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Performance Management

Unleash the power of SuccessFactors Performance Management

Performance Management Fundamentals

Table of Contents
About this Guide ............................................................................................................................................................. 1
Document Conventions.......................................................................................................................................................... 1

Overview of Performance Management ................................................................................................................... 2

What are the Benefits of Managing Performance in SuccessFactors? ............................................................................... 2
Performance Process Overview ............................................................................................................................................. 2

Access Performance Forms ........................................................................................................................................... 3

Access Performance Forms from the Performance Page ................................................................................................... 3

Folders Used in Performance Management .............................................................................................................. 4

Navigate Performance Forms ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Typical Form Sections .............................................................................................................................................................. 6

Enter Ratings..................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Add Comments ............................................................................................................................................................... 7
Writing Assistant ....................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Spell Check .............................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Legal Scan ............................................................................................................................................................................... 9

Save a Form/Move a Form Forward .......................................................................................................................... 10

Complete/Sign a Form ................................................................................................................................................. 10
Team Overview Page (for Managers) ....................................................................................................................... 11
Ask for Feedback (for Managers) .............................................................................................................................. 12
Stack Ranker (for Managers) ...................................................................................................................................... 14

Developed by Aasonn LLC for internal use by Aasonn customers and licensed SuccessFactors customers only.
All rights reserved. SuccessFactors and the SuccessFactors logo are registered trademarks of SuccessFactors Inc.
Rev 6.16.14

Performance Management Fundamentals

About this Guide

The Performance Management Fundamentals guide is a reference tool for employees and
managers when managing performance-related activities in SuccessFactors. Use this guide to
support your system training.
Note: Always confirm with your manager or Human Resources team for policies/procedures that
may have changed.
Disclaimer Notice
Every effort was made to ensure that the content in this document was complete and accurate
at the time of publishing. However, information is subject to change. Aasonn cannot assume
responsibility for any errors or omissions due to ongoing configuration, software or process

Document Conventions
Text Element


Bold text

Bold text is used to call out user interface elements on the screen when taking
action on them, such as clicking a button or tab.

Italic text

Italic text is used to emphasize important information, such as a key term used
for the first time.


Notes and tips indicate neutral or positive information that emphasizes or

supplements important points of the main text.

Developed by Aasonn LLC for internal use by Aasonn customers and licensed SuccessFactors customers only.
All rights reserved. SuccessFactors and the SuccessFactors logo are registered trademarks of SuccessFactors Inc.
Rev 6.16.14

Performance Management Fundamentals

Overview of Performance Management

Performance evaluation forms are used by employees and managers to update progress - and
to evaluate the employees results with goals and the demonstration of competencies and
values. Performance forms are launched by Human Resources at the beginning of each new
performance period.

What are the Benefits of Managing Performance in SuccessFactors?

Performance Management tools in SuccessFactors provide immediate accessibility to assist year
round discussions about performance. Using SuccessFactors ensures that performance reviews
are fair, consistent, and are based on actual performance. The forms follow a step-by-step
process between the employee and manager from start through completion.

Performance Process Overview

At a high level, the performance review process begins with the employee and manager
adding performance goals, core competencies, and development goals. Progress is discussed
and recorded throughout the performance period. At the end of the performance period, the
employee and manager sign the performance form to confirm.

Employees and managers create

Add core competencies
Create development plan
Discuss and comment on progress
Sign as confirmation

Developed by Aasonn LLC for internal use by Aasonn customers and licensed SuccessFactors customers only.
All rights reserved. SuccessFactors and the SuccessFactors logo are registered trademarks of SuccessFactors Inc.
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Performance Management Fundamentals

Access Performance Forms

You can access performance review forms from either of these locations:

Your To Do list on the Home page

The Performance page

Access Performance Forms from the Performance Page

Use the Performance page to access all your performance forms. To access the Performance
page, choose Performance from the navigation menu.

Forms are organized by folder. Forms in your Inbox require your input and show as hyperlinks.
Click on a form name to display it.

A. Choose a folder in which to view forms Inbox is the default view.

B. Forms display in a list.

Developed by Aasonn LLC for internal use by Aasonn customers and licensed SuccessFactors customers only.
All rights reserved. SuccessFactors and the SuccessFactors logo are registered trademarks of SuccessFactors Inc.
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Performance Management Fundamentals

Folders Used in Performance Management

Use the Performance page to view all performance forms. Access forms by folder, which are
labeled according to stage. For example, completed forms are listed in the Completed folder.
See the following folder descriptions.

A. All Forms shows all of your forms (in all stages).
B. Inbox manages all the forms requiring your input. Forms remain in this folder until you send

them to someone else.

C. En Route stores read-only copies of all the active forms you have worked on and sent to

other people for action.

