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Manual for the Excel spreadsheet

Version 1.0



Software introduction ................................................................................................................................................................ 6
Software structure ..................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Concrete mixture step by step ................................................................................................................................................ 8
1 Input material properties ............................................................................................................................................... 10
Cements and additions .................................................................................................................................................... 10
Fine and coarse aggregates ............................................................................................................................................. 11
2 Demands of the mixture ................................................................................................................................................ 11
3 Calculation...................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Inert structure ................................................................................................................................................................. 13
Strength model ................................................................................................................................................................ 15
Water demand ................................................................................................................................................................ 16
4 Results concrete mixture ............................................................................................................................................... 18
Adjust the mixture ........................................................................................................................................................... 18
Save the mixture.............................................................................................................................................................. 20
5 Optimization................................................................................................................................................................... 20

The Excel tool Mix Design is an adapted version of the existing software Mix Design Mix Proportioning (March 2009) with
the purpose of generating and comparing different concrete mixtures.
The managing of materials and mix design is improved and the aim was a better user-friendly interface. The section mix
proportioning is not implemented.
The software gives the opportunity to create a limited material database that can be used to generate a concrete mixture.
The mix design is based on several models, including grading curves and Dewars minimum voids ratio theory.
Mix Design is compatible with Microsoft Excel 2010 and 2013 (VBA supported). The macros have to be enabled.
Compatibility with other versions of Microsoft Excel or open source spreadsheets is not guaranteed.


Figure 1 Software structure architecture


Extract the .zip file and save all files (manual.pdf, MixDesign_v1.0.xlm and MixDesignicon) in the same folder. Then open
the Excel file: MixDesign_v1.0.xlm. Make sure the macros are enabled, otherwise the software will not work.

Figure 2 Welcome screen

A welcome screen appears after opening the excel file. Two options are possible:
Create a new project

The spreadsheet initializes by erasing all values in the worksheet Concrete mixture.
Material properties, summary, saved ideal grading curves and strength models are

Continue previous project

Opens the last saved project

For more information, open the manual by clicking on Read manual on the right side of the welcome screen. Make sure the
manual is saved in the same folder as the Excel file.
A step-by-step procedure explains how the excel tool Mix Design can be used. First a print screen gives you a quick view of
the procedure.


Check requirements
after calculations

Figure 3 Quick view of the procedure



At the top of the worksheet Concrete Mixture, six material buttons linked to material databases are situated. Click on the
material you want to input or change.

Figure 3 Material buttons

The corresponding worksheet will open. For every material there is a possibility to store maximum five different types. The
yellow and red cells indicate the specific values related to the material. The red ones are obliged and they have to be filled
in manually.
After filling in a sieve set and the cumulative sieved aggregate (CSA), press the button Renew to generate dependent
material properties of all inputted materials. The grading curves are graphically displayed on the right side of the table. Also
a histogram of the sieved aggregates gives more information about the distribution of the particles.
If inconsistencies occur, e.g. sieve set is not sorted in ascending order or non-numeric values, a pop-up window will
appear. Correct the error en press the renew-button again.


Essential to continue:

Real density
Water content at standard consistency
Sieve set (or Blaine value + Kf )

Explanation of the parameters:

Real density

= overall particle volume, including the pores occupied by air or water (RD) (= korrelvolumieke
massa = werkelijke volumemassa = masse relle)

Water content

= water content of the paste at standard consistence in the Vicat test, calculated as a percentage of
the mass of cement (= water demand for binding)

Air content

= air content in the paste [%]

Blaine value

= measure of fineness [m/kg]


= constant typically 12 to 15 (14,4 from UK data; 12,2 from German data)

Mean size = Kf / (RD * Blaine)

k-value add

= k-value linked to a specific addition which will be used in the mixture. A table of values can be
found on the right side of the grading curve graph in the worksheet Additions.

Max add/cement

= proportion of the addition/cement. Values can also be found in the same table.

