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Lesson Plan 17 - Choosing a Career?

Class 4
Class organization
aims; procedures; timing; activities; interactions;
1st Review last class question:
Reading, listening and talking practice
2nd New words, rules and implicit grammar:
mainly reading and listening practice
3rd Present next question:
listening and reading practice;
4th Homework:
writing practice of 5 lines; reading 2 pages;
1st Part Reviewing last class question for assignment: 5 to 10
speaking, listening and talking practice
T Review the Q from the 2nd writing assignment
Q1 - T to SS: What do you consider when choosing a career?
Teacher should consider writing the Qs on board.
(last class question ask and wait - Give until 20)
If any S answer, T chooses S1, one with knowledge and
disposition to practice.
S? to T: The salary.
Possible answers (according to the vocabulary worked in the
last class): The Salary; My satisfaction; The job employability;
The benefits, like health and dental insurance; The work place
safety or dangerousness; My development (personal and/or
T to S?: Please, ask S1 the first question:
S? to S1: What do you consider when choosing a career?
S1: _____________________________________
T to SS: Nice try, thank you. Now people, read in silence your
2nd paragraph assignment.
T to S1. Now answer Q2 please:
T to S1. Why do you consider this as a relevant matter about a
(Last class question ask and wait - Give until 20)
S1 _________________________________
T to S1: Now ask S2, please.
S1 to S2: Why do you consider this as a relevant matter?
S2 to T: Because ___________________________________
T to S2: Please, ask the classmate at your back the Q2, please:
S2 to S3: Why do you consider this as a relevant thing?
S3: Because______________________________
T to SS: Please, who can read the 2nd paragraph of the written
ask and wait - Give until 20 If any, T choose S?

2 Part A New words, rules and implicit grammar: 10

Language Use: mainly reading, listening and speaking practice
T to SS: Go to page 36
Question 1: T writes on the board (paraphrasing textbook)

T to SS: Do you think you should find and follow or must find
and follow your passions?
Ask and Wait - Give 30
Let the students think about the difference
T to SS: Do you think you should give or must give yourself
time to see where you excel?
Ask and wait - Give 30 T to SS: Do you consider you should start or you had to start
your career as an apprentice?
Ask and wait - Give 30 2nd Part - B
T to SS: Go to the next page, p. 37
Reading activity: Original Letter (OL) 2
T to SS: What is the answer (A) in 37-7, related to the Q, in OL
2-p.37-8. As you find the A, raise your hand. Do not answer
aloud, please!!.
Ask and Wait - Give 30 Last class T worked OL3 with instructions for SS ;
After 5 SS raise their hands, as in last class OL2, T comments
T to SS: Read the Q OL2 in silence, please.
T to SS: Who can read for me the A to OL2 aloud?
Ask and Wait - Give 30
If no students make him/herself available, choose one.
Alternative for worst scenario:
T to S3: Read for me the A to OL2 aloud, please?
breaking point - 5 minutes T to SS: Now, as almost always, do you have your deserved
breaking point.
If SS talk too much off subject, there is no break point.
T to SS: Students with doubts, can come to my desk.
3rd Part Present next question: listening, speaking
T Presents the Q for the 3rd writing assignment paragraph.
T to S4: Ask me this Q, please:
T points to a Q written on the blackboard.
S4 to T: What is your favorite discipline at school?
T to S4 and SS: It is sociology. Now S4, ask S5 please.
S4 to S5: Q: _____________________________
S5 to S4: A: _____________________________
T to S6: Ask me this second Q, please:
T points to a Q2 written on the blackboard.
S6 to T: Why this is your favorite subject at school?
T to S6 and SS: Because I like.. Now S6, ask S7, please.
S6 to S7: Q: _____________________________
S7 to S6: A: _____________________________
Teacher repeat the Drill with the subject/discipline SS dislike
4th Homework:
Writing practice of 5 lines 3rd paragraph of assignment;
What discipline you like? Why?
What discipline you dislike? Why?
Reading pages 35-36 of the textbook;

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