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Muhammad Haziq bin Zaidel

No.3,Jalan Sutera,
Taman Cempaka,
43600 Bandar Baru Bangi,
12 March 2012.
Dear Zarina,
How's life? I hope you are in the best of health. How's my beloved Uncle Johari? I miss him
too.The reason I write this letter is to tell you about my expedition to Langkawi. Guess what?
We just came back from Langkawi . I went there with 25 of my classmates and my class
teacher. Mr, Zaid had kindlly accompanied us for the 3 day-trip. You should have joined us. It
was such an awesome experience!
Well, on the first day, we arrived at Langkawi in morning after a short flight. Then, we were
taken to Langkawi Geopark, a UNESCO World Heriatage Site where we could see magnificent
rock formations. We were taught the history of the place and some fossils of fish could also be
sighted. This is a wonderful opportunity to understand geogical aspect of the island at the
After visiting Geopark, we were taken to Pulau Dayang Bunting which about an hour boat
ride. I forgot to mention that the boat ride itself was so exciting and adventurous. Upon arrival at
the island, we were greeted by monkeys and soon, we saw a breathtakinng lake, with its gree
clear water. Not forgetting the fish spa where thousands of catfish nibble at your feet when you
lower feet into the water. Again, this is a new experience for me. Other than that, we could really
enjoy the beautiful scenery of the island.
The next day, we went to Underwater World where we saw the penguin, giant fishes,
colourful onemones and all sorts of marine life there.I'm sure, it's heaven for fish lovers. One
advantage of this trip is I could learn about themarine life. Well, on the final day, we went to
Mahsuri Tomb and Padang Mat Sirat to relive the legend of Mahsuri. It was a good experience
since I managed to see the historic sites and understand Mahsuri legend better. Other than that,
I also learn about the importance of being true to our words and do not spread false gossips

since these can lead to horrible consequences. I also managed to make friends with some other
tourists visiting the site.
Okay, I guess I have to have to pen off now. Hope to see you in the next letter. Please
convey my love and regards to my uncle and aunti. Take care!


10, Jalan Mega Minang,

Taman Minang Sari
68000 Ampang, Selangor
7th September 2009
Dear Lina,
It was lovely to hear from you. All of us miss you very much. Mum and Dad are glad that
you are slowly adjusting to life in a boarding school.
In your letter you complained about the compulsory co-curricular activities. Well, let me tell
you that you can reap many benefits through active participation in these activities. Firstly, the
various co-curricular activities help you become a better person . Participation in uniformed
units, clubs and societies, sports and games will help you discover your talents and develop
your character. You will become a more confident and well-rounded person. The strict rules and
good behaviour expected of you as a member of a uniformed unit will instil discipline (point 2) in
you. This is important if you are to become a law-abiding citizen.
Besides, you will learn good values through the various co-curricular activities. You will
learn about the importance ofcooperation and respect for others . These values are very
important in a multi-racial society like ours.
You have always said that you admire great leaders like Nelson Mandela and Abraham
Lincoln. Well, co-curricular activities will certainly help you to develop leadership skills . There
will be ample opportunities to enable you to become a good leader. Besides learning how to
plan events, you will learn to organise activities .Sometimes, you might even have to handle a
challenging situation and this will teach you how to make on-the-spot decisions.
More importantly, co-curricular activities provide you with many opportunities (point 8) to
help you develop social skills (point 9). As you know, a person with good social skills has an
edge these days. Extra-curricular activities will also provide you with opportunities to take part in
competitions (point 10) at various levels. Schools usually select their representatives for

competitions at zone, state or national level by looking at their students performance in schoollevel competitions.
These activities also keep you healthy (point 11). Who knows, you might finally shed your
baby fat! Most importantly, you will get a good testimonial (point 12) if you are active in cocurricular activities. This will definitely boost your chances when applying for a scholarship or a
There is no need for you to worry that participation in these activities will affect your grades. On
the contrary, it has been proven that students who are actively involved usually do well
I hope you will take the opportunities co-curricular activities provide to experience new things
and discover your strengths.
I have to stop here. I have to study for my trial examination, which is in two weeks time. Till I
hear from you, take care.
Your loving sister,

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