If various additions are used, it is recommended to store a new cement for each addition with the corresponding
values. E.g. Cement 1 = CEMI/42.5 fly ash (k = 0.2 and max add/cem = 0.33) and Cement 2 = CEMI/42.5 slag (k = 0.9
and max add/cem = 0.45)



Essential to continue:

Real density
Loose bulk density
Sieve set

Press the button Back to return to the main page. Repeat this procedure for every material to generate a complete material

Figure 4 Material properties - Fine aggregates


After inputting the material properties, now the concrete requirements may be imposed by clicking on the button Demands
of the mixture. A userform will open.

Figure 5 Demands of the mixture

The requirements are mainly based on the Belgian Standard NBN B 15-001 (2012) and secondary on the European standard
EN 206-1:2000. For the environment class, table F.3 and table F.1 from NBN B 15-001 (2012) are used. The exposure classes
are linked corresponding table F.2 and F.1 of the same Belgian standard.


Figure 6 Demands of the mixture

After pressing Process, the possible concrete requirements linked to the selected environment or exposure classes are
displayed. Choose the one that fits the demands and press Choose. Only one choice can be made. Also the language (Dutch
or French) for the annotations corresponding the selected demands need to be chosen.

Figure 7 Demands of the mixture

The requirements are now displayed on the main screen and linked to the control cells (see page 19). Here, only three cells
can be changed manually, namely the entrapped air, slump and total air. The value for entrapped air is standard 1,5 % and
for the slump the average value of the chosen consistence class is displayed.

Figure 8 Overview - demands of the mixture


Now the mix design may begin. By clicking on Material selection different cements, additions, fine and coarse aggregates,
admixtures and water can be chosen. Only aggregates from the databases with a valid name are assumed. A maximum of
three materials can be selected. For cement and additions, the limit is also three materials in total. E.g. two cements and
one addition or one cement and two additions.
Start choosing a material in the left box and select if necessary more materials by using the two other boxes one by one
moving to the right.

Figure 9 Material selection

Figure 10 Material selection

Press the OK button to start processing the mixture. This may take a few seconds. The last material selection is saved so its
easy to change one or several materials during modeling. After processing, the names of the chosen materials appear on
the main screen.

To define the inert structure, two methods can be used: ideal grading curves and minimum voids ratio (Dewar-model).
Select the option button of your choice on the left side of the inert structure frame and press OK.

after clicking the OK button, the software will calculate automatically the material proportions with the
least voids ratio based on the theory of Dewar.

Grading curve:

a new window appears wherein the maximum aggregate size can be filled in and an existing ideal
grading curve can be chosen. Its also possible to enter a new ideal grading curve. When activating this
option and after pressing OK, a new worksheet will open.


Figure 11 Select an ideal grading curve

Enter a new ideal grading curve:

The new ideal grading curve can be filled in manually in the yellow cells or with the help of the buttons on the right of the
worksheet Grading curves. A graphical visualization is given on the right side of the table. Based on the maximal aggregate
diameter, ABC-curves are plotted to give a guideline to create the new ideal grading curve.
To complete, press the large button with the arrow to interpolate the values into the standard sieve set.
On top of the worksheet, four buttons are situated: Import, Save, Clear and Back.

Go back to the main screen Concrete mixture (no actions are undertaken, the grading curve is not used).


Imports the grading curve into the method of the least squares and the program automatically returns to the
main screen where the material proportions are calculated.


Save the new grading curve and give it a name. The values are saved next to the last ideal grading curve.
From now on, its possible to select this curve when opening the user form Grading Curve.

The ideal grading curve is not imported in the least squares worksheet, if needed, press Import.


Erases all saved ideal grading curves, excluding Fller

Interpolates the
new ideal grading

Figure 12 New ideal grading curve

After the proportions have been calculated, its possible to use them immediately in the concrete mixture or they can be
modified in the second column Definite volume %. The inert mixture is visualized in a graph on the right side of the inert
structure frame. When changing the proportions, the curve instantly changes corresponding to the new values. By
activating the checkbox Show ABC-curves, these ideal curves associated with the specified diameter appear in the graph.


Figure 13 Example of an inert structure

Its also possible to fill in the proportions manually in the column Definite volume %, without using ideal grading curves or
the Dewar-model.
In the lower right corner, the reference maximum aggregate diameter and the standard deviation of the initial and definite
mixture are calculated. These values give the opportunity to criticize the coarse aggregate choice and the accuracy of the
inert structure mix.

