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1. What is meant by half duplex?
Each Station can both transmit and receive but not at the same time. When one
device is sending the other can only receive and vice versa.
Direction of data at time 1


Direction of data at time 2

In a half duplex transmission, the entire capacity of a channel is taken over by
whichever of the two devices is transmitting at the time.
2. List down the Network Criteria Parameters?
3. List the advantages of star topology?
1. Less expensive than mesh topology
2. Easy to install and reconfigure due to only one link and one I/O part to
connect it to any number of others.
3. Robustness
4. Easy fault identification and fault isolation.
4.which OSI layers are network supportive and which are user supportive layers?
Sol: The physical layer, data link and network layers network support layers and
session, presentation, application layers are user support layer. Transport layer
links network support and user support layers.
5. Write the advantages of Optical fiber over twisted pair and coaxial cable.
Sol. Noise resistance of optical fiber is very high.
Without requiring regeneration optical signal can run for many miles-less signal
Bandwidth is very high.

6. what is peer to peer process?

Sol. Between machines layer-x on one machine can communicate with layer-x of
another machine. The process on each machine that communicate at a given layer
are called peer to peer process.
7.What is modem and give its various standards.
The word modem is a composite word that refers to the two functional entities that make up the
device: A signal modulator and a signal demodulator.A modulator creates a bandpass analog signal
from binary data and a demodulator recovers the binary data from the modulated signal.
Its standards are v.32,v.32bis,v.34,v.70,v.90
8.Discuss about the voltage levels of RS-232 standard.
The RS-232 standard defines the voltage levels that correspond to logical one and logical zero levels.
Valid signals are plus or minus 3 to 15 volts. The range near zero volts is not a valid RS-232 level;
logic one is defined as a negative voltage, the signal condition is called marking, and has the
functional significance of OFF. Logic zero is positive, the signal condition is spacing, and has the
function ON.
9.Give some serial interfaces similar to RS-232.

RS-422 (a high-speed system similar to RS-232 but with differential signaling)

RS-423 (a high-speed system similar to RS-422 but with unbalanced
RS-449 (a functional and mechanical interface that used RS-422 and RS-423
signals - it never caught on like RS-232 and was withdrawn by the EIA)
RS-485 (a descendant of RS-422 that can be used as a bus in multidrop
MIL-STD-188 (a system like RS-232 but with better impedance and rise time
EIA-530 (a high-speed system using RS-422 or RS-423 electrical properties in
an EIA-232 pinout configuration, thus combining the best of both; supersedes

1. Explain the mesh and star topologies of the Network in detail with diagram.
Sol:Physical Topology:
It refers to the way in which a network is laid out physically.
Two or more links form a topology. The topology of a network is the geometric
representation of all the links and linking devices (nodes) to one another. There are
four basic topologies possible:
Mesh, Star, Bus and Ring.






Categories of Topology
In this topology every device has a dedicated point-to-point link to every other
device. The term dedicated means that the link carries traffic only between the two
devices it connects. To find the number of physical links in a fully connected mesh
network with n nodes we need
n (n-1)/2
i.e. each and every node must be connected to n-1 nodes if each physical link
allows communication in both direction, we can divide the no of links by 2






1. Dedicated links guarantees that each connection can carry its own load thus
eliminating the traffic problems that an occur when links must be shared by
multiple devices.
2. It is robust.
3. Privacy or Security
4. Fault identification and fault isolation easy.
1. The amount of cabling and number of I/O parts required.
2. The hardware required to connect to each link can be expensive.
Star Topology:
In this each device has a dedicated point-to-point link only to a central controller
usually called a hub. Star topology does not allow direct traffic between devices. The
controller acts as an exchange. If one device wants t send data to another it sends data to
the controller, which then relays the data to the other connected device.
1. Less expensive than mesh topology.
2. Easy to install and reconfigure due to only one link and one I/O part to connect it
to any number of others.
3. Robustness
4. Easy fault identification and fault isolation.
1. Dependency of the whole topology on one single point, the hub. If the hub goes
down, the whole system is dead.
2. Cabling required more than bus and ring.





Start Topology is used in LANs and High speed LANs.