D. Completed archives all of your completed forms.
E. Form Status provides a status summary of your direct reports forms.

Developed by Aasonn LLC for internal use by Aasonn customers and licensed SuccessFactors customers only.
All rights reserved. SuccessFactors and the SuccessFactors logo are registered trademarks of SuccessFactors Inc.
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Performance Management Fundamentals

Navigate Performance Forms


A. The employees overall cumulative score. Click to view a list of individual ratings.
B. The number of incomplete items on this evaluation form. Click to view a list of incomplete

C. (Managers only) The employee ratings comparison for the managers team. Click to view

the ratings for the entire team.

D. (Managers only) The total number of notes for the employee. These include notes on the

employees profile as well as comments added through feedback. Click to view

E. (Managers only) The gap analysis by item between employee and manager ratings. Click

to view the Gap Analysis report.

Developed by Aasonn LLC for internal use by Aasonn customers and licensed SuccessFactors customers only.
All rights reserved. SuccessFactors and the SuccessFactors logo are registered trademarks of SuccessFactors Inc.
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Performance Management Fundamentals

Typical Form Sections

Section Title


(First section)

Employee photo, number of incomplete items, team ranking, Supporting

Information (notes), Gap Analysis


Overview text and/or instruction


Current goals to be evaluated

Core Values

How all employees work together to meet common organizational goal


Job-specific skills, abilities and behaviors that measure success in the current


Overall comments and calculated rating


Electronic; time and date stamped

Enter Ratings
Managers and employees provide a star rating to evaluate each performance goal, core
value, and job specific competency listed on the form. Click the rightmost star that represents
your assessments.

To access the full rating scale, click

above the rating. The rating scale further defines what
each rating means and is available to both employees and managers.
As ratings are entered, the Overall Score is updated at the top of the form.

Developed by Aasonn LLC for internal use by Aasonn customers and licensed SuccessFactors customers only.
All rights reserved. SuccessFactors and the SuccessFactors logo are registered trademarks of SuccessFactors Inc.
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Performance Management Fundamentals

Add Comments
Managers and employees use the Comments field listed for each item on the form to provide
text evaluating progress, demonstration of performance, and/or examples to support the ratings
you have chosen. Comments also facilitate a dialogue between the employee and manager.
Steps: Add Comments
1. Click in the Comment area to add or edit comments.
2. The Comments become editable and commenting tools display.

Use any of the tools available for this field:

Writing Assistant provides suggested text to help build commentary.

Spell check runs a scan for misspellings.
Legal scan checks your work for sensitive verbiage.

Note: Since the Administrator can disable various commenting tools, some of these options may
not be available in your environment.

Developed by Aasonn LLC for internal use by Aasonn customers and licensed SuccessFactors customers only.
All rights reserved. SuccessFactors and the SuccessFactors logo are registered trademarks of SuccessFactors Inc.
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Performance Management Fundamentals

Writing Assistant
The Writing Assistant provides suggested text to quickly build review commentary for each
competency evaluated. Use the Writing Assistant to review sample descriptions of behaviors and
performance levels.
To access the Writing Assistant, click

located within the competency comments



A. Select the phrase from one of the three columns that best describes performance.
B. Change the Narrative voice of the text, if necessary.
C. Review the quotes on both the Describe Behavior and Give Advice tabs and decide

which quote you would like to add to the form.

D. Click Place Quote to insert the text in the Comments field. Multiple statements can be

added to each Comments field.

E. Click Cancel to close the window.

Note: The Writing Assistant creates suggested text, however, it needs to be customized for the
individual and the situation in which it is used.

Developed by Aasonn LLC for internal use by Aasonn customers and licensed SuccessFactors customers only.
All rights reserved. SuccessFactors and the SuccessFactors logo are registered trademarks of SuccessFactors Inc.
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Performance Management Fundamentals

Spell Check
The Spell Check reviews the text you enter in a Comment field for misspelled words. Run Spell
Check directly from a form where you create the Comment.
Steps: Spell Check a Comment Field
1. Click in the Comment area for a goal, core value, or competency. This displays the editable
Comment box and commenting tools.
2. Click

3. If an error is detected, a window appears providing suggested corrections.

4. If no errors are detected, click OK.

Legal Scan
The Legal Scan reviews the text you enter in a Comment field for potentially inappropriate
words. Run Legal Scan directly from a form where you create the Comment.
Steps: Legal Scan a Comment Field
1. Click in the Comment area for a goal, core value, or competency. This displays the editable
Comment box and commenting tools.
2. Click

3. If the scan finds inappropriate words, a window displays the problematic word.

4. Click the highlighted problem words under Your Text to view recommendations in the
Suggestions box.
5. Close the window when you are finished.