= standard deviation [N/mm]

If reference Dmax is smaller than the upper nominal aggregate size, the box will turn green. In the other case, it will turn
orange to indicate there might be an inconsistency between the demands and the selected coarse aggregate.
Press the button Use definite to confirm the proportions of the inert structure. This is only possible if numerical values are
filled in and the summation of the proportions is 100%.
With the last button at the bottom of the inert structure frame, you can save a new defined mixture curve as a grading
curve. In this way its possible to compare specific concrete recipes used in the concrete batch plants.

To generate the mean pressure strength, fcm, different models can be used by clicking on the button Strength model. The
validation of the strength model is linked to a specific test specimen. To match the correct value of fck to the strength
model, choose also a test specimen or enter a min fck corresponding the chosen strength model.

Figure 14 Pressure strength models


The parameters can be changed according to the mixture. Click the button Change parameters to open the worksheet
Strength models where several parameters can be saved next to the framed table and copied in the frame when necessary.
The mean compressive strength is used to determine the characteristic compressive strength fck according to below


= factor corresponding to the wanted part of the theoretical compressive strength distribution = 1,64 [-]
= standard deviation [N/mm]

The last step to create the concrete mixture is the determination of the water demand. Again, there are two possibilities:

Fixed water amount

Dewar model (minimum voids ratio)

Before selecting one of the option buttons, it can be useful to check the frame Admixtures and fill in the rate and
factor if necessary.
When different cement types or additions are used, make sure the proportions in the last column (Dewar volume %) of
the concrete mixture and the k-values are correct. If not, change these values before selecting one of the option
buttons for water demand.
If these values are changed after activating an option button, its necessary to click the button Renew in the water demand
frame to recalculate the mixture.
Fixed water amount
When activating the option button Fixed water amount, a textbox appears. An amount of water can be filled in and the
mixture is automatically calculated. In this situation its also possible to enter a fixed amount of admixtures in the last
column of the Admixture frame.
Dewar model voids ratio
When activating the option button Dewar, the program calculates the water demand corresponding to the proportions of
the definite inert structure and the total cement and addition quantity of the concrete mixture specified in the text box.
The results can be more accurate when raising the accuracy or make the step of the cohesion factor smaller. Beware that
these actions can result in an infinite loop due to the necessity of rounding numbers which makes it impossible to generate
a concrete mixture. Good values can be realized with an accuracy of 3 and a cohesion step of 0,01.
Some other values are mentioned to give an idea of the properties of the mixture:


= cement/mortar
= mortar/concrete
= voids ratio of the concrete
= cohesion factor

An ideal Dewar mixture has a cohesion factor of 1. If higher, this indicates a more sandy mixture and a smaller value
indicates a coarse mixture.


Figure 15 Properties of Dewar

After selecting one of the option buttons, the water absorption of the aggregates is calculated. This is only possible if the
water absorption of the aggregates is filled in in the material database. If not, a fixed water absorption can be applied.
At the bottom of this frame, the total water demand due to water absorption of the aggregates and the one calculated by
Dewar is given. Only the water demand calculated by Dewar is used to calculate the water-cement ratio and the design of
the mixture.

Figure 16 Water absorption aggregates



Now the concrete mixture is calculated and displayed in a table. The overview is subdivided in three frames:

Inert structure
o Volume
[%] linked to the last column (Dewar volume %)
o Mass
Solid structure
o Buttons to change the mixture
o Volume
o Mass
Concrete mixture
o Volume
o Mass
o Cost
o Chloride
o Alkali
o Relative density

For each column, the summation is made underneath the table.


The proportions of the solid structure can be changed by clicking on the arrow buttons on the left side. The upper button
changes the total cement percentage with 0,1 % while keeping the inert structure constant. After every click, the program
recalculates the mixture and the new values are shown. In some cases, due to round off, the summation deviate by 0,1 % of
100 %.
When clicking the smaller buttons, its possible to add more or less of this specific material also in steps of 0,1%. Notice the
summation cell will turn red until the total amount of the proportions is 1. Only in that case, the program will recalculate
the mixture.
Inert structure = constant

Change the proportion of each material

Figure 17 Overview concrete mixture

Has to be 1.000 0.001

Below the table, the grading curves of the chosen cement and additions, fine and coarse aggregates, inert and solid
structure and the ideal grading curve of Bolomey are visualized in a graph. Changing the coefficient of Bolomey (A) and Dmax
is immediately visible in the graph. Also varying the solid mixture will change the graph instantly.


