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Warm up

a. Today I used the following two items that run on electricity:

b. Label the drawing with the 3 main

the atom. Show the proper charge for
particle (+, -, or 0).

parts of

___ proton
___ neutron
___ electron

1. Discuss these questions with your partner.

Can you think of some different ways of generating electricity?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?
2. a. Skim read this extract from a lecture on generating electricity.
What I'm going to talk about today is how electricity is generated for use in our homes and factories.
There are three main ways that we can make electricity; as well as some newly developing
technologies that I believe we will come to rely on in the future. They all have one thing in common.
That is, they use fuel to turn a turbine, a large wheel. The three most common means of power
generation are firstly by burning fuel to make steam, which turns the turbine. Another way is to use a
nuclear reaction to heat the water to make steam. And a third is to use the force of moving water to
turn the turbine - hydroelectricity. All have advantages and disadvantages. Burning is cheap and the
fuel, usually coal, is easily available. However, burning does cause pollution. Nuclear energy is the
cheapest way to make electricity, once the costs of building the nuclear power station are taken
away. The waste, however, stays radioactive for a very- long time, so we have the problem of
storage. Hydroelectricity is the cleanest way to generate power - there is no pollution. But, not
everywhere has fast-running rivers, and creating an artificial lake is very expensive and often means
moving people away from their homes.
Other, newer ways of generating electricity, for example the use of wind power, do not pollute the
atmosphere but they also do not yet produce enough electricity for the needs of a modern city. Of
course, improvements in technology are happening all the time. What I'd like to discuss now is...
b. Read the text again and complete the table.

Ways of Generating Electricity


1............................................................................ 2.............................................................................
............................................................................... ...............................................................................
Nuclear power
3............................................................................ 4.............................................................................
............................................................................... ...............................................................................

5............................................................................ 6.............................................................................
............................................................................... ...............................................................................
Wind power
Reading Comprehension


Electricity and Magnetism

Electromagnetism is everywhere. It is a field that exists throughout space. When particles are
electrically charged, the electromagnetic field exerts a force on them. These particles then move and
exert a force on the electromagnetic field. By generating these fields when and where we want them
and by controlling these forces we have electricity. This gives us the power we use in the modern
world. All our TVs, phones, street lights and cars depend on electromagnetism.
So what is electromagnetism? Actually, it is two things, but they are so closely connected that it is
convenient for us to think of them as one, as two sides of the same coin. There are two types of field:
electric and magnetic. Electrically-charged particles result in an electric field, static electricity. When
there is a conductor, a material which will allow electric field to pass through it, then we can create
an electric current. In our homes, the conductors are the wires that run through our house to the light
bulbs or the TV. A magnetic field results from the motion of an electric current and is used to
generate the electricity we use.
In the 19th century, James Clerk Maxwell, the Scottish physicist, produced the equations that proved
the two forces acted as one. One effect of this was for physicists all over the world to hurry back to
their libraries and laboratories to rewrite the theories on the motion of objects. Maxwell's equations
showed that what physicists had believed for centuries was in fact not correct. It was not until
Einstein, in the 20th century, that the theory of motion was put right - at least for now.
How do we know the two things are one? Well, sailors had known for centuries that lightning affected
the magnetic compasses on their ships. No one, however, made the connection between lightning
and electricity until Benjamin Franklin, the American politician and scientist, flew a kite in a
thunderstorm to attract the lightning. In other parts of the world, physicists were experimenting with
magnets and electricity. Most passed a current across a magnetic needle and watched it move. The
Frenchman, Andre Marie Ampere eventually applied mathematics to electromagnetism. It is from his
work that we have our modern understanding of electromagnetism.
One piece of the jigsaw remained. No one had discovered a way of generating electricity. True, there
were batteries, Alessandro Volta invented the Voltaic pile in 1800, but it was of limited use. Certainly
no battery could provide enough electrical power to operate a machine. For that the world would
have to wait for Michael Faraday to find a way of creating an electrical current, when and where it
was needed.

1. Answer the following questions according to the text in written form
1. Where can we find electromagnetism? Give examples.
2. How do we have electricity?
............................................ ....................................................................................................................
3. How many types of fields are there? Which are these?
4. What does an electric field result in?
5. What is a conductor?
6. What are the conductors in our homes?

