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National Association for Voluntary and Community Action

What is RSS all about?

Paul Webster, NAVCA – Regional ICT Support and
Development Officer, explains how RSS and other social media
tools can make your organisation become more effective.

We all like to keep up with RSS feed. You then just need to click on that
current news and find out logo to add it to the collection of websites you
about events that interest us. want to keep up to date with. You will need a
For some it may be catching Feed Reader (sometimes called News Reader)
the headlines of the 10 o’clock program which arranges your selection of
news, others the back page of The Metro, or for websites, but these are free to obtain and use.
others reading the celebrity gossip magazines. Probably the easiest one to get started with is
‘Reader’ which is built into the Google web
But what about keeping up with information on browser (just open up and
the Internet related to our work? There are click on ‘Reader’ – which is part of the ‘more’
changes in government policy to keep up to date menu list – to set up a free account).
with, useful conferences to attend and general
news from other organisations in the sector Spreading your news
similar to ourselves that we really should know It is also possible for your own website to send
about. How is it possible to know about all this out an RSS feed containing your organisation’s
information … and still be efficient at doing our latest news stories and updates. This is a little
job! RSS is one way of helping in this process. trickier to set up – however if you talk to the
people who provide or host your organisation’s
Really Simple … website they should be able to add RSS and
There are a number of definitions for what RSS show you how new content will be picked up by
stands for, the most popular being Really Simple the feed.
Syndication, or in other words a really
straightforward way for you to have access to the RSS is part of the family of web 2.0 internet
latest updates and new content that many resources. Web 2.0 is simply a marketing term
websites make available on the Internet. for the many new ways it is possible to use the
internet in an interactive and collaborative way.
RSS is really useful as it removes the need for Rather than traditional websites that were very
you to constantly re-visit each of the websites ‘top-down’, just presenting pages of static
that you are interested in to check for news and information for you to read, the new web
updates. Instead, if you see that the website (or positively encourages these social media
your browser toolbar) has the RSS icon showing conversations to take place, giving you more
(often denoted with the orange coloured symbol chance to participate and to shape content and
shown above), it means the website publishes an discussions. For example, websites (such as NAVCA Circulation February/March 2009 407.11

blogs) open up the comment function enabling • Voluntary Action Leicester
you to give feedback to the author about their have
work; a wiki is a great web tool that enables an RSS feeds of latest news (the RSS feed
collaborative working on a document a wiki that button will appear in your toolbar or address
removes the need to email copies to each other. window)
To share audio, photos or videos of your • South Hams CVS
successful projects with similar schemes,
trustees or funding bodies, a podcast or cvs.html provide a way to keep up to date
YouTube (for videos) or Flickr (for photos) are with their latest news from the ‘subscribe to
very practical resources. RSS’ button on the right hand side of the
Useful RSS Feeds
There are some useful RSS feeds that you may • Voluntary Action Manchester
like to follow to get you started … (the RSS button
is right down at the bottom of the page). On
• NAVCA is developing RSS feeds. Currently
the ‘resources’ page they also have examples
we have set up a general NAVCA news feed
of how they are using YouTube, Flickr, Twitter
and specialist feeds for our Local
and Facebook.
Commissioning and Procurement Unit and
our Improving Local Partnerships Unit. Visit:
Hopefully this article has provided some ideas of
how RSS and other social media tools could be
• ThirdSector Magazine has a ‘breaking news’ used to both make your organisation more
at (The RSS logo is efficient in gathering information, but also more
in the middle of the page) effective in reaching out to other groups.
• The Guardian RSS updates can be saved by
clicking on ‘webfeed’ on the right hand side of The Lasa ICT Knowledgebase article
the main page –
contains more in depth information about RSS.
There is also a free booklet produced by The
For a list of some local infrastructure
Media Trust which covers a range of social
organisations we know are using RSS feeds (and
media ideas which can be obtained from the ICT
other types of social media tools) see the map
Champion in your region: full details are at
on: – the
organisations using RSS are marked with an
orange coloured pin. If you want to keep up to
Paul Webster
date with additions to this page then you can
NAVCA Regional ICT Support and
subscribe at the ‘Entries RSS’ button. Some
good examples of LIOs using RSS that we have
Tel 0114 289 3977
found are:
Email NAVCA Circulation February/March 2009 407.11

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