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Science is always fascinating as it induces lurking doubts, and provides

happiness upon rediscovering and taking us close to the facts. This sprouted
in me the interest, enthusiasm, and a strong feeling to render considerable
contribution in the field of science. The work of Camillo Golgi and Santiago
Ramn y Cajal on structure of neuron induced me motivation and I started
developing interest in being a Molecular Neurobiologist.
My love for biological science and mathematics intertwined with a passion
to find feet infrontier research area, prompted me to take up BS-MS course
in Indian institute of science education and research (IISER) Mohali. It was
a great opportunity to study at IISER-MOHALI, one of the premier science
institutes in India. Ever since I joined the department,I have been focused in
my academic, which culminated in my high CGPA 9.9 /10.0, and arank of
first among 147 students, for which I was awarded C.N. Rao award and
merit certificate. Access to weekly seminars, special talks, guest lectures
introduced me to different areas of research in biology as well as in Interdisciplinary research. An introductory course in biology engendered many
interesting questions at the basic level which lack proper proximate
explanation and mathematical framework. The very idea of 'memory
formation and retrieval' is an interesting question. The cascade of molecular
interactions leading to the formation of memory is really fascinating. The
unpredictability, the uniqueness and the intricacies in neural circuitry of
different species seem challenging. Motivated by the fact that there is lot to
understand, develop, and discover I developed interest in Molecular and
Computational Biology especially towards Neurobiology.
My summer internship (2014) was under Pof. Guhan Jayaraman, at Indian
Institute of Technology, MADRAS (IIT-M) where I honed my skills in
Molecular biology. The aim of my project work was to study the effect of
aeration and optimization of nissin (inducer) concentration on Hyaluranon
production, using metabolically engineered L. lactis.In the very same year I
represented India in Asian Science Camp 2014, held at National
technology university, Singapore, wherein the poster presentation of my
team on the topic of futuristic micro Robot, powered by human cell ATP got
the recognition and award for the best poster in biology. My winter project
in the year 2014 was under Prof. Kavita Babu, IISER Mohali on the topic
"Role of cell Adhesion Molecules in Memory Formation in C.elegans" This
gave me a better insight on neural circuit in lower animals.
As an Indian student of science, my primary focus is to understand the

components ofcells and relate how cells work is fundamental to all

biological science. Appreciating the similarities and differences of function
of organelles in various cell types would throw new light in biomedical
fields such as cancer research and developemental biology. Combined with a
vibrant cell biology community, I wish to chart new terrain, an exciting
future for the field beckons without the immediate pressures to engage in
overtly translational research. I wish to be in a place, where I can learn,
interact, participate, debate and incubate new hypothesis, formulate it and
passionately strive to reach the goal with scientific integrity. I desire and
dream to work in the field of computational neuroscience.
I have always been sincere, enthusiastic, and hard working. My interests are
driven by genuine curiosity and are pursued relentlessly. With all the above
existing qualities and interests, I feel that I would well fit into Dr. Tatjana
Tchumatchenko and Max Planck Institute for Brain research would be an
appropriate place to pursue my summer internship in the field of my

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