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Chair: Marta B. Macalalad, Ph.D.

The COMMERCE DEPARTMENT commits to educate and train students to become successful
entrepreneurs, managers, or businessmen by teaching the theories of management and providing
opportunities to practice such theories; and exposing the students to different establishments for them to
discover the secrets of successful business operations.

1. To educate and train students in the discipline of business management, teaching them how to
apply their acquired knowledge of the basic functions of management.

2. To prepare the youth for their life work.

3. To awaken and develop the entrepreneurship talent among our youth and thus provide the spark
plug for economic progress. This objective lays emphasis on encouraging students to use their
business training in setting up and operating their own business enterprise rather than seeking
salaried employment.

4. To create a world class of businessmen guided by the objective of achieving business, success
through the application of sound business concepts and principles and reliance on hard work,
enhancing efficiency in business operations.

To qualify for admission, applicants must give evidence of good character, intellectual capacity,
satisfactory health, financial capability, and a desire to learn. Admission to college is a privilege and not a
right. The following are the pre-requisites for new students:

1. Graduated from an accredited high school.

2. Presentation of transcript of records from school previously attended.

3. Approval of application for admission.

4. Transfer of credits may be allowed at the discretion of the Chairman of the Department and the
Dean of the College of Business.


Either an over-all GPA of 2.50 or above and a GPA of 2.75 or above in curriculum major subjects;
no major subject with a grade lower than “B”).

Students with failing grades are urged to retake the final exam, audit, or repeat the subject. Such
decision will be upon the discretion of the department chair.
1. Maximum load allowed for student depends on his/her previous GPA. The scheme is shown

97-100% A 4.0 27 units

93-96% A- 3.5 26 “
89-92% B+ 3.0 25 “
85-88% B 2.5 24 “
81-84% B- 2.0 21 “
77-80% C+ 1.5 18 “
75-76% C 1.0 15 “

2. Students who have finished all the required vocational education subjects are required to enroll in
the 4-hour per week work education program or in a 2-unit livelihood program.

3. Feasibility Study, a 3 unit subject, is offered during summer and second semester. It is advised
that during summer, the said subject should be the only course to be taken to provide ample
research time for the students. During the second semester, the following student study load must
be observed.


GPA Without FS With FS
3 and Above 24 21
2.40-2.99 21 18
1.80-2.39 18 15
1.79 and Below 15 12

4. A student enrolled for Practicum 1 (Actual Business Management) should have maximum of 21
units only of academic load.

5. Only graduating students are allowed to take an overload upon the recommendation of the
department chair.

Before enrolling in the Practicum course, the student should have finished the following business
subjects: Management (18 units), Marketing (3 units), Economics (6 units), and Accounting (12 units).


During his/her Junior year, a student should apply for Comprehensive Exams. The following are the
requirements which should be met before applying for comprehensive examination (CE):

1. No Incomplete grades in major subjects.

2. Payment of CE fee.

In order to pass the CE, a student should get at least a grade not lower than B.
1. Completion of the curriculum specified by the Commerce Department.

2. Participation in community outreach for one semester.

3. Completion of feasibility study.

4. Passing the Written Comprehensive Exam given by the Commerce Department.

5. Attenment of a specified Grade Point Average. (A general grade average of 2.50 or higher, and a
GPA of 2.75 or higher in the curriculum major subjects, no major subject wit a grade lower than

6. The final year in residence. (Transferees must take at least 36 units for six semesters. They must
have a minimum of nine units of religion before graduation.

7. Completion of required religion courses equivalent to three units per semester for six semesters.
Transferees must have a minimum nine units of religion subjects/courses before graduation.

8. Completion of required vocational education courses equivalent to two units per semester for our

9. Filing of application for graduation at the beginning of the senior year, before the closeof the first
five weeks.

10. Approval of the application for graduation by the Academic Council.

11. Membership in the graduating class organization.

Major in Business Management

1st Semester
RELB 110 Life and Teachings of Jesus 3
ENGL 101 Communication Arts I 3
FILI 111 Komunikasyon sa Akademikong Filipino 3
MATH 111 College Algebra 3
HIST 101 Philippine History 3
BCOM 111 Fund. of Business Organization & Management 3
VOED 101 Food Production 2
PHED Physical Education I 2
NSTP 1 1.5
CHAP 101 Chapel Convocation
FOR A 101 Departmental Forum ____
Total 23.5
2nd Semester
RELB 113 Christian Beliefs 3
ENGL 102 Communication Arts II 3
FILI 122 Pagbasa at Pagsulat Tungo sa Pananaliksik 3
MKTG 121 Principles of Marketing 3
SOSC 102 Politics of Gov. w/ Phil. Constitution 3
BCOM 121 Basic Economics for Business 3
VOED 102 Keyboarding 2
PHED Physical Education II 2
CHAP 101 Chapel Convocation
FOR A 101 Departmental Forum
BCOM 123 Commerce Chorus 1___
Total 24.5

