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RimWorld changelog

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RimWorld changelog
April 15
Various fixes.
Alpha 10 released.
April 14
Various fixes and updates.
(A11) Game now warns you if you load a map with a different mod list than you saved it with.
(A11) Started integrating ice sheet mod.
April 13
Balance changes and bugfixes.
April 12
Some light bugfixing.
April 10
Misc bugfixes and adjustments.
April 9
Misc bugfixes.
April 7
Misc bugfixes.
April 6
Lots of bugfixes.
April 5
Finished up reverse designation.
Hit points/quality ranges are only configurable when theyre relevant to something in the filter.
Reworked challenge scale into a difficult setting that scales multiple variables.
Various bugfixes.
April 4
Added vents.
Various UI layout improvements. Bill repeat mode can now be changed without opening the bill
details dialog.
First pass at allowing universal reverse-designation wherever possible (e.g. select something
then use the button to designate it).
April 1
Misc bugfixes and code cleanup.
Added item quality filter for storage settings, outfits, and other thing filters.
March 31
Various optimizations and refactorings.
March 30

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RimWorld changelog

Misc bugfixes.
Renamed fun back to joy (more general concept, and linguistically distinct from !FUN!).
Replaced time assignment selection drop-down with an interactive legend.
Renamed simple health to hit points to disambiguate from pawn health with body parts etc.
Started adding health percent range filter for stockpiles, bill ingredients, etc.
Created a new UI element for adjusting FloatRanges.
March 29
Some bugfixes.
March 27
Lots of misc fixes.
March 26
Visitors now again rest and eat as needed so they dont collapse from exhaustion.
Only colonists and prisoners have beauty, comfort, or space needs.
Siegers will give up sieging and assault after a randomized period. But artillery is now a bit
Refactored thought system extensively.
New interrupted job stack allows pawns whose jobs are interrupted (e.g. by vomiting) to
resume them automatically. e.g. Theyll stay in bed even after vomiting.
Misc fixes and adjustments.
March 25
Added new fun activity: go for a walk.
Added more warning messages for translating fields that shouldnt be translated.
Misc bugfixes and optimizations.
Renamed psychotic to berserk.
March 24
Refactored how pawns choosing different types of actions into a single priority sorter ThinkNode
so they can be tuned better for timetable assignments.
Extremely tired colonists can fall asleep on the spot.
Colonists who are not super tired will wake even if not fully rested if their sleep timetable ends.
March 23
Colonists can now begin with cryptosleep sickness.
Added timetables designer so you can assign activities to each colonist per-hour.
March 22
Misc fixes and updates.
March 20
There are now various kinds of fun. Repeated use of the same kind of fun builds up a tolerance,
reducing its impact. Colonists will prefer fun sources they are not already tolerant to. Result: its
beneficial to provide a variety of fun sources.
March 19
Added social relax fun activity. They will relax together around a table or campfire, with beer if
Added armchairs, makeable from any fabric or leather.

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Added minor need for comfort, assigned comfort values to all chairs and beds and created
thoughts for comfortable and uncomfortable.
Added dining chairs.
Colonists will attempt to sit in chairs while gathering around a fire.
Colonists chat less when not relaxing and chat more when relaxing.
March 18
Added meditation and praying fun activities.
Only some pawns will ever pray.
Added television (purchasable).
Added telescope for amateur astronomy (purchasable).
Reorganized sound files.
Added sound for uninstalling something.
Change deconstruct command to uninstall with a different icon for minifiable things.
Colonists will now sit in chairs to watch TV if possible.
March 17
Added chocolate: purchasable and fun to eat with no health effects (if only it was so
consequence-free in real life).
Added horseshoes game with attendant behaviors, sounds, and graphics.
Added billiards table and attendant behaviors, sounds, and graphics. Also added an alert if its
up against an obstruction (as it cannot be used in this case).
March 16
Fun seeker AI implemented
Added fun giver: drink alcohol
Colonists gain fun from learning skills they are passionate about
Added fun activity: skygazing.
Only colonists have the fun need.
Renamed joy to fun.
Implemented chess table as a fun source.
Reworked pawn reservation system to support multiple-pawn reservations, so two pawns can
play chess together.
Misc bugfixes.
March 15
Some late-night refactoring and clarification of the new needs UI.
Stubbed in the new Joy need with attendant thoughts and mood impacts.
March 13
Misc bugfixes.
Upscaled and improved some old item graphics that were still at 32x32 resolution.
Refactored needs to use defs and a shared interface. This will make them easier to develop,
manage, and mod.
Reworked thoughts tab into a Needs tab with all needs and thoughts.
Reworked a bunch of animal dessicated corpse graphics.
Reworked how beauty need is fulfilled and rebalanced it.
March 12
Misc bugfixes.
Streamlined prisoner settings interface.
Reworked plant growth in relation to light levels so plants can still grow slowly in dim light (e.g.
tundra summers).
Optimized construction AI, especially in cases where there are lots of blueprints (e.g. flooring a
large area).

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March 11
Misc bugfixes.
Updated to Unity 4.6.3
March 10
Lots of misc fixes and improvements. Fixed/Mantisd all the bugs in the public forums.
March 9
Colonists now attempt to optimize their own apparel by automatically switching to apparel which
has greater health, is higher quality, or is more suited to the season, within the parameters of their
assigned outfit.
If the player manually assigns apparel, the colonist will never remove it until the manual
assignment is cleared.
Added learning tutor note to direct players to the history tab of the overview window.
March 6
Began work on automatic outfits management system: Outfit definitions, outfit selection
overview interface, outfit management and editing dialog.
Generalized toggle power interaction to switch flicking and applied it to power switch toggling
and door locking as well as building power on/off.
March 5
Standardized mote definition data so modders can easily use custom motes.
Characters will now sometimes resist arrest.
You can now set a minimum skill level on bills.
Optimized AI combat position search code.
Visitors will now carry away wounded guests from their faction.
Hunted animals will occasionally fight back. Some animals always fight back.
Doctors now automatically rescue downed colonists.
Separated race intelligence levels (humanoid/tool user/animal) from mechanoid status in race
definition to provide more flexibility for modders.
Rebalanced and refactored bleeding, hunger/malnutrition, and rest.
March 4
Butcher table, sculptors table, and stonecutters table can now be made of various stuffs.
New game button is not shown on main menu until a world is created. Load game isnt shown
until theres a game to load.
Trees are no longer sowable. Traders carry wood.
Added modal training to explain switch flicking designations.
Shortened work type labels in overview.
Lots of misc rebalancing and fixes.
March 3
Continued refactoring health system for greater flexibility.
Refactored into health diff components: has verbs
Starvation and blood loss are now staged and affect consciousness as they worsen.
Corrected and streamlined health tooltips.
Reworked how skills generate so there will be more initial skill variation and age affect starting
skills more.
Rebalanced terrain/floor beauty.
Rebalanced and reformatted plant ecology tunings to lengthen crop cycles and slow wild plant

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March 2
Refactored AI system so doctors now heal patients before feeding them.
Refactored health diff system to be able to combine different types of effects freely using a
component framework.
Health tab now displays overall bleeding rate.
Refactored into health diff components: discoverable, disappears, gets old, self-healing,
treatable, infecter.
Feb 26
Reworked food search so it smoothly integrates information about food distance, taste, and
psychological preference to get the most optimal food source.
Colonists slowly learn crafting while stonecutting.
Feb 25
Misc fixes and adjustments.
Colonists now learn properly from doing surgery and treating patients.
Reduced skill degradation rate.
Day length extended from 24,000 to 30,000 ticks. Days per month reduced from 12 to 10.
Hunters will now approach and execute downed animals at close range.
UI now puts shadows behind white text in winter daylight in top left and bottom left of screen.
Feb 24
Misc fixes and adjustments.
Feb 23
Various bugfixes.
Integrated end credits song from Al.
Reworked equippable code to be a ThingComp so anything can be equippable.
Beer can now be wielded as a weapon (like wood).
Passion flames are now displayed subtly on the work overview screen.
Feb 22
Fixed and adjusted various things.
Organized a bunch of bug reports.
Feb 20
Various fixes and adjustments.
Released Alpha 9 hotfix.
Nudist mood bonus for nudity is greater; nudists also now get a small mood debuff when
wearing clothes. Same for prosthophile.
Feb 19
Refactored letter/history record system. History now only records bad urgent events like raids.
Feb 18
Reworked how melee verbs are selected so theyll be selected with a bit more randomness. e.g.
Someone with one scyther blade hand wont use it exclusively; youll need to get them two if you
want a true killing machine.
Refactored how old age injuries are gained so they can be entirely data-driven.
Added dementia.
Released Alpha 9.
Misc fixes and adjustments.

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Feb 17
Misc fixes and adjustments.
Game-wide pass on balancing beauty.
Feb 16
Misc fixes and adjustments.
Feb 15
Killed a very hard-to-find hard crash bug.
Feb 13
You guessed it - even more misc fixes and adjustments.
Feb 12
Misc fixes and adjustments.
Added a ton more text content to improve the variety and descriptiveness of generated art
Feb 11
Misc fixes and adjustments.
Rebalanced melee combat and personal shields in light of tester feedback.
Feb 10
Misc fixes and adjustments.
Rebalanced ranged weapons using calculated balance tables.
Feb 9
Misc fixes and adjustments.
Rebalanced crops and melee weapons using calculated balance tables.
Feb 8
A few bugfixes and adjustments.
Feb 7
Some late-night fixes.
Feb 6
Misc fixes and adjustments.
Feb 5
Misc fixes and adjustments
Feb 4
Misc fixes and adjustments
Feb 3
Misc fixes and adjustments.
Added pause on load option.
Surgeons can now operate using herbal or glitterworld medicine.

