Logo Evaluation

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Logo Evaluation

My family of three logos represent three different genres. My

first logo PULSE will consist of classical music, political
debates, predated pop (Beatles and ABBA) and novels. I think these
genres and forms of entertainment will suit to my target audience
because of the delivery of it. When I think of Pulse I think of heart
beat and that is the only thing an old person would have had
throughout all their life; now they are older they have come tot
appreciate life on a deeper level.
My second logo out of the three logos is MIXX. This station
will consist of Nursery rhymes, censored pop, bedtime stories, and
educational songs and raps. These types of genres will suit my
target audience, as it will have a lot of repetitive songs and loads of
jingles. The key thing about the music that will be played on this
station is that the songs will be memorable to the young ones; also
inclusive educational aspects so even if young ones are reluctant to
learning this is a fun and different approach to leaning. I think
the name represents the genre due to all the bright colours
used and musical icon.
Last but not least, the VIP logo. I think this logo easily portrays the
genres that will be when on air; Mix-tapes, Rap, Grime, Hip Hop,
Bashment, R&B, Funky House, Dubstep, Interviews with upcoming
artists and celebs. When I think of the symbol incorporated in the
logo I think it is easy to see that is it for a more youthful audience
(Teenagers). I think this station could be played in under 18 and
over raves, clubs and house parties.
The target audience for PULSE is the middle age - elderly 45-100.
The reason for targeting the elderly in this case would be as an act
of companionship, elderly people are often lonely and have trouble
finding forms of entertainment due to old age and lack of ability to
move as freely as when they were younger. Our radio station would
target them via genre and advertisements. By enabling our listeners
to call up and be part of out show it gives them the inclusive feeling
and could possibly prevent depression or feelings of exclusion.
The intended target audience for MIXX is ultimately families; were
aiming for parents to put it on for their children to listen to it as a
fun educational for of entertainment for the young to indulge in.
When I say young I am aiming for 3month- 12 years old. This is my
target audience because it provides good music and catchy
educational jingle and songs.

The intended target audience for VIP is young people aged 16-29. I
have chosen this age range to be my target audience because this
would be the age my genres appeal to. By also having interviews
with celebs and upcoming artist it keep young people in the know.
This is good because gossip will start a word of mouth about the
station and it will be viral very quickly.
I want my target audience for PULSE to see this logo and feel heart
warmed and appreciative of life; as they realise they have a mere
amount of years left. I want them to see the logo and appreciate
relationships and love.
I want my target audience to see MIXX and elated due to the bright
colours, which would remind them of numbers and shapes in which,
they learn at school and home. The colours would also remind the
target audience of different matter (i.e rainbows, apples which are
green, the sun which is yellow and other matter).
For my final logo VIP I want my target audience to see it and see
money, as this is one of the things that drives this specific target
audience in this day and age. i think my choice of objectifying the I
with a money bag enables us to draw other young people in and
also enables the radio station to generate its own word of mouth
promotion as the logo has a cool feel about it.
I think PULSEs competition would be BBC 2 because of its similar
genre choice. I would aim to diminish the majority of competition by
the adverts we use, the logo that is more genuine and heart felt and
the interaction call centre the station would provide.
The main competitor of MIXX would be Fun Kids a digital and
online radio station. This would be our main competitor as it runs
from 06:30-19:00, where as our radio station runs from 06:00-09:00
then from 18:00-20:00. The advantage of having these time slots
would be the fact that they can have some time to listen to Fun Kid
station if they wanted to. Another advantage would be the things
that come off our radio station are more educational and has more
transparent content. Transparent content meaning we wouldnt play
pop music with any type of innuendos of and sexual or negative
The main competitor for VIP would be BBC 1Xtra. This reason for
this would be when I done my research surveying 150 young adults

from across London aged from 13-19. I asked if they listened to the
radio 60% said they did the other % said they didnt. I then asked
them if they knew about BBC 1Xtra 86% said they did know of the
station the other % said they didnt know about them. An advantage
of tuning in with VIP would be the station gives away great prizes
and the logo is way more relatable then the BBC 1Xtra logo. This
station would also have an app that would be more convenient for
the young people as the majority of them have smart phones.
When I was given the brief from the radio station, the main thing
that consistently went around in my head was the fact that the
logos had to have a visual consistency about them. So I had to
incorporate the OW! symbol in all logos. I did this by putting it in
the top right corner in all of the logos and keeping the shape
consistent. I then used my own ideas and I think I aimed for
PULSE to have a warming and engaging feel to an older person.
When I was given the brief from the radio station, the main thing
that consistently went around in my head was the fact that the
logos had to have a visual consistency about them. So I had to
incorporate the OW! symbol in all logos. I did this by putting it in
the top right corner in all of the logos and keeping the shape
consistent. I then used my own ideas and I think I aimed for MIXX
to be a conversation generator, as I replaced the I in MIXX which
a treble clef; which is a musical symbol. Once the young child
questions the symbol it can be a generator for an educational
When I was given the brief from the radio station, the main thing
that consistently went around in my head was the fact that the
logos had to have a visual consistency about them. So I had to
incorporate the OW! symbol in all logos. I did this by putting it in
the top right corner in all of the logos and keeping the shape
consistent. I then used my own ideas and I think I aimed for VIP to
have cool urban feel. This would enable the logo to be
acknowledged by a lot of different youthful organisations. Which
could ultimately create a vast amount of synergy.
I created the PULSE look via mentally trying to embody myself in
an old persons mind. I thought about what I would want to see on/in
logo that I would remember and enjoy looking at. I thought about
over crowding and being to sparsely. I took a look at some of my

opposition logo wise and started to build mine after doing this.
Below I have attached my drafts of my original ideas for the logo:

