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Chapter 8

Explicit Dynamics:
Analysis Settings

ANSYS Explicit Dynamics

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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


February 27, 2009

Inventory #002665

Explicit Dynamics: Analysis Settings

Analysis Settings

Training Manual

Analysis Settings are grouped in six categories

Step Controls
Solver Controls
Damping Controls
Erosion Controls
Output Controls
Analysis Data Management
Specifies directory where project data will be stored

End Time is the only required input

All other options have defaults

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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


February 27, 2009

Inventory #002665

Explicit Dynamics: Analysis Settings

Step Controls

Training Manual

Solve Initiation
Resume From Cycle
Specifies the cycle (time step) from which to start the Solve.
Default (cycle 0) is to start at the beginning (time zero).

When resuming a simulation, changes to analysis settings will be

respected where possible.
e.g. you often wish to resume a simulation with an extended End Time.

Changes to any other features in the model (geometry

suppression, connections, loads, etc.) will not be respected.
List of cycles from which to resume will only be populated if a
previous solve has been executed and restart files generated.

Solve Termination
Maximum Number of Cycles
Specifies the maximum number of cycles (time increments)
allowed for the simulation.
The simulation will stop once the specified value is reached.
Enter a large number (default) to ensure simulation runs to the End

End Time (no default)

Defines the timescale that you want the simulation to run.
Enter a reasonable estimate for this parameter since it controls the
length of time the simulation will take to run.
Used in other pre-processing objects (such as tabular loads) and
also to define the scale for Chart output of results objects.
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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


February 27, 2009

Inventory #002665

Explicit Dynamics: Analysis Settings

Step Controls

Training Manual

Maximum Energy Error

Solution stops if the energy error exceeds the Maximum
Energy Error (expressed as a fraction)

Reference Energy = Internal Energy + Kinetic Energy + Hourglass Energy

Current Energy = Internal Energy + Kinetic Energy + Hourglass Energy
Work Done =

Work done by constraints

+ Work done by loads
+ Work done by body forces
+ Energy removed from system by element erosion
+ Work done by contact penalty forces

Reference Energy Cycle

Defines the cycle at which the solver calculates the
reference energy
Usually the start cycle (default)

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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


February 27, 2009

Inventory #002665

Explicit Dynamics: Analysis Settings

Step Controls

Training Manual

Example energy conservation graph for model with symmetry plane and erosion

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


February 27, 2009

Inventory #002665

Explicit Dynamics: Analysis Settings

Step Controls

Training Manual

Time Step Controls

Initial Time Step
If left on Program Controlled (recommended), the initial time step
will be automatically set to the smallest initial element stability
time step

Minimum Time Step

If the time drops below this value the simulation will stop
If left on Program Controlled (recommended), the value will be
set to 1/10th the Initial Time Step

Maximum Time Step

Solver will use the minimum of this value or the computed
stability time step
Program Controlled is recommended

Time Step Safety Factor

Safety factor is applied to the computed stability time step
Default (0.9) should work for most simulations

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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


February 27, 2009

Inventory #002665

Explicit Dynamics: Analysis Settings

Step Controls

Training Manual

Automatic Mass Scaling

Masses in smaller elements are scaled up to increase the
time step used in the simulation
Additional input is required for this option
Minimum CFL Time Step
Minimum CFL time step to be obtain with mass scaling
Should be larger that the observed CFL time step

Maximum Element Scaling.

Limits the ratio of scaled mass / physical mass that can be applied to
each element in the model.
If this ratio is exceeded, the simulation will stop with an error message.

Maximum Part Scaling

Limits the ratio of scaled mass / physical mass that can be applied to
an individual body.
If this ratio is exceeded, the simulation will stop with an error message.

Update Frequency
The frequency (in cycles) that mass scaling is performed.
A value of zero (default) means mass scaling is only done once, at the start of
the simulation

Caution! Mass scaling introduces additional mass into the

system to increase the CFL time step. Introducing too much
mass can lead to unphysical result.
ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary
2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


February 27, 2009

Inventory #002665

Explicit Dynamics: Analysis Settings

Solver Controls

Training Manual

Solve Units
The units the solver will use for the simulation
For accuracy, only (mm, mg, ms) are allowed
Different units can be used to set up problems and
view results.