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Feb 2
Misc fixes and adjustments.
Jan 30
Misc fixes.
Jan 29
Added hangovers.
Added direct consume command.
Refinements and bugfixing on flood-fill for fog clearing and zone creation.
Misc bugfixes.
Major reorganization and reprioritization of ideas reservoir.
Jan 28
Further work and refactor on mental breaks and binging.
When colonists get very drunk a tale will be recorded for future use in art descriptions.
Added chemical fascination trait (increases alcohol use and creates random binges).
Added teetotaler trait (no drug or alcohol use of any kind).
Random time intervals can now be expressed in mean time between events format.
Created new graphic that can look different for different stack counts. Used for beers.
Jan 27
Colonists can now mental break across a wider range of moods. This will allow softer mental
Added binging mental break state.
Jan 26
Health system refactoring.
Needs handling and mental break state handling refactoring.
Alcohol suppresses pain and thus allows pawns to stay standing where otherwise theyd
collapse from pain.
Jan 25
Health system refactoring and misc fixes.
Jan 23
Continued work on intoxication.
Further refactored health system.
Misc fixes.
Jan 22
Added hops, brewing and beer. Started work on intoxication, addiction.
Added low expectations and high expectations mood modifiers.
Added command to make trade beacon automatically generate a matching stockpile.
Refactoring and optimizations to health system.
Jan 21
Finished up new sculpture sizes with different art.
High-quality guns can have engravings on them.
Added tales: created artwork, struck ore
Game can now generate random artwork descriptions not relating to any particular tale when

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necessary (e.g. for art on enemies weapons).

Jan 20
Added tales: hunted, was on fire, went psychotic, gave up, did surgery
High-quality weapons can now have artistic engravings on them.
Started work on differentiating three sizes of sculpture: small, large, and grand (2x2 cells)
Misc bugfixes.
Optimized pawn apparel drawing code a bit.
Jan 19
Work on tale system generating descriptions even without certain keywords being resolvable by
marking bad parts of the grammar tree when symbols are not found, backing up the tree, and
trying other branches.
Added tales: landed in pod, captured, vomited
Created language postprocessor class to deal with a/an issues and sentence capitalization.
Jan 18
Work on linking tale system together with gameplay, so tales are generated from actual
gameplay and stories and used for art pieces.
Jan 17
More work on tale grammar/story generation.
Misc fixes.
Jan 16
Old people will tend to spawn with higher skills.
Misc adjustments and bugfixes.
Started the Tale system.
Jan 15
Misc bugfixes and refinements.
Refinements and optimizations to trade interface.
Added power switch donated by Haplo (greatly simplified, without auto-switching functions).
Items can write their quality on the map the same way they can write stack count.
Jan 14
Reworked the do until you have X option on bills; it now works for more bills and shows the
number you currently have.
It is no longer to possible to create or have non-contiguous zones.
Misc bugfixes.
Jan 13
Eating now takes priority even over emergency work (doctoring, firefighting) if a colonist is
Colonists, when hauling to stockpiles, always haul the max amount they can carry, and drop the
extra nearby if the target cell cant hold it all.
Reworked ship takeoff sequence into a proper whiteout with nice credits.
Player can no longer magically toggle power on any item. Rather, you designate power to be
toggled and the colonists go do it.
Temperature now equalizes mainly through walls.
Jan 12

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Siegers now receive artillery shells and periodic replenishment thereof.

Machining table now allows manufacturing artillery shells.
Artillery shells can explode from damage and chain-react.
Factions now have named leaders drawn from Pirate Kings.
Jan 9
You can now rescue incapacitated neutral people and heal them. Their faction will be
Refactored graphics database to use one unified code path for all graphic types.
GUI now caches constructed labels to avoid memory alloc.
Artillery cannons now require artillery shells to fire and are more powerful.
Jan 8
Changed gun names to refer to categories of weapon instead of specific models.
Guns now have quality levels which affect accuracy.
Added bad thought for wearing tattered clothes.
Apparel wears out over very long periods of use.
Some diseases now cause people to vomit.
People can now get food poisoning. Bad cooks are more likely to accidentally poison meals.
Jan 7
There is now a chance that surgeries will fail, either in a minor way or catastrophically, and
controlled by medical skill.
Colonists will now ignore previous reservations when choosing fires to put out if the fire is close
to them.
Misc optimization.
Misc bugfixes.
Weapons and have health which affects their effectiveness (damage for melee weapons,
accuracy for ranged weapons).
Different types of pawns start with gear at different randomized health ranges.
Gear, weapons, and inventory can be is damaged by explosions even while being worn.
Jan 6
Better automatic colony generation for rapid testing.
AI optimization - various.
AI optimizations - colonists will no longer do ingredient searches for bills that failed an ingredient
search within the last 7-9 seconds.
Reworked trader stock generation. Created tradeTags. Theyll actually carry glitterworld
medicine now.
Lengthened day from 20,000 to 24,000 ticks. Shortened month to 12 days.
Jan 5
Finished up core of AI optimization for hauling. Massive gains have been achieved.
Optimized fire.
Jan 4
AI optimization on hauling: a system that caches a list of items that need to be hauled (not
forbidden, undesignated, or already in optimal storage).
Jan 3
AI optimization. Lots of AI optimization.
Jan 2

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Optimized power nets tick.

Continued performance testing, optimization, and auto-test work.
Cached buildings in need of repair to speed up repair WorkGiver.
Jan 1 2015
Misc bugfixes and balance changes.
Started work on automatic generation of colonies for performance and other testing.
Dec 31
Expanded/refactored code for wind turbine wind area.
Reworked raid/ally group generator to sometimes generate groups of pure melee fighters.
Rebalanced enemy group generation.
Pawns will now do a local prioritized search for food before switching to global prioritized
search. So theyll eat a bad meal in the base before crossing the map to get a tasty one.
Folded melee damage and damage multiplier stats together.
Dec 30
Finished personal shield.
Integrated new weapon art from Rho.
Game now records total real playtime per colony.
Added deconstruct button to buildings.
Trade count changes faster when there are more items in a stack.
Certain items will now deteriorate over time if left outside.
Apparel becomes damaged when owner dies from violence.
Apparel actually takes the damage it absorbs as armor.
Uranium ore now appears as a minable natural rock.
Dec 29
Refactored mote system somewhat.
Further work on personal shield.
Dec 28
Started personal shield.
Dec 22
Misc balance changes and bugfixes.
Improved feedback of small-volume ingredients in bill interface.
Refactored tutorial system so more tutor items are displayed as unobtrusive alerts. Unified and
added some tutor items.
Added some dark backgrounds so readouts will be easier to read on snowy maps.
Added warning when loading world file from old version.
Switched font to Arial, which is antialiased and will look the same on all platforms.
Colonists are now bothered by people walking around inside the room while they sleep.
Autosave interval is now configurable.
Dec 21
Tuned and unified learning rates.
Tuned seasonal temperature shifts in northern latitudes.
Dec 19
Sound refinements for Al.
Properly disallowed harvesting body parts or bionics from corpses.

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Added heavy SMG and imported Rhos gun art.

Hunters will now take breaks if theyre failing to kill anything.
Dec 18
Added psychic foil helmet.
Added We have struck X letter for when miners discover a new valuable mineral.
Mood bar is now visible in miniature on pawn inspect pane.
Reworked how pawns generate their ages. Humans can now generate up to 100 years old.
Added frailty chronic injury. Balanced up chronic injuries.
Old people have grey hair.
Refined main UI.
You can now use the beauty inspection tool to see a visualization of the beauty in an area.
Added max and min generation ages for various pawn kinds (no teenaged tribal chieftains or
geriatric mercenaries).
Dec 17
Reworked a bunch of sound code for Al.
Designation failures are now properly reported.
Deconstruct designator auto-claims buildings if necessary.
Measurement numbers are now displayed while dragging certain kinds of designations (mining,
walls, planning, etc).
Various bugfixes.
Dec 16
Rebalanced gold and silver ore commonality, pawn skill gain and loss rates, item creation
quality from creator skill.
Added post-process curve to reduce prices traders will pay for very expensive items.
Rebalanced parkas so they reduce work speed.
Cremation is now a hauler job.
Mood now affects work speed.
Dec 15
Various bug fixes and adjustments.
Bill interface now shows the name of the worker assigned to a bill.
Cut fertilizer pump (to provide a more meaningful long-term choice between soil farming and
Fixed colonists planting on days when the plants would obviously die that night.
Added teak tree.
Dec 14
Misc bugfixes.
Dec 12
Ancient shrines are now sealed when generated and sometimes contain even more fun
surprises when opened.
People newly woken from cryptosleep have cryptosleep sickness for a while.
Added corn and rice crops.
Wind varies over time (not just with weather changes), and so will the power output of wind
Added an alert for fires in the home region.
Dec 11
Various bugfixes and adjustments.

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Most production buildings and furniture are now passable.

Dec 10
Alpha 8 released.
Wrote a new time-of-day calculator that determines a proper sun glow from latitude, time of
year, and time of day. Now, equatorial regions have the same long days year-round, while
northern areas have shallow days or varying lengths, and can even have no proper night at
certain times of year.
Alpha 8 hotfixed released.
Dec 9
Five misc bug fixes.
A9: Crafters now learn during crafting, not just at the end.
A9: Map generation is now in a def and moddable again.
Dec 8
Misc improvements. Refactored stats to use StatParts components which can be composited
and re-used easily in XML.
A9: Immunity development speed is now a visible stat.
A9: Apparel now have quality levels which affect insulation and armor.
A9: Cryptosleep shrines only generate underground.
A9: Stuff affects work to make for apparel, weapons, and so on.
A9: Added debug auto-analysis log for plant data to help balance plant growth and reproduction.
Dec 5
Various bugfixes and adjustments.
A9: Stopped people aging while in cryptosleep. Refactored age and birthday mechanics to
separate chonological age from biological age.
Dec 4
More bugfixes!
A9: Refactored explosion code so it can be fully customized and modded for each DamageDef.
Dec 3
Redesigned log interface.
Dec 2
Cleaned up designation sound hooks.
Created rough-fade terrain shader for more natural-looking terrain transitions.
Dec 1
Various bugfixes and adjustments.
Optimized map generation and loading. Spawning items in dev mode is now 15x faster.
Temperature is written specifically for the cell the mouse is over.
Rebalanced temperature equalization out of rooms.
Nov 30
Even more various bugfixes and adjustments.
Nov 28

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You guessed it! Various bugfixes and adjustments.