RELB 123 Denominational History 3
PSYC 111 General Psychology w/ Drug Prevention 3
BCMP 100 Fundamentals of Microcomputer Applications w/
Word Processing & Power Point 3
Total 9

1st Semester
LITT 201 Philippine Literature 3
BCOM 211 Money, Credit, and Banking 3
BCOM 212 Human Resources Management 3
MKTG 212 Marketing and Sales Management 3
BCMP 103 Electronic Spreadsheets 3
BACT 101 Principles of Accounting I 6
PHED Physical Education III 2
WOED 101 Work Education I
CHAP 101 Chapel Convocation
FOR A 101 Departmental Forum __
Total 23

2nd Semester
ENGL 202 Reading & Speech 3
RELB 124 Philosophy of Adventist Education 2
BCOM 222 Mgt. of Human Behavior in Organizations w/ Personality Dev’t 3
BCMP 128 Desktop Publishing 3
BACT 102 Principles of Accounting II 6
PHED 221 Physical Education IV 2
BCOM 224 Production and Operations Mgt. 3
MUCH106 Ministry of Music 2
WOED 102 Work Education II
CHAP 101 Chapel Convocation
FOR A 101 Departmental Forum __
Total 24

BIOL 104 Human Anatomy and Physiology w/ FP 3
PHYS 311 Earth Science 3
SOSC 201 Life and Works of Rizal 3
Total 9
1st Semester
RELB 220 Daniel and Revelation 3
ENGL 301 Advanced English Grammar 3
BACT 305 Law on Obligations & Contracts 3
BCMP 324 E-Commerce 3
MATH 273 Quantitative Analysis for Business 3
BCOM 312 Management of Cooperatives 3
BCOM 313 Financial Management I 3
BACT 408 Income Taxation 3
CHAP 101 Chapel Convocation
FOR A 101 Departmental Forum
OUTR 311 Outreach __
Total 24

2nd Semester
RELB 216 Personal Evangelism 2
BUAD 160 Business Administrative Communication 3
BACT 306 Law on Business Organization 3
BCMP 411 Management Information Systems 3
BCOM 322 Business Ethics with Human Relations 3
BCOM 323 Investment Management 3
BCOM 324 Financial Management II 3
BCOM 326 Mgt. of Org/Enterprise/Small Business 3
CHAP 101 Chapel Convocation
FOR A 101 Departmental Forum __
Total 23

BCOM 401 Business Research w/ Feasibility Study 3

1st Semester
FILI 203 Masining na Pagpapahayag 3
BACT 406 Law on Negotiable Instruments 3
LITT 404 World Literature 3
MKTG 416 International Marketing 3
BCOM 414 Organizational Dev’t w/ Total Quality Mgt. 3
BCOM 415 Controllership 3
BCOM 416 Business Policy and Strategic Planning 3
BCOM 417 Practicum I (Actual Business Management) 3
CHAP 101 Chapel Convocation
FOR A 101 Departmental Forum __
Total 24

2nd Semester
BCOM 428 Practicum II (On-the-Job Training) 3

A. General Education (71)

B. Internal Requirements (25)

C. Major Courses (33)

Human Resources Management 3

Marketing and Sales Management 3
Mgt. of Human Behavior in Organization w/ Personality Devt. 3
Production and Operations Management 3
Management of Cooperatives 3
Investment Management 3
Financial Management II 3
Management of Org./Enterprise/Small Business 3
Business Policy and Strategic Planning 3
Controllership 3
Organizational Development w/ Total Quality Management 3

D. Cognates (54)
Fundamentals of Business Organization. and Management 3
Principles of Marketing 3
Basic Economics for Business` 3
Money, Credit, and Banking 3
Financial Management I 3
Business Ethics with Human Relations 3
Business Research with Feasibility Study 3
International Marketing 3
Principles of Accounting I 3
Principles of Accounting II 3
Income Taxation 3
Law on Obligations and Contracts 3
Law on Business Organization 3
Law on Negotiable Instruments 3
Practicum I (Actual Business Management) 3
Practicum II (On-the-Job Training) 3

