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Chapter 15 - Safety, Health, and Employee Assistance Programs

Chapter 15
Safety, Health, and Employee Assistance Programs
True / False Questions

1. In the United States, the number of workers dying on the job each day has been increasing
steadily over the past 10 years.

2. Malfunctioning machinery is the most common cause of workplace injury, followed by

slips, strains, sprains, and falls.

3. Public policy has focused on two types of action, monetary compensation for job related
injuries, and preventative measures to enhance job safety and health.

4. The purpose of the Occupational Safety and Health Act is to prevent work-related injuries,
illnesses and death.
5. Federal, state, and local government workers are excluded from the Occupational Safety
and Health Act because the government cannot easily proceed against itself in the event of

6. Every employers has a general duty to provide a place of employment free from
recognized hazards.

7. The purpose of OSHA record-keeping requirements is to identify where safety and health
problems have been occurring (if at all).

8. At the worksite, inspectors concentrate more on technical infractions than on dangerous


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Chapter 15 - Safety, Health, and Employee Assistance Programs

9. Employees are guaranteed access to Form 300 at their workplaces, and the records must be
maintained for five years following the calendar year they cover.

10. Since OSHA is a federally run program, states are not allowed to develop and administer
their own programs, even if they are approved by the secretary of labor.

11. The Supreme Court has ruled that, under certain circumstances, walkouts in unionized
firms due to unsafe working conditions are legal during the term of valid collective bargaining
agreements that contain no-strike and grievance and/or arbitration clauses.

12. Because of the expenses required to make adjustments, management's willingness to

correct hazards and to improve such vital environmental conditions as ventilation, noise
levels, and machine safety is much lower now than it was before OSHA.

13. Accidents most frequently result from unsafe work condition and unsafe work behaviors

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Chapter 15 - Safety, Health, and Employee Assistance Programs

14. Management controls attempt to eliminate unsafe work conditions.

15. A loss-control program has four components: a safety plan, safety records, a safety audit,
and employee feedback.

16. If employees see executives disregarding safety rules or treating hazardous situations
lightly, they will feel that they, too, have the right to violate the rules.

17. Safety rules are important refinements of the general safety policies issued by top

18. Regardless of length of service, the older the employee, the higher the accident rate.

19. Accident rates are substantially higher during the first month of employment than in all
subsequent time periods, regardless of age.

20. The Right-to-Know Law requires all chemical manufacturers and importers to make
available to their customers a material safety data sheet for products containing hazardous

21. Supervisors need to learn about and look for signs of substance abuse on the job because
it relates strongly to the incidence of work injuries.
22. Although feedback and incentives have a positive impact on the motivation of employees
to improve productivity, they have little effect on improving safe behavior.

23. The Supreme Court has ruled that the states can also prosecute company officials under
criminal statutes for endangering the health of employees, even if such hazards are also
regulated by OSHA.

24. The primary emphasis in reducing hazards to date has been installing engineering controls
that minimize exposure to harmful substances, for example, by installing improved ventilation

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Chapter 15 - Safety, Health, and Employee Assistance Programs

25. Modern EAPs are comprehensive management tools that address behavioral risks in the
workplace by extending professional counseling and medical service to all troubled

26. In the traditional alcoholism treatment program, the supervisor had to look for symptoms
of alcoholism and then diagnose the problem. Under an EAP, however, the supervisor is
responsible only for verifying symptoms of alcoholism.

27. Fully half of all auto fatalities involve alcohol.

28. Experts estimate that alcoholism afflicts at least 50 percent of senior executives.

29. While the Americans with Disabilities Act protects rehabilitated alcohol and drug abusers
from discrimination in employment, it also explicitly allows employers to hold alcohol or
drug abusing employees to the same standards of performance and conduct that are set for
other employees. Anyone who is currently using drugs illegally is not protected under ADA.

