032.new Zealand Herald: Beware The Policy of Dangerous Greens

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Garth George: Beware the other

policies of dangerous Greens
5:30 AM Thursday Dec 15, 2011
Garth George on New Zealand

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The political landscape has

been redrawn and we can
now see what it will look like
for the next three years.

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National has tied in its

support partners - Act's
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John Banks, United Future's

Peter Dunne and the three
surviving members of the
Maori Party - which it
needed as a buer against
a paper-thin majority in the

Green Party leader Russel Norman . Photo /

Sarah Ivey

Labour has chosen a new leader, the untested one-termer David

Shearer, but at least he's the member for Mt Albert and that has to
mean something, surely.

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John Key, too, was a relatively untested newbie when he became

the National leader and it didn't seem to do him any harm.

Reserve Bank
'trying to stem the

If Shearer can indeed forge a new Labour Party out of the rubble
of the old, then perhaps we can again look forward to having an
opposition which is worth the electorate's serious consideration. In
our democracy that is absolutely essential.

New planes to cost

NZDF $600m

The Greens with 14 seats

and New Zealand First with
eight have been rather
quiet since the election,
but have no doubt been
organising themselves
before they take their
seats in Parliament next

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grant meant news

Mike Sabin's new

job at luxury resort

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For all the bollocking I have

given Winston Peters in
recent years, I am,
considering the makeup of the new Parliament, tremendously glad
that he and his colleagues are there. Why? Because they could well
have to act as a counterfoil for the Greens.

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1 of 40

The Greens are dangerous. They are more than a polite group of
tree-huggers, slug-savers and water samplers but you rarely, if
ever, hear of the more sinister planks of their policy, which are
frightening to say the least to those of us who care about what
really matters.
As a pro-life mate of mine reminded me this week, in 2008 the
Greens in the Victorian Parliament voted for the decriminalisation
of abortion. This meant that it was no longer a crime to kill an
unborn child and Victoria now has the most permissive abortion
law in the world. It provides that any woman can demand an
abortion for any reason.
The Greens in Australia also support same-sex marriage and samesex adoption, and an education system which teaches that
homosexuality is normal.

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Last year the Greens promoted bills to legalise euthanasia in the

New South Wales, Western Australian and Victorian Parliaments.
Senator Bob Brown, the leader of the Greens in the Australian
federal Parliament, has said that passing euthanasia laws is a top

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My mate reckons that the New Zealand electorate ought to

recognise that in our Parliament the Greens represent a threat to
the protection of the right to life of unborn children, the elderly and
the ill and to the institution of marriage as exclusively between one
woman and one man.
He points out that the Green Party in Germany has similar policies.

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"The Greens," he wrote, "are a serious threat to the sanctity of life

ethic and the right to life of every person from conception to
natural death. They are also a threat to the sanctity of marriage.
"We should recognise that the long-term objective of the Greens is
to reduce the world's population, creating a world in which nature
is the dominant 'right' with humanity subservient to that 'deity'."

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Another mate of mine suggests that same-sex adoption is likely to

be pushed by the Greens and Labour this term, but opposed by NZ
First. The big question is whether National will resist this social
engineering. The same applies to same-sex marriage.
As for the decriminalisation of abortion, Labour MP Steve
Chadwick, who was championing this law change, lost her list seat
at the election but we can expect that "cause" to be picked up by
another Labour, or Green, MP.

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And Peter Dunne is the only parliamentarian known to oppose

If Peters and his osiders do nothing else in the next three years
than stand against any move by the Greens and/or Labour to
advance their murderously liberal humanism, they will have the
gratitude and the support of hundreds of thousands of New
Zealanders who see the sanctity of life as the bedrock on which
civilised society is built.