Developed by Aasonn LLC for internal use by Aasonn customers and licensed SuccessFactors customers only.
All rights reserved. SuccessFactors and the SuccessFactors logo are registered trademarks of SuccessFactors Inc.
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Performance Management Fundamentals

Save a Form/Move a Form Forward

As you make updates in your performance form, save your work often. To save, click

in the

When you are finished making updates, scroll to the bottom of the form and choose Finalize

Complete/Sign a Form
When you reach the final step of the performance review process, the form is finalized and
completed by clicking the Sign button at the bottom of the form. This confirms that the review is
complete and all parties have reviewed the information.

To view completed performance forms, choose the Completed folder on the Performance

Developed by Aasonn LLC for internal use by Aasonn customers and licensed SuccessFactors customers only.
All rights reserved. SuccessFactors and the SuccessFactors logo are registered trademarks of SuccessFactors Inc.
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Performance Management Fundamentals

Team Overview Page (for Managers)

The Team Overview page gives managers a summary view of their teams performance ratings
and status of performance evaluation forms.
From this page you can:

View where you stand in the performance review process for each employee
Take action on any step in the process
Ask for feedback for any member of your team
Calibrate as you go

To access the Team Overview page, choose Performance from the navigation menu, then click
the Team Overview link.

A. Each member of your team is listed in the My Team column.

B. The remaining columns display each step of the performance review process. Hover over

any cell in a column to see where you are in the performance review process with the
C. Click Stack Ranker to compare and adjust your teams competency ratings.
D. Ask for Feedback allows you to obtain feedback for a given employee via email.
E. Buttons on the Team Overview page let you take action on any step of the process. For

example, if it is time for you to review Marcus, a Review Marcus button displays.

Developed by Aasonn LLC for internal use by Aasonn customers and licensed SuccessFactors customers only.
All rights reserved. SuccessFactors and the SuccessFactors logo are registered trademarks of SuccessFactors Inc.
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Performance Management Fundamentals

Ask for Feedback (for Managers)

The Ask for Feedback feature allows managers to request feedback regarding an employees
performance. Both internal employees and external contacts can be included in the feedback
request. When the request is complete, an email message is sent to the list of contacts. Contacts
simply need to reply to the email message with their comments, which are then automatically
populated on the employees performance form.
Steps: Ask for Performance Feedback
1. On the Performance page, click the Team Overview link.
2. Click Ask for Feedback for the employee you are requesting feedback.
3. Add the contacts from whom you would like to receive feedback. You can request
feedback from internal employees (within SuccessFactors), or from a contact external to the
company (such as contractors, vendors, or suppliers).
To request feedback from an internal employee, choose Add existing employee. Then
use the find field to locate an employee, or click an employees name from the
recommended list.
To request feedback from an external contact, choose Add external Email address. Then
type the contacts email address and name and click Add.
4. Edit the email message (if necessary).
5. Click Send Mail.


Developed by Aasonn LLC for internal use by Aasonn customers and licensed SuccessFactors customers only.
All rights reserved. SuccessFactors and the SuccessFactors logo are registered trademarks of SuccessFactors Inc.
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Performance Management Fundamentals

Contacts receive the feedback request via email. The text in the email reply automatically
populates onto the performance form in SuccessFactors.
SuccessFactors keeps managers updated on the Team Overview page as comments are
received. The Feedback from Others column displays person icons - if a contact has sent
feedback, the person icon changes to blue for that contact. Hover over the icons to access the
add more link, which allows you to request more feedback.

To view feedback, click Supporting Information at the top of the employees performance form.

Developed by Aasonn LLC for internal use by Aasonn customers and licensed SuccessFactors customers only.
All rights reserved. SuccessFactors and the SuccessFactors logo are registered trademarks of SuccessFactors Inc.
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Performance Management Fundamentals

Stack Ranker (for Managers)

Stack Ranker is used by the manager on performance forms to provide a visual depiction of the
direct reports competency ratings in comparison to each other, and allows the manager to
easily adjust them. To access Stack Ranker, click the Stack Ranker button from the Team
Overview page.

A. The Stack Ranker table lists all direct reports and their competency ratings. Click a value

box to adjust the rating.

Use the drop-down list to choose whether youd like to view ratings for Core Values or Job
Specific Competencies.
to view or add supporting text.
Use the drop-down list to view the employees team ranking on a competency. Choose to
view either the overall ranking, or ranking by specific core value or competency.
Click Save to apply changes and stay in the Stack Ranker view.
Click Im Done to return to the Team Overview page.

Developed by Aasonn LLC for internal use by Aasonn customers and licensed SuccessFactors customers only.
All rights reserved. SuccessFactors and the SuccessFactors logo are registered trademarks of SuccessFactors Inc.
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