I Am About To Die

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Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................3
Exaggerated Reality ....................................................................................................................5
Hope beyond the Gloom ............................................................................................................6
Surviving Dark Times ..................................................................................................................7


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Have you ever wanted something so desperately and someone seem to have just
few to offer you in exchange for ALL youve got?
Yes, I mean ALL youve got left
I mean you need something so badly, and you approach someone capable to help,
but your have to get what you want by giving all you have. Most times than often
the conditions set before you is like a worm on the fish hook that locks you in
Famine, an acute lack of what is needed, is usually a machinery of despair. It is a
razor sharp two edged sword that drives us into desperation and vulnerability.
Famine exposes our helplessness and put us in jeopardy of susceptibility.
Yet, we cant but find ourselves in this situation occasionally. In fact, it is part of this
present life. We are always in dire need of something at one point in time or the
other. It may be money, health, husband, wife, children, job, fulfillment etc.
Most times also, these needs often come with acute sense of urgency with subtle
threats, such as imminent shame, ridicule, harassment, or suffering. As a result of
this combination of urgency and threats, we become really agitated and so
Yes, SO desperate.
Desperation is a great height of vulnerability, and it swallows values and potentials
faster than a wide open grave. It sets in when we are on cause of destiny, and
shortly after we are exhausted engaging ourselves in matters of lifes goals, dreams,
and enterprises. It may at times come upon us when expectation concerning a
critical-to-success factor lingers against time.
Desperation holds no good virtue. It dehydrates creativity, plunders innovative
approach, blurs accurate perspective, and ultimately distorts constructive thinking.
Desperation rides on your strength of will to plunder you, and takes advantage of
your instinctive ability to fix issues to lead you to a destructive end.


Esau, a skillful hunter, a man of the open country of great skills and enviable
expertise- became a victim of this great monster called Desperation.
Oh Desperation, why do you not go after quiet men like Jacob? Who only stays
among the tent without serious skills and expertise. Rather you choose to use such
men as your agents. The plunderers are not as often skillful and strong as the
"I'm about to die." Esau said. "What good is my inheritance to me?"
(Gen 25:32)
Desperation plunders when famine is acute, and your need is peak. When only the
expression tangible to your mind it Look, I am about to die. When sacrifice
[however costly and consequential] means nothing to you and all that matters is
meeting your needs.
A desperate man is a cheap prey
Desperation makes your vulnerable without the power of resistance and walls of
Desperation deprives you of your own sense of value, and makes you look worthless to yourself than who you really are; having a false estimate of your value
Do not sell out cheaply any longer!

Exaggerated Reality
Desperation overblows your sense of need, exaggerate its effect, heightens your
propensity to compromise, and short-circuits your foresight.
Hear me well.
Being desperate cannot and will not solve your problems or meet your needs.
Rather it compounds the problem, aggravates the need, repackage and represent
them in the nearest future; furnished with regrets and garnished with agony. The

wheel of despair and circle of misery desperation eventually gets a man in becomes
a loop only God can deliver him from.
Desperation is the reason for all the vices, sins, and corruptions of our lives. The
adultery, fornication, stealing, killing, malice, suicide and all sorts. For example: A
woman adulterates because of what she feels she could not get from her husband,
and the man vice versa. A young lady prostitutes and defiles her body because of
what she needs and thinks she couldnt get except through such traumatic
compromise. A business man plunge himself into corrupt and questionable
practices because of an over blown sense of what he wants to achieve. Desperation
makes a Pastor or Clergy adulterates the word of God, corrupt inspiration, quench
conviction, and substitute genuine spiritual experiences for illusions
Unfortunately, the solutions and options desperation offers to you is never
sufficient. It is like a drop of water on a dry tongue. It is always momentary and not
fulfilling. The gratification is short lived ... enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season;
(Heb 11:25), yet it will take from you all youve got in life as a value or virtue.
As a business man, I had been faced with many compromises just to survive in
business, and all the ones I have fallen for, left me with brutal and agonizing
experiences. Such as: corrupted integrity, bad reputation, misrepresented identity,
police arrests, troubles from all sides, excruciating pressure, traumatic ordeals, and
loss of spiritual virtues. I have many wounds, scars, marks and imprint of
desperations lashes all over me. Even now still trusting God for ultimate
restoration in some areas I earlier mentioned.

