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Group: 5, Section B

BBA 23rd
Group Members:
Sheejab Hossain Bhuiyan ZR 72
Syed Ahmad Nafisul Abrar ZR 89
Mustafid Raiyan Khan ZR 115
Tasviha Taher Trishila RH 117
Munzareen Kazi RH 121

Selected Company: Elite Force.

Selected Topic: Organizational Structure
Company Overview: Elite Force is one the largest company in the security industry. From its
inception in 1999, Elite Force has grown rapidly and is currently over 16000 strong and situated
in every major region in Bangladesh. Security personnel are being deployed in all over the
Since inception the need for security has tripled all over the world and Bangladesh has been no
different. To meet the growing demand, Elite Force stepped up to serve this great purpose. Today
Elite Force has over 16,000 security guards & staffs deployed all over the country with more
than 600 clients (3000 posts). There are over 400 security companies in Bangladesh today and
Elite Force has emerged as a leader among them. Elite Force has been humbled and honored by
this great acceptance by the people.
Introduction to Organizational Structure:
It is how activities such as task allocation, coordination and supervision are directed towards the
achievement of organizational aims. It can also be considered as the viewing glass or perspective
through which individuals see their organization and its environment.
Organizations are a variant of clustered entities an organization can be structured in many
different ways, depending on their objectives. The structure of an organization will determine the
modes in which it operates and performs. Organizational structure allows the expressed
allocation of responsibilities for different functions and processes to different entities such as the
branch, department, workgroup and individual. Organizational structure affects organizational
action in two major ways:
First, it provides the foundation on which standard operating procedures and routines rest.
Second, it determines which individuals get to participate in which decision-making processes,
and thus to what extent their views shape the organizations actions.

Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary
2. Introduction to Organizational Structure
3. Introducing Elite Force
4. Objectives of Elite Force
5. Organizational Structure of Elite Force
6. Span Of Control
7. Departmentalization and Chain of Command
8. Relationship Among Employees and Formalization
9. Centralization and Decentralization
10. Conclusion
11. Questionnaire
12. Reference
1. How is it decided that what structural design works best with Elite Forces organizational

2. Does Elite Force empower its employees? How do the managers establish the

environment for the employees to learn and work?

How many departments does Elite Force have?
What kind of departmentalization does Elite Force have?
How is work specialized in Elite Forces departments?
How does Elite Force allocate the authority and responsibility to establish the Chain of
Command in the organization?

7. How is a single plan of action decided upon to ensure that all the different departments

pursue the aim of the organization?

8. What are the factors that influence the number of employees that a manager can

effectively and efficiently manage?

9. Is Elite Force a Centralized or Decentralized organization?
10. Do lower level managers provide any input or have any influence in the decisionsmaking process?
11. What are the steps managers take to bring Elite Force to its maximum potential?
12. What are the rules and procedures Elite Force follows to guide and regulate the employee
13. Do the employees have the liberty to make decisions that they feel are best under the
14. What are the steps that are preferred to take to enhance the relationship among the
employees and departments?

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