Journal For PT

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Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology

Department of Science and Mathematics Education

Cooperating School: Suarez National High School

January 15,
Today is the start of our deployment , since the Principal of our
Cooperating School was on the leave, the Office-In-Charge was the
one who accommodated and oriented us with the school rules. Also,
he discussed to us their own important rules for their student
teachers, their number 1 rule was about the assignment of beating
the national anthem everyday on their flag ceremony and I was
assigned to be the first one to beath on Monday til Wednesday.
Their 2nd rule is the payment of the absence, 1 day absent will be
paid off with 2 days extension. After the orientation, the Office-InCharge called the attention of the three science teachers who are
going to be our cooperating teachers. We had a draw lots on who
will be our cooperating teacher, Maam Vivien got Lynhope, Maam
Jingle got Felvin while Ate Eds cooperating teacher is Maam Janice
and Sir Aldren Galano got me as his student teacher. However, the
Office-In-Charge decided to give ancther 1 cooperating teacher so

we could explore the diversity of the students thats why Maam

Vivien was our second cooperating teacher because she is the only
one who is a biology major. We greeted our cooperating teacher
nicely and asked them on what topic in biology we are going to

Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology

Department of Science and Mathematics Education

Cooperating School: Suarez National High School

January 16,
Today is the start of our 3-day observation, I introduced myself
to my students today telling them that I will be their teacher for six
weeks. Also, I told them that I expect them to cooperate with me as
their student teacher. I had lots of encounter today, including the
different types of students; the stubborn ones, the behave ones, the
sleepy heads and the intelligent ones. It is very funny to recall that I
was once one of these types of students.

Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology

Department of Science and Mathematics Education

Cooperating School: Suarez National High School

January 19,

I was assigned to beat the national anthem today, I was very

nervous and shaky that Ill be facing all the students in the flag
ceremony. This is also my 2nd day in my 3-day observation, I was a
bit acquainted already with my students at this time. I observed
how they responded in the class and also I observed on how the
teacher handles the class. My cooperating teacher give me a task to
do over my weekend break and that is to do an Item Analysis. I was

very occupied the whole weekend doing the Item Analysis which is a
good thing because I learned how to compute it and how to item
analyze the result of an examination.

Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology

Department of Science and Mathematics Education

Cooperating School: Suarez National High School

January 20,
This is the last day of my 3-day observation, today I printed my
own copy of science module since Ill be teaching both Grade 8 and
Grade 9. I started preparing my lesson plan today for my Grade 9
science which is Physics. I passed my first lesson plan to Sir Aldren
today together with the encoded first and second activity in Physics.
My students is slowly getting comfortable to me on my 3 rd day

observation, they always greet me when we bump along the way

and always smile at me. It was a happy day for me.

Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology

Department of Science and Mathematics Education

Cooperating School: Suarez National High School

January 21,
Today we asked permission to Sir Madelo the Office-In-Charge
that we will be going to absent on Thursday for the interment of our
beloved classmate Almira Tagbo who was shot dead last January
17,2014. Sir Madelo approved us to be absent however we should

still ask permission to our two cooperating teachers, fortunately,

they also approved us reminding us that we must pay it with 2 days
extension. My first demo was not pushed through today because my
cooperating teacher volunteer to start the lesson in 4 th grading
thus, I will be teaching the 3rd topic in 4th grading. My first demo was
promised to be on the 23rd of January.

Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology

Department of Science and Mathematics Education

Cooperating School: Suarez National High School

January 22,
All the Biology practice teachers went to Mirays
Interment today.

Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology

Department of Science and Mathematics Education

Cooperating School: Suarez National High School

January 23,
Today is Friday, the start of my actual practice teaching.
Normally, I felt nervous knowing that Ill be starting teaching my

Grade 8-Bonifacio. I prepared everything for my demonstration

including my instructional materials, lesson plan and the pictures
and Im going to show them. At first, it was very uncomfortable,
later on, I felt easy and comfortable already since my students were
very interactive and responsive to my questions. I achieved my two
objectives for 1 hour and my cooperating teacher said that my first
demonstration was very good because I reached the evaluation
part. The result of my demonstration was quite good because many
got high scores and I planned to give a little extrinsic-motivation
gift to the only one who got perfect this coming Moday.

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