E. Electives (7)
Business Administrative Communication 3
Advanced English Grammar 3
Commerce Chorus 1

Total number of units required for the degree 190 units

Major in Business Management, Minor in Hotel & Restaurant
1st Semester
RELB 110 Life and Teachings of Jesus 3
ENGL 101 Communication Arts I 3
FILI 111 Komunikasyon sa Akademikong Filipino 3
MATH 111 College Algebra 3
HIST 101 Philippine History 3
BCOM 111 Fund. of Business Organization & Management 3
VOED 101 Food Production 2
PHED Physical Education I 2
NSTP 1 1.5
CHAP 101 Chapel Convocation
FOR A 101 Departmental Forum __
Total 23.5

2nd Semester
RELB 113 Christian Beliefs 3
ENGL 102 Communication Arts II 3
FILI 122 Pagbasa at Pagsulat Tungo sa Pananaliksik 3
MKTG 121 Principles of Marketing 3
SOSC 102 Politics of Gov. w/ Phil. Constitution 3
BCOM 121 Basic Economics for Business 3
VOED 102 Keyboarding 2
PHED 102 Physical Education II 2
CHAP 101 Chapel Convocation
FOR A 101 Departmental Forum
BCOM 123 Commerce Chorus 1
Total 24.5

RELB 123 Denominational History 3
PSYC 111 General Psychology w/ Drug Prevention 3
BCMP 100 Fundamentals of Microcomputer Applications w/
Word Processing & Power Point 3
Total 9

1st Semester
LITT 201 Philippine Literature 3
BCOM 211 Money, Credit, and Banking 3
BCOM 212 Human Resources Management 3
MKTG 212 Marketing and Sales Management 3
BCMP 103 Electronic Spreadsheets 3
BACT 101 Principles of Accounting I 6
PHED Physical Education III 2
WOED 101 Work Education I
CHAP 101 Chapel Convocation
FOR A 101 Departmental Forum __
Total 23
2nd Semester
ENGL 202 Reading & Speech 3
RELB 124 Philosophy of Adventist Education 2
BCOM 222 Mgt. of Human Behavior in Organizations w/ Personality Dev’t 3
BCMP 128 Desktop Publishing 3
BACT 102 Principles of Accounting II 6
PHED Physical Education IV 2
BCOM 224 Production and Operations Mgt. 3
MUCH106 Ministry of Music 2
WOED 102 Work Education II
CHAP 101 Chapel Convocation
FOR A 101 Departmental Forum __
Total 24

BIOL 104 Human Anatomy and Physiology w/ FP 3
PHYS 311 Earth Science 3
SOSC 201 Life and Works of Rizal 3
Total 9

1st Semester
RELB 220 Daniel and Revelation 3
ENGL 301 Advanced English Grammar 3
BACT 305 Law on Obligations & Contracts 3
BCMP 324 E-Commerce 3
MATH 273 Quantitative Analysis for Business 3
BCOM 312 Management of Cooperatives 3
BCOM 313 Financial Management I 3
BACT 408 Income Taxation 3
CHAP 101 Chapel Convocation
FOR A 101 Departmental Forum
OUTR 311 Outreach __
Total 24

2nd Semester
RELB 216 Personal Evangelism 2
BUAD 160 Business Administrative Communication 3
BACT 306 Law on Business Organization 3
BCMP 411 Management Information Systems 3
BCOM 322 Business Ethics with Human Relations 3
BCOM 323 Investment Management 3
BCOM 324 Financial Management II 3
BCOM 326 Mgt. of Org/Enterprise/Small Business 3
CHAP 101 Chapel Convocation
FOR A 101 Departmental Forum __
Total 23

BCOM 401 Business Research w/ Feasibility Study 3
1st Semester
FILI 203 Masining na Pagpapahayag 3
BACT 406 Law on Negotiable Instruments 3
LITT 404 World Literature 3
MKTG 416 International Marketing 3
BCOM 414 Organizational Dev’t w/ Total Quality Mgt. 3
BCOM 415 Controllership 3
BCOM 416 Business Policy and Strategic Planning 3
BCOM 417 Practicum I (Actual Business Management) 3
CHAP 101 Chapel Convocation
FOR A 101 Departmental Forum __
Total 24

2nd Semester
BCOM 428 Practicum II (On-the-Job Training) 3
BCHR 421 Food Preparation, Sanitation, and Safety w/ Laboratory 3
BCHR 422 Front Office & Housekeeping Management 3
BCHR 423 Catering, Quantity Food Production, and Beverage Service Management w/ Lab 3
BCHR 424 Tourism and Hospitality 3
BCHR 426 Conventions and Meetings Management 3
BCHR 428 Management of Hotel and Restaurant 3
Total 21