2. Explain the bus,ring and hybrid topologies of the Network in detail with
Bus Topology:
It is a multipoint, one long cable acts as a backbone to link all the devices in a
network. Nodes are connected to the bus cable by drop links and taps. A drop line is a
connection running between the device and the main cable. A tap is a connector that link
the splices into the main cable or punctures the sheathing of a cable to create a contact
with the metallic core
1. Ease of Installation
2. It uses less cabling than mesh or star topologies.
1. Difficult reconnection and fault isolation
2. Fault or break in the bus cable stops all transmission.


Drop Line


Bus Topology

Ring Topology:
In a ring topology each device has a dedicated point-to-point link with
only the two devices on either side of it A Signal is passed along the ring in one direction
from device to device until it reaches its destination. Each device in the ring incorporates
a repeater. When a device receives a signal intended for another device, its repeater
regenerates the bits and passes them along.







1. Easy to install and reconfigure.
2. Fault isolation is simplified.

1. Unidirectional traffic.
2. A break in the ring can disable the entire network.

Hybrid Topology:
A network can be hybrid. We can have a main star topology with each
branch connecting several stations in a bus topology.











3. Explain the following:

1.Protocols and standards
2.Line configuration
The protocol is a set of rules that govern data communication;the key elements
of a protocol or syntax ,semantics and timing.
It refers to the structure or format of the data,meaning the order in which they are
It refers to the meaning of each section of bit

It refers to two characteristics :when data should be sent and how fast they can be

It provides a model for development that makes it possible for a product to work
regardless of the individual manufacturers .They are essential in creating and maintaining
an open and competitive market for equipment manufacturer.

2.Line configuration:
It refers to the way two or more communication devices attached to a link. A link
is the physical communication pathway that transfer data from one device to
1.Point to point
It provides a dedicared links between two devices.thentire capacity of he
channel is reserved for transmission between those two devices.
Eg: micro wave and satellite links

it is one in which more than two specific devices share a single link. In this
environment the capacity of the channel is shared either spatially or temporally.

4.Explain the Different categories of networks in details with diagram?

There are three different categories 1.LAN 2. WAN 3.MAN
Local area network
It is usually privately owned and link the devices in a single office,
building or campus. A LAN can be simple as two PC and a printer in someones
office. Currently LAN size is limited to a few kilometers. In addition to size
LANs are distinguished other types of networks by their transmission media and
topology. In general, a given LAN will use only one type of transmission medium.
The most common LAN topologies are Bus, star, and ring.
Entirely LANs had data rates in the 4 to 16 Mbps. Today speeds are
normally 100 or 1000 Mbps. Wireless LAN are the newest evolution in LAN
LAN connecting 6 computers in a HUB

Wide area network(WAN):

It provides long distance transmission of data,image, audio
and video information large geographic areas that may comprise a country,a continent or
even the whole world.A WAN can be as complex as the backbones that connect the
internetor as simple as a dial up line that connects a home computer to the internet.We
normally refer to the first as a Switched WAN and to second as Point-to Point WAN.

The Switched WAN connects the end systems which

usually comprise a router that connects to another LAN or WAN.
The Point to-Point WAN is normally a line leashed from a
telephone or a cable TV provider that connects a home computer or a small LAN to an
Internet service provider.
End system


End system


End System

Switched WAN





Metropolitan area networks (MAN):

It is a Network with a size between a LAN and a WAN.
It is normally covers the area inside a town or city. It is designed for customers who need
high speed connectivity normally to the internet and have a end points spread over a city
or part of city. A good example of a MAN is the part of the telephone company network
that can provide a high speed DSL line to the customer.

5 .List the layers of OSI model and Explain.

OSI model is nothing but the open systems interconnection(osi)model. Control is
passed from one layer to the next, starting at the application layer in one station,
proceeding to the bottom layer, over the channel to the next station and back up the
1. Physical layer,
2. Data link layer
3. Network layer
4. Transport layer,
5. Session layer
6. Presentation layer,
7. Application layer


Application(Layer 7):
This layer supports application and end-user processes. Communication partners
are identified, quality of service is identified, user authentication and privacy are
considered, and any constraints on data syntax are identified. Everything at this layer is
application-specific. This layer provides application services for file transfers, e-mail, and
other network software services. Telnet and FTP are applications that exist entirely in the
application level. Tiered application architectures are part of this layer.

Presentation(Layer 6):
This layer provides independence from differences in data representation (e.g.,
encryption) by translating from application to network format, and vice versa. The
presentation layer works to transform data into the form that the application layer can
accept. This layer formats and encrypts data to be sent across a network, providing
freedom from compatibility problems. It is sometimes called the syntax layer.