30. Employers violate the ADA if they suggest that employees submit to wellness initiatives,
such as health risk appraisals and assessments.
Multiple Choice Questions

31. More than _____ workers either get sick or are injured because of their jobs each year.
A. 500,000
B. 1.2 million
C. 3 million
D. 3.3 million

32. Which of the following is the most common workplace injury?

A. Being hit by an object
B. Sprains
C. Strains
D. Slips and falls

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Chapter 15 - Safety, Health, and Employee Assistance Programs

33. Low back injuries account for _____ of all workers' compensation claims and cost an
average of $11,800, more than twice the average workplace claim.
A. one-fifth
B. one-half
C. one-fourth
D. three-quarters
34. In response to disturbing safety and health costs, public policy has focused on two types
of actions: _____ and preventive measures.
A. managerial training
B. monetary compensation
C. employee awareness programs
D. false workers' compensation claims

35. The most dangerous occupations are:

A. fishing and logging.
B. construction.
C. manufacturing.
D. mining.

36. The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 established all but which of the
following federal agencies to administer and enforce the act?
A. Occupational Safety and Health Administration
B. Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission
C. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
D. Safety and Health Workers' Compensation Review Board

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Chapter 15 - Safety, Health, and Employee Assistance Programs

37. Which of the following about OSHA is true?

A. It is a three-member board appointed by the President.
B. It is prohibited from evaluating compliance officers on the basis of enforcement activities,
such as the number of citations issued or penalties assessed.
C. It rules on the appropriateness of NIOSH's enforcement actions when they are contested by
employers, employees, or unions.
D. It conducts research on the causes and prevention of occupational injury and illness.

38. Which government agency conducts research on the causes and prevention of
occupational injury and illness?

39. Which of the following is NOT an OSHA record keeping requirement?

A. Log of work-related injuries and illnesses
B. Injury and illness reporting form
C. Outline of management's plan to address injuries and illnesses
D. Summary of work-related injuries and illnesses

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Chapter 15 - Safety, Health, and Employee Assistance Programs

40. Employers are prohibited from _____ employees who file complaints, and an employee
representative is entitled to accompany the OSHA representative during the inspection.
A. questioning
B. discriminating against
C. transferring
D. relocating

41. OSHA assigns top priority to reports of:

A. imminent dangers.
B. employee complaints.
C. fatality accidents.
D. supervisor misconduct.

42. Considerable emphasis has been given to OSHA's role of _____, but not much to its role
of consultation.
A. harassment
B. enforcement
C. inspecting
D. retribution

Employers can appeal citations, proposed penalties, and corrections they have been
ordered to make through multiple levels of the agency, culminating with the:
A. Supreme Court.
B. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.
C. Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission.
D. Safety and Health Workers' Compensation Review Board.

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Chapter 15 - Safety, Health, and Employee Assistance Programs

44. Although OSHA is a federally run program, the act allows states to develop and
administer their own programs if they are approved by the:
A. secretary of labor.
B. secretary of commerce.
C. President.
D. executive branch.

45. Since its inception in 1971, OSHA has helped cut workplace fatalities by more than
_____ percent and occupational injury and illness rates by _____ percent.
A. 50, 50
B. 10, 75
C. 25, 85
D. 60, 40
46. OSHA standards govern potentially unsafe _____ that employees may be exposed to;
however, there are no standards that govern potentially unsafe employee behaviors.
A. work conditions
B. management practices
C. home settings
D. contractor behaviors

47. Which of the following would NOT be considered an indirect cost of an accident?
A. Cost of wages paid for time lost
B. Cost of workers' compensation
C. Cost of overtime work by others required by the accident
D. Cost of damage to material or equipment

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Chapter 15 - Safety, Health, and Employee Assistance Programs

48 Accidents most frequently result from:

A. unsafe work conditions.
B. unsafe work behaviors.
C. unsafe fumes
D. Both A and B
49. Examples of unsafe _____ are noise, radiation, dust, fumes, and stress.
A. physical conditions
B. external conditions
C. environmental conditions
D. biological

50. To eliminate, or at least reduce, the number and severity of workplace accidents, a
combination of management and _____ controls is essential.
A. human resource
B. environmental
C. feedback
D. engineering