Nov 27
Various bugfixes and adjustments.
Nov 26
Various bugfixes and adjustments.
Nov 25
Various bugfixes and adjustments.
Nov 24
Improved health tab layout. Treated wounds are now displayed with an icon; all health diffs are
displayed on one line.
Various bugfixes and adjustments.
Nov 23
You can set temperature display to celsius, fahrenheit, or Kelvin.
Rebalance nutrient paste: cheaper to produce, more nutritious, worse mood impact. It is now the
cheapest food by a noticeable margin, but makes people unhappy. Wound infections are much
more common. Stone walls are very slow to build.
Various bugfixes and adjustments.
Nov 22
Items and people will now burst into flame if in an extremely hot room.
Various bugfixes and adjustments.
Nov 21
New ambient insect sounds for jungle.
Hooked in tons of new sounds for new kinds of recipes and so on.
Added campfire (temporary heat source).
Lots of adjustments and bugfixes.
Nov 20
Reworked AI policy for interacting with cold. Colonist will now go into hypothermic areas if they
are not too hypothermic themselves or if there are no warm areas, and will specifically seek
warmth if hypothermic.
Nov 19
Nov 18
Balanced and bugfixed projectile free intercept code..
You can now release prisoners.
Various bugfixes.
Nov 17
Automatic tutor can teach lessons in the entry menus. Added lesson for world map camera
Can now build power conduits under buildings and walls without first deconstructing them.

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Adjusted tutor and added minimum inter-lesson time to reduce risk of overwhelming the player
and better handle super low-priority lessons.
Various UI improvements.
Cryptosleeping enemies have group assault behavior when woken up.
Nov 15
Tailoring now uses the unfinished thing concept and takes a long time.
Deconstructing things now takes time.
Piles of bugfixes and adjustments.
Nov 14
Unfinished things can be restarted on a different bill than the one they were originally created
Melee weapons are crafted using the Unfinished Things concept. Some of them take a very long
time to craft.
Misc bugfixes and refactorings.
Nov 13
At the start of art creation, ingredients are combined into an unfinished artwork. The worker can
leave and continue working on the art. This allows artworks to take multiple days to complete.
Pathfinding bugfixes and optimizations.
Nov 12
Refactored trader stock generation into separate classes for better encapsulation and mod
Traders now carry art.
Item quality affects market value.
Pawn generate with items of appropriate randomized quality levels.
Refactored name generation system for greater flexibility and extensibility.
Artworks now record their authors and have generated names.
Nov 11
Refactored the minification/installation system. Instead of the installed building containing the
minified source item, the minified item contains the building.
Created quality component. Crafted things can now have different quality levels. Quality levels
are randomized on creation based on the relevant skill of the person who crafted the item
(generally Artistic or Crafting).
Quality affects art beauty.
Quality affects melee weapon damage.
Nov 10
Can install sculptures.
Can deconstruct sculptures to return them to uninstalled mode.
Multiple sculpture graphics. Game draws the correct one on the sculpture, the placement ghost,
and the blueprint.
Updated to Unity 4.5.5.
Nov 7
Abstract sculptures can be created at the sculpting table. Installation spots can be designated.
Nov 6
Started art.

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Added heat wave and cold snap incidents.

Pathfinding optimization.
Nov 5
Explosions and fires clear snow. Evil AI persona creates snow.
Snow falls in an uneven Perlin pattern. Its prettier.
Snow mesh generation algorithm to be faster and nicer-looking.
Wrote a new, prettier snow shader that creates a series of nice-looking randomized edges as it
fades out.
Steam vents, geothermal plants, stoves, and crematoria all heat up the room theyre in.
Snow is worn away when humanoid or larger pawns walk over it.
Nov 4
Finished heatstroke.
Refactored ancient cryptosleep shrine generation.
Snow roughed in. It falls, stays on the ground, melts in warmth, and is visible (but quite ugly),
slows down characters, makes footprints, can save/load.
Added snow clearing region designators and job.
Added message at start of first summer telling player to start storing food for winter.
Nov 3
All relevant plants have leafless graphics for winter.
Cultivated plants die when leafless.
Peoples breath creates visible steam in cold weather.
Refactored thought system to group related thoughts together as stages of the same thought.
Cleaner code and XML.
Created multiple stages for mood effects from being too hot and too cold.
Raw potatoes, berries, meat, and herbal medicine will rot and can be refrigerated to prevent
Plants become leafless based on local temperature, not season.
Crashed ship part evil AI now kills nearby plants and also makes them turn brown and leafless.
Started work on heatstroke.
Oct 31
More apparel generation refinements: Avoid generating coats without shirts underneath. Add a
bit more randomness to the selection algorithm to provide more variation and not have tribal chiefs
always spawning with parkas because they want to spend their cash. Give free parkas to drifters
and other poor characters in winter so they dont spawn and immediately die of hypothermia.
Added tuque.
Optimized health code.
Started work on deciduous plants losing their leaves in winter.
Oct 30
Rewrote apparel generation. New system is now based on generating entire prospective outfits
and evaluating them based on a set of priorities which are reduced as more sets are tried and
rejected. This will allow us to make people spawn with parkas when it is cold out, as well as
reduce data definition workload, improve expandability, and avoid goofy situations where
someone spawns naked except for an expensive helmet.
Oct 29
Season changes are announced with messages.
Added parka.
Temperatures now equalize through doors, especially while they are open.
Added cold/warm preference traits.

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Oct 28
Hypothermia now grows starts hidden and has a shivering stage before progressing to serious
AI code cleanup and optimization.
Float menu now shows multiple columns in extreme situations where there are too many options
to fit on the screen.
Adjusted disease event chances to be a bit less harsh in the early game and when there is
already a lot of disease.
Oct 27
Animals that dont like the current seasonal temperature will leave the map and will not spawn
into the map. So certain animals come and go with the seasons as though migrating/hibernating.
Created initial colonist danger avoidance AI so they can avoid areas that are too hot or cold to
survive in their current apparel.
Temperature control buildings use Commands and so can be configured while multi-selected.
Reduced the number of key bindings to configure by collapsing most of them into reusable
misc bindings.
Oct 26
Refactored temperature code somewhat.
Oct 24
Prices for apparel, weapons, and other items are now, by default, calculated from the
ingredients and work needed to make them.
Got generation of RecipeDefs from ThingDefs working.
All melee and neolithic weapons and most apparel are craftable now.
Added weaponsmithing table.
Removed research requirement for tailoring.
Oct 23
Refactored how graphics are defined and loaded.
Stats cleanup.
Fixed bad Unity save data path on Mac.
Oct 22
Refactored and cleaned up stat categorization and display.
Bionic arm replaces arm from the shoulder on down, so can heal/replace shot-off shoulders.
Skill degradation is slower.
LL cleanup.
Oct 21
Spent most of the day bashing my head against brick walls trying to get Linux to run and do
anything useful, and trying to the the launcher to run on Mono runtime.
Built new Ludeon Launcher and sent to testers.
Oct 20
Created downloads quota reset admin tool.
Launcher now reports downloads quota to user.
Launcher now downloads users app list from server on startup instead of just assuming it from
local files.
Users can now log in with email or username.
Lots of bugfixes and cleanup for Ludeon Launcher.

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Oct 18
Finished porting Ludeon Launcher to WinForms.
Tons of launcher cleanup and feature additions.
Oct 17
Started changing the entire Ludeon Launcher to use WinForms. Because it, you know, actually
Oct 16
Struggling with Gtk.
Ludeon launcher gives player a choice whether to update or not.
Various launcher cleanup and fixes.
Oct 15
Ludeon Launcher built and runs clean on Windows.
Created Ludeon Launcher auto-installer with NSIS.
Ludeon Launcher installer auto-installs Gtk# libraries as needed.
Tons of cleanup.
Oct 14
Trying to get Ludeon Launcher to build so it will run on another machine.
Oct 13
Ludeon Launcher: Code cleanup. Refactored lladmin to be a normal scriptable command line
program. Added key note field.
Oct 10
Reworked stats display into a unified listing for both calculated stats and hardcoded stats.
Oct 9
Integrated Haplos wind turbine.
Added disallow-all button to storage settings panel.
Lots of small improvements and adjustments.
People now have thoughts and mood changes in response to prisoner organ harvests.
Oct 8
Ludeon Launcher: Fixed and refined server app updating code. Entire toolchain now works on
Oct 7
Migrated to GoDaddy and set up SSL.
Refactored thought defs and stat defs to use the def/worker pattern for better extensibility and
Oct 6
Ludeon Launcher: General code refinement.
Oct 3
Melee weapons can now be made of stuff. Reworked stats system and added melee damage
and agility stuff stat factors.

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Added longsword and mace.