Session(Layer 5):
This layer establishes, manages and terminates connections between applications.
The session layer sets up, coordinates, and terminates conversations, exchanges, and
dialogues between the applications at each end. It deals with session and connection

Transport(Layer 4):
This layer provides transparent transfer of data between end systems, or hosts, and
is responsible for end-to-end error recovery and flow control. It ensures complete data

Network(Layer 3):
This layer provides switching and routing technologies, creating logical paths,
known as virtual circuits, for transmitting data from node to node. Routing and
forwarding are functions of this layer, as well as addressing, internetworking, error
handling, congestion control and packet sequencing.

Data Link(Layer 2):

At this layer, data packets are encoded and decoded into bits. It furnishes
transmission protocol knowledge and management and handles errors in the physical
layer, flow control and frame synchronization. The data link layer is divided into two
sublayers: The Media Access Control (MAC) layer and the Logical Link Control (LLC)
layer. The MAC sublayer controls how a computer on the network gains access to the
data and permission to transmit it. The LLC layer controls frame synchronization, flow
control and error checking.

physical(Layer 1):
This layer conveys the bit stream - electrical impulse, light or radio signal -- through the
network at the electrical and mechanical level. It provides the hardware means of sending
and receiving data on a carrier, including defining cables, cards and physical aspects. Fast
Ethernet, RS232, and ATM are protocols with physical layer components.

Application layer
Presentation layer
Session layer
transport layer
network layer
datalink layer
physical layer

6. (a) Write about Guided Transmission media.

Sol: Computers and other telecommunication devices use signals to represent data. these
signals are transmitted from one device to another in the form of electromagnetic energy.
these electromagnetic signals can travel through vaccum,air or other transmission media.

Coaxial Cable

Pair of conductors separated by insulation

Offers longer distances and better speeds than twisted pair, due to better shielding.
Used for cable TV and local-area networks. Had been widely used in telephone
systems, but optical fibre is now assuming this task.

Baseband Coaxial Cable 50-ohm cable, commonly used for digital transmission.
Broadband Coaxial Cable 75-ohm cable, commonly used for analog transmission.
Coaxial Cable consists of 2 conductors. The inner conductor is held inside an insulator
with the other conductor woven around it providing a shield. An insulating protective
coating called a jacket covers the outer conductor.
The outer shield protects the inner conductor from outside electrical signals. The distance
between the outer conductor (shield) and inner conductor plus the type of material used
for insulating the inner conductor determine the cable properties or impedance. Typical
impedances for coaxial cables are 75 ohms for Cable TV, 50 ohms for Ethernet Thinnet
and Thicknet. The excellent control of the impedance characteristics of the cable allow
higher data rates to be transferred than Twisted Pair cable.

Three components: light source, transmission system, and a detector

The detector generates an electric pulse when hit by light
1-a pulse of light; 0-missing pulse of light.
optical rays travel in glass or plastic core

When light move from one medium to another it bend at the boundary. The
amount of bending depends on the properties of the media.

Light at shallow angles propagate along the fibre, and those that are less than
critical angle are absorbed in the jacket
The cladding is a glass or plastic with properties that differ from those of the core
Used in long distance communication, in locations having small amount of space,
and with reduction in price is starting to get also to LANs.
Not affected by external electromagnetic fields, and do not radiate energy. Hence,
providing high degree of security from eavesdropping.
Provide for multimode of propagation at different angles of reflections. Cause
signal elements to spread out in time, which limits the rate in which data can be
accurately received.
Reduction of the radius of the core implies less reflected angles. Single mode is
achieved with sufficient small radius.
A multimode graded index transmission is obtained by varying the index of
reflection of the core to improve on the multi mode option without resolving to
the cost of single mode. (index of reflection=speed in vacuum / speed in medium.)

Coaxial cable 500 Mbps 350 MHz 1-10 km

optical fibre 2 Gbps

2 GHz

10-100 km

6.(b) .Explain different types line coding in data communication.

Characteristics of coding:

Signal element; Data element

Data rate; Signal rate
Baseline Wandering
DC component
Built-in Error Detection
Immunity to Noise and Interference

Although the actual bandwidth of a digital signal is infinite, the effective bandwidth
is finite.

In Manchester and differential Manchester encoding, the transition

at the middle of the bit is used for synchronization
polar-RZ coding:

Polar biphase: Manchester and differential Manchester schemes

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