A. General Education Requirements (71)

B. Internal Requirements (25)

C. Major Courses (33)

Human Resources Management 3

Marketing and Sales Management 3
Mgt. of Human Behavior in Organization w/ Personality Devt, 3
Production and Operations Management 3
Management of Cooperatives 3
Investment Management 3
Financial Management II 3
Management of Org./Enterprise/Small Business 3
Business Policy and Strategic Planning 3
Controllership 3
Organizational Development w/ Total Quality Management 3

D. Minor Courses (18)

Food Preparation, Sanitation, and Safety w/ Laboratory 3

Catering, Quantity Food Prod., & Bev. Service Mgt w/ Laboratory 3
Front Office and Housekeeping Management 3
Tourism and Hospitality 3
Conventions and Meetings Management 3
Management of Hotel and Restaurant 3
D. Cognates (54)

Fundamentals of Business Organization. and Management 3

Principles of Marketing 3
Basic Economics for Business` 3
Money, Credit, and Banking 3
Financial Management I 3
Business Ethics with Human Relations 3
Business Research with Feasibility Study 3
International Marketing 3
Principles of Accounting I 3
Principles of Accounting II 3
Income Taxation 3
Law on Obligations and Contracts 3
Law on Business Organization 3
Law on Negotiable Instruments 3
Practicum I (Actual Business Management) 3
Practicum II (On-the-Job Training) 3

E. Electives (7)

Business Administrative Communication 3

Advanced English Grammar 3
Commerce Chorus 1

Total number of units required for the degree 208 units

Major in Marketing Management
1st Semester
RELB 110 Life and Teachings of Jesus 3
ENGL 101 Communication Arts I 3
FILI 111 Sining ng Komunikasyon sa Akademikong Filipino 3
MATH 111 College Algebra 3
HIST 101 Philippine History 3
BCOM 111 Fund. of Business Organization & Management 3
VOED 101 Food Production 2
PHED Physical Education I 2
NSTP 1 1.5
CHAP 101 Chapel Convocation
FOR A 101 Departmental Forum __
Total 23.5

2nd Semester
RELB 113 Christian Beliefs 3
ENGL 102 Communication Arts II 3
FILI 122 Pagbasa at Pagsulat Tungo sa Pananaliksik 3
MKTG 121 Principles of Marketing 3
SOSC 102 Politics of Gov. w/ Phil. Constitution 3
BCOM 121 Basic Economics for Business 3
VOED 102 Keyboarding 2
PHED Physical Education II 2
CHAP 101 Chapel Convocation
FOR A 101 Departmental Forum
BCOM 123 Commerce Chorus 1
Total 24.5

RELB 123 Denominational History 3
PSYC 111 General Psychology w/ Drug Prevention 3
BCMP 100 Fundamentals of Microcomputer Applications w/
Word Processing & Power Point 3
Total 9

1st Semester
LITT 201 Philippine Literature 3
BCOM 212 Money, Credit, and Banking 3
BCOM 202 Human Resources Management 3
MKTG 212 Marketing and Sales Management 3
BCMP 103 Electronic Spreadsheets 3
BACT 101 Principles of Accounting I 6
PHED Physical Education III 2
WOED 101 Work Education I
CHAP 101 Chapel Convocation
FOR A 101 Departmental Forum __
Total 23
2nd Semester
ENGL 202 Reading & Speech 3
RELB 124 Philosophy of Adventist Education 2
MKTG 222 Consumer Behavior and Motivation 3
BCMP 128 Desktop Publishing 3
BACT 121 Principles of Accounting II 6
PHED Physical Education IV 2
BCOM 224 Production and Operations Mgt. 3
MUCH 106 Ministry of Music 2
WOED 102 Work Education II
CHAP 101 Chapel Convocation
FOR A 101 Departmental Forum __
Total 24

BIOL 104 Human Anatomy and Physiology w/ FP 3
PHYS 311 Earth Science 3
SOSC 201 Life and Works of Rizal 3
Total 9

1st Semester
RELB 220 Daniel and Revelation 3
BACT 305 Law on Obligations & Contracts 3
BCMP 324 E-Commerce 3
MATH 273 Quantitative Analysis for Business 3
MKTG 312 Cost and Pricing Management 3
BCOM 312 Management of Cooperatives 3
BCOM 313 Financial Management I 3
BACT 408 Income Taxation 3
CHAP 101 Chapel Convocation
FOR A 101 Departmental Forum
OUTR 311 Outreach __
Total 24