Piles of small adjustments and fixes.
Sept 30
Stone smoothing is back and is now done with a special designation that smooths any rough
stone terrain into the appropriate smooth version.
Adjusted stone colors.
There are now different rough and rough-hewn terrain types for each type of stone.
Ancient structures are built from random stone and metal types.
There are now different types of natural mountains and stone chunks, which produce different
types of stone blocks, which can be used separately to make structures.
Sept 29
Various small adjustments.
Started work on different rock types making different rock chunks and blocks.
Plants now seed from off-map.
Modders can define recipes onto work tables in the recipe without overriding the work table. Use
the list called <thingsToUseRecipe>
Cabin fever now considers giant unroofed areas to be outdoors even if they cant touch the
map edge (small skylights are still not sufficient).
Added some high-end enemies for the late game: mercenary bruiser and mercenary elite.
Different leather types can have different statistics now.
Stats output with nice formatting.
Sept 27
Various endgame balance improvements.
Sept 26
Renamed metal to steel.
Rock chunks now generate more and less at different parts of the map.
Flammability is now a curve, not an on/off setting. More flammable things will grow fires faster,
which creates a distinct disadvantage for otherwise-excellent wood structures.
Added auto-close to float menu for stuff selection.
Rebalanced plant growth.
Reworked armor system to do both damage resistance and deflection chance.
When siegers are starving, they switch to assault mode.
Sept 25
(Started work on Alpha 8 branch during A7 testing.)
Stuffs now have categories. You can only make things from a stuff of the appropriate category.
Gun turret is now made from stuffs (partially; you can use any metal to make the base).
Sept 24
Sept 23
A few small bugfixes.
Sept 22
Sept 19

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More bugfixes and tunings.

Created a beauty inspection tool and did a balance pass on beauty.
Sept 18
Bugfixes and tunings.
Sept 17
Bugfixes and various tunings and fixes.
Sept 16
Bugfixes and optimizations.
Sept 15
Locked door now shows icon on the map.
Rebalanced plasteel.
Sept 12
Sept 11
Separated the concepts of pawns laying down versus sleeping.
Sept 10
Artillery no longer forces time speed to normal.
Sept 9
Factions now have bases represented on the world map (though they dont do anything - this is
just to make the faction code make sense).
Balanced mineable resource amounts in maps with fewer rocks.
Sept 8
Refactored material management system to track the source shader instead of base material.
Sept 5
Visitors and raiders carry their own food. Visitors will eat their own food before chowing down on
the colonys supplies.
Doors are now lockable. Locked doors open for no one
Rebalanced storyteller to pay more attention to population and less to wealth, and to ramp up
Refactored traders so they sometimes carry strange items outside their normal stock.
Fixed melee weapon spawning balance.
Sept 4
Diseases are now generated separately from other incidents, and are configured per-biome
(e.g. lots of malaria in the jungle).

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Float menu
Sept 3
World now generates with different stone types. Currently sandstone, granite, limestone, marble,
Resource readout (screen top left) now has a mode where entries are listed in collapsible
Sept 2
Bed rest effectiveness is now a stat.
ThingAmounts now load with custom XML for tighter XML formatting.
Added support for multiple mineable ore types, including masked recoloring of shared rock
graphics. Current ores are metal and silver.
Ores appear with different commonalities.
Added gold and gold ore.
Added plasteel and compacted plasteel (ancient rubble, mineable for plasteel).
Sept 1
Door opening speed is now a modifiable stats. Stone doors open slow, wood doors fast.
Aug 31
Finished main part of graphic refactor code. Almost all graphic drawing code including
linkDrawers is now encapsulated in Graphic and its subclasses.
Aug 29
Continued major refactor of drawing code. Working on encapsulating all drawing functionality
into Graphic and its subclasses.
Aug 28
Refactoring and bugfixing on stuff and damage systems.
Added power conduit wall. You can build any wall with a power conduit inside.
Split armor stat into five separate categories: blunt, piercing, temperature, electric, toxic.
Races can now have native armor again. Used for megascarab and mechanoids.
Reworked info card and stats window displays to work without having a thing instance. This lets
you look at stats of things before building them.
Work to build is now a modifiable stat. It takes longer to build things out of stone, metal is in the
middle, and wood is quite quick.
Refactored graphics system to encapsulate more functionality in the Graphic class so gameplay
code can know less about how it is being rendered.
Aug 27
Door and powered door can now be made out of arbitrary stuffs.
Walls can now be made of arbitrary stuffs.
Walls made of different stuffs draw with the correct color and pattern (bricks, smooth, planks).
Stuff can now override the sound for bullets impacting things made of it.
Various other buildings can now be made out of stuffs.
Stuffs can now apply both offsets and factors to stat values.
Apparel made of different stuff have different damage deflection chances now. e.g. leather
duster is better armor than cloth duster.
Stats card merged with info card and cleaned up to display more stats, categorized, in a unified

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Aug 26
Buildings now take the color of the stuff theyre made from.
Created color masking system so we can apply stuff color only on portions of the final things
image (e.g. silver beds have silver legs and frames, but not silver sheets).
Extended color masking system so it can now apply two separate colors through two separate
masks. This is used for having beds whose frames change color with the stuff theyre made from,
while their sheets change color with their current assigned purpose.
Aug 25
Wrote a system to allow us to use custom code to load XML for specific objects, which will make
the XML for defining stats much cleaner.
Refined stuff system and fixed bugs.
Adjusted cramped thought thresholds.
Buildings now use the proper construction animation and sounds depending on what theyre
built from.
Aug 22
Started work on a system to building things out of arbitrary materials and seeing the effects on
the thing. Extensive work refactoring numbers like price, flammability, health, and beauty into stats
which can be modified. Continued to expand and generalize the stats readout so it work with
these stats as well and shows everything modifying them.
Aug 21
Pawn race can now override the base value for any stat. Currently used for move speed.
Equipment (weapons etc) can affect stats.
Apparel can now affect any stat, including work speed, psychic sensitivity (tinfoil hats!), social
impact, etc.
Various bugfixes and improvements.
Aug 20
Finished centralizing and feeding back pawn stats. Combined SkillNeedDef and PawnStatDef.
Created stats report dialog that allows inspecting a characters stats and their causes, including
skills, health conditions, and traits.
Aug 19
Started centralizing pawn stats calculations so we can feed them back (pawn stats being things
like recruit chance, move speed, melee damage factor, which are affected by diverse sources like
traits, skills, and health efficiencies.
Added neurotrainer, a purchasable one-use device that improves skills.
Fixed final issues with new trade interface.
Aug 18
Reviewed isons health system code, various cleanup started.
Traders can now generate items by category, so they can generate any food, any raw resource,
and so on.
Traders now randomize prices slightly within their assigned categories.
Traders now deal in and carry apparel, body parts, prosthetics, and AI persona cores.
Aug 14
New trade interface finished.
Characters can be inspected on trade interface. Character and health tabs are viewable.
Some traders will not will deal in people or weapons.

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Aug 13
Further work on trade interface.
Aug 12
Started reworking trade interface to support trading arbitrary items made of arbitrary defs, all on
one screen.
Clothes are now generated out of cloth as often as all leathers combined.
Certain items now no longer have stuffs (e.g. no cloth power armor).
Aug 11
Leathers from different animals now have distinctive colors.
Colors are stored for cloth and leather and are inherited by clothing made from those items.
Colonists now start in synthread clothes. Space refugees start in synthread or hyperweave.
Aug 8
Implemented properly-structured credits record. Translations can now have proper credits. All
credits for all translations will be assembled and shown on the main credits page.
Aug 7
Languages can now be set to never use tiny text. Useful for Asian languages which are illegible
at really small sizes.
All flesh creatures yield their own kind of leather when butchered.
You can now grow cotton plants. Cotton plants yield cloth.
You can produce shirts, pants, and cowboy hats from cloth or leather.
July 31
Started stuff system.
July 30
Fixed pawn reservations so multiple pawns can now be going to take from one meal stack at the
same time as long as there are >1 meals.
July 29
Various bugfixes.
All GUI text functionality is now cleanly wrapped in the Text class. This allowed huge
optimizations on font handling.
Misc optimizations.
July 28
Coastlines now generate on the map to match the coast of the chosen world square. Some
biomes have ponds as well.
You can now change storyteller in-game using the options menu.
Various bugfixes and tunings.
July 26
Bugfixes and optimizations.
Redesigned skill listing for greater clarity.
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July 25
Lots of bugfixes.
Raiders sometimes drop medicine.
Urgent bad letters now flash red 30% of the width of the screen so you dont forget about them.
July 24
Various improvements and bugfixes.
Can now manually assign beds to specific colonists.
Can have colonists doing bills drop the products on the ground instead of storing them (let the
haulers take them away).
Clarified prisoner rooms effects on colonist behavior by drawing a glowing field in the room
when the prisoner bed is selected and reporting items as prison room instead of socially
July 23
Various bugfixes and small improvements.
July 22
Various bugfixes and tunings.
Added alert for colonists needing medical treatment.
When raids have lots of points, we now bias their selection in favor of high-value pawns. This
reduces pawn spam.
Metal from enemy structures and mechanoids is auto-forbidden.
Rainfall drops off at higher elevations.
July 21
Implemented traits: nudist, psychopath, bloodlust, industriousness spectrum, psychic sensitivity
spectrum, cannibal.
Wrote translation system that can inject translations into nested def data structures and lists.
Refactored and debugged squad brain state transitions.
Hooked in some hats to spawn in-game.
Various bugfixes and adjustments.
July 18
Implemented traits: nervousness spectrum, neurotic spectrum, move speed spectrum, natural
mood spectrum.
Implemented proper trait system with trait degrees.
Plants can now have different commonalities in different biomes.
July 17
Added megascarab (giant desert beetle).
Refactored world references so the current world is stored in exactly one place for the whole
Added patches of mud terrain in temperate forest biome.
Different biomes have different ambient sounds (no night insects in the desert).
Added poplar tree.
Refactored rotting graphics so you can share dessicated version graphics.
Implemented basic temperate forest and desert biomes.
World gen now avoids generating areas with zero rainfall.
Rainfall view on world map is now clearer.
Added deer.

