600 Ericksen Avenue NE Suite 310 Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 Tel 206.842.3609

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600 Ericksen Avenue NE

Suite 310
Bainbridge Island, WA 98110
Tel 206.842.3609

April 13, 2015

Spring Update
Dear Jason,
I hope fishing has been good for your members. I know its been very busy for everyone so far, and I wanted to send
this periodic update summarizing the work we are doing on your behalf.

The Prohibited Species Donation Program

SeaShare has always been driven by fishermen and processors. We started with an Experimental Fishing Permit in
1994, to retain valuable fish that were being thrown overboard. 21 years after our start Alaska, SeaShare remains the
only organization authorized by NMFS to retain those fish and use them for hunger-relief 3.6 million pounds so
far from the Bering Sea and the Gulf of Alaska.

The port of Dutch Harbor, summer 2014

2015 Donor of the Year

The annual North American Seafood Expo is an important event for SeaShare. Our board members connect with
seafood professionals from around the world. We also get to recognize some of our most generous partners. I look
forward to the annual Alaska Go Wild reception, sponsored by the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute. This years
event had extra significance: SeaShare board president Glenn Reed recognized Trident Seafoods as our 2015
Donor of the Year. Everyone at Trident Seafoods supports SeaShare, and their long-term example has had a
magnetic effect across the industry. Thank you, Trident!
Partnership with Feeding America
SeaShare focuses on programs and projects that generate high quality protein for hungry families. We would not be
successful without the many partners at Feeding America who safely and efficiently distribute our seafood products.
We work strategically with the Chicago office, as well as leading affiliates in WA, OR, CA, AK, and MA to reach food
banks and feeding centers across the country. Donated seafood was shipped to 28 states last year.

National Fisheries Institute

We are proud to work with, and for, the largest seafood association in the country. Their members make generous
donations throughout the year. SeaShare consolidates and tracks them. The 2014 class of Future Leaders
generated over 120,000 pounds for SeaShare. They also raised $27,000. And they volunteered at the 3 Square
Food Bank in Las Vegas last January! Each class has been different, but all share a passion for seafood and a
genuine desire to help us feed more people. We now have over 150 Future Leader alumni working for SeaShare.
I look forward to publishing the results from the 2015 class at the end of this year.

The At-Sea Processors

That success also led to our partnership with the At-Sea Processors. Last year alone they donated 400,000 pounds
of frozen whitefish blocks. These werent excess, or old, or damaged. They were first-run, prime products that
were generously donated to help feed more seafood to more people. Thank you, APA!

It takes over 40 fillets to make one block!

Donation Volumes
For those interested in metrics, here are some recent results:

1.89 million pounds

high protein seafood donated in 2014

117 donation jobs

last year. All coordinated and tracked by Mary

130+ donors
seafood, processing, and support services

2.8 million servings

distributed in Alaska 2012-2014

200 million servings

total since 1994. Reached sometime last Fall

New Website and Marketing tools

Thanks to the generosity of the Pacific Seafood Processors Association, we were able to implement a new Creative
Plan last year. Nonprofits have a hard time raising $ for marketing, so we were thankful that PSPA understood our
need and bankrolled the project. We now have a beautiful new website, new videos, and a social media presence.
We launched last December, with a Share the Sea campaign that raised over $125,000.. enough to access over
1 million seafood servings. If you havent visited the website yet, please take a look.

600 Ericksen Avenue NE

Suite 310
Bainbridge Island, WA 98110
Tel 206.842.3609

SeaShare has aggressive plans for 2015, building on the successes reported here, and using the new online tools
weve developed. Hunger-relief used to rely on gleaning ----- finding excess and under-utilized food. It has evolved
into a complex, creative process that combines generosity and resources to generate the large volumes needed to
keep food bank shelves filled. More often than not, there are unavoidable costs involved. SeaShare is fortunate to
have the support of our seafood partners, along with a loyal base of foundations, corporations, and individuals. Well
continue to provide an efficient network that maximizes the results for everyone. Our overhead remains <4%.
Thank you for all that you do to help us improve nutrition for thousands of struggling families.

Jim Harmon

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