51. _____ attempt to eliminate unsafe work conditions and to neutralize unsafe worker
A. Engineering controls
B. Administrative controls
C. Detective controls
D. Directive controls
52. _____ attempt to increase safe behaviors.
A. Engineering controls
B. Management controls
C. Detective controls
D. Directive controls

53. The role of the safety committee is to:

A. recomend or critique safety policies issued by management
B. Develop in house safety standards
C. Conduct safety inspections
D. All of the above

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Chapter 15 - Safety, Health, and Employee Assistance Programs

54. OSHA standards require that employers furnish and employees use _____ where there is
a reasonable possibility that injuries can be prevented by such use.
A. adequate break areas
B. suitable protective equipment
C. online safety training courses
D. OSHA guidelines
55. One large scale study found that workers over age _____ are a third less likely than their
younger colleagues to be injured at work seriously enough to lose work time.
A. 25
B. 35
C. 55
D. 65

56. Notification rules come under OSHA's hazard communication standard, also known as
the _____ law.
A. Right-to-Know
B. Right-to-Disclosure
C. Exposure Disclosure
D. Need-to-Know

57 _____ inform employees of the ingredients and hazards of dangerous materials, safe
handling, use and storage, and the first aid steps to take in the event of exposure.
A. Right-to-Know laws
B. Material safety data sheets
C. Loss control programs
D. Employee assistance programs
58. The Supreme Court has held that OSHA need not balance the costs of implementing
standards against the benefits expected; OSHA has to show only that it is _____ to implement
the standards.
A. entirely possible
B. environmentally safe
C. economically feasible
D. physically possible

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Chapter 15 - Safety, Health, and Employee Assistance Programs

59. As of 2011, _____ million people worldwide were infected with HIV.
A. 10
B. 18
C. 34
D. 55
60. Which of the following is NOT a way in which direct costs of AIDS to companies will
A. Increased medical premiums to cover their employees with AIDS
B. Increased medical premiums to cover AIDS victims without insurance.
C. Increased Medicaid burden
D. Increased research costs
61 The _____ is an alliance of 200 companies doing business in 138 countries dedicated to
combating the epidemic.
A. Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS
B. World Economic Forum on HIV/AIDS
D. International Federation of the Red Cross

62. From a handful of programs begun in the 1940s, today _____ percent of companies offer
A. 57
B. 75
C. 17
D. 67

63. _____ programs are onsite and hire their own professionals to work in the program.
A. Out-of-house
B. Network
C. Worksite
D. Structural
64. _____ are separate EAP service providers that are not affiliated with a company, and they
may have multiple locations to make it easy for clients to access.
A. Onsite programs
B. Worksite programs
C. In-house programs
D. Network programs

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Chapter 15 - Safety, Health, and Employee Assistance Programs

65. A large-scale review of the cost effectiveness of EAPs concluded that there is no published
evidence that EAPs are harmful to corporate economies or to individual employees; all of the
published studies indicate that EAPs are:
A. cost effective.
B. neutral entities.
C. well-managed subsidies.
D. fiscally indistinct.

66. About _____ percent of full-time employees have a serious drinking problem.
A. 2
B. 10
C. 32
D. 45
67. Which act protects rehabilitated alcohol and drug abusers from discrimination in
A. The Occupational Safety and Health Act
B. The Rehabilitation Act
C. The Americans with Disabilities Act
D. The National Labor Relations Act

68. Employers can reduce the likelihood of workplace violence and aggression by ensuring
A. fair treatment
B. adequate compensation
C. a climate of honesty
D. All of the above

69. _____ is a combination of strategies developed to reduce the costs of chronic conditions
that require significant changes in behavior.
A. Wellness initiative
B. Health administration
C. Disease management
D. Chronic cost initiative

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Chapter 15 - Safety, Health, and Employee Assistance Programs

70. The objective of _____ is to help employees build lifestyles that will enable them to
achieve their full physical and mental potential.
A. loss-control programs
B. disease management
D. wellness programs

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