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July 16
Various tunings and bugfixes.
Added iguana.
Psychic drone event is back. It now affects one randomly-chosen gender.
Storyteller challenge scale is now separate from storyteller choice. Phoebe Friendly is now Billie
Basebuilder and is distinguished by long intervals between threats (her threats can still be huge if
your challenge scale is set high).
Siegers now go into assault mode after taking a certain percentage of losses or losing all
Sieging artillery will now sometimes attack random colony buildings, not just the closest colonist
(to reduce exploitability).
Amount of local rain depends on rainfall in your worldsquare.
Added biome info button to world viewer.
Made a second oak tree graphic variant.
July 15
Various code cleanup.
Rewrote rainfall map generation algorithm for world.
Finished refactoring squad brains to use a state graph.
Mechanoid ship part defenders now assault the colony when the ship part is badly damaged.
July 14
Refactorings and bugfixes.
Started refactoring squad brain to work using a graph of states and transitions.
July 11
Integrated a bunch of new sounds from Al.
Refactored power code out of Building class and into the PowerComp components.
Added a button to force a power-using applicance to connect to a different powernet, for
situations where an applicate has connected to a pillar or something but has other power nearby.
Many bugfixes.
July 10
More refinements to world generation.
Map generation now uses the same noise code as world generation.
Maps generation is now seeded with data from the world and the map position in the world, so if
you land on the same place in the same world (generated from the same seed), youll get the
same map.
Fixed map save/load; it re-loads with the separately-saved world map on load.
Integrated Als new entry screen music.
July 9
Worlds are now generated separately from individual maps, so you can now play multiple
games in the same world.
Worlds are generated from defined seed strings, so you can share worlds and landing spots by
sharing the seeds.
Worlds now have rainfall. Biomes stubbed in and generated on map: tundra, boreal forest,
temperate forest, tropical rainforest, desert.
July 8
World view modes work: Full, elevation, temperature, fertility, biomes.
Tweaked world generation more. Tall mountains are rarer, most of the world is flat plains.
Temperature isnt so noisy.
Added overview tab to see world map during gameplay.

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Overview tab displays local map position on world map.

Game generates names for new worlds.
Worlds sometimes have oceans at the edges.
July 7
Advancements in world generation: oceans, glaciers, defined latitudes, interactions between
elevation, temperature, latitude, fertility, basic biome assignment.
Basic biomes.
World view pans and zooms, gives info about world.
Started world render mode selection.
Long eclipses no longer kill all the grass on the map (silent Alpha5 hotfix).
July 6
Improvements to map generation: fertility and temperature.
July 4
Mentally broken people no longer have normal thoughts.
Default map size is now 250.
Meals are now stackable.
Alpha 5 released.
July 3
July 2
Fixed plant ecology so it should be more stable over time.
July 1
Reviewed metrics from testers play sessions and adjusted balance of sieges.
June 29
Bugfixes and tunings.
June 27
Bugfixes and tunings in storytellers.
Finally got orthographic projection and immediate-mode render to texture working for world
rendering. Changed map generation to drive off of worldsquare hilliness and fertility. (Alpha 6)
June 26
Bugfixes and tunings.
June 25
Got basic selection of landing site working and started generating maps from the properties of
the corresponding world square. (Alpha 6).
Bugfixes and tunings.
June 24
Got generated world rendering in GUI (Alpha 6).

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June 23
Started basic world generation (Alpha 6).
Created ship graphics.
June 22
Bugfixes, UI adjustments, tuning.
June 21
Bugfixes, testing, and tuning.
June 20
Added mortar research project and increased research costs across the board.
Added biome spawn restriction to animals so modders can make maps with other biomes.
Added psychic drone incident.
Added a way to force-close the console in case it is spamming errors.
Added training to teach that players can set what will be grown in a growing zone.
Adjusted map generator to not produce utterly empty deserts.
June 19
Implemented manual targeting of mortars.
June 18
June 17
Removed loyalty and fear for now. Mental breaks now depend only on mood (renamed from
Reworked storyteller ramp-up so it can reset more deeply in extreme situations.
Split witnessed death thought into ally and stranger versions.
June 16
Hooked in PDB loading per this thread so modders can use code debuggers to step though their
Reservations are now faction-specific so colonist and enemies can now both reserve the same
Raiders will now opportunistically kidnap incapacitated colonists and leave.
Game displays time passed as a date with months and years.
XML data saving can now be set to not save values that match their defaults. It also now saves
fields in the correct order with defName at the top.
Created bad thought for being naked.
Refactored how weapon accuracy is defined. Instead of an abstract accuracy variable with a
bunch of opaque equations behind it, you now set the miss chance at touch/short/medium/long
range (4/15/30/50 cells) and the game interpolates between these. Allows making weapons like
sniper rifles worse at long range.
Language data can now have friendly names in their native language (e.g. Franais instead of

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June 13
Reworked starting equipment so it now comes in your drop pods. Added alerts for making
starting stockpiles, unforbidding starting resources, and taking starting weapons. Starting beds
Architect panel shows names of needed resources and offers an info window about the
construction youre considering.
Created AI persona core item, needed to build ship computer core.
Colonists can enter longsleep pods.
Ship can be launched.
Game counts more stats: colonists killed, colonists launched.
Ship computer gives reports on the ships status and whether it can be launched.
June 12
Started making launchable ship: structural beam, longsleep pod, computer core, reactor, engine
are roughed in.
Ship research projects created.
XML saver will now no longer save most data that matches defaults. Makes cleaner, easierto-edit XML files.
Added Als new sounds for artillery battles.
Got 4-view graphics working.
Created 4-view graphics for bed, royal bed, metal stool, wood stool, metal table, wood table.
Mining plain rock sometimes leaves rock debris.
June 11
Started work on getting 4-view graphics working for all things (not just pawns).
Reorganized ThingDef.
Added AI ThinkTree insertion tag nodes so modders can cooperatively insert decision nodes
into the AIs decision tree structure without overwriting it or each other.
Updated Unity to version 4.5.
Added scyther mechanoid type: fast, doesnt use cover, accurate and deadly charge lance
Raiders now leave after doing sufficient damage.
Improvements to combat AI, especially Centipedes.
Add cabin fever thought for it colonists dont go outdoors for days.
Orbital drop raiders are less numerous but can now punch through thin roofs.
Starting resources no longer generate on top of starting guns.
June 10
Integrated Haplos agent revealed event.
Reworked storytellers further. Unusable events should (silently) clog up the event queue less
often and make balancing cleaner and easier.
Various sound improvements.
Made crashed ship part graphics.
Crashed ship part makes ever-increasing psychic drone which drives colonists mad over time.
Crashed ship part kills nearby plants.
June 9
Integrated and rewrote Haplos ship part crash incident. Added extra psychic effects and
mechanoid defenders.
Created dry explosive (non-incendiary) mortar.
Metal graphic replaced.
Language choice is now on the main menu and is done with flag images.
Integrated royal bed into main game.

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June 7
For Alpha4f hotfix: Stone wall health raised from 400 to 650. Nerfed pila from 45 to 30 damage.
Merged wood planks and logs, cutting the sawmills, until we have a system to handle this
elegantly without creating excessive early-game blockages and near-duplicate constructions.
Balance rework on Cassandra and Randy storytellers. Fixed animal insanity waves.
June 6
Turrets can now require manning to work. This is the case for artillery.
Raiders who drop into your base get less points to spend.
Sieging raiders will eat and sleep.
Siege AI now properly spends points to create emplacements.
Sieging enemies now fight fires around their emplacements.
Siege AI now properly splits sieging enemies between construction and defense duties.
Nerfed pila.
June 5
Sieging enemies can actually build their fortifications and artillery.
Smarter siege sandbag placement.
Added artillery warmup time and minimum range.
Made mortar graphics.
June 4
Fixed up mote (particle) registry and saturation. Optimized fire in large amounts.
Finished namespace split between Verse and RimWorld.
Added a sound option for ended sustainers to fade out over a defined number of seconds.
Created basic incendiary mortar structure.
Siege AI places mortar blueprints and drops construction supplies.
June 3
Work on storyteller ramp-up (released in hotfix Alpha4d).
Added Need Sawmill alert (released in hotfix Alpha4d).
Normalized the way TraitDefs are handled.
Als requested improvements to sound editing system: sustain interval random range, start delay
range, animal call and angry-scream sound triggers.
Started creating sieges: enemies can now choose and take siege positions, receive supplies
from orbit, place sandbag blueprints.
June 2
Added special filter options for storage and bills: Allow buried, allow colonist corpses, allow
stranger corpses.
Added (but did not use) basic biome support for plants.
Added an option to automatically make a home region around new construction. Defaults to on.
Created RimWorld namespace and moved a ton of RimWorld-specific code into it.
June 1
Released Alpha 4.
Added Need home region alert.
May 31
Minor bugfixes and balancing.
Made Alpha 4 release video and tech explanation video.

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May 30
Corrected and imported new player creative content.
Roughly reorganized game code into new namespaces: Base for Unity interfaces, Verse,
Verse.AI and Verse.Sound for the tile-based game engine, unnamed for RimWorld-specific code.
May 29
AI storyteller rebalancing.
May 14-28
May 13
May 12
Various weapon, storyteller, and mechanoid rebalancing from tester feedback.
May 11
Rebalanced AI storytellers further.
May 10
Trees can now be farmed.
Balance changes to wood economy in response to tester feedback.
May 9
Created basic colony wealth counter and colony recent damage record.
Created statistics overview page.
Rewrote storytellers to drive raid strength off colony wealth and recent damage taken, with
colony combat strength as a secondary factor.
Cleaned up sound effects content.
Worked on edit-while-playing system to make it work more consistently with sounds and not
require restarts.
May 8
Added hand sawmill, electric sawmill, short wood table, long wood table, wood wall, wood floor,
Changed various old buildings to be specific metal variants.
Changed simple door to wood door.
Bed is now made of wood.
Redid door graphics.
Improved stone wall graphics.
May 7
Added log, boards, and the ability to chop trees down for logs.
World now generates with trees.
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You now begin the game with survival pack meals instead of raw potatoes.
Added machining table. Basically, its a butcher table that lets you disassemble dead
mechanoids for parts (just metal for now).
May 6
Added slag debris refining.
Made mechanoid graphics, renamed Scyther to Centipede.
Reworked which drop pods leave debris after opening.
Refactored code for killing, vanishing, cancellation, and deconstruction of things together into a
single Destroy method with a mode.
May 5
Refactored region-graph item finding and reachability checking to more clearly handle various
cases of different characters being willing/able to pass through various kinds of doors.
Added colored lights, just cause.
Added more mapgen variation. Now it will sometimes generate with a lot more soil and rock and
less sand.
May 4
Some late-night bugfixes.
May 2
Bugfixes on audio authoring system.
Added basic global reverb. Gets wetter as camera altitude rises.
Added sound event visualizer.
Reorganized sound events and added more. Updated sound events listing.
May 1
Mechanoid raids.
Created charge blaster and inferno cannon weapons for mechanoids.
Renamed and reorganized song files.
April 30
Got mechanoids spawning into the game.
Added pilum weapon for tribals and rebalanced their weapons to have fewer rock-throwers.
Opened up new Ludeonicrous map sizes: 325, 350, 400. Not tested or recommended, but who
am I to stop you?
Reorganized how factions are created to be more data-driven and moddable.
Created training about how arresting people angers their faction.
Moved MapConditions (Solar flare, eclipse, etc) into defs so they can be expanded and
Build script now copies a number of select source code files into the build for modder reference.
April 29
Projectile damage types are now data-driven so modders can define weapons with new new
damage types.
Game now auto-defaults OS language on first startup.
Added inspector text for pawn mental break states (dazed wander, psychotic, panic fleeing, etc).
Some pawns will panic and flee individually if badly injured (not colonists, yet).
Decoupled Building_Storage from SlotGroupParent as per this thread.
Rewrote how rooms determine if theyre touching a map edge.