7. What does a magnetic field result from? What is it used for?

............................................ ....................................................................................................................
8. What was the effect of Maxells equations proving the two forces acted as one?
............................................ ....................................................................................................................
9. What did Maxells equations show?
10. Who first the connection between lightening and electricity?
11. Whose work do we have our modern understanding of electromagnetism?
12. Who invented the voltaic pile? When did it happen?
13. Who found a way of creating an electrical current, when and where it was needed?
2. Choose the correct answer.

1 We can make electricity by

A exerting a force.
creating electromagnetic fields.
charging particles.
D moving particles.
2 Electrical and magnetic fields
A are opposites.
are two very different things.
are very closely related.
D need a conductor.
3 Maxwell's equations
A corrected the theory of motion.
caused scientists to rethink.
rewrote older theories.

D have completely ensured the theory of motion

4 Our modern knowledge of electromagnetism comes
A Ampere.
Benjamin Franklin.
D experiments with magnets.
5 The electric battery
A could operate a machine.
could create an electric current.
was invented by Faraday.
D was invented in 1800

3. Mark the following sentences as true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.
1. Electromagnetism is a field that exists only in the house.
2. We can create an electric current when there is a conductor.
3. It was not until Maxwell, in the 19th century, that the theory of motion was put right.
4. Benjamin Franklin, a Scottish physicist, made the connection between lightning and electricity.
5. Michael Faraday invented the Voltaic pile in 1800.

1. Choose the right tense.

1. Water boils/is boiling at 100C.
2. When do you get/are you getting up?
3. We have/are having English classes every day.
4. Do you wear/are you wearing a new hat?" "Yes, do you like/are you liking it?"
5. "Look! She comes /is coming."
6. "Where is Paul?" "He plays/is playing football with Derek."
7. "Where is mum?" She is in the bathroom. She does/is doing the laundry."
8. "I go/am going to visit Laura tonight. She leaves/is leaving to New York in the morning." When does
she come /is she coming back?" "I don't know."
9. We spend/are spending holidays in Spain.
10. Laura usually goes/is going to school by bus, but today her mum drives/is driving her to school.
2. State or action? Choose the right variant.
1. I see/am seeing Becky on Monday.
2. She weighs/is weighing 100 kilos. She eats
too much.
3. Don't disturb me. I listen/am listening to
4. You look/are looking great.
5. I think/am thinking he can drive a car.

6. Laura has/is having two cars.

7. I come /am coming from Spain.
8. She tastes/is tasting vanilla ice cream. It's
9. He is/is being a very polite person.
10. Why do you smell/are you smelling these

3. Use the correct tense-form of the verbs in brackets.

There is a traffic jam in the street. Most of the people 1 (try)............................................... to get to
work. They all 2 (work) ............................................... in the city but few of them 3
(live) ............................................... there.
They 4 (feel) ............................................... very angry and frustrated at the moment because the
5 (hardly move) ................................................ Traffic jams like this 6
(happen) ............................................... every day.
The problem 7 (get) ............................................... worse all the time.
4. Tick the correct sentence.
1. a Donald walks along Buckingham Road every
day and crosses it on his way to school.
b Donald is walking along Buckingham Road
every day and crossing it on his way to
2. a Professor Brown believes that most of our
cities die.
b Professor Brown believes that most of our
are dying.
3. a He often suffers from headaches.
b He is often suffering from headaches.
4. a "Where are you going?", Lorna asked.

b Where do you go?". Lorna asked.

5. a I am not wanting to eat. I am not hungry.
b I do not want to eat. I am not hungry.
6. a She is wearing a pink dress.
b She wears a pink dress.
7. a He is buying a new car every year.
b He buys 8 new car every year.
8. a The dress belongs to my sister.
b The dress is belonging to my sister.
9. a I'm still having breakfast," she says.
b I still have breakfast," she says.
10. a Are you always getting up so late?
b. Do you always get up so late?

