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Hullender, Sikes, Stark: Group 1

Key Assessment
FRIT 7331
Lisa Hullender, Amanda Sikes, & Jason Stark
Section VI: Survey Stakeholders
Group 1 Key Assessment Library Stakeholder Survey
1. In an average week, how many times do you visit the library?
o More than 5 times
o 4-5 times a week
o 1-3 times a week
o Never
2. How many of the materials and resources in the library are user friendly?
o All of them
o Most of them
o Some of them
o None of them
3. Do you know how to avoid plagiarism?
o Yes
o Sometimes
o No
4. Do you feel comfortable when you visit the library?
o Yes
o Sometimes
o No
5. The materials in the school media center are useful and relevant to my needs.
o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree
6. What is your favorite reason for visiting the media center?
o Check out Books
o Use Technology
o Get help from the Media Specialist
o I do not visit the media center
o Other:
7. What would make you visit the media center more often?
o A better selection of books
o More technology to use

Hullender, Sikes, Stark: Group 1

o A friendlier media specialist

o Nothing would make me visit the media center
o Other:
8. The media specialist is helpful and available to answer questions when I need her.
o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree
9. List one thing you would change about our current media center:
10. List one thing that you DO NOT like about our current media center:
Survey Results

Hullender, Sikes, Stark: Group 1

Hullender, Sikes, Stark: Group 1

Hullender, Sikes, Stark: Group 1

The result of the survey shows that around 80% of people use the library about 1-3 times each
week. When these students visit the library, most of them only come to check out books. A small
portion of the students come for technology use and one person never visits the library. When
asked what could improve the frequency of library visits, there were several answers given. The
highest rated response indicated that the media center needed a better selection of books. This
was followed by more technology to use and a friendlier media specialist.
Most everyone surveyed felt comfortable visiting the library. They felt that the materials and
resources were easy to use and relevant to their needs. They also felt that the media specialist
was ready and willing to help them when asked.
Suggestions to Improve
There were a few things that could be improved based on the results of the survey. The media
center needs to get a comfortable section for reading. This was indicated by several people. In
addition, they would like a bigger, better selection that has more up-to-date books to choose
from. Another suggestion is to add in a video production station and student collaboration
station. One final suggestion was to update the interior of the media center by painting the walls
and changing the old worn carpet from the floor.

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