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Business relay on the customers, and the awareness to the brand is the key
factor for the promotion of business. Costumers prefer the brands which are
well known to them. The youth customers has a primary focus and
attractiveness for every firms because the youth generation make more
purchase than older, to take competitive advantage firms are now
concentrating on brand orientation of student of universities to promote their
brands. So our research is base on the students to check the effect of
students thinking towards brand enhancement and orientation. Brand is key
point in every organization so this research is important for us.
The previous researches also focused on brand orientation towards the
( Yen-tsung huang & yen-ting tsai
2013)develpoing a strong and attractive brand is an effective method to
develop and enhance a competitive advantage in the market areas and all
other related fields.
Brand orientation is an important strategy which plays a key role to provide a
value and competitive advantage through brand equity. (urde et al.2011)
Brand-extension organizations oriented
their brands as an imporatnt
strategic resources, and they develop and build value and promote
competitiveness by Brand-oriented and extension companies regard their
brands as strategic and important resources, and they develop value and
enhance competitiveness through brand orientation.
There is only one research is done on that topic in the present situation of
society that is to enhance the brand orientation through student point of
view that how student perceived brand orientation.
This research help the upcoming students in the higher education sectors as
well as provide new ways related to brand orientation in the higher education
sector. This research also give the more knowledge about how students think
about the brand orientation towards every field of business. Basically this
research is done on the students of business department which enhance the
growth and provide a proper way to increase the efficiency of students.
The bacis aim of this research is to describe the relationship and effect of
perceived brand orientation (PBO) On satisfaction, loyality, and consumer
behavior. There are many other sub objectives related to this article.

To enhance the brand orientation through student point of view.

To show the effect t of brand orientation on higher education.

Strong and effective brand is an effective a way to increase a
competitive advantage among the marketplace and other areas.
Customer perception about university brand to drive trust and loyality
To build and develop long term relationship among students and
university brands to examine the efficiency of students among their

The finding of the study will be prove very useful for the professional at
managerial position in Pakistani environment, result of study direct the
attentions of marketing manager toward the youth specially student of
graduation to make them aware of their brand to make revenues and
increase their profitability and ability to compete their competitors. In
Pakistan the youth generation is more attracted towards business sectors
and it is necessary for a students to be aware about their brands so this
research is help full to aware the students and customers towards their

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