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Work, food, and other searches now use breadth-first search through the region graph to find
items, followed by a global search if no item is found in the first 30 regions.
Created a reachability cache to cache results of reachability check traversals between rooms.
So if you reach-check the same room to the same other room twice the check will be nearly free.
April 28
Regions now maintain lists of items which they contain. Some closest-item searches now
traverse the region graph to find items (thus avoiding the need to iterate every item on the map).
Started integrating AI code with this.
Game now only loads full data for active language (loading them all was becoming a problem
with 8+ translations in the game).
April 27
Fixed region graph bugs.
Started implementing region-wise breadth-first-search-powered item search for finding the
closest work, food, and other targets.
Reorganized designation categories. Added production, decoration, power, misc. Deleted
April 26
Refactored region graph by removing door portals as a concept. Now doors are their own tiny
one-square regions with standard edge-span links to adjacent regions. This is simpler, more
consistent, more extensible, and can handle cases with multiple doors adjacent to each other.
April 25
Optimized region and room update algorithm which runs when the map changes. It now reuses
the largest existing room in almost every possible case, avoiding the need to flood-fill a new one
from scratch. Before this all started, map changes cost 5ms on my machine because they
reflooded every room on the map at the square level. Now they cost 0.05ms, a 100x speedup.
Even better is that the new algorithm is insensitive to map size.
April 24
Got region graph working in first version with regions linked by portals and edge spans. Needs
optimization and integration into various specific problem solutions.
Got rooms generating from the region graph.
April 23
Started designing and implementing region graph to be used for reachability determination,
hierarchical pathfinding, room finding, danger detection and spatial markup, closest-object search,
and potentially other purposes. This is a major project.
April 22
Added simple deep profiling recorder to help trace the rare long-startup bug.
Various bugfixes.
April 21
Tuning: Healing is slower. More time between raids. Effective farming now takes more space
(reduce turtling).
Got automated import of fan translations working.
Various bugfixes.
April 20

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Various bugfixes.
April 17
More stuff can be translated.
April 16
Research-driven modifications to game data are now data-driven and can be defined in XML.
Does not support nested data yet, but you can write a short script to do the modification and
reference that.
All thought definitions are now in XML and can be modded and translated. Thought conditions
reference code using namespace, class, and method name.
Wrote system to play Als tension music in dangerous situations.
Modders can now add map components using a generalized map component framework.
People now get minor negative thoughts for eating off the ground. Build tables.
April 15
Weathers are now defined as standard defs for easy modding and translation.
Everything can now be translated except backstories.
Translations now fall back on English is there is no translated value instead of displaying
translation keys.
Improved the stability of the game when loading with malformed mod data.
Sun lamps display their grow-light radius while placing.
Hunters now carry hunted animals home automatically. Hunted animal corpses are not
April 14
Various bugfixes.
Optimized lighting flood fill using techniques from pathfinding. On a 150x150 test map with 6
lights, CPU time went from 5.2ms to 1.4ms and memory alloc went from ~88Kb to 24 bytes. Yay.
Optimized pawn work searches. These were causing slowdowns in large colonies with lots of
items by allocating a lot of heap memory for each item scanned, and for each square in which one
might store each item scanned.
April 13
Various bugfixes.
Refactored item dropping code to better report results with items that could not be dropped or
could only be partially dropped (into existing stacks).
April 12
On Alpha3 branch: Some final bugfixes. Silent-released Alpha3d, Alpha3e.
April 11
On Alpha3 branch: Some bugfixes for rare bugs found by public. Released Alpha3c.
On Alpha4 branch: Bugfixing and tweaking.
April 10
Public build 408 - Alpha 3
More stuff can be translated (credits, traits, designators, thing categories, work tags, more
Languages can be integrated across multiple mods.
Designation categories (Orders, Buildings, Furniture, Zones, etc) are now data-driven. Modders

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can add new ones.

Thing categories (for storage settings, etc) are now modular defs. They can be localized, and
modders can add new ones without replacing the whole tree.
Fertilizer pump mod integrated into core.
(in A3) A one-line fix so colonists take stacks of items to storage after crafting them (not just
April 9
Internal build 407a/b
Hopefully-final bugfixes.
First fan translation! Integrated TheEisbaer and Haplos partial German translation.
April 8
Internal builds 406a/b/c/d
Integrated new player creative content.
April 7
Internal builds 405a/b
In the bill interface: made Make X and Make Until exclusive. Gave them separate short form
Most text is now linked to the translation system.
Lots of bugfixes.
April 4
Internal build 402
Bug fixing and testing.
Most code-driven text can now be translated.
Rain now slowly washes away blood.
April 3
Internal build 401
Bug fixes.
More stuff can be translated.
April 2
Internal build 400
Bug fixes.
Added a glow to the button that a tutor concept is talking about. Easier to learn.
Started text translation system.
April 1
Internal build 399
Guns are now visible in peoples hands when aiming or in certain other circumstances.
Performance bugfixes.
March 31
Internal build 398
Crap thats a lot of bug fixing.
March 30
Just some light bug fixing.
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March 28
Internal build 395
Bug fixing and many small tunings.
March 27
Testing, grinding down bugs, tuning many small aspects of many systems.
Spent a while de-spaghettifying map initialize code, as well as moving the world data out of the
map itself.
Colonists now start out with the work types theyre best at enabled, instead of everyone having
the same settings.
New alerts make tiny bell noises.
Different teams have different color names by randomly shading within the red range (hostile) or
blue range (neutral). So you can tell apart two different hostile groups.
March 26
You can now suspend bills without deleting or modifying them for easy later reactivation.
AI will now immediately store items after creating them at a bench (if there are multiple items,
the first one will be automatically insta-stored). This is part of the crafting job and is independent of
Testing and grinding down bugs produced over the past few weeks.
Various minor usability improvements.
March 25
Internal build 392
Added a simple planning designation that does nothing so people can plan base layouts early.
Friendly factions will not help you fight their own friends.
Built up and redesigned AI code so factions can fight each other properly.
Staging enemies no longer assault you on sight. They will hold their staging position and
defend. Hopefully pre-emptive attacks become more meaningful this way.
Enemies now stage attacks for randomized amounts of time.
Ally forces now hang around a reasonable point near your base if there are no enemies. After
some time, they leave together as a group (they become travelers).
If harmed, traveling groups stop and defend as a group. They resume traveling if they are not
harmed for some time.
Roughed in visitor event: groups from non-hostile factions visit the colony, chill for a while, and
March 24
Stonecutters table now requires research.
Faction relations now measured on a -100 to 100 scale instead of 0-100.
Roughed in a way to call allies for combat aid. If they like you enough, theyll send a group of
friendly fighters to help you. Useful in a pinch against tough raids.
Travelers arrive in groups sometimes.
Can no longer place a no roof region where there is a thick roof.
March 17
Internal build 384
Redesigned AI King into a proper state machine so it can handle more complex multi-faction
combats and more intricate goals.
Refactored traveler behavior as a king of squad directive, so you can have traveling groups who
stay together.
Created get mods Web link in mods page.
The tutor now properly teaches about the bills tab.
Humanoids no longer eat raw food unless they are near-starving at least.

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Added a button to select through things in the same square (you could always do this by slowly
Colonists dont eat raw food unless urgently hungry or starving.
March 14
Added new styles of raid: immediate assault (no staging time) and center-drop (they drop right
into your colony).
Reworked early-game alerts into a todo list style. Need growing zone. Build a room. And so
Now, if someone tries to get food from a paste dispenser fails, they first try to fill it, even without
being assigned as a hauler or cook.
Corpse hauling is now globally prioritized above other hauling.
Right-click prioritize menu now gives sensible reasons why actions cannot be prioritized (e.g.
haul -> no place configured to store this)
Bill dialog now warns you if you add a bill that no colonist has the skill to do.
Drafted pawns now automatically beat adjacent fires.
March 13
Added help message about trading from orbital beacon in first-opened trade screen.
Added hotkeys for architect mode.
Merged architect and direct mode code for displaying commands. Direct mode now displays
commands for selected things along the bottom of the screen, the same way Architect mode does.
Added shortcut keys for next/previous colonist (default comma and period keys).
Game can now natively load dictionaries of data with def references as keys or values.
March 12
Internal build 379
Launch pad replaced with orbital trade beacon. Trade system clarification commences.
Mental break probability is much lower.
Added a cancel button on the in-progress buildings.
Colonists will now sleep on the ground if exhausted.
Bills no longer vanish on hitting zero count (you can reactivate them without reconfiguring them).
Bill config interface displays ingredient search radius ring.
Alerts now have a moving arrow to draw attention to critical alerts. They are draw on top of the
letter stack and so are more visible.
It is now impossible to place a hopper in an invalid position.
Modders can now create custom Def subclasses.
Modders can now make custom code to define building placement restricters.
Colonists now undraft themselves if theyve been doing nothing for at least a quarter of a day
and there are no enemies on the map.
March 11
Colonists dont get sad about being in darkness until they havent seen a light for 3-4 hours.
Corpses can now rot.
Pawns now spawn with randomized goodies. Yay, something to steal!
Faction relations change over time.
For modders: Beauty and TransmitsPower are now overridable properties of Things and
March 10
Faction spawning is now data-driven.
XML loader now warns on finding no usable defs in a file.
XML loader now warns and explains on finding anything besides a proper <li> tag inside a list
Added info window for factions.