2nd Semester
RELB 216 Personal Evangelism 2
BUAD 160 Business Administrative Communication 3
BACT 306 Law on Business Organization 3
BACT 407 Sales, Agency, and other Commercial Laws 3
BCMP 411 Management Information Systems 3
BCOM 322 Business Ethics with Human Relations 3
MKTG 332 Distribution Management 3
BCOM 324 Financial Management II 3
BCOM 326 Mgt. of Org/Enterprise/Small Business 3
CHAP 101 Chapel Convocation
FOR A 101 Departmental Forum __
Total 23

BCOM 401 Business Research w/ Feasibility Study 3
1st Semester
FILI 203 Masining na Pagpapahayag 3
LITT 404 World Literature 3
FADD 211 Digital Drawing I w/ Computer Laboratory 3
DEVC 230 Fundamentals of Community Broadcasting 3
MKTG 412 Advertising & Sales Promotion Management 3
MKTG 414 Marketing Research and Production Planning 3
MKTG 416 International Marketing 3
BCOM 417 Practicum I (Actual Business Management) 3
CHAP 101 Chapel Convocation
FOR A 101 Departmental Forum __
Total 24

2nd Semester
BCOM 428 Practicum II (On-the-Job Training) 3


A. General Education Requirements (71)

B. Internal Requirements (25)

C. Major Courses (33)

Marketing and Sales Management 3

Consumer Behavior and Motivation 3
Production and Operations Management 3
Cost and Pricing Management 3
Management of Cooperatives 3
Distribution Management 3
Financial Management II 3
Management of Org./Enterprise/Small Business 3
Advertising and Sales Promotion Management 3
Marketing Research and Production Planning 3
International Marketing 3

D. Cognates (51)

Fundamentals of Business Organization. and Management 3

Principles of Marketing 3
Basic Economics for Business 3
Money, Credit, and Banking 3
Financial Management I 3
Human Resources Management 3
Business Ethics with Human Relations 3
Business Research with Feasibility Study 3
Principles of Accounting I 3
Principles of Accounting II 3
Income Taxation 3
Law on Obligations and Contracts 3
Sales, Agency, and Other Commercial Laws 3
Practicum I (Actual Business Management) 3
Practicum II (On-the-Job Training) 3

E. Electives (10)
Business Administrative Communication 3
Fundamentals of Community Broadcasting 3
Digital Drawing with Computer Lab. 3
Commerce Chorus 1

Total number of units required for the degree 190 units

units) – This course aims to acquaint students with fundamental requirements in organizing a business
enterprise. It provides background on the development of business culture and introduces the underlying
concepts of organization and management. It covers the general area of management including the
fundamental management functions and touches on the areas of personnel, financial, materials,
procurement, production, and marketing management.

BCOM 121 BASIC ECONOMICS FOR BUSINESS ( 3 units ) - This course introduces the
students two important parts of the study of economics - microeconomics and macroeconomics.
Macroeconomics focuses on the study of the decisions of individual households and firms. It includes also
the study of the way the individual markets work, and the detailed way the regulation and taxes affect the
allocation of labor, goods, and services. Topics related to technological change, production and
consumption, and wages and earnings are part of this subject. Macroeconomics on the other hand focuses
on the study of the overall level of activity –unemployment, aggregate income, average prices, inflation,
and other areas dealing with differences in wealth among nations.


This course is a study of national economic issues and measures of performance. The focus is on national
income accounting and determination. Students are introduced to problems pertaining to unemployment
and inflation, expenditure decisions, aggregate demand management, unemployment trade imbalances,
income distribution, fiscal and monetary policies, and the global environment.

BCOM 123 COMMERCE CHORUS (1 unit) – This course develops students in singing religious
songs and be able to participate in mass choir, render special number in departmental forum, outreach, and
other opportunities for witnessing.

BCOM 211 MONEY, CREDIT, AND BANKING (3 units) – This course introduces the concepts,
principles, and practices on the use of money, credit, and banking and their relevance to the present social
and economic conditions. It discusses the different kinds and uses of money, lending, central banking, and
an overview of different financial institutions and the services they offer.