5. Finish the sentences.

1. We'll go to the country
2. I'll help you tomorrow
3. I'll stay for another six months
4. We'll have a holiday
5. I'll tell you the secret
6. I can't leave the place
7. You'll feel better
8. We'll go out as soon

9. I'll wait as long

10. What will you do
6. Complete the spaces with suitable grammar forms.
Linda: Hello, Bet.
Bet: Linda. Hi! How........................... you?
Linda: Not too bad.
Bet: What ........................... you.......................... these days?
Linda: I .......................... with a parachute team.
Bet: A parachute team?
Linda: Yes, it's really fantastic. Would you like to come along this weekend? You could learn how to
Bet: I can't, I'm afraid. I have to train for next month's race.
Linda: But you .......................... every day. This is special.
Bet: I .......................... , Linda. I'm sure it is. But I .......................... to win the marathon next month
and that .......................... I have to run ten miles every day.
Linda: Oh, please, .........................., Bet.
Bet: No, really. I can't.
7. Correct the mistakes.
1. I'm busy at the moment. I talk over the phone.
2. I'm not knowing where he is.
3. I look at the pictures at the moment.
4. What do you read, Freddy? I don't read. I write.
5. They are picking the apples in September.
6. Tom is looking well.
7. They have dinner now.
8. The train is arriving at 7.30.
9. He is drinking coffee in the morning.
10. Our English friends come to our place on Monday.

Translate the following sentences and the text

1. A lot of questions which used to be asked, such as why does the Sun come up in the east or
why does it go down in the west, have been answered by physics.
2. The idea that the Sun was the centre of the universe pushed Europe into a scientific
3. Isaac Newton, building on Copernicus' and Kepler's work, set out his Laws of Motion and
modern physics was born.
4. Thermodynamics is the study of changes of heat in matter.
5. James Maxwell's equations were used to describe light.

6. The discovery of X-rays and the work of Marie Curie on radioactivity led to nuclear physics.
7. Successful experiments in the 1940s resulted in the splitting of a nucleus and led to the
world's first nuclear explosion.
8. Professor Brimble indicated that we still did not know much about the universe.
9. Brimble mainly talked about things that happened in the world every day for which there was
no scientific explanation.
10. There were theories and ideas which scientists could not prove because it was very hard to
test them.
11. There exist some theories which are definitely correct, but which are still waiting for new
technologies to develop before they can be applied.
12. Ball lightning is a mysterious phenomenon which has not been explained yet.
13. Physicists have discovered that the universe is expanding at an accelerated rate but they do
not know why this is happening.
14. To explain phenomena they had observed in the universe scientists had to assume the
existence of what is called dark matter.
15. Electromagnetic fields exist throughout space.
16. An electromagnetic field exerts a force on electrically charged particles.
17. An electromagnetic field is used to generate electricity, which home appliances depend on for
18. It is widely known that Andre Marie Ampere was the first to apply mathematics to
19. The electrical batteries invented by Alessandro Volta were of limited use and could not provide
enough electrical power to operate a machine.
20. The discovery of electromagnetism enabled scientists to create TVs, phones and electrical
21. Maxwell's equations showed that what physicists had believed in for centuries was wrong.

Albert Einstein
Perhaps one of the most famous scientists of all time, Einstein is known
as the greatest genius of the 20th century. That is quite a title! What
did he accomplish to achieve this world-famous status?
Born in Germany in 1879 Albert Einsteins family moved around a lot
when he was a child. In 1896, he trained as a teacher in physics and
mathematics at the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich. However,
he was unable to find work as a teacher so he went to work at the Swiss
Patent Office. In the year 1905, he completed his doctors degree. While
working at the patent office, he produced a lot of his most remarkable
work. He went on to hold many distinguished titles including Professor
Extraordinary at Zurich, Professor of Theoretical Physics at Prague, and
Director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Physical Institute. He was a professor in the University of Berlin, as well
as a Professor of Theoretical Physics at Princeton.
In 1921 he won the Nobel Prize in Physics for his discovery of the photoelectric effect. This was a
complicated hypothesis which was later confirmed, indicating that light can consist of particles, and
that the energy of any light particle is proportional to the frequency of the radiation.
Have you ever wondered Why is the sky blue? Einstein wrote a complicated equation which
answered this question. The sky is blue on a dear day because molecules in the air scatter blue light
from the sun more than they scatter red light.
Einstein immigrated to the United States in 1940. He made many important discoveries, and like
Newton he studied optics and matter. His most famous formula is E=mc2, indicating that mass and
energy are equivalent and interchangeable properties -- this is the Special Theory of Relativity. While
Einstein did not invent the atomic bomb, it is widely agreed that his theories laid the foundation for
its invention.
Albert Einstein died in 1955 after giving much of his life to the world of science.

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