the

body in order to examine it more closely. A
doctor should recommend a biopsy when an
ini:al test suggests an area of :ssue in the body
isn't normal under rediological ndings.

Absolute Health Method of Early Cancer Detec<on

Kobayashis Tumour Marker Combina<on Assays: A specic group of cancer markers

which is twice more sensi:ve than PET scan. The total of 10 markers are able to detect
87.5% of early cancer (vs 20% of conven:onal cancer marker) .

Prostate Health Index (Phi)

Prostate Health Index (Phi): a new blood test that combines three forms of PSA, i.e.
total PSA, free PSA and p2PSA into a single score, yielding 3 :mes more sensi:vity than
PSA alone, in detec:ng early prostate cancer. This not only allow early preven:on but
also prevent unnecessary prostate biopsy

Live & Dry Blood Analysis

1 drop of blood is taken from the nger :ps and observed under the microscope at the
magnica:on of x 30000. This detect abnormal inammatory processes and imbalances in
the blood which will ul:mately lead to cancer forma:on, e.g. protein linkage in live blood
and inamma:on in dry blood (as in the above diagram, the right most is the dry blood of
early cancer).

Natural Killer (NK) Ac<vi<es Test

Natural Killer Cell is the white blood cells which constantly detect and destroy mutated cells or
cells infected by viruses, with specic cellular toxicity to cancer and tumour cells. Low NK
ac:vi:es is closely associated with the risks on cancers. In this test, blood is drawn from the
pa:ent and the NK cells isolated from it. The isolated NK Cells is then released into a culture with
cancer cells and observe the eciency and cytotoxicity of these NK Cells against the cancer
culture. NK ac:vi:es of male should be 43-58% and female be 35-51%. NK ac:vi:es lower than
the above making the individual has high suscep:bility of contrac:ng cancers.

Natural Killer (NK) Ac<vi<es Test

A radiowave scanner for the early detec:on of breast cancer. Crea:ng a non radia:ve 3D
images of the breast which can detect very early neoplas:c changes in breast :ssues.

Cancer Treatment The Conven<onal Medicines

Survival Rate of Conven<onal Cancer Treatment

Conven:onal cancer treatments have very low survival rate and rendering very poor
quality of live to the pa:ents.

Absolute Health Integrated Oncolgy Therapy

Absolute Health is a
medical centre
cer:ed by IIO and
IOICP to provide a
Integra:ve Oncology
T h e r a p y , w h i c h
target the treatment
t o k i l l o n l y t h e
cancer cells while
trying to restore the
h e a l t h o f t h e

Targe<ng Therapies


Cancer cells has 19x more insulin receptors then normal cells. So the Insulin used in IPT
will basically open up the cancer cells and allow the low dose chemotherapy drugs to go
into it. Only very low dose chemotherapy (10% of conven:onal chemotherapy) is used
with no very low side eects (> 5%) without causing hairloss or other discomforts.

Therapeu<c Vitamin C


Beta-glucosidase, found in abundance in ferne<g cells, splits the sugar from amygdalin ,
releasing 1 x HCN, 1 x benzaldehyde, and 2 x glucose. Both benzaldehyde and HCN are
cytotoxic. Cancer cells have very li^le Rhondanase, so unable convert HCN into
Thyiocyanate (non toxic).

Whole Body Hyperthemia

Local Hyperthemia

NK Therapy

Umbilical Cord Derived Mesenchymal Stem

Cells (UCD-MSC) Therapy

UCD-MSC can be primed to become pro-inammatory MSC which will induce acute
inamma<on to cancer cells which causes instant damages to cancer cells.

Suppor<ng Therapy

The successful story

The AH Integra<ve Oncology Team

Dr Thomas
Lodi, MD
Dr Chavengsuk
Disthaphorn, MD

Dr Supajee
Srigade, MD

Dr Chatchai
Sribundit, MD

Dr Koravika
Suraratana, MD

Thank you !

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