BCOM 212 HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT ( 3 units ) - This course presents the
conceptual framework for the students to grasp the big picture or the broader scheme of human resources
management functions. Emphasis is based on the premise that three critical strategic objectives guide all
human resources management functions: productivity, quality of work life, and profitability. It provides
the backdrop against which students will explore the nature and content of each human resources
management function. The relationship of these three goals should strengthen the students’ perception of
human resources management as an important function affecting individuals, organizations, and society.
Prerequisite: Fundamentals of Business Organization and Management
PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT (3 units) – This course introduces the students to the concepts and
theories of management of human behavior in organizations. It covers motivation, group and work group
behavior, leadership and power, management of culture, management of conflict, management of change,
organizational development, and career, time and stress management. The course enables the students to
differentiate the conceptual/theoretical application in small/medium/large-scale industry. It looks into the
various organizational behavior and relates the individual workers’ values, attitudes, and adjustment
patterns to work. It includes also special topics in personality development. Prerequisite: Fundamentals of
Business Organization and Management.


covers the principles and concepts on general management, cost accounting, industrial engineering, and
quantitative methods in business. This subject presents the primary activities of the operations function in
organization. The operations function is an exciting area of management that has a profound effect on both
production and productivity. It includes also discussion and examples for both manufacturing and service
business organizations. It gives emphasis on the production and operation activities such as forecasting,
choosing a location for an office or plant, allocating resources, designing products and services which are
often strategic issues in business organizations. Prerequisites: Fundamentals of Business Organization
and Management and Basic Economics for Business.

BCOM 312 MANAGEMENT OF COOPERATIVES (3 units) – This course deals with the study
of the importance of cooperatives in the country, how it is organized and how it is managed. A study of the
principles governing organization and management of cooperatives touching on the methods of raising its
capital, the manner of administering its operations and the sharing of whatever benefits that arise from its
activities. The course touches on the history of the origin of cooperatives, its growth and development in
the various countries and how it has contributed to the promotion of the well-being of its members. It
dwells on how cooperatives can help in providing solution to many of the economic problems now
confronting the Philippine society. Prerequisites: Fundamentals of Business Organization and
Management, Principles of Marketing, and Basic Economics for Business.

BCOM 313 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT I (3 units) - This course focuses on introduction to

managerial finance, important financial concepts, and long-term investment decisions. It covers the role
and environment of managerial finance, financial statements and analysis, and cash flow and financial
planning, time value of money, risk and return, interest rates and bond valuation, stock valuation, capital
budgeting cash flows, capital budgeting techniques, and risk and refinements in capital budgeting.
Prerequisite: Principles of Accounting I and II.

OUTR 311 OUTREACH (0 unit) - This course introduces the students to the reality of community
atmosphere surrounding the business environment. It orients the students to observe and spot the actual
needs, problems, and status of major composition of the community and guides them on how to serve, help,
and provide care for the needy.

BCOM 322 BUSINESS ETHICS WITH HUMAN RELATIONS (3 units) - This course provides
framework that includes the basic understanding on the nature of man as center of all values. It is designed
to inculcate to the students, the importance of ethics in building business relations with the customers,
suppliers, stockholders, and the government in the attainment of the objectives of the organization. It aims
to know the philosophical nature and purpose of business in the society, interrelationship of business ethics
and organizational performance, ethical issues that business and global economy face today, and
application of ethical principles and ethical decision making in business. Prerequisite: Fundamentals of
Business Organization and Management.

BCOM 323 INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT (3 units) - This course covers the fundamentals of
investing, ranging from descriptive materials on how securities are bought and sold (investment
environment) to theoretical materials on how securities are valued in an efficient financial market
(investment process). It includes also securities and other investment opportunities which will be analyzed
in terms of the risks and rates of return an investor can expect to obtain from them. It gives emphasis on
tools and strategies to reduce risks, overview of the investment alternatives, and management strategies.
Prerequisite: Principles of Accounting I and II.

BCOM 324 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT II (3 units) - This course deals with long-term
financial decisions, short-term financial decisions, and special topics in managerial finance. It covers the
cost of capital, leverage and capital structure, dividend policy, working capital and current assets
management, current liabilities management, hybrid and derivative securities, mergers, leveraged buyouts
(LBO’S), divestitures, and business failure, and international managerial finance. Prerequisite: Financial
Management I.


units) - This course intends to provide students knowledge on how to organize, operate, and manage small
business enterprises. Current methods and practices of solving problems generally encountered in the
operation of small business involving planning, legal requirements, finance, sources of capital and
government provided technical assistance are discussed. Other topics include personnel needs, purchasing,
selling, taxation, insurance, and other related matters. Special emphasis is placed on the strategic
management process and use of a business plan for the small business. Prerequisites: Fundamentals of
Business Organization and Management, Human Resources Management, Marketing and Sales
Management, and Production and Operations Management.