After making these attempts at generating I started playing around

with these ideas on photoshop and came up with an idea that fitted
the customers requests, the brief and that satisfied myself. With this
logo I wanted to keep the writing BOLD and readable so I chose the
Tamil MN font and sized it at 100pt. This enabled it to be clear for
people with mild visual impairments. I made sure I incorporated the
linkage factor, which is the OW! sign. I then started to create the
heart beat pulsations. This was a longer and tedious task I had to
use the shape line tool and draw on the lines individually on a
separate layer for each one. I had to make sure the lines were in
proportion/realistic. I then chose to use the colour palette to extract
the shade of pink that I thought would be appropriate. I then done

the same thing to get the shade of blue that I

desired. I chose to alternate the pink and blue of either side. I then
wanted to include a heart so the logo made sense. I did this by
selecting the customer shape tool and holding down shift in order to
keep the proportions of the shape the same.
I created the MIXX look via past experience of being around
children of the same target audience. I was observant to how the
target audience my logo is aimed at question a lot of things. I
presumed the logo would be one of the things they questioned due
the replacement of the I with a treble clef. I had to think about
what would be boring to look at or too hard to understand for the
target audience. Here are some of my first drafts of the logos:

I had a look though the fonts on Photoshop. I

tried out a few fonts by typing out the whole word. Until I came
across a font called Stencil and I liked it for the M but she rest of
the letter were not as inciting; so I kept the M in the Stencil font
and tried other fonts for the two Xs. I made the sixe of the writing
150 to make it very eye catching to the young. Then came across a
logo called Telugu MN that I felt fitted the design. I then had this

idea of incorporating rainbow colours. So I used the colour palette to

help me colour the letters and symbol. I once again included the
family sign OW!. When inserting the treble clef I selected the
custom shape tool and held the shift key to ensure the proportions
were that same.
I created the VIP look via thinking about what people my age would
entertain as a logo and a look. I thought about what is in currently
and what most people my age are driven by and immediately
money popped into my head. So I checked the brief against my
ideas that originally emerged and they were within limits of the
brief. So I started getting down some drafts:

I had to think about would get the cool feel across. I established that
it would be money from an early stage. After making these attempts
at generating I started playing around with these ideas on
photoshop and came up with an idea that fitted the customers
requests, the brief and that satisfied myself. I wanted a font that had
a cool urban feel about it so I began scrolling through the fonts that
was available and found there was nothing gave satisfied the design
I had envisioned. I then had to find a font in which showed the feel
so I went we a sight that provides fonts (www.dafont.com) and
started surfing to fish out a font that was suited. I then came across
the font called VINTAGE FIND and straight away I felt like it fitted
the logos agenda, I sized the logo at 153.74 pt and felt this was
appropriate at the time, but can always be adjusted to the
customers need. I made sure I incorporated the linkage factor,
which is the OW! sign. I wrote each letter on a separate layer as I
thought be handy when choosing a desired colour from the colour
palette. I was sure I wanted it to be a shade of gold; by doing this it
represents all the glitz and glam in which young people are
attracted to.


PULSE logo I am most

pleased with the pulsating lines and alternating colours. The reason
for this being my most enjoyed part of the logo is due to the
simplicity but effectiveness of it. I think the different sexes are
represented by the colours (Blue= Males & Pink= Females). This
also allows me to have a wider range of target audience due to my

inclusion of boy sexes. I think the pulsations themselves stand for

life and the ability to still be up and moving. When it was put out for
peer feedback everyone liked the colouring and said I was very
creative due to the alternating colours.
I am most pleased with the choice of objectifying the I with a
moneybag, in my VIP logo, because it immediately attracts the
target audience. When given feedback from peers they were all
accurate with the target of young people, one peer was able to tell
that the colour was a representative of money and another said one
of the genres the station would play would be R&B.
When it came to the MIXX logo I was most impressed with the use
of the treble clef. I think it was very inclusive to all young ones. I
have this perception as the colours were mixed; there also wasnt
anything in the logo that drew a particular sex. I wanted you
youngster to feel vibrant and energised when seeing the logo.
When my audience reviewed PULSE they didnt know my target
audience, I got age ranges from 10-25. I was not too happy about
this but once I explained my idea to them they got the concept and
thought it fitted the bill.
VIP was also reviewed by my audience, this logo was much more
clear. The audience immediately clocked that the genre would be
Rap, Hip Hop, R&B They said they like the colours and how they
knew it was a representation of money. They also knew that the
target audience would be from round about 15-28. They thought the
design was very creative and font was very eye catching.
When MIXX was reviewed the genre was identified straight away
by all. But the target audience age range was a bit scrambled. They
liked the treble clef and thought it was music iconography.
The skills I would say I have developed would be creativity skills,
extended Photoshop skills, and extended listening skills. My
creativity skills have been shown through the different types of
ideas I conjured. This was mainly through trying to embody target
audience and through research of the competitors. My extended
Photoshop skills have ben shown through my logos. I came into the
business not having any Photoshop skills at all but I managed to
fiddle my way around the programme and get some logos. I have

improved my extended listening skills because if I were to redo the

logos I would know what to tweak due to my feedback.
I think I could still do more to improve the logos; I could use more
creativity and flair because on some of the logos I kept it simple.
When my Photoshop skills have improved I think this would help. I
could have used a bigger connection feature. I could use fonts that
were more stereotypical of the genres as it would be easier for my
target audience to spot.

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