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Fathmah Nurul Afifah

What is Think-Pair-Square
Think-Pair-Square learning technique was developed by Frank Lyman (ThinkPair-Share) and Spencer Kagan (Think-Pair-Square) as a learning structure
activity of Cooperative Learning. This technique gives an opportunity to the
student to work individually or in a group. Another advantage from this technique
is the optimallisation of students participation. The classical method that is used
allows one student to come in front of the class and share the study result to the
class.. Think-Pair-Square technique gives at least eight times opportunity to each
student to be known and show their participation to other. This technique can be
used for all stage of students age.
How to do this technique?
1. The teacher divides students into groups of four students and gives them
assignment to all groups.
2. Each student works the assignment individually.
3. Student in pair with his friend in one group and discuss with his partner.
4. Those two pairs of student return to the group, then the student can share
their works result to the group.
Numbered Heads
What is Numbered Heads
Numbered Heads Learning technique was developed by Spencer Kagan (1992).
This technique gives an opportunity to the student to share their ideas and
consider the best answer. Beside of that, this technique also supports student to
increase their teamwork enthusiasm. This technique can be used in all schools
subject and for all stage of student age.
How to do this technique?
1. The students are divided into groups. Every student in every group will get
2. The teacher gives assignment and each group shall do the assignment.
3. The group decides the best answer and definite each member to know the

4. The teacher calls for one number. The student with that number shall
report the groups result.
What is Jigsaw?
Jigsaw learning technique was developed by Aronson et al. as a method of
Cooperative Learning. This technique can be used in te learning of reading,
writing, listening, or speaking. This technique combines learning activity,
writing activity, listening activity, and speaking activity. The approaching
technique can be used in some subject, such as natural science, social science,
mathematic, religion, and language. This technique is suitable for all level.
In this technique, the teacher pays attention of the students schematic of
student learning experience background and helps student to activate teir
schematic in order to make the material feels more meaningful. Beside of that,
the student works with his friend together and they have many opportunity to
process the information and increase the communication skill.
How to do this technique?
1. The teacher divides the material into four parts.
2. Before the material will be given, the teacher introduces the topic that will
be explained on that day. The teacher can write the topic on the board and
asks the student things theyve known about the topic. This brainstorming
activity is purposed to activate the student schematic in order to make the
fell more prepared to face new lesson.
3. The students divided into group of four members.
4. The first part of material is given to the first student, and the second part of
material is given to the second student, and so on.
5. Then, the students are asked to read/work their part
6. After theyve finished, students share about their part each other. In this
activity, the student can complete their part each other and interact each
7. Specifically for reading activity, the teacher gives students the unread part
of the story to each student. The student reads that part. This activity can
be finished by discussing topic n the subject. The discussion can be done
in pair or by whole class.

If the assignment is quite hard, student can build Experts Group. The student
gathers with other student who gets the same part. Then, each student returns
to their group and share what theyve learnt to their friends.

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