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You can now call factions on the radio and talk to them. You can offer them silver to improve
March 9
Mods list is now scrollable.
Can now individually hide zones.
Tribals now have special names (no more tribal Bob Smiths).
All pawn kinds can now carry stuff in their inventory, like silver, and will spawn with some.
Hooray, a reason to attack people!
Created soft faction relations so factions can get progressively more and less pissed at you.
March 8
Restricted hairdos by faction. No more pirates or tribals in pigtails.
Completed 28th revolution around the sun.
March 7
Tribal raiders now spawn and attack. Created short bow, great bow, and handful-of-stones
Solidified faction relations. They are now reported on the faction overview.
Pawns of warring factions now fight.
Let pawns spawn with minigun and L-15 LMG.
Refactored gun spawning system to work by tech level, spawn tags, and pawn kind money.
Created system to track the instigator of damage. Factions turn on you if you damage or kill their
Pawns now spawn with backstories from appropriate spawn category for their faction.
Created some basic backstory content for tribals.
Started trying to fix save/load.
March 6
Cleaned up pawn graphics and fixed it so they can be loaded from mods.
Made people spawn per-faction. Started adding tribal raiders.
March 4
Created name generator for factions and made content for raider, outlander, and tribal factions.
Raiders come from specific factions and dont always drop from orbit.
Bedding in and debugging generated faction system.
Added more music from Al.
Various small improvements.
March 3
Hydroponics are more fertile and now require power or the plants die. You can also now set
what to grow on them.
Abolished old fixed teams system and stated creating generated faction system. Create faction
overview tab.
March 2
Aptitude has become average of relevant skills out of 20 to reduce confusion.
Damage types are now defined in xml definitions.
Recipes can now give skills.
Added more new colony optimism to help ease into the early game.
February 28

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Fixed external code loading.

Created the Fertilizer Pump external code test mod. Adds the fertilizer pump building which
uses electricity and slowly creates a growable soil field around itself.
Finished automated hunting. Colonists will hunt with guns or melee attacks.
Pawns now try to eat nice meals when they have the choice over nutrient meals.
Various bugfixes.
February 27
Disallowed building very close to the map edge. This discourages weird building patterns that
exploit edges and corners and stress game systems.
Added basic music system. Added Als guitar sting for game start.
Resource lister now counts meals.
Added target amount for bills; colonists wont do the bill if you have more than the target amount
in storage.
Started automatic hunting. So far, colonists can go kick animals to death. Doesnt work so well
for boomrats.
Moved JobDefs into XML.
Job reports like Hauling Metal. or Eating meal. are now in JobDef, not code.
February 26
Finished refactoring map generation into encapsulated, parameterized steps.
Added simple ruins generation.
Thick rock roofs now drop collapsed rocks instead of solid rocks.
February 25
Started refactoring map generation into encapsulated steps and parameterized them.
Added rich dirt patches.
Pawn decision trees are now defined in XML.
Added simple door. Cheaper, but cannot be powered.
Filled out storyteller moddability.
364 - February 24
Februray 23
Reworked debug lister menu to handle large numbers of options. Also added a type-in filter.
February 22
Internal builds 361b/362
February 21
Internal builds 360a/b/c, 361a
Finished up stone economy with stone walls.
Added blasting charges back in as a mod.
Started working on getting code loading with mods.
February 20
Internal build 359
Tons more bugfixes.

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Work type definitions and work giver definitions are now in XML, so you can mod in new work
types to correspond to new economy chains.
Added gather spots so you can make idle colonists gather around certain tables.
Added stone economy: stonecutters table, crafting worktype, stone cutting workgiver, stone
blocks thing, stone tiles floor, low stone wall, high stone wall.
February 19
Internal build 358
Tons of bugfixes.
February 18
Extensive refactoring and bugfixing.
February 17
Bugfixing and prepping for internal test cycle.
Added max ingredient search radius for bills.
Added qualitative descriptions to skill levels.
Skills now decay over time when at very high levels.
Created the passion system, which affects learning rate according to characters natural
inclination towards different subjects. As in real life, anyone can learn anything that theyre willing
to do, but you learn a lot faster if youre naturally interested in the subject.
Game save/load of lists, dictionaries, and hashsets now runs the same code whether saving
simple values, deep-saveable objects, in-map cross-references, or references to game data
Mods can now override core game data as well as add to it.
Storytellers are now defined in XML.
Made turret look and sound weak to match its functionality.
February 14
Migrated all remaining Thing data into XML.
Rewrote how thing component data is handled (its no longer defined per enum on a centralized
list) and migrated it all into XML.
Rewrote XML inheritance to inherit data about subelements and permit inheritance chaining
(e.g. pawn->animal->squirrel).
Set up apparels to spawn according to who they are, data-driven.
Some late-night optimization, especially to the reachability checker, which, although not an
expensive algorithm, can be called thousands of times in a frame, and so needs to be fast as hell.
February 13
Finished decent refactoring of effects system so it can be data-driven. Different meals/recipes
can make different effects while being eaten/worked on.
Finished refactoring out the Interactive interface; all AI actions are now specified in AI code, not
in the things they interact with.
Factored out a lot of EntityDefinitions. These are now used as mini-categories, not individual
entity identifiers, so modders can add more entities easily.
Migrated pawn kind definitions (sniper, drifter, refugee, etc) into XML.
Migrated research project definitions into XML.
February 12
Refactoring day.
Converted a bunch of old AI code into the new consistent toil format.
Converted all building definitions from hardcoded into XML.
Started modularizing EffectMakers and making them data-driven.
February 11

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Recipe ingredients are now configurable and work using categories. You can tell your colonists
what to butcher, and whether or not it should include people.
Balance: Colonists self-extinguish 2.5x more often.
Created cook stove and three meal types to cook. Advanced meal types require multiple
ingredients but have better psychological and nutritive effects.
Advanced meal types require advanced cooking skills.
Added varied food types from plants: potatoes, agave, and berries.
Added release-mode console GUI so modders can properly debug their content without going
February 10
Refactoring day.
Cleaned up and pumped up map save/load to be able to handle all sorts of funky crossreferences. This was originally so I could save a colonists job with a true reference to the specific
work order they were in the process of carrying out.
Blasting charges cut (until they can be balanced properly).
Skill needs are now data-driven so you can define specific relationships between skills and
different recipes efficiency and work time.
February 7
Started creating the bill interface so you can tell your colonists what to create at a recipe
station. e.g. What meals to cook, what to butcher, etc.
Reactions are now called recipes.
Created a data-driven default settings system for storage buildings. Hoppers default to not
accepting human meat.
February 6
Finished basic new AI failure condition framework.
Thoughts are now moddable definitions.
Cannibalism causes bad thoughts, differently depending on whether its eaten raw or cooked
into a meal. Colonists avoid eating it. Different meats look different.
Integrated first-pass weather and ambient sounds.
February 5
AI: The old code for having AIs watch for job failure conditions is creaking under the strain. Ive
cut it and started a new, more modularized failure condition watcher infrastructure. Now, when the
JobDriver defines the high-level behaviors, the action and failure conditions wont have to be
coupled together. Youll be able to configure and stack together failure conditions appropriate to
the job being done. This allows reuse of behavior code in different contexts (e.g. Hauling a
resource to a stockpile, hauling a resource to a building site, hauling a resource to a table for
reaction site have different fail conditions but can use the same hauling core code).
Started integrating Als ambient sounds.
February 4
AI: Started the reaction/butchery/cooking system. Working on a generalized reactions
framework that characters will follow to transmute one set of items into another.
Letters now have varying urgencies. More urgent gets a hotter color. The most urgent ones also
bounce occasionally to get your attention.
Readjusted probabilities of solid and shuffled pawn bios appearing.
Combined pawn RaceDefinitions into general ThingDefinitions. All pawn definitions now
generate meat definitions.
February 3
Guns and equipment, plants, and apparel are all now loaded from XML. Added rose decorative

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February 2
Mods can now load content cross-references and images. Content handling is much cleaner
overall. In progress. Created Royal Bed test mod.
February 1
Added mod browser. Restructured mod data to be configurable. You can now install mods and
run them in parallel. Created mod metadata screen (author, description, etc).
Stockpiling AI: when on hauling runs, colonists now pick up extra resources from nearby piles
even if they cant carry all of them.
Cooks taking food to hoppers now more perf-efficient and cooks will no longer fill hoppers that
are already nearly full.
January 31
Trader kinds (farm vessel, slave trader) etc are now in XML and moddable.
For modding, I cleaned up the load sequence so it loads every definition in the game and all
mods before resolving all references between them.
For modding, decoupled many references that found ThingDefinitions via their entitytypes, so
we can have lots of definitions that share entitytypes. Now they use the ThingDefinitions directly.
Created a no-roof region similar to the home region. The game wont generate roofs in these
regions. In addition, player-constructed roofs are removed when no-roof regions are added.
Some small optimizations.
January 30
Restructured how map section meshes are rebuilt to eliminate the in-between step that
allocated large amounts of data. Now things print directly onto the meshs working data, which is a
major optimization. Code is cleaner now too.
January 29
Ridiculously huge performance improvements across the board due to simple rewriting of old
perf-blind code. For example, we no longer draw the whole map every frame(!) - and tons of
January 28
Plant growing zones added, along with AI to find and interact with them. Redesigned work AI to
handle work on locations as well as things.
Added an options menu button to open your saves folder (nobody can find the damn thing).
Added an options menu button to reset the adaptive tutor.
Mac version now places Mods folder inside the app package to make the install cleaner.
Cleanup and optimization: TargetPacks and DamageInfo are now structs for better GC
performance. Made system to save TargetPacks when they refer to Things. Various other.
January 27
Started some heavy refactoring of how different items fill different slots in a square.
January 26
Internal build 334a/b, Alpha 1 Release Candidate 5 and public Alpha 1
Added adaptive tutor messages for opening comms, setting storage priorities, and growing food.
January 25 -

