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Saturday, March 28th, 2015

Open Meeting on the 8th ICCCIA

Should we move towards a Non-Profit?
[Note: Tamsie Ringler has already set up non-profit status based out of
Minnesota; the structure is very open and nondescript; it is currently in
inactive status.]

- $$$ help writing for fundraising towards 501c3.

- [Events under ICCCIA umbrella intentionally vague becomes a group of peoples project
for 4 years.]

- Steering Committee 50 people also, advisory committee.

- Membership? Fees? Now nonvoting located in Minnesota. [Note: some participants of

the meeting said they would much rather give a large donation than a small membership fee
this could make it a Members Only Club instead of open to everyone and anyone that is
interested in the ICCCIA.]

- Avoiding structural Monsters.

- Officers and Board of Directors.

1st Conference in 1986 International Conference after ISC took control of sculpture
conference *HIGHLY ADMINISTRATIVE* corporate expensive.
Rebellion Grassroots. THIS IS THE CHALLENGE.


Representatives from each Regional Conference.

Low maintenance, cheap, free-form.
Overseeing group to pass on ideas, information, and documentation.
Partnering with overseas non-profits for events.
Executive committee made up of the Board.
Avoid Disconnect

Saturday, March 28th, 2015

Promote continuity, flexibility
- University network is $$$.
- Transparency is important, we must be mindful of possible Risk.

- Grant authorization to separate body from members.

- Board

Executive/Advisory Board [Invite past directors/people involved for these roles.]

Steering Committee [This will change every four years with the Conference.]

How do we structure the overseeing body?

- Membership $5 fee? need more information.
- Website: Calendar (meetings, conferences, pours, etc), newsletter, master list
- Old Conferences link to Master.
- Iron Network? Consolidate. [Foundry Tree could help with this structure.]
- *Guidestar post financial information, board, public forum.
- Online forum [other than Facebook.]
- Squarespace $90 a year

What does Membership buy?

- Continuation.
- $5 off Conference.

Opening up Conversations to broader community.

- Website: opportunities, needs/desires, calls, volunteers, support network
- Board is Artists or Business people? [Note: I have been working on 501c3 and am on the Board to
a Green Building/Art Space in NH and I can give details to whomever wants the information. We have a
lawyer that is retired that worked getting grant money for the Smithsonian, we have an established artist
and myself an emerging artist, and a few other people from various disciplines 9 people are on
our Board. This is a nice size, maintaining an odd number is smart for voting.]

- National VS International
- SAW Compendium International Base
- Reach out to International contacts to become involved with 5-6 countries.
- Partnership with Overseas Communities.
- Tandems as members actual Board Members from other countries.

Saturday, March 28th, 2015

- Keeping in Touch Sourcing money to apply to connections.

- International platform dialog, forum
- Artist Unions in other countries.
- To start
with small set of Board Members and a larger Advisory Board. Get the format to
function/work and make changes as we go. [Think of an Employee Handbook: when the
company is new the handbook is a page or two, after 15 years of learning and mistakes that
Handbook grows]
- Community Influence SHARE.

- Organic*

[Anything in this font and brackets are my opinions or added nuggets of information from a
different meeting and/or my own experience. I was asked to type up these notes from a meeting
I was unable to attend twas helping get a pour put together. Paige Henry]

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