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Eratosthenes (Cyrene, 276 to. C. 1 - Alexandria, 194 to. C.

) was a mathematician,
astronomer and geographer Greek. Eratosthenes was the son of Aglaos.Study in
Alexandria and during a time in Athens. He was a disciple of Ariston of Chios, of
Lysanias of Cyrene and the poet Callimachus and also great friend of Archimedes.
In the year 236 a. C., Ptolemy III called him so he could be in charge of the Library
of Alexandria. Eratosthenes possessed a great variety of knowledge and skills for
the study. Astronomer, poet and philosopher, geographer.
In 255 b.C found that the interval between the tropics that equalled the 11/83 of the
complete earth circumference, proving for the skewness 23or 51' 19 ", figure that
later would take the astronomer Claudio Ptolomeo. According to some historians,
Eratosthenes obtained a value of 24 and the refinement of the result was due until
11/83 to own Ptolomeo. In addition, according to Plutarch, of their astronomical
observations during eclipses deduced that the distance to the Sun was
804,000,000 stadia, the distance to the Moon 780,000 stadia and, according to
Macrobius, the diameter of the Sun was 27 times greater than the Earth. Actually
the diameter of the Sun is 109 times that of the Earth and the distance to the Moon
is almost three times the calculated by Eratosthenes, But the calculation of the
distance to the Sun, admitting that the stadium employee outside of 185 meters,
was 148,752,060 km, very similar to the current astronomical unit. Despite the fact
that she frequently attributed the work Katasterismoi, which contains the
nomenclature of 44 constellations and 675 stars, the critics deny that was written
by him, what is usually designated as Pseudo-Eratostenes to its author. However,
the main reason for his celebrity is without doubt the determination of the size of
the Earth. For this invention and employment a trigonometric method, in addition to
the concepts of latitude and longitude, apparently already introduced by Dicearco.
By references obtained from a papyrus of your library, I knew that in Siena (now
Aswan, Egypt) on the day of the summer solstice the vertical objects not planning
any shade and the light illuminated the bottom of the wells; this meant that the city
was located precisely on the line of the tropics and its latitude was equal to that of
the ecliptic that already knew. Subsequently, took the estimated distance by the
caravans that traded between the two cities, although well was unable to obtain the
data in their own Library of Alexandria, by snapping it into 5,000 stages, from
where he deduced that the circumference of the earth was of 250,000 stadia, result
that subsequently rose to 252,000 stages, so that each degree correspond 700
1) It assumed that the earth is perfectly round. A degree of latitude does not
measure exactly the same in each place, but that varies slightly from 110.57 km

at the equator to 111.7 km at the poles, that is why we cannot assume that 7
degrees between Alexandria and Siena will have the same distance as 7
degrees between Alexandria and some city in Turkey.
2) If we do the rest of the lengths (the vertical lines of the map) there is a
difference of 3 degrees (Eratosthenes assumed that they were in the same
If you redo the calculation of Eratosthenes with the distance and angle measure
exact from Alexandria to the point on the map in the same length of the
Alexandria and located right on the Tropic of Cancer, it gets a value of 40.074
km 4 only 66 km or a 0.16 % error of the actual circumference of the earth as
measured by satellites advanced, that is 40.008 km, which demonstrates the
validity of their reasoning.
Sticks in Colombia (Bogota) have a measure of 41 cm, and his shadow of 41cm
and hour 10:30 am
The stick in France (Paris) has 54 cm, and his shadow 141 cm and hour in
10:30 am

Circumference of the earth:

7.2 Angle of the sun's rays and the stick
360 measurements in grades of the earth
8604 kilometers between Colombia and France
23,230 km my circumference of the earth
Of the earth toward the moon:

The angle A is of 89.05

Once known the distance that separates us from the Moon, it is quite easy to give
an estimate of its dimensions. The apparent diameter of the Moon is approximately
half a degree. Therefore, your radio may be calculated as:
Lunar radio =380000km * tan (0.25) =1660km
Of the earth toward the sun:

We have found where RS and TL to the rays of the sun and the moon DTS to
the distance from the earth to the sun and DTL to the distance from the earth to
the moon
We can determine 0 by measuring the angle 90-0 which is the ,which in that
configuration, make up the sun as viewed from Earth the angle is 87, and
therefore that 0 = 3 as sen (3) =1/19 as well that the sun is 19 times farther
from Earth than the moon, the angle 90-0 is very difficult to measure then it will
be next to 90 so that 1/6 of a degree, and sen of ((1/6))= 1/344.

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