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Internal builds 333a/b/c/d, Alpha 1 Release Candidates 1/2/3/4

Various pre-release fixes.
January 24
Internal build 332
Created a consistent PathMode system to explicitly handle the difference between pathing to a
square and pathing to adjacent to a square or thing, in all methods and interfaces that handle
finding paths or checking reachability. Ambiguity between these was causing subtle bugs.
Performance optimizations and a worryingly large number of bugfixes.
Integrated Ricardos new menu background screen. Not animated yet, but you get the idea.
You now start with three guns, to alleviate problems with early-battle balance. The battles are
supposed to get harder as you go along, not easier.
January 23
Internal build 331
January 22
Internal build 330
Adaptive tutor now saves its estimates of the players knowledge as a separate file that will
persist between games. Delete Knowledge.xml (in savegames parent folder) to reset it.
Retuned adaptive tutor and reworked the internal numbers to all be percentages.
Major optimizations on the algorithm for regenerating rooms. Will help during mining.
Fixed some deep bugs in hard-case stockpiling (e.g. dropping food in a sealed room packed
with food).
Deconstructing is now done by designating a target, which the colonists go deconstruct.
January 21
Internal build 329
Worker AI rejiggered to allow prioritization of different classes of targets within one work type.
The upshot is that theyll try to finish existing unfinished buildings before carrying resources to
Added preferred names list, so you can encourage the game to spawn your Name in Game or
Backstory in Game character.
Rho did nicer thicker outlines for characters.
Various bugs fixed.
328 - January 20
Stockpiling AI: Created cooking stub work type. Currently it only loads food into dispenser
hoppers, so you can set this activity at a different priority than hauling.
Refined and tuned the adaptive tutor, added about six new concepts to teach.
Did a ton of low-hanging-fruit optimizations, greatly increasing the performance of the game and
reducing memory allocations about 50%.
Small usability changes and bug fixes.
327 - January 19
A pile of bugfixes, especially for stockpiling AI.
Continuing to tune the adaptive tutor and put in more lessons and cues.
325 - January 17
Created adaptive tutor system. It watches everything you do and tries to determine your
knowledge of various concepts. If it detects a concept is needed but knowledge hasnt been
demonstrated, it shows a helpful note. Effectively it tries to replicate a good teacher sitting behind

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you, saying only the things that are really needed.

Terrain, building, and terrain scatterable definitions are now all moddable. Concept definitions
(used by the adaptive tutor) as well.
Stockpiling AI bug fixes.
Various bug fixes.
Imported the latest player creative content.
324 - January 16
Stockpiling AI: Pawns will now draw from several resource piles if it helps them build more
efficiently. So they can pick up from multiple resource piles, carry the resources in one trip, and
then deposit them in multiple building sites. Very efficient and fun to watch!
Included Rhos new RimWorld logo and Ricardos happy/sad Randy portrait.
Various bug fixes.
Colonist will now eat from dispensers in prisoners rooms as well as store meals in prisoners
rooms if there is no prisoner present.
You can now rename stockpiles.
Some fairly easy but extremely impactful optimizations: eliminated 30k/frame of memory allocs
from switching to the same font over and over. Game no longer tries to make tooltips from every
rock square in the map (only pawns make tooltips now). Some others.
323 - January 15
Stockpiling AI can now collect resources for multiple building sites when taking resources to
building sites. So if there is a long wall, they can collect a pile of metal and lay down a dozen wall
sections at once instead of going back and forth for each one. They still only collect from one
resource pile.
Various bugfixes.
322 - January 14
A pile of bugfixes for stockpiling AI.
Updated credits.
321 - January 13
AI can now add to existing stacks in storage, as well as handle various contingencies with lack
of space, and so on.
Unified thing dropping placement code.
Kassandra is now Cleopatra.
320 - January 12
Integrated storyteller portraits in entry menus.
Various further bugfixes, some stockpile related, some old bugs.
318 - January 10
Fixed another batch of stockpiling bugs, largely around configuration of special storage
Had to scrap and try a new approach to having fixed default categories on the storage buildings.
317b - January 9
Spent all day fixing bugs found by testers in the stockpiling AI system (and in other systems).
Great thanks to Semmy for finding a huge number of bugs in this one.
AIs now haul construction-blocking items to the nearest open square instead of hauling them all
the way to storage.
317 - January 8
Many, many bug fixes for stockpiling-related stuff.
Redid storage allowance system into a nice hierarchy, so you can allow/disallow storage of
individual kinds of items in a stockpile, or do it by categories. All with a nice collapsible-category

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Added jacket from Rho.

314 - January 6
Back after a lull over Christmas.
First attempt at basic stockpiling system. Many bugs are still in.
Lots of other little changes, most related to stockpiling. Ive had to redo trading, money, how
dispensers use food, how things are sold and resources reclaimed, and how things are built.
Lots of new art from Rho.
294 - December 17
First testing version in a while after a lot of structural rework and post-crunch cleanup.
Created audio authoring system, supporting one-shots and sustained sounds, various filters,
pitch, volume settings, mappings from in-game parameters.
Created live-modding system, which allows modification of game content while the game is
running. This includes the package editor and the definition editor.
Starting moving game content out of hardcoding and into external, modifiable xml and content
files. This is the beginnings of the mod system.
Created apparel system and introduced the first batch of apparel from Rhos art.
Created a system to randomize, remember, and manage colors for apparel and characters skin.
Various other changes.
254b (public build) - November 7
Added warning popup for loading old saves with new versions. This is not supported.
Fixed a number of serious issues, including roofs not building over large indoor constructions,
crashes on building at the edge of the map, wardens convincing prisoners endlessly, and landing
pods destroying designated areas.
254 (public build) - November 7
253c - November 6 (late)
Added Chill Callie Classic storyteller, the more relaxed version of Cassandra.
Abolished cycles - dates are measured in days only.
Walls now short circuit as well as power conduits.
Blasting charges cost more.
Added a toggle to run the game even when the window isnt focused.
Bugfixes and code cleanup.
253b - November 6 (1pm)
Fixed a serious bug in Cassandra which was blocking events at high populations.
253 - November 6 (1am)
Rebalanced Cassandras raiders to not send advanced enemies too early, and to pace them a
bit slower.
Attempted to fix the black screen bug
250 (public build) - November 3
Reorganized enemy attack AI to acquire turret targets even without line of sight.
Many bugfixes in prep for public alpha
249A - November 2
Added video quality levels. Mostly it just turns off AA.
T and G are now zoom keys

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Traders now stay around for two days, not a half day.
Reorganized options menu.
Fixed various bugs
248 - November 1
-Split repair from construction
-Beating the fire on a burning pawn stuns them.
-Firefighters will extinguish nearby friendly pawns even outside home zones.
-Melee attacks incap more than guns and explosives.
-Cannot speed up time while a colonist is on fire
-Short throws will no longer have large inaccuracies
-Redid how the game uncovers fog at map start.
247 - October 31
Totally refactored how equipment and verbs are managed under the hood.
245 - October 29
Plants and such no longer cover bullets as well as sandbags.
Raiders now opportunistically attack any building they happen across if not engaged in combat.
Attempt to funnel them at your peril.
R-4 charge rifle now has a unique sound.
Weather (rain/fog) now affects chances of hitting a target (along with light levels and many other
factors, good luck hitting someone on a foggy night now).
243 - October 27
You can now prioritize colonists tasks individually.
Levels now cap at 20 (as designed).
Power connectors report power net status.
You can now dump meals in dumping areas.
You can now click on names in the overview to center on the colonist.
Overview now displays health of wounded colonists.
Optimizations and bugfixes.
241 - October 25
Hid the trait system to avoid confusion (since traits do nothing).
All weapons now have unique graphics.
Rewrote storage square management system to use the generalized work reservation manager.
Lots of bugfixes.
240 - October 24
Added map size adjustment in an advanced menu at game start.
Fast-forwarding is disabled during combat where you are under attack.
Added max selection size and max drag designate size.
Added raiders: sniper squad and mercenary squad.
Balanced down hydroponics growth rate.
Charged batteries now explode while burning.
Some electrical devices now short-circuit and cause fires if left out in the rain while running.
Split shooting accuracy breakdown into misses due to equipment and misses due to skill.
Rebalanced shooting and melee to make skill more important.
Drafted colonists no longer interrupt when melee attacked.
Traders are now rarer but carry more goods.
Dump sites no longer default to accepting humanoid corpses. Graves no longer default to
accepting animal carcasses.
Smoothed out and softened how AI Storytellers handle colony population.

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Colonists now gain bad thoughts from sleeping outside.

Added skills (which do nothing yet): cooking, medicine, artistic, crafting
Added work tags (most of which do nothing yet): Firefighting, scary, artistic, cooking
Added credits screen.
Replaced all noncommercial free sounds and attributed those under attribution licenses.
Various bugfixes and balance adjustments.

Published by Google Drive Report Abuse Updated automatically every 5 minutes

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