Denver PD Report On TSA Sexual Assaults

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DENVER POLICE DEPARTMENT NARRATIVE TEXT HARDCOPY SEX ASLT - FONDLE ADULT VICTIM ‘SUPP SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT Preliminary Investigation: (0n031915, while working asa detective in the Sex Crimes Unit, was contacted by Charles Stone, ‘special agent wit the Office of Inspection ofthe Transportation Security Administration, He provided me with information in regards toa posible Unlawful Sexual Contact which had occured at DIA. ‘On 111814, the TSA received an anonymous tip om an employee that a TSA Sereener named had told her that he "gropes’ males who come through the screening aes, He elated that when a mae he finds tractive comes tobe screened bythe scanning machin, he wil alert another TSA screener to indicate tothe ‘scanning computer thatthe pat being Screned isa female. When the screener does his, the scanning machine vill ndicate an anomaly inthe genital area, and tis allows to conduct a patdown search ofthat area ‘The TSA conducted an investigation, and Investigator Cris Higgins observed” inthe sereening areaon (020915, Atabout 0925 hrs, he observed appear to give a signal to another sereener, ‘was responsible for the touchscreen system that controls whether or not the scanning machine lets o gender- spevifle anomalies. Mr. Higgins observed a mal ener te scanner, and observed press the screening button fra female. The scanner alerted to an anomaly, and Higgins observed conduct a pat down ofthe passengers font groin and buttocks area withthe palms of his hands, which is contradictory to TSA searching paliey Higgins conducted an interview with who admitted that she has done this for _ at eastten other times. She knew tht doing so would allow + toperform a pat own on amale passenger that ound, atactve ‘According to Mr Stone, both and __, were terminated asa result ofthis incident, Mr, Stone elated ‘tht all efforts to identify the male passenger have been unsuccessful, and they donot have anyother similar ‘complaint Followup: Detective Heather L. Hohnholz 99078 ofthe Denver Police Department Sex Crimes Unit was assigned this ease fr follow-up, osisis 1330; { met with Mr. Stone and received all his documentation of his investigation and the incident. He showed sme security video of the incident which Mr. Higgins observed. Mr. Stone also related that he had spoken with DA Bonnie Benedetti, nd that se had told him that if he vitim could not be identified, the ease would not be fileable, ‘Mr. Stone told me that they had been able to lear tha the victim was a Southwest Astines passenger, but were unable to identify him specially. otis (Fe nesars Pinned On Apeioa0is ay) rr] DENVER POLICE DEPARTMENT NARRATIVE TEXT HARDCOPY coe 2015-00977 INACTIVE EARLY {401-1 SEX ASLT-FONDLE ADULT VICTIN [CASE CLOSURE 1100: I met with CDDA Bonnie Benedetti, She refused this ease based on No Reasonable Likebhood of | ‘Conviction, and "No Vietim." oats 1400: I notified Mr, Stone of this outcome, and provided im with a copy of he refusal form. 1 placed the video disc into the Property Bureau as Evidence, and sent all he documents othe Records Bureau for scanning. Disposition “This cae willbe carid as EXCEPTIONALLY CLEARED. ‘Ruthor:P99078 ~ HORNHOLZ, REATHER 1. Related date:Ape-02-2015 (Tau.) +s mp o annncorr #4 For MOSOI9 Pred On Ay ioa01s Fr)

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