BCOM 401 BUSINESS RESEARCH WITH FEASIBILITY (3 units) - This course intends to
orient students on how to do the business researches specifically on the preparation of Project Feasibility
Study. It deals with the study and understanding of the processes of research methodology to develop
research competence in the functional areas of management such as marketing, production, organization,
and financial aspects. Pre-requisites: Fundamentals of Business Organization and Management, Principles
of Marketing, Financial Management, Production Management, Principles of Accounting, Business Law,
Taxation, Basic Economics for Business, Quantitative Techniques in Business, and Language (English).


MANAGEMENT (3 units) – This course covers mapping the territory, foundations of organization
development and transformation, and fundamental interventions. It further discusses the vital aspects,
assumptions, issues, processes, strategies and interventions, dilemmas, and requirements of this emerging
discipline. It includes also the TQM process, its planning, and implementation of theories of leading TQM
proponents, TQM tools and methods including concurrent engineering, benchmarking, quality function
deployment, statistical process control, and development and implementation of the improvement process.
Prerequisites: Fundamentals of Business Organization and Management, Human Resources Management,
Marketing and Sales Management, Management of Human Behavior in Organizations with Personality
Development, Production and Operations Management, Management of Cooperatives, Investment
Management, Financial Management I and II, and Management of Organization/Enterprise/Small

BCOM 415 CONTROLLERSHIP (3 units) – This course covers the organization for
administration and control, control tools and techniques, issues in control, the auditor’s consideration of the
internal control structure, internal control in an EDP environment, and internal control questionnaires or
checklists– organizational structure, purchasing and inventories, payrolls, cash disbursements, revenues and
receivables, plant and equipment, investments, and cash receipts. Prerequisites: Principles of Accounting I
and II, Financial Management I and II, Income Taxation, and Investment Management

concerned with the strategic management of business, problems in the organization and administration,
planning and formulation of policies, and decision making. An integrated approach is utilized in policy
making, organization, resource management and utilization by viewing these functions from the company-
based perspectives. Problems are handled analytically, business issues and strategies are studied, and
alternatives solutions are developed to arrive at sound decisions. This course makes an extensive use of
case studies. Prerequisites: Fundamentals of Business Organization and Management, Human Resources
Management, Marketing and Sales Management, Principles of Accounting, Financial Management, and
Business Ethics with Human Relations.

BCOM 417 PRACTICUM I – Actual Business Management (3 units) – This course offers
business students the opportunity to prepare for greater endeavors after graduation.. This will provide them
to gain experience in managing their own business in the future.

BCOM 428 PRACTICUM II – On-the-Job Training (3 units) – This course intends to provide the
students actual office practice and field experience under the close supervision of qualified business


units) - This course focuses on the study of the principles underlying the preparation and cooking of
different classes of food, their composition, structures and market forms. Emphasis is based on the
principles underlying preparation and cooking in order to maintain quality, palatability, nutritive value and
acceptability of meals. Laboratory experience will include the preparation of basic recipes to apply the
above principles.
This course aims also at giving the students an understanding of the study of the physical, chemical
and biological changes of foods as they go undergo various stages of food processing and storage.
Emphasis is given to the various microorganisms that are useful and harmful in food preservation. Food
preservation techniques at the home and community levels using indigenous foods will be done in the
laboratory to apply the principles and methods of processing.

covers the introduction to hospitality, categories of room division management, organizational structure,
housekeeping quality standards, sanitation in housekeeping, housekeeping control reports, housekeeping
terminologies, cleaning equipment and agent, and cleaning procedures and techniques.


MANAGEMENT WITH LABORATORY (3 units ) – This course includes the principles, techniques
and management of large-scale food production particularly on the phases of food service cycle: menu
planning, purchasing, receiving, storage and issuance, pre-preparation, production, merchandising and
service, food safety and sanitation, and cost control. Laboratory experiences include cycle menu planning,
standardization and quantification of recipes, portion control and utilization of leftover food.
This course deals also with efficient management of time, energy of time, energy, and resources in
planning, preparation, and service occasion. Emphasis is given to the principles of meal planning,
economical purchasing of food, proper storage of food supplies, efficient and sanitary meal preparation,
service and cleaning, and the traditional table service as well as regional variations will be discussed.
Laboratory experiences include application of the above principles of menu planning, purchasing,
preparation and service of different styles of meal service.

BCHR 424 TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY (3 units) – This course presents the study of
contemporary forms of tourism, including ecotourism, heritage tourism, and educational travel, which have
their own impacts, management and planning needs, and which differ notably from the traditions of mass
tourism. It includes also an overview of the hospitality industry, with special emphasis on hotel, restaurant,
tourism, recreation, and leisure. Topics include history, principles, practices, philosophies, systems,
description, and interrelationships of hospitality components and the social forces that impact this industry.

