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Advanced non linear failure analysis of a reinforcement

composite curved beam with delamination and ply degradation

Christian BRAUNER1, Yvan RADOVCIC1, Jean-Pierre DELSEMME1, Philippe
(1) SAMTECH s.a., Lige Science Park, Lige, Belgium

In the design of composite structures, one of the main challenges is to deal with
delamination. In fact, delamination appears mainly near edges, junction, macro defects or
zones of external loading because of the three-dimensional state of stress which occurs in
these regions. In this report it is shown how to simulate a failure of a reinforcement
composite curved beam which is modeled according to the ASTM norm 6415 [ref. 5].
The geometry and material data are given by the company AIRBUS. This article is based
on a benchmark which was done to demonstrate the capabilities of the SAMCEF
software to AIRBUS.
Model description:
The FE model of the test case was created as
parameterized model. It is a four point bending test
witch takes into account the following aspects: large
displacements, flexible rigid contacts between the
cylinders and the specimen, bilinear material behavior
(Different young modules for tensile and compression),
delamination between 5 different layers and ply

Figure 1. - Geometry

For the simulation of the delamination, cohesive elements are used. The constitutive
equation used in these elements is based on a theory developed by Allix of Cachan [ref.
1, 2. & 3.]. This theory is a continuum damage theory. The constitutive law is written
between the stresses and the variation of displacement divided by the thickness of the
cohesive element. The initiation of damage is driven by an energy release based criterion.
The failure function was chosen as an exponential function. In the model, an exponential
damage delay function was used to avoid mesh dependency.
The stress potential for the cohesive elements is:


The position of the cohesive element layers was chosen according to experiment (Fig. 2).
These are placed between the plies 10-11, 12-13, 15-16, 18-19 and 21-22. As it can be
seen in the cross section of the curved beam, thickness varies, especially in the curved
region. This change of the thickness was taken into account because it has an influence
on the bending stiffness and the failure behaviour of then structure.

Figure 2 - Cross section of the curved beam

In a first approach the analysis result have shown that the changing in thickness will lead
to a jump of the delamination from one ply to another. This can be explained by the
change of the point of the maximum inter-laminar normal stress. A specimen with only
applied moments has an inter-laminar normal stress maximum in the middle of the
curved radius. A specimen with different thickness over the curved region experiences an
initial lateral move because one cylinder will touch the specimen first. The symmetry
condition is no longer valid and the specimen is no longer loaded with pure moments.
Additional applied forces will produce a shear stress maximum in the beginning of the
radius [ref 6.].
Inter-laminar normal stress distribution

Figure 3 - Before failure

Figure 4 After failure

A jump of the delamination from on ply to another means that there will be some fracture
in the ply also. There will be a matrix failure in the ply. Some matrix fracture will imply
that the structure does not fail suddenly but experiences change of stiffness. To take this
physical effect into account a ply damage model was added to the FE model. This ply
damage model starts from the one developed by Ladeveze and Le Dantec [ref 4.]. It is
also based on continuum damage theory and takes into account damage in fiber direction,
damage linked to the transverse direction 22 and to the in-plane shear 12 and to the
stresses in the normal direction. The model can be coupled to plasticity with isotropic
hardening but this is neglected in our case. A damage delay is used to avoid mesh
The total strain is the addition of an elastic strain, a plastic strain and a thermal strain.
The elastic strain is obtained from a stress potential:

The formula shows on which terms of the stiffness are influenced by the damage. From
this formula we derive the thermodynamic forces:

The evolution law of the damage is computed using these thermodynamic forces and
coupling parameters to interpolate the failure during mixed mode.


Result of the simulation:

Stress component S33

Ply damage d22

Figure 3 Inter-laminar normal stress and ply damage scalar d22

In the previous picture normal stress and ply damage are showed with respect to
displacement. It can be seen that the crack starts to propagate in the interface layer
between the 12 and 13 ply for a cylinder displacement of 3 mm. After this first crack the
complete structure looses the stiffness. At this point delamination between the layers 10 11 and 15-16 appears and leads to a violent failure. In the end of the simulation more
delamination appears in the interface 18-19.

Figure 4 - Force displacement curve

In the force displacement curve you can easily see the point where the structure looses
the initial stiffness. In the first part of the curve load has zero values up to a displacement
of 0.7mm. This comes from the non-symmetry of the specimen. After the brutal failure of
the specimen the force displacement curve shows a weak behavior. Compare to a
empirical experiment the numerical result showed 13% difference in the max. force
Difference between ply damage and delamination failure
The ply damage starts at a displacement of 3,75mm (Figure 7). Figure 8 shows the
depredated elements for a displacement of 9 mm.

Figure 5 Ply damage - Start

Figure 6 Ply damage - End

Interface failure starts at the same time as ply damage. There is an interaction between
ply and interface failure on the crack tip in this model.

Figure 7 Interface damage Start

Figure 8 Interface Damage - End

The total time of this dynamic analysis was around 3 hour and 7 min CPU time.

This example demonstrates the possibility to simulate composite failure using the
SAMCEF code. Two degradation modes were coupled: delamination and ply damage.
This industrial benchmark shows that several non-linear effects can be incorporated in
ultimate composite failure models.

1. P. Ladeveze, O. Allix, B. Douchin and D. Leveque; A Computational Method for
damage intensity prediction in a laminated composite structure; LMT Cachan,
WCCM IV - 4th World Congress on Computational Mechanics. 1998
2. O. Allix; The damage mesomodel for laminates interface identification and
application to delamination; LMT Cachan, Course on emerging techniques for
damage prediction and failure analysis of laminated composite structures
Cepadues Editions
3. P. Ladeveze, O. Allix ;Damage modelling of the elementary ply for laminated
composites; LMT Cachan
4. O. Allix, J.F. Deu ; Delayed damage modelling for fracture prediction of
laminated composite under dynamic loading; LMT Cachan, Engineering
Transactions. Vol 45. Pages 29-46. 1997
5. ASTM norm 6415; Standard test method for measuring the curved beam strength
of a fibre-reinforced polymer matrix composite.
6. W. Ko, R. Jackson; Multilayer theory for delamination analysis of a composite
curved bar subjected to end forces and end moments; NASA technical

7. C.Brauner; Implementation of the Puck failure criterion in the FE code Samcef

for nonlinear failure analysis. Samcef
8. H.Schrmann; Konstruieren mit Faser-Kunststoff-Verbund; Springerverlag - 2005

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