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Chris Haddeland

Dr. Huntsberger
October 1, 2012
Radio Show

Hi there folks, this is Chris Haddeland coming to you at KSLC 90.3 Linfield Radio.
Today our show is going to focus on professional baseball, more specifically the play
off race and play off predictions. Before we get started on that, lets open up with
some music by the Decembrists.

That last song was ________ by Common Market. To start off our special edition
professional baseball show, were going to discuss the American League West. The
American League west is a very interesting division. The Texas Rangers have already
been garneted a playoff spot, but are only two games up of the As with three to go
for the division title. The As, as of right now, are three games up in the last wild card
spot. With one more win, the As are guaranteed a playoff birth. If the As sweep the
Rangers, they will win the AL West, and not be forced to play in a wild card match
up. If either of these teams sweep, there is a possibility that they would have to have a
one game playoff verses either the Tampa Bay Rays, who need to sweep the Oriels,
or the Los Angeles Angels, who play AL west worst, Seattle. Although any of these
situations are very unlikely, we could have a mess of a wildcard playoff system in the
American league.

Intro into next song

Say last song

Time and weather
For our next division, were going to move to the AL Central. This division may be
the cleanest in all of baseball, with the Tigers 3 games ahead of Chicago with 3
games left. Neither of these teams have a shot at winning the wildcard, and will likely
play the team with the best record in the AL in the playoffs. Although they may have
to play the best team in the AL (Texas, New York, or Baltimore) they are set up for a
nice playoff run. The Tigers have pitching that is designed for the play-offs. With
Justin Verlander and Doug Fister as a one two punch, they can compete with any
other pitching staff in the AL. Not only do they have those two guys, but Matt
Scherzer is hitting his stride, and can make for a deadly 1-2-3 attack. Another added
bonus for the Tigers is that they are able to have their pitching set up perfectly for the
first round. While the other four teams that will be in the play-offs will be fighting on

Song 1
Song 2

Song 3
Song 4

the last day to hold their spot, or will have to play in a wild card game, the Tigers will
be able to sit back and rest their studs. I predict a long play off run for the Tigers,
with solid pitching and great power hitting fueled by triple crown threat Miguel
Cabrera and Prince Fielder.

Give out number of station phone

Introduce next song

Say last song

Time and Weather
And the third and final division in the American League is the Al East. The Yankees
and the Orioles have already clinched play-off spots, but are still fighting for the
division title. This may come to hurt both teams, as they could be exposed by using
their top level pitching late in the season. Whoever wins that division has an excellent
shot at making it to the world series. New York has all the talent in the world, and
Baltimore is just having a special kind of season. I would love to see Baltimore make
a run at the world series, just because its been such a long time since theyve done it,
and no one gave them a chance at the beginning of the season.

Introduce next song

Say last song

Hi your listening to KSLC 90.3 Linfield Radio, Im your host Chris Haddeland and
tonight were talking MLB baseball, specifically play offs. In the last hour I went
over the American league and if you didnt catch it, Im predicting that the Orioles
will win the East, with New York getting the Wild Card, Detroit will win the central,
and Texas will win the west, with Oakland winning the final wild card position with
out any trouble.

Now its time to tackle the National league

Discuss NL East (nats and braves)
Intro to next song

Song 5
Song 6

Song 7
Song 8

Song 9
Song 10

Say last song

Time and Weather
NL Central (reds and cards)

Song 11
Song 12

Next song

Song 13
Song 14

Say last song

NL West (Giants and Dodgers)
Say next song

Song 15
Song 16

Say last song

Predict playoffs
Intro next song

Close Show

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