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The disciples of Jesus Christ, our Lord and savior, were commissioned to go and
preach the Word of God to all nations of the earth after He had given them His
commandments and sanctified them with the Word of truth. Christ Jesus therefore, gave
them the keys of knowledge in order to open peoples minds for they are born spiritually
blind through their inherited psyche hence being alienated from the one true God and His
son Jesus Christ (John17:17-19, Luke11:52, Rom 8:6).Every God’s anointed ministers
(pastors, evangelist & reverends) must therefore undergo complete transformation and
acquire the keys of heaven thereby assisting the congregation to find the true way of life
and allowing them to access God independently, failure to which they will be blind
leaders of the blind. This is achieved by them after entering a new covenant with Jesus
Christ whereby the Words of truth and life are written by the Spirit of the Lord in their
minds and robes of their hearts(Titus 3:3-5, Math 15:14, Heb 8:7-13, 2Cor3:3).
This makes each and every one of us be able to access God and His son Jesus
Christ who come and make their home in us preventing us to serve our own tribal gods
whom majority of us do through one of Satan’s well calculated deceptions. Satan and his
host of demons therefore has successfully deceived people that there are only a few
exclusively chosen by God to preach the Word of God. This makes him (Satan) to
provide many mediums (spiritists & diviners) for the people in the name of pastors,
evangelists and reverends. These heaped up false teachers by Satan use persuasive,
flattery but empty words since they are like clouds without water, to turn God’s people
from diligently searching the narrow and the difficult way that leads to life hence falling
for the broad and wide way that leads to destruction (Micah 4:5, 2Cor2:11, 2Tim4:3-4,
Jude1:12-13, 2Peter2:17-19).
For regeneration to be deemed complete and effective one undergoes three
major phases. Firstly, the person’s inability is replaced with the ability to identify the one
true God who thereafter gives him zeal and interest to serve Him. Then Jesus Christ gives
him/her what the eye has not seen nor ear heard nor have ever entered the heart of man.
That is the Spirit of truth which becomes his teacher thereby guiding him into all truth
giving him the deep secrets of God. Secondly, he is delivered from a fleshly mind which
is substituted with a renewed mind. He is now allowed to share God’s thoughts and ways
since carnal/fleshly mind can never inherit or acquire the mind of God. For the Lord God
has firmly declared that His ways and thoughts are not like those of a man. Lastly, the
person’s spirit which is born dead is given life by our Lord Jesus Christ for in Him is life
which is the light of men. This allows his spirit to be active in reading and applying the
Word of God since his veil has been removed (John 3:3, Rom 8:5, 2Cor4:4, Is 55:8,
John 14:17).

The new believer in Christ Jesus is now given a new heart and a new spirit,
removing the heart of stone out of his flesh. He is allowed to glorify God in all his ways
since he is now a totally transformed person. He ceases to become a child of Satan and
becomes a child of God because he has been delivered from the kingdom of darkness to
the kingdom of light. This will qualify him to rule with Christ Jesus both in the new
millennium and forever with Him in heaven (Eph 4:23-24, Ezekiel 36:26, Col 1:13-14
Rev 20:4-6).

Dated this 3RD day of January 2010,


CELL PHONE:+256722584457.

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