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Hullender, Sikes, Stark: Group 1

Key Assessment
FRIT 7331
Lisa Hullender, Amanda Sikes, & Jason Stark
Section VII: Planning for the Future
Long Range Goals
Goal 1:
Improve the overall learning
experience of the media center
and offer more adult

Short Term Objectives

Objective 1a:
Allow students to browse
or explore media center
resources. This objective
specifically speaks to the
student. A measurable
amount of 15 minutes a
day for exploring materials
should show an
improvement in learning.
This is achievable and can
be accomplished over a
cumulative amount of time.
This will have a direct
impact on meeting the goal
and this time period should
be set to be met within the
second half of the school
Objective 1b:
Give teachers the amount
of time needed to develop
technology based
assignments. This
objective specifically
speaks to the teacher. To
measure this, the teacher
can work with the Media
Specialist 15 minutes extra
daily to develop
technology based
assignments. This is

Description of Evaluation
Evaluation 1a:
Review previous evaluations
to get a history and help
with development planning.
This can be done throughout
the school year.

Evaluation 1b:
Monthly meetings will be
held to evaluate the progress
of the students learning
experience. This can be
done at beginning of each

Hullender, Sikes, Stark: Group 1

achievable if teacher sticks

to plan. This will
dramatically impact the
goal. This time period
should be set to be met by
second half of school year.
Objective 1c:
Offer the students
assistance with completing
their assignments. This
specifically speaks to the
students and the teacher.
An allotment or measured
amount of 5-10 minutes
with each student to assist
with assignments. This is
achievable if stakeholders
stick to the allotted time.
Realistically will impact or
improve learning
experiences. Time period
should also be set to be met
by at least second half of
school year.
Objective 1d:
Make available resource
sharing between other
schools and online
catalogs. Specifically
Media Specialist should
search for online catalogs
and get with county
schools to see what is
available to share. The
measurable amount of time
should be about 1 hour a
week to see what resources
are available. This is
achievable if Media
Specialist will work as
scheduled to get this set up

Evaluation 1c:
Media specialists and
teachers will evaluate or
measure on a standardized
rubric the students outcome
or results. This can be done
throughout the school year.

Evaluation 1d:
Librarian will furnish access
to the Internet and adopt the
proper user policies. This
should be done at beginning
of year.

Hullender, Sikes, Stark: Group 1

Goal 2:
Improve physical appearance of
media center.

for her school. This will

realistically help reach the
goal and the time period
should be that this is set up
for school to use by the
second six weeks of class.
Objective 2a:
Purchase new or updated
furniture that is more
comfortable for the media
center. This specifically
relates to the principle and
the Media Specialist. For
measuring this, the
principle and media
specialist should allow one
or two days aside before
the new school year begins
to shop for furniture. This
is an achievable objective.
This will realistically
improve the appearance of
the media center. Time
period should be set up to
shop for furniture during
the summer break using
one or two days.
Objective 2b:
Manage the physical space
of the library. This
specifically speaks to the
Media Specialist. This can
be measured by using a
couple of days or two half
days to set up space so it is
user friendly. This can be
achieved by asking friends
or teachers to help. This
will impact the physical
appearance of the media
center and the time period

Evaluation 2a:
Media Specialist will put
together fundraisers and
book fairs to supplement the
expense of the furniture.
Teachers can assist. This
can be done at beginning of
the year.

Evaluation 2b:
Librarian can rearrange
furniture to meet the users
needs. This can be done at
beginning of the year.
Evaluate the students and
teachers opinion or obtain
feedback on the appearance
of the media center. This
can be done throughout the
school year.

Hullender, Sikes, Stark: Group 1

Goal 3:
The library should be fully
integrated with the purchase of
new software/hardware/eBooks
in order to promote students
learning goals and meet
individual needs of teachers,
students, and stakeholders.

should be set to be done

before the beginning of the
school year.
Objective 3a:
Provide categorized and
classified resources that
meet individual needs.
This specifically speaks to
the Media Specialists. To
meet measurable goals the
Media Specialist should set
aside 8 hour day to
organize the material. The
time period should be set to
be completed before the
beginning of the school

Evaluation 3a:
Evaluate and select
appropriate learning
materials/resources that will
meet the needs of the
students. This can be done
throughout the school year.

