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Table of Contents

Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................................................3
The Error of Cain .............................................................................................................................................................................3
Freedom from Restlessness .....................................................................................................................................................4
Who is my Brother? .......................................................................................................................................................................5
ATTENTION! .........................................................................................................................................................................................8

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The spirit of Love provokes favour and blessing. The spirit of Love is God, and
Gods. Wherever love is present, favour and blessing resides, and whenever it
is applied favour and blessing abounds
So many a people today live without genuine love towards their fellow brother,
nonetheless towards God. They care not about peoples welfare and condition,
so self-conscious and self-centered to the extent of resenting their fellows
progress and becoming jealous of their success. The spirit of competition has
taken over the place of true compassion and the spirit of jealousy has taken over
sincere affection. Hence, their life and offering has become defiled and
unaccepted to God, such as Cain.
Absence of genuine love and lack of sincere affection makes a man hidden from
Gods presence, such as Cain, and makes him operate labouriously fruitless;
without yields nor results
Gods expectation is that we should be our brothers keeper, and to this end we
are accountable to God; this shows our measure of knowledge of God. That is, it
tells whether you know God or not, and it is the only proof to show that you
acknowledge and revere His presence
Dear friends, we must love each other because love comes from
God. Everyone who loves has been born from God and knows God.
The person who doesn't love doesn't know God, because God is
love. (1Jn 4:7 -8)

The Error of Cain

A self-centered man is a desperate man, and the peak of desperation is greed.
Greed if not curtailed will eventually murder physically, emotionally, and
spiritually. This is the reason and motive behind most of the fall-down-and-die
prayers today in the name of Spiritual warfare - Saved to kill Christians.
Hear me and hear me well. The greatest weapon of spiritual warfare is Love.
Love conquers completely.
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So many a Christian today are Satans agent of destruction; helping him to fulfil
his ministry of to-Kill, while they have abandoned the glorious ministry of
reconciliation because of Self and Greed. Many a brother have prayerfully
murdered souls they are supposed to gain and protect in love, simply out of
ruthless and self-centered pursuit, desires, and worldly gains.
Cains error was simple: SELF-CENTEREDNESS and GREED. He was competing
rather than demonstrating Love; both to God and Men. His offering was not
looked upon with favour because it was offered without the right attitude. If
you do well, won't you be accepted? But if you don't do well, sin is lying outside
your door ready to attack. It wants to control you, but you must master it." (Gen
4:7) But Cains response and action later revealed that he lacked love and
compassion in his heart, Where is Abel your brother?" He said, "I do not know;
am I my brother's keeper?" (Gen 4:9)
Invariably Cain could have killed God also if it were possible, because he was a
desperate selfish man and was all after any means that could get him results.
Likewise, the experiences of brethren today, growing from bad to worse, from
one height of desperation to another, from sin to sin, multiplying sin upon sin;
killing souls we are supposed to win and save for Christ, through the testimony
of the love of God and demonstration his grace by our actions, even when we
are being persecuted. Is it not true how our Christians experiences today is void
of peace that stems from love and contentment? Is it not apparent that many
believers today are restless and wandering from place to place, church to
church, and deliverance upon deliverance?

Freedom from Restlessness

The result of a life full of love for self is a life of restless wanderer and when
you work and toil it will no longer yield Gen 4:12
You owe your brother an obligation and responsibility as critical as saving his
life. Your brother's blood (life) is crying out to me... Gen 4:10. If you ignore it, it
cries vengeance against you, but when you attend it, it cries favour, blessing,
mercy, and crown of glory.

