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Pamela Watson
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25, 2008 For The Su
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Why do job interviews make you feel uncomfortable and stressed? Because interviews are
David Pekrul (1,953) designed to see if what you're selling is worth buying. Internationa
Laura Trahan (33,376) Compariso
Usually you're treated as if you're the product, an advertisement. No wonder most people feel
Susan Thom (9,303) uncomfortable and insecure during job interviews - - what if they don't buy what you're
marketing or selling? Hope for Ex
Teresa Ortiz (11,741) a Job with a

Job Intervie
Ken McCreless (426)
Before the
Gary W. Halsey Sr. (3,480) To increase your confidence in job interviews, it's important to make a direct, meaningful
connection with the interviewer. Below I have provided 5 job interview tips that will help you
minimize your anxiety and increase your confidence in the job interview. Job Intervie
Joel Kontinen (900) Increase Yo
Christine Akiteng (85,557) 1) Be aware of how you present yourself as soon as you walk in the door.
Moving Cou
The job interview begins as soon as you meet the front office staff ( receptionists, secretaries, and Negati
Robert Melaccio, Sr. (7,403) administrative assistants, etc.) Present a courteous and agreeable manner even if you had
problems with finding the location, or if you're feeling nervous.
What Make
Avis Ward (11,231)
2) Recognize that the first impression is formed in the first few minutes of contact. This may Qualities of
seem unfair, however, this is still good information to know in advance. Your knowledge gives
Gerry Charbonneau (759) you power and a sense of control.

Jan Hayner (4,908) The most important thing is to take a deep breath before you shake the interviewer's hand.
Relax, look the interviewer squarely in the eye, and smile. Your muscle memory will now kick
in and make a mental note that you're not in danger. The interviewer will be put at ease and
Jon Searles (1,848) your first impression will be professional and composed.
Ben Morrish (2,214)
3) Check out your interviewer's surroundings so you can find helpful cues and signs. Even if
View All Featured Authors the interviewer has brought you to a generic conference room for the interview, he or she will
still provide cues or signs to help you connect. What is the interviewer wearing? If you're in
the interviewer's office, what pictures are on the desk? What certificates are on the wall?

Look around as you are seated so you can begin to make that human connection with this
person. Your awareness of these physical cues will help you see that this interviewer is
simply an individual who wants to share a conversation with you.

4) Stay a step ahead of the interviewer by analyzing their style. Every job interviewer will
provide you with keys to succeeding within the interview.

If you check out their voice and behavior you'll begin to see a pattern that emerges. They
may pause before asking the tough questions - - or they may shoot them out quickly. They
may keep the entire interview on a casual level - - or keep it very formal. Your role is to check
out the patterns of their behavior and find a way to mirror what you see. You do not need to
change your entire personality for an interview, but it is time to match the mood and tone. In
this way, you begin to forge a connection.
Most Recent 5) Don't leave without asking some questions. I'd recommend taking mental notes of a few
How to Kill the Perfect Cover things that you hear during the interview so that you can bring up a related comment or
Letter question at the end. Yes, of course, you should have prepared a few questions to ask prior to
arriving. But, be sure to double back to something the interviewer has said during the
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Asia In this way, you will be able to reinforce the connection which has been created.

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Article added to on Thursday, September 25, 2008
View other articles written by Pamela Watson (74)

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