Hope beyond the Gloom

Jacob demanded that Esau sell his birth right for "few slices of bread and some lentil
stew {Genesis 25:34 GW) because he was exhausted. How far and how long can
that really satisfy hunger? Yet he demanded for all that Esau had as destiny.
Men will ask you to sell your dignity on the bed of compromise for some coins and
momentary satisfaction, yet you have to remain in the cycle without the real need
being met.
Dear friend!

What has desperation demanded of you?

What has it already taken from you?
I was a victim but now a victor. I was blindfolded but now I can see.
Do not be rash any longer in selling out.
Perhaps you have lost your dignity as a lady and your integrity as a man for nothing
real and sustaining. Or are you still within the wheels of despair that desperation
has plunge you and you seem not to know how to get out?
Here is the good news. There is freedom for you today!
Your Recovery is Possible.
Your Restoration is Available.
Your Healing is Affordable.
Your Establishment is Obtainable.

Surviving Dark Times

Overcoming desperation when you are in acute need or in perilous season of your
life is possible, no matter how awful things may seem. Feeling of desperation and
anxiety can come upon you, but you dont have to allow it overtake you.
The following 4 steps will help you overcome in dark times.



Troubles and challenges are constant elements of life. I lie if I tell you
that your experiences are peculiar. No, they are common to men
There isn't any temptation that you have experienced which
is unusual for humans. God, who faithfully keeps his promises,


will not allow you to be tempted beyond your power to resist.

But when you are tempted, he will also give you the ability to
endure the temptation as your way of escape(1Co 10:13 GW)
Christ is the light of Hope. He is a friend and a brother that has the
power to help you overcome lifes troubles.
I have told you this things so that in me you may have peace.
In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have
overcome the world. (John 16:33 NIV)
He has overcome the world. He has conquered our troubles and given
anyone that believes in him the power to tread upon lifes challenges.
He allows circumstances and situation to work out for our eventual
good. He is a master of lifes tides and turbulences.
And we know that all things work together for good to them
that love God, to them who are the called according to his
purpose. (Rom 8:28)
Let the light of hope shine on your situation. There is a way out, but if
you allow the cloud of desperation hover over your mind, it will be
difficult to see the Way or receive the Light [that comes in form of
inspired ideas or wisdom] that will lead you out of the dark tunnel.
Christ brings hope, hope brings peace, and peace empowers you
Accept and receive Christ today!


How can I not be anxious when am already desperate?
It seems contradictory and impossible


Quiet your mind so that you can think clearly. Find and Focus on the
inner peace youve got through Christ in prayers.
Never worry about anything. But in every situation let God
know what you need in prayers and requests while giving
thanks. (Php 4:6 GW)
As you remain still and focus in thought through prayers, your mind
will shift from worry and anxiety to seeing Gods answer for your
situation. Gods answer comes in various forms. It may be an instant
provision or deliverance, grace for patience and endurance,
submission to a higher purpose or His will, and lots more.
This mental shift in your thought process gives you a different light, so
then you will begin to attract Gods plans and desires into your lifes
God has an ultimate purpose and plan for every situation in your life.
Trust Him

The only way to receive is by asking.
"Ask, and you will receive. Search, and you will find. Knock,
and the door will be opened for you. (Mat 7:7)
Asking for what you need is very necessary to receiving it. And when
you ask, believe that you have it. Have faith that you will receive
whatever you ask for in prayer." (Mat 21:22)
Asking God when you are in need demonstrates humility and
acknowledges God as your source. Then God will make exceeding
grace abound to you; for he gives grace to the Humble. James 4:6



Let go of your frustration.
Let go of desperation.
Relax your mind so you can think clearly, and be open to God. As you
go about your day, pay attention to whats in front of you at the
moment. Do not be distracted. What you are doing hence is not a
mere put-up of positive attitude, you are rather changing your
response to the situation, operating from the standpoint of
empowerment, peace, and victory.
You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind [both in
inclination, attitude, and character] is steadfast, because he
trusts in you. Isaiah 26:3
The key to perfect and lasting peace is a steadfast mind. Steadfast
mind in the midst of tension and pressure comes only from
TRUSTING God. Trusting God means committing all to Gods ability,
character, and might. It means you can go to rest while you wait on
Put on your Strength. Trust God!

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