BCHR 426 COVENTIONS AND MEETINGS MANAGEMENT (3 units) – This course focuses
on planning and managing successful events such as conferences, conventions, and business meetings.
During the course, students will learn how to develop an event vision, create an event budget, manage
vendor contracts, and market their event. Students will also explore career opportunities available in this
field and emerging trends for the future.
BCHR 428 MANAGEMENT OF HOTEL AND RESTAURANT (3 units) – This course is
designed to provide students with skills and knowledge needed to advance rapidly through the ranks to
rewarding and responsible management positions in the future. It also introduces the students on the
practical aspects of successfully launching and managing hotel and restaurant. Special emphasis is placed
on organization and operation, finance, control, and the strategic management process and use of a business
plan. Pre-requisites: Fundamentals of Business Organization and Management, Human Resources
Management, Marketing and Sales Management, and Production and Operations Management.

MKTG 121 PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING (3 units) – This course is designed to familiarize

students with a variety of marketing principles, concepts, theories, and models as they apply to different
marketing problems. It includes also the study and analysis of the market, marketing mix (4 Ps – product,
place, promotion, and price), international, and service marketing.

MKTG 212 MARKETING AND SALES MANAGEMENT (3 units) - This course presents the
study of planning, organization and control of marketing operations. It covers the formulation of
marketing plans and programs, budgeting, marketing control, and conduct and evaluation of marketing
research. Other topics include the principles and methods of sales organization and management,
development of sales strategies, policies, techniques of sales planning, development of sound working
methods and systems, management control, and compensation of the sales force. Prerequisite: Principles of

MKTG 222 CONSUMER BEHAVIOR AND MOTIVATION ( 3units ) – This course focuses
on the impact of the digital revolution on consumer behavior, the consumer as an individual, consumers in
their social and cultural settings, and the consumer’s decision-making process. It introduces the reasonably
comprehensive description of the various behavioral concepts and theories that have been found useful for
understanding consumer behavior. It presents examples of how these concepts have been utilized in the
development of marketing strategy, and finally gives activities to students, and requires them to apply the
concepts in analyzing cases. Pre-requisite: Principles of Marketing

MKTG 312 COST AND PRICING MANAGEMENT (3 units) - This course brings excitement to
students not only because of dramatic changes in the marketplace – providing value to customers, total
quality management, time as a competitive element, advanced information and manufacturing technology,
globalization of markets, service industry growth, and mortality management; but also each student brings
experience as a consumer and become active participants in the learning process. Those changes in the
business environment over past two decades have profoundly affect cost/price management. In studying
the subject, its focus will be more on the traditional and contemporary cost accounting and price and
marketing management. Prerequisite: Principles of Marketing.

MKTG 322 DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT ( 3 units ) -This course introduces the students to
the challenging career of distribution potential for those with the desire to enter distribution career in a
constantly changing environment armed with proper knowledge and background skills to compete
effectively in a growing professional arena. It orients the students how to think strategically at decision
making task of distribution from the point of production to the hands of the ultimate consumer.
Prerequisite: Principles of Marketing.


course prepares the students for the new world of advertising and promotions. It examines the role of
promotions in marketing and introduces the concept of marketing communication, its program situation
analysis, communication process, and methods of monitoring, evaluation and control. It includes also
segmentation and positioning, branding, media planning and strategy, creative strategy, planning an
advertising campaign, and advertising research. Sales promotion includes the study of consumer behavior
and how promotion affect sales. Prerequisite: Principles of Marketing.


course aims to provide students with the fundamental skills in research design and analysis necessary for
marketing decisions. Business and industry call for reaching the end users and for satisfying them with the
quality and usefulness of what is produced or served through production planning. Prerequisites:
Principles of Marketing, Marketing and Sales Management, and Consumer Behavior and Motivation.

MKTG 416 INTERNATIONAL MARKETING (3 units) – This course covers the fundamentals of
globalizing marketing, foreign entry, local marketing, and global management. Emphasis is given to the
nature of international marketing and export management, the uncontrollable environment in which an
international businessperson works. It also examines the increasingly important roles of international
organizations, the international monetary system, and their impact on business. This course also assesses
the global market opportunities, and teaches the methods of developing global/international marketing
strategies. It discusses the current marketing practices as well as describing the trends and new directions
of international companies. Prerequisites: Principles of Marketing and Marketing and Sales Management.

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