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Complimentary data from INSET s.r.o. (1)
(1) INSET s.r.o., Novakovych 6, 180 00, Praha 8,Czech Republic,

Ground Penetration Radar (GPR) has since long been used in various fields. But its range
of applications is growing bigger with the emergence of new techniques and requests for
larger investigations.
A) Inspection of tunnels and pipelines
A frequent task is to detect voids
and zones of weakness around
tunnels. Progress of the cavities
behind tunnel walls can lead not
only to the collapse of the tunnel
body itself but also to subsidence of
soil above the tunnel, surface
destruction and even loss of life.
Preventive inspection of the tunnel
construction and soil condition
around it is therefore very
important. Geo-radar is a tool that
Fig. Tunnel inspection with Mal GeoScience RAMAC
MC-4 multichannel radar and two 500 MHz shielded

allows inspection through and

behind walls by detecting voids,
zones of weakness and other
inhomogenities before they become
a serious problem.

Case history: In the summer 1997, after heavy rainfalls, the fast developing crater above a
collapsed sewer appeared in a busy residential area of Prague. Within a few days a large
open void of 15 m in diameter and more than 11 m in depth endangered a nearby family
house. Inspection of the sewage system revealed two other large cavities close to the
crater with a high risk of collapsing. It was decided to inspect immediately the rest of the
tunnel with GPR to detect further zones of weakness and cavities hidden behind the walls
of the tunnel. The basic survey consisted of a surface radar measurements in three lines
parallel to the tunnel with 100 MHz antenna, and a radar inspection from inside the tunnel
with 2 parallel lines positioned along each side wall, one in the ceiling and one towards
the floor, with 200 and 400 MHz antennas. At the problematic parts the detailed geo-radar
measurements were complemented with other geophysical methods shallow seismic,
seismic tomography and detailed micro-gravity surveys.
Left Fig. An example of an interpretation of
radar data from the GPR surface and
underground surveys.

Right Fig.
Schematic cross
section as a result

from the detailed

above detected
zone of weakness.

Since 1997 great improvements in survey techniques and instrumentation have been
made. The shielded antennas bring better data resolution with decrease in air reflections;
also a multi-channel RAMAC system from Mal GeoScience increased survey
production. The radar measurement from inside the tunnels is still the best method of
inspection, although it may be often combined with other techniques.

Fig. An example of a survey results

from the sewage tunnel P in
Prague, where the significant voids
behind the walls were revealed.

Case history: One of the main sewer lines in Prague

(circular in shape and 2.5 m in diameter) was inspected
in the year 2000. A combination of geo-radar
measurements and concrete wall integrity testing
techniques were used to detect voids behind the tunnel
walls, to determine their thickness and approximate
volume of empty space. Ordinary video camera
inspection did not reveal any cracks or breaks in the
tunnel walls, so it was expected that the condition of
ground behind the walls was good as well. As detailed
bellow, the contrary was the true. When core drills were
placed into major GPR anomalies a layer of void, up to
60 cm thick, was found behind the wall. Significant
deterioration of ground conditions was also detected
close to where the sewer was crossing the subway line.

B) Wall inspection
In the similar way the tunnel is inspected, the supporting walls
and embankments can be surveyed with geo-radar for voids,
zones of weakness and other inhomogenities. From the radar
sections the thickness of individual construction layers and the
condition of material behind the walls can be estimated.
Case history: During a planned general repair of the
embankment walls of the Vltava river in Prague INSET was
engaged to perform a GPR survey of the walls. The aim of the
measurement was to specify the thickness of construction
layers and detect the inhomogenities like zones of weakness,
voids, cracks etc. During the measurements the Mal
GeoScience RAMAC 250 MHz antenna was moved up and
down along the wall along profiles spaced 1 metre. The
interpreted radar sections were then converted into schematic
block diagrams (see bellow). The major anomalies were
verified with the core drillings.

Fig. Interpretation of radar data

from measurement of the
embankment walls of the Vltava
River, in Prague.

