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The Word of God1 on the second Sunday after the Resurrection, of the Saint apostle
Peace to you, My people! Peace to you, Jerusalem! Peace to you, sons who are sent! As
the Father sent Me, the same way I send you. Receive the Holy Spirit and preach Me, as I come
as a word from heaven on the earth and I announce Myself to all the margins with you, who welcome Me on the earth.
I am the Christ of the Father, and I come as it is written into the Scriptures for this time.
Two thousand years have passed since I said that I would come soon, and behold, I come to fulfill
this Scripture through which I said: I come soon!.
Oh, no one is waiting for Me to come, no one. Oh, no one wants Me to come, as the unbelief
has comprised everything, beginning with the great ones, which sit on the seat of the holiness to
the lowest one; for the people spoiled My law, and it is the time for Me to work, as no one works
on the earth the fulfillment of My Scriptures.
Jerusalem, child, who listens to My word, no one wants to be even like Thomas; no one
wants to look at Me, into My word, which comes to you and to see Me in it and to feel Me, the
word coming from heaven, and to say as Thomas said: My Lord an My God!. Oh, no one bows
any longer to believe in Me too. The man believes in the man; the man makes an idol of the man;
the man makes an idol of the man into My name, and says that he is with God. The man honors
the man into My name, but not even the man of the church honors Me; not even the common man.
No one honors Me any longer, the One, Who comes on the earth, as it is written. The people, who
sit on the seat of the holiness, have put Me into silence, so that they may speak. They speak about
Me, the One of two thousand years ago, but I am also today, as it is written: Today, if you hear
Me, do not harden your hearing and your heart.
Oh, there is no more faith on the earth, and I cannot fulfill My Scriptures without the faith
of the man. Be faithful, My people, as I have taken you from among the people and I breathed
upon you a gift of the holy faith and I put you before Me, so that I may come by your faith to fulfill
those that are written into the book for My second coming among the people, as this is what I said:
I come soon!. Amen.
He, who does not want to come, that one does not believe into My coming, into My word
of nowadays. And he, who wants to come, that one waits for Me and meets Me and stays awake,
clean, and faithful before Me. Blessed is the one who knew Me and believed in Me, but more
blessed are those who did not know Me and believed in Me, when I came as word from heaven on
the earth, as I came and spoke with Abraham, with Moses and with My prophets.
Oh, man, who does not believe in My coming! Why do you not believe? What are you
afraid of in order to believe? But is it not written into the Scriptures that I will come? Why do you
not want Me to come? Do you not really know that I said this: The heaven and the earth will
pass, but My words will not pass away, and iota by iota they will come true? Oh, if I had looked
at the faith of the man of today, I would have not fulfilled the Scripture, but the Scripture is My
word, and My word is truth, and the truth is shown against the faith of the man of this age.

Gods Word in Holy Citadel New Jerusalem monastery, Glodeni Romania, redactor note.
Translated by I.A., r.n.


I look at the people who are over the church. There is no way of believing for them that I
come; no way for them to prepare. They take Me for a dumb, blind, lame and deaf, and they pose
as My servants, as then, when they did not want to hear and to see Me. Oh, if I am God, what kind
of God am I? Why did I come on the earth and I took the body like the man? Oh, I have come in
the flesh among the people to be with the people, but the people do not want to be this way, and
they want Me to hide and to be invisible, and the people want to be sightless. Behold, that it is also
I that I said into the Scripture: The Spirit which testifies the Christ, Who came in the flesh, that
spirit is the Spirit of God.
Oh, My people, it is only you that I could get along with on My second coming, only
with you, Jerusalem, and that is why I called you, Jerusalem. I have entered in you as word,
as I entered in the flesh into Jerusalem. I entered with you into the world, son, and I called you
white horse, which the Word of God sits on, but the people do not understand the Scripture. (See
the selection topic: The white apocalyptic horse, r.n.) Not even the man of the church, not even
he understands it. He understands it only to eat meat, as the apostle Peter ate, as he says. (See
the selection topic: What defiles a man, what enters or what comes out of him?3, r.n.)
Man of the church, I will send you a book by the sons of My word and I will interpret the
languages of the Holy Spirit, which are written into the Scriptures, for you look only for meat into
the Scriptures; you do not look for the Holy Spirit. Why do you not look for the Holy Spirit? Why
do you not look for the holiness into the Scriptures? Do as Thomas did; receive and touch and feel
My word, for I have power of a living God and I will become word from heaven over the earth.
I come out with those that are faithful before you, world without faith. I am with those who
believe in God and into Gods works over the earth. Oh, people without a way, I am the way. Seek
Me with a humble heart. Come to My supper. Come to My word, as My word is bread from
heaven. It is written that the man cannot live on bread alone, but on any word which comes
from God.
The people of the church say that I am a demon, and behold, I tell them: The One that you
called demon, is the Lord, Jesus Christ, Who you persecute as Saul persecuted Him, calling Him
demon. Why do you persecute Me? I am the Christ, the Word of the Father. Ask Me who I am,
and I will answer you. I will make the signs come down on you, for the weak ones will have part
of My signs and will be touched by My signs, as Thomas touched the signs of the people that were
put on My crucified body. I will no longer sit at the table with you, for it is written: I will not
have supper with the unfaithful. He, who does not let My word to be fulfilled and who does not
want the Scripture to be fulfilled, that one is hiding under unbelief. But I am gentle and humble in
My heart, and I will not be the One Who asks for His justice; it is not I, but the word of the Father,
which is in Me, that one will ask for an answer for your unbelief. Amen.

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Oh, I love the Romanian country and I cannot leave her because of the unbelief of the man
of the church, who puts Me into the darkness, so that I may not be preached as a word of resurrection over the people. I am the Word of God over Romania, as it is My country; it is My New
Jerusalem, the one chosen by Me. Amen. (See the selection topic: Romania The New Jerusalem
The New Canaan4, r.n.)
Oh, My country, the people from you, who call themselves My church, do not receive Me
as the Jerusalem of two thousand years ago did not receive Me as well. (See the selection topic:
The true church5, r.n.) I chose you to be the Jerusalem of My coming back, and so that the
man may understand what Jerusalem means. I have also in heaven Jerusalem. All the saints from
heaven are called the heavenly Jerusalem, the one taken out of every nation on the earth, as all
over the earth there have lived holy people with their life, and I made them Jerusalem in heaven,
in those that are not seen. Oh, My country, I breathe upon you the gift of the holy faith and of the
resurrected life. I want to give you life without death, Romanian people. I want to become in
you a wedding of new age and to fulfill in you the parable of the wedding of the kings son, the
Father with His Son with a wedding in you, My country (See the selection topic: The Wedding
of the Lamb, r.n.) Behold, I let before you an open door that no one can close. My word is the
door, and the sons of My word keep the door when I come, and I come in to become word for you,
My country, as you have a great name in heaven, and the name of the Romanian, shines among
the saints of My heaven. I will make all the nations on the earth to worship you, so that all the
earth may know that I love you and that I have chosen you, Romania country, My wedding country.
Amen, amen, amen.
Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).
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