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Coordinacin bilinge

Isabel Prez Torres

Template to design a CLIL didactic unit


Natural Science.

Title of the Unit : Plant Kingdom

Teacher: Ana Albaladejo.

Course / Level: 5th Primary

1. Learning outcomes
/ Evaluation criteria

Identify the characteristics of the plants as living things.

Know the structure and physiology of the plants.
Know the classification of the plants.
Know the main characteristics of the photosynthesis.
Know the importance of the photosynthesis for the living things.
Make hypotheses about events, through experiment or
experience. Predict the results of an experience.
Apply work and study strategies which allow for an effective
learning process.
Work in a cooperative way. Look after work tools, use materials

2. Subject Content

Plant parts, characteristics and functions.

Plant reproduction.
The structure and physiology of the plants. Characteristics,
recognition and classification.
Plant cells.
The photosynthesis and its importance for life on Earth.
Use of different sources of information (direct sources, books,
Study techniques. Development of effective work habits.
3. Language Content / Communication


Classification of plants: living things, Plant Kingdom, flowering /

non-flowering, angiosperms, gymnosperms, algae, mosses, ferns.
Plant cells: cell membrane, cell wall, cytoplasm, chloroplasts,
vacuole, chlorophyll.
Plant parts, characteristics and functions: roots, leaves, stems,
seeds, fruit, flower, fronds, cones, petiole, blade, pores, stomata,
vein, herbaceous stem, woody stem, root hairs, nutrition, carbon
dioxide, oxygen, respiration, water, minerals, Sun, interact, grow,
reproduce, exchange gases, energy, soil, glucose, phloem cells,
phloem sap, xylem cells, xylem sap, petals, attract, pollen grains,
react, light, environment, Venus Fly trap.
Plant reproduction / seed germination: sexual reproduction, male /
female organs, stamen, filament, anther, pollen, reproductive cell,
pistil, ovary, ovules, style, stigma, pollination, seed, fertilisation,
asexual reproduction, seeds, spores.

Coordinacin bilinge

Isabel Prez Torres


Comparative and Superlative adjectives

Discourse type

Plant descriptions.
Easy compositions about photosynthesis and human effects on
Debate about global warming and greenhouse effect.

Language skills

Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.

4. Contextual (cultural) To connect the things studied with the main types of plants in the
local environment.
To know the measures taken by the local authorities to reduce and
prevent pollution and green areas preservation and how we all can
contribute to this goal achievement.
5. Cognitive (thinking)

Understand, identify, analyse, argument, explain, repeat, explain,

make hypotheses.

6. (a) Task(s)

Oral presentation using a poster or Power Point in which students

will talk about plants, their characteristics, their different parts,
plant nutrition, plant interaction, flowering plant reproduction,
asexual reproduction, etc.

6. (b) Activities

Draw and label a plant

A memory game
Draw and label a plant cell
Copy and complete the text
Match and write the sentences
Sing a song about plant pollination.
Listen and read about what different parts of plants do
Explain photosynthesis to complete a diagram
Write true and false sentences
Listen and read about pollination
Listen and read about plant interaction
Experiment: How do plants react with their surroundings? Aim,
Materials, Hypothesis, Method, Record.
Classify the Female organs and the Male organs of a flower in a
Copy and label the diagram of the flower
Choose a plant. Investigate it and write a report.
Share reports
7. Methodology

Organization and class 8 sessions, being the last one to present the final task to the
distribution / timing

Coordinacin bilinge

Isabel Prez Torres

Resources / Materials

Key Competences

Competence in linguistic communication

Competence in mathematics, science and technology
Digital competence
Competence in learning to learn
Competence in social awareness and citizenship
Competence in autonomous learning and personal initiative
Competence in artistic and cultural awareness

8. Evaluation (criteria
and instruments)

Apart from the final task, the students will do assessement sheets,
revision sheets and final tests. The following aspects will be taken
into account:
Listening and reading about plant classification.
Listening and classifying plants.
Answering questions on the characteristics of plants.
Drawing and labelling a plant cell.
Recognising what different parts of a plant cell do.
Recognising what different parts of a plant do.
Understanding how plants get their food.
Copying and labelling plant diagrams.
Investigating how plants interact with their surroundings.
Learning about flowering plant reproduction.
Differentiating between sexual and asexual reproduction.
Investigating a plant and writing a report.
Use information and communication technologies in order to look
for information.
Reviewing and testing the main concepts of the unit.

Feel free to use this template. Thanks for attributing the source.
A first sample of this template has been published at:
Prez Torres, I. 2009. "Apuntes sobre los principios y caractersticas de la metodologa AICLE" en V.
Pavn, J. vila (eds.), Aplicaciones didcticas para la enseanza integrada de lengua y contenidos.
Sevilla: Consejera de Educacin de la Junta de Andaluca-Universidad de Crdoba.171-180.

It is mainly based on the hands-on experience at designing units and on conversations with
experts and peers. The theory of the 4Cs by Do Coyle has also been taken into account. This

Coordinacin bilinge

Isabel Prez Torres

theory has been shown in various publications, such as: Coyle, D., Hood, P. and Marsh, D.,
2010. Content and Language Integrated Learning. Cambridge University Press.

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