Worst baby names revealed

Among other matters which will be carefully watched is what the

Government will do about the drinking age and the intolerable
harm done by excessive alcohol consumption.
This will be back on the parliamentary agenda early next year but
unfortunately last term's National-led government showed little will
to deal with the obvious harms of alcohol abuse.
It has ignored many of the solutions put forward by the Law
Commission after consulting extensively with the public, and far
too many senior politicians are promoting a split drinking age that
will send a mixed message and fail to acknowledge the harm
alcohol does to the developing brains of teenagers.
Improvements to the economy, health, education, infrastructure
and communication are all very well. But it is decisions on these
humanitarian issues which will ultimately dictate the shape of our
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future society.
Note: Due to an increasing amount of unpublishable postings, the
'comment' functionality of this article has been disabled.
- NZ Herald
Read more by Garth George


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Well said Garth! I am aware of this and we should all become more and more
aware of these deep dangers of the deep greens

RAY M - New Zealand - 11:08 AM Thursday, 15 Dec 2011


After reading this I am so thankful that NZ is a secular state. The decline of

patriarchal church inuence from politics has lead to people being treated as, well
people. Did you realize that gays are people Garth? Have you ever met one?
Women are people too Garth. Ultimately the Greens are campaigning for the right
to live as we choose, and not to be dictated by outdated establishments.

Jazz - New Zealand - 11:08 AM Thursday, 15 Dec 2011


Garth's mate sounds a rather odd chap. I never heard the NZ Greens campaign or
mention any of the issues Garth discusses. I did hear them campaign on clean
waterways, the state of the ocean, climate change and stopping asset sales. That's
why they got my vote.

H. Clinker - Hawke's Bay - 11:08 AM Thursday, 15 Dec 2011


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These policies are exactly the reason that I voted for the Greens, and am thrilled
that they have the presence that they have in parliament. And I am a straight,
white, middle-class, educated male.

Mark S - Auckland Central - 11:08 AM Thursday, 15 Dec 2011


Interesting points, however Garth you forgot to mention they are simply
communists in sheeps clothing (or smart suits now), trying to pull the wool over
everyones eyes by saying "look at us we're lovely and electable"

Dunky - 11:09 AM Thursday, 15 Dec 2011


The more the Greens push those policies the more I like it. The less religious, anti
science, anti women, anti gay nonsense we have to put up with the better. Sexual
matters are about personal choice, not for governments to poke their nose in,
paedophilia excepted.
I dont like abortion, but society isnt agreed when human life really starts,so it
should be a womans choice. The Greens are pro choice on this and euthanasia, let
individuals decide. As to population growth we desperately need it stabilised or
you really will see problems and death, so ironically the Greens are very much pro

Gandalf - St Heliers - 11:09 AM Thursday, 15 Dec 2011


When even conservative MP's around the world are supporting same sex marriage
'because' they are conservative, Garth George just looks rather sad. No problem
though - his generation and its attitudes will soon be gone.

Pedro Garcia - New Zealand - 11:09 AM Thursday, 15 Dec 2011


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Wow. The old "reds under the bed" drivel has morphed into Greens under the bed.
The only real dierence is that it now has less substance.
Watch out, everyone. Garth's mate reckons stu. Bad stu. What a joke this whole
piece is. Are the sta who allowed this to print hanging their heads in shame?
Oh My God!
The Greens in Australia support same-sex marriage and same-sex adoption? Run
for the hills everyone! Just a note to you Garth - the Greens in Australia are a
dierent political party. Secondly, who cares? Only dinosaurs like yourself. Man, the
world will be such a better place without people of your lthy ilk.
If I seem a tad worked up it's because, as Green voter, I object to being labelled
murderous. Again I ask, when did the Herald make the decision to print not just
lies, but also highly abusive rubbish? You are a disgrace to humanity and
democracy Garth, and a shining example of the downside of free speech.

Raving leftwing nutter - England - 11:09 AM Thursday, 15 Dec 2011


The Greens placed much emphasis on children in poverty. They were a part of
making sure that the focus on the economy wasn't at the expense of a view to how
that relates to our childrens' welfare.
I'm concerned about the sanctity of life of the many poor and malnourished
children who are an issue right now, not what the Green Party may or may not do if
they ever even get to govern.
I've too often seen the urgent matters of now side tracked by distractions like this.
None of these matters is on the agenda, and the Greens have no power over the
agenda. Can we get back to what's going on, rather than scare mongering over
what might go on?

Gerry S - 11:09 AM Thursday, 15 Dec 2011


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100 % spot on George - this is their hidden agenda people need to know they are
voting for

mealmatenz - New Zealand - 11:10 AM Thursday, 15 Dec 2011


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