Figure 18 Bolomey, fine particles and standard deviation of the inert structure

Associated with the curve of Bolomey, the amount of fine particles is calculated and visualized in a frame. This table
indicates if there are too little or too much fine particles in the mixture and can be changed by adding or removing specific
Because the inert structure can be changed while varying the solid structure, a new standard deviation of the inert
structure is calculated.
As part of step 3 calculation, some values need to be inspected:
cement content
chloride content
alkali content
When these values comply with the demands of the mixture, the cells will turn green, otherwise they will be red.

Mass of cements

Mass of cements + additions =

cem +

= requirement linked to
environment class

Figure 19 Control cells => check requirements

= requirement linked to
environment class

= cmin k * (cmin -200)

= requirement linked to
environment class (= cmin)

If an addition is added, the water/cement ratio and cement amount are automatically adapted and two new demands need
to be checked out: a new minimum cement content and a maximum addition/cement ratio.
Only the k-value can be changed. The mass and reduced mass are calculated automatically.
The purposed k-factor is only valid when using standard cements as mentioned in the Belgian standard. These factor
has to be filled in in the material database Cement. A table with guide values is displayed in the worksheet Additions
(on the right sight of the grading curve). Every other cement or addition needs special attention, especially when
combining several additions and cements.
When more addition is added then permitted, the k-value turns 0.
The new minimum cement content is standard calculated with the formula c min k (cmin 200). This is only valid when
using fly ash or silica fume. When blast furnace slag is used, the formula has to be c min k (cmin 175), but this is not
taken into account.



After a concrete mixture is completed, the properties can be saved in the worksheet Summary by clicking on the button
Save mixture. First give a reference name and press OK. The summary will open and all previous mixtures appear, including
the new one.

Figure 20 Results of the concrete mixture

Its also possible to save a print screen of the mixture as a pdf file by clicking on the button Save as pdf. This file will be
stored in the same folder as the Excel file.
Click on the button Go to summary to open the overview of the saved mixes. Underneath the table, different graphs are
shown. They can be used to compare or optimize the mixtures. The boundaries are related to the most recent requirements
of the mixture, displayed in the first frame of the worksheet Concrete mixture.

Selected mixture

Figure 21 Summary

On top of this worksheet, three buttons can be found:

Clear all mixtures
Clear selected mixtures

Erase all saved mixtures

Only mixtures with a selected checkbox will be erased
Return to the main page Concrete mixture

Additionally, it is possible to optimize a concrete mixture on the basis of two methods. The first one is linked to the
minimum voids ratio model by Dewar while the other one visualizes the optimum of the saved concrete mixtures. These
two methods are useful to draw conclusions, but keep in mind it is important to interpret the results properly.


Optimization of water demand (minimum voids ratio Dewar)

Figure 22 Optimization of water demand

Five different graphs are visualized:

Free water versus cement
Fine aggregates versus cement
Density versus cement
w/c versus cement
cost versus cement
These graphs are linked to a table based on the theory of minimum voids ratio by Dewar. Click on the button Show table to
have a look. In this table, the material proportions vary as function of the minimum voids ratio. E.g. the cement amount
with a minimum water content can be found in the graph and table. This table is linked to the cohesion factor displayed in
the frame Water demand. Keep in mind that the inert structure is not fixed.
Optimization of summary

Figure 23 Optimization of the summary

A second method gives more flexibility but is also more difficult to interpret. Seven properties are taken into account to
optimize a concrete mix design:

cement content
fine aggregates content
coarse aggregates content
water content


Depending on the purpose of the optimization, different weight factors can be given to the properties. The summation of
the weight factors has to be 1 (= 100%). Now a general purpose function for all combinations can be calculated:


i = weight factor
i = individual purpose function (linear interpolation between minimum and maximum value)

The better the concrete mixture fulfills the demands, the higher the general function will be. A graph visualizes these
It is obvious that this method requires insight into the matter to make good and accurate comparisons.

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