Objective 3b:
Develop curriculum that is
grade level appropriate and
ensure competency in the
curriculum. This is
specifically speaking to the
teacher working with the
Media Specialist. The
amount of measurable time
to get this done should be a
couple of weeks before the
school year begins. This
should be an achievable
objective if everyone
works as a team. This is a
realistic objective that will
help with learning. The
time period should be set to
be pulled together before
the school year begins.

Evaluation 3b:
Conduct evaluations using
multiple data sources to get
a better overall picture of
progress. This can be done
throughout the school year.

Objective 3c:
Promote learning in

Evaluation 3c:
Teachers and librarians will

Hullender, Sikes, Stark: Group 1

technical, factual, and also

ethical standards when
using copyrighted
materials. Promote
independent learning. This
specifically speaks to
Media Specialist and
teacher. The amount of
measurable time to work
on this could be one day a
week of working with
students to explain ethical
standards and providing
those resources to study.
This is an achievable goal
and depends on learning
capacity of students. This
is a realistic objective to
help students with learning
process. The time period
on this should be
cumulative progression
throughout the year with
improvements showing by
middle of school year.

allow time to meet and plan

learning strategies, assess
students work, and develop
curriculum that
appropriately reflects the
AASL standards of
performance. This should
be done throughout the
school year.

Objective 3d:
Provide high quality
resources using multiple
formats. This specifically
speaks to the Media
Specialist. The
measurement should be
that the Media Specialist
will spend a couple of days
before the school year
begins to look for these
resources. This is
achievable objective. It
realistically impacts the
goal with the providing of

Evaluation 3d:
Librarian will offer
development workshops for
faculty to encourage
technology integration.
Solicit feedback from
students and teachers on
how resources are working
with the use of a survey.
This can be done during the

Hullender, Sikes, Stark: Group 1

these resources. The time

period should be set to be
done before the school year

Explanation of Goals:
The Library Media Program for Long County Middle School is an integral component of the
total educational program. With todays 21st Century technology, it is important for the
individual to be successful in problem solving and have the ability to access and evaluate
information from a variety of resources to ensure literacy. The goals are set forth to uncover the
weaknesses and capitalize on the strengths of the learning process that relates to the media
Goal 1:
To address the overall improvement of the learning experience the media specialist should
encourage students to utilize all the available resources in the library. The teacher should allow
for a flexible enough schedules so that the student can visit the library on a routine basis. It is
also important for the teacher to be familiar with the resources available in the library. This also
should take into consideration the financial and socioeconomic factors of Long County Middle
School. This goal will allow students and teachers to become more aware of the Web 2.0
technologies available on the school media website. With that being said, the teacher and the
media specialist will work together to improve or update the media center website; i.e. adding Ebooks. This goal is realistic but may appear to be over planned; however it is better to be over
planned than not include a need and fall short.
Goal 2:

Hullender, Sikes, Stark: Group 1

The physical appearance of the media center plays an important part in that you want the library
to appear inviting and intriguing to its users. Long County Middle School Media Center needs to
have an area designated for teachers to work on creating bulletin boards and laminating. Also
the shelving should be adjusted and/or lowered so that it is more accommodating for students.
Goal 3:
To address the important question, is the library media center a vital part of the learning process?
This question should be addressed in order to prove that it is a vital part and thus will not be put
on the chopping block when budgets are cut. To provide a better learning experience the media
center should contain collections of books in a variety of formats that are suited for users. This
goal should also address the fact that Long County Middle School needs more students to meet
and/or exceed CRCT data scores. The CRCT data scores showed gaps between special needs
and the gifted of grades 4 -8 and Pre-K. Adding more meaningful Math, Reading, Language
Arts, Science, and Social Studies resources should help in this area. Another thing that should be
evaluated is whether the general resources that are provided for the school region are in use and
see what needs to be added to these resources. These resources should be the ones that offer
more bang for the buck.

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