Fig. The radar

measurement of the
wall thickness and the
condition of material
behind the supporting
wall of the railroad in
the town of Kolin

C) Detection of obstacles and optimalisation of the route for No-Dig technologies

Horizontal drilling is often the best
solution to bypass highways, railroads
or rivers. It is important to find the
easiest way for drilling, to avoid
colliding with any hidden obstacles.
Sometimes, mainly in large cities,
with high density of underground
engineering network, it is difficult to
find the optimal route for the drilling.
Geo-radar is a fast and nondestructive method, which can offer
required information about the ground
conditions and help to optimise the
drilling depth, direction and angle.

Fig. A schematic block diagram showing how the

geo-radar measurement can be used to optimize
the depth for the horisontal drilling.

D) Road inspection
There are many different applications of geo-radar in this field. An
important and frequent task is to determine the thickness of
construction layers. Information about location of fractions, zones of
weakness and other inhomogenities bellow the road surface is
necessary for designers to plan reconstruction of the roads. Smallscale detail radar surveys are made in areas of road surface
subsidence. The GPR survey can not only estimated the area and
volume of zone of weakness, but also to predict the reason of road
Fig. Road Inspection deterioration (i.e. broken water or sewage pipeline, geological
structure etc.).
with 250 MHz
shielded antenna

Case history: A major road near the town of Stribro suddenly collapsed. It was strongly
suspected that the surface deterioration was connected with an old medieval mine beneath
the surface and that the collapse could rapidly extend over a larger area. Therefore, the
surrounding area was surveyed with GPR and course of mine adits were mapped. The
undermined parts of the road were repaired and ad its refilled.

Fig. A damaged road near the town of Stribro. The subsidence happened at the undermined area,
where one of the mine ad its shallow to surface collapsed due to heavy traffic.

E) Archaeology
Many historical sites (old towns and castles, chateaus) in the
Czech Republic hide mysterious labyrinths of underground
passages, cellars and halls carved into rocks. Geo-radar
measurements and other geophysical surveys are in many
instances the only ways to detect the underground voids.
Mapping of medieval underground spaces has not only great
historical value, but also largely contributes to urban
These are few examples of geo-radar measurements done by
INSET s.r.o. A two floor medieval cellar was discovered in
Brno, under the area, where large construction cranes were
about to be raised. Rescued just in time, the ancient wine
cellar now serves to its original purpose an up-scale
restaurant. Than, at many other places in Brno, the GPR was
used to survey the underground to delineate the voids, before Fig. The RAMAC radar
the construction of a cable tunnel. Before a planned survey of a chapel floor in the
castle of Karlstein. 1
reconstruction of the historical centre of the town of Mlada
Boleslav a detailed geophysical GPR survey was conducted shallow seismic and microgravity measurements focused on delineating underground cellars beneath urban areas of
the city. Stability of such shallow cellars can be endangered by road traffic and
construction activities. Old medieval silver mining towns like Kasperske Hory or Stribro
have serious problems with soil subsidence, and lateral locations of shafts and mine adits
had to be established with geo-radar.
Case history: The town of Cesky Dub was once up-on-a-time an important trading post for
the Czech Kingdom and Germany. Travelling merchants were offered hospitality and
protection by the fortified monastery. According to historical sources a large and
complicated underground labyrinth was created under the monastery about the XII
century. For centuries it has been almost forgotten. At the approximate location of the
underground system, a detailed geophysical survey was performed. The radar and microgravity measurements revealed locations of complicated system of underground rooms
and confirmed their existence.

Fig. To obtain better resolution and higher

penetration depth the combination of 100
MHz shielded and unshielded antennas
were used together with the Mala
GeoScience multi-channel MC-4 RAMAC
systm. (GPR archaeological survey in the
town of Cesky Dub)

Fig. Example of interpretation of gravity

measurements and radar profile. Two of the
underground rooms were clearly indicated in
the depth of about 5 meters. (Archealogical
survey in the town of Cesky Dub)

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