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I do not intend to minister guilt to you. Far from it. I am a minister of grace, and
the blood of Christ is sufficient to purge our conscience of every guilt. But it is
noteworthy that you realize that the blood of souls for which you are
accountable to God cries out to God daily. They cry, cry, and cry, but your
response to God as a result of your selfish lifestyle of negligence and nonchalant
attitude is like Am I my brothers Keeper?
You have come to Jesus--the one who brought the new agreement
from God to his people. You have come to the sprinkled blood that
tells us about better things than the blood of Abel. (Heb 12:24)
The blood of Abel [your brother] cries judgment and vengeance, the blood of
Christ cries mercy and blessing. The spirit of Christ is the spirit of love. And
Christ being the mediator of the new covenant, speaks forth for us before God
when we live in obedience to him.
This is how love is made complete among us so that we will have
confidence on the Day of Judgment: In this world we are like
Jesus. 1 john 4:17
We are now the saving agent of Christ in this world. We carry the mandate of
reconciling the world back to God through Love, which is God himself, and we
are as such accountable to God. Love is the only virtue that can win the world
over and conquer the sting of sin and diffuse the cloud of darkness in peoples
The Confidence we will have on the judgment day is how LOVE has influenced
our decisions and actions in being an effective soul winner.

Who is my Brother?
We love because he first loved us. Whoever claims to love God yet hates a
brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister,
whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen 1 John

Jesus gave a parable in the Luke account of the Gospel that perfectly describes
who a brother is. The circumstance that brought about this question may
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perfectly befits most of you reading me now. On one occasion, an expert of the
law [supposedly, a religious Christian] stood up to justify himself. So he asked
Jesus who is my neighbor? Perhaps this is a Christian that has be taught giving
and Receiving and has considered himself to have measured up in
performance. He could have given a whole lot to the church and projects, his
tithes and offering might not in any way be found wanting in the church
records. Assumingly, he concluded within that he must have fulfilled the
requirement to inherits eternal life
But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, And who is my
In reply Jesus said: A man was going down from Jerusalem to
Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of
his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. A
priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he
saw the man, he passed by on the other side. So too, a Levite,
when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other
side. But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was;
and when he saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and
bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the
man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of
The next day he took out two denarii[e] and gave them to the
innkeeper. Look after him, he said, and when I return, I will
reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.
Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man
who fell into the hands of robbers?
The expert in the law replied, The one who had mercy on him.
Jesus told him, Go and do likewise. Luke 10: 29-37

Christs definition of the object of love is beyond religious rite. Who your
brother is, is beyond the church four walls. In Jesus teachings, the Priest and
the Levite did not consider the certain man their neighbour/brother because
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he was not a church member; he has no membership card and tithe records. He
was not in any way qualify as a brother. Hence he was ignored leaving him
half dead. They were more ruthless than Cain.
But a Samaritan, [a believer saved by grace and not works] as he traveled, [on
purposeful adventure, perhaps on a mission of Love] came where the man was;
and when he saw him, he took pity on him, and went out of his way to help him.
Jesus thereafter adroitly asked the expert of the law to answer his own selfcentered inclined question, and having had his conceit exposed, the expert in
the law replied, The one who had mercy on him. Jesus told him, Go and do
Dear Friends, in the words of Christ, so do I say to you today. Go and do
likewise. Show mercy to strangers help the poor and the needy, bind the wound
of the afflicted, pour oil and wine, offer bread and grains, help your Neighbours.
In these ways you open the door for the gospel. Your testimony of the cross and
the love of God becomes effective.
Your neighbour or brother is not only your kinsmen, church members or
siblings. Your neighbour is that needy and the poor God has brought around
you and your sphere of influence. The physically needy and the spiritually poor
[your wicked boss and in-laws, that witch house girl, the household wizards,
and the arm robbers and miscreants that hurt you and your family]
If you indeed know the estimate of Gods love and mercy towards you, then you
will love much.
If you have been forgiven much and has not loved much in return you are Guilty!
Therefore I tell you, her sins, which are many, are forgivenfor
she loved much. But he who is forgiven little, loves little." (Luke
Maybe you are thinking like Cain, saying, God has done little or nothing for me,
and you are now resentful, hateful and insensitive. Listen, Gods mercy and
grace towards you is far beyond your imagination. Change the attitude of your
heart today and see the dramatic turn of events in your life. Allow the peace of
God to rule your life, and let the lotion of his love refresh your actions.
Look around you, get hold of someone in need, and show him the God in you
through Love.
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Showing love is not only about money. It can be care, attention, and words of
comfort, material ministration, visitations, forgiveness, prayers, and many
other deeds not limited to this list.
And this commandment we have from him: whoever loves God
must also love his brother. (1Jn 4:21)


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