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Hole cleaning checklist.

Quality assured on all mud products. (especially
weighting and viscosifying material)
Hole cleaning modelling conducted for filed use based
on anticipated ROPs, mud rheology, cuttings size,
rotational speed, anticipated transport ratios etc.
Hole cleaning modelling conducted for cleaning
sweeps. (will they be effective at all?)
Benchmark, offset data, lessons learned from previous
wells, other ERD projects, incorporated into plans?
Optimised bottom hole/hydraulics planning afforded?
Constraints established, e.g. max ROPs vs specific low
end rheology.
Are friction factors known for field, well profile to be
drilled, mud used etc.
Anticipated torque and drag modelling and charts
generated for field use
Caliper logs, hole instability, in situ stress analysis,
PWD/ECD management conducted and incorporated
into drilling programme and drilling plans?
Bit/BHA selected and modelled to ensure max rotation
while drilling (minimum sliding)?
Mud rheology.
Compatibilty checked to ensure no cuttings or
formations fluid/fluid or chemical reactions.
Mud inhibitive to prevent hole washout or enlargement.
Optimised mud properties and flow regimes
established for high angle and horizontal sections to
ensure cuttings transportation.
Above parameters verified in hole cleaning simulations
(both preplanning and during execution)
6 & 3 reading maintained above 12 & 10 throughout

Drilling practices
Based on hydraulics modelling max instantaneous
ROP established and controlled to avoid overloading
annulus with cuttings
Rotations stopped after stand drilled down
Stand wiped (no rotations) to establish drag trends in
hole to monitor if hole is being cleaned. (see note1)
Down reaming applied if deviation from drag trends
Hydraulic modelling conducted by Drilling foreman
daily based on actual parameters to indicate if
problems are likely to exist



Trend analysis conducted, comparisons made, and

discussed daily with drilling team to ensure optimised
hole cleaning is constantly afforded

Mud loggers produced litholog for drill floor prior to
Hole circulate clean prior to trip (may take 2-3
Stand wiped back (no rotation) and reamed down with
high rotation to disturb any cuttings beds that may
have formed?
Stand laid out every 1/2hr while circulating to avoid
undercutting hole?.
Torque and drag closely monitored to see if hole (drag
and torque) conditions improve?
Drilling foreman on drill floor throughout trip in open
Process established and used to differentiate between
drag (ledge, dogleg, cuttings bed) and tight hole
(reactive formation or hole restriction)? (see note 2.)
Stand wiped down and ensured free prior to breaking
out and racking back.
If drag experienced, logs consulted to determine if it is
formation related (ledge, interbedded, reactive
formation, geopressured, faulted etc), wellbore/BHA
geometry related (dogleg, period of prolonged sliding)
or may be a result of a separated cuttings bed.
Drag wiped clean?
Drag wiped and pumped clean?
Drags accurately recorded and mechanisms
accounted for in drilling reports, lessons learned?
If unable to pump and wipe through rotation required.?
Drag eliminated once through resistant zone
Pumping and/or wiping required
Hole packing off while pumping out
Hole circulated clean at casing shoe
Casing shoe < 30degrees

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