Beam Solution Type

Bending (default, most accurate)

Beam Time Step Safety Factor

Hex Integration Type

Exact (default, most accurate)
1pt Gauss (faster)

Shell Sublayers
Used to compute Stress Resultants and Bending
Default (3) usually provides sufficient accuracy
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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


February 27, 2009

Inventory #002665

Explicit Dynamics: Analysis Settings

Solver Controls

Training Manual

Shell Shear Correction Factor

Shell BWC Warp Correction
Shell Thickness Update

Tet Pressure Integration

Average Nodal

Shell Inertia Update

Recompute (default, most accurate)
Rotate (faster)

Density Update
Program Controlled (default, recommended)

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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


February 27, 2009

Inventory #002665

Explicit Dynamics: Analysis Settings

Solver Controls

Training Manual

Minimum Velocity
Computed nodal velocities below the
Minimum Velocity will be set zero
Eliminates small velocities cause by noise
Default is usually OK

Maximum Velocity
Computed nodal velocities above the
Maximum Velocity will be set equal to
the Maximum Velocity
Can increase time step by eliminating
high velocities that are not influencing the
required solution
Default is very large

Radius Cutoff
Nodes with the Radius Cutoff of a
symmetry plane will be snapped onto the
symmetry plane
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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


February 27, 2009

Inventory #002665

Explicit Dynamics: Analysis Settings

Damping Controls

Training Manual

Three types of damping can be applied and

controlled for Explicit Dynamic Analyses
Artificial Viscosity
Introduced to prohibit instabilities developing
from shock formation / propagation

Hourglass Damping
Introduced to prohibit hourglass deformation
modes developing in solid hex elements and
quad shell elements

Static Damping
Applied to allow a static equilibrium solution to
be obtained from an Explicit Dynamic analysis

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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


February 27, 2009

Inventory #002665

Explicit Dynamics: Analysis Settings

Artificial Viscosity

Training Manual

Shock discontinuities are generally not stable

Usually, the diffusion inherent in numerical solutions is sufficient to keep
them stable, but solutions can be noisy
Artificial Viscosity is used to

Ensure stability by smearing shock discontinuities into rapidly varying, but

continuous, transition regions
Reduce noise

Two terms are used to apply Artificial Viscosity

Quadratic (stabilizes the solution)

Linear (reduces noise)


q C Q d C L c for

0 for

CQ is the Quadratic Artificial Viscosity coefficient

CL is the Linear Artificial Viscosity coefficient

Both terms impose further restrictions on the time step

Not usually very significant

Default Values are recommended

Use carefully to avoid over-diffusion of real solution

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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


February 27, 2009

Inventory #002665

Explicit Dynamics: Analysis Settings

Artificial Viscosity

Training Manual

Quadratic Viscosity ensures stability

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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.

Linear Viscosity reduces noise


February 27, 2009

Inventory #002665

Explicit Dynamics: Analysis Settings

Hourglass Damping

Training Manual

Two formulations are available for the corrective forces used to

resist hourglass deformation modes of hexahedral elements.
AUTODYN Standard (default, most efficient)
Generates hourglass forces proportional to nodal velocity differences.
Often referred to as a viscous formulation.


* f KF X

Where FH is a vector of the hourglass forces at each node of the element,

CH is the Viscous Coefficient, is the material density, c is the material
sound speed, V is the material volume and f X is a vector function of
element nodal velocities aligned with the hourglass shape vector

Flanagan Belytschko
Invariant under rigid body rotation (i.e. hourglass forces sum to zero)
Recommended for simulations in which large rotations of hexahedral
elements are expected.


* f FB X

Vector function of element nodal velocities is orthogonal to both linear

velocity field and rigid body field.

Viscous Coefficient usually varies between 0.05 and 0.15. The

default value is 0.1.
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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


February 27, 2009

Inventory #002665

Explicit Dynamics: Analysis Settings

Hourglass Damping

Training Manual

The sum of the hourglass forces applied to an element is normally zero.

Momentum of the system is unaffected by hourglass forces.

Energy associated with hourglass forces is

stored locally in the specific internal energy of the element
recorded globally over the entire model

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


February 27, 2009

Inventory #002665

Explicit Dynamics: Analysis Settings

Static Damping

Training Manual

Explicit Dynamics is primarily designed for solving transient

dynamic events.
Using the static damping option, a static equilibrium solution can
also be obtained.
Introduces a damping force proportional to the nodal velocities,
aimed to critically damp the lowest mode of oscillation of the static
Solution is computed dynamically until it converges to an equilibrium
Need to judge when the equilibrium state is achieved.

Value of Static Damping (Rd) for critical damping of the lowest

mode of vibration is


2 t T
1 2 t T

where T is the period of the lowest mode of vibration of the system

(or close approximation).
Expect solution to converge to static equilibrium in roughly 3T if
critical damping is applied.
If T is not known accurately, over-estimates it, rather than
underestimate it.
Approximate values of t and T can be obtained by first performing
a dynamic analysis without static damping.
ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary
2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


February 27, 2009

Inventory #002665

Explicit Dynamics: Analysis Settings

Erosion Controls

Training Manual

Erosion is a numerical mechanism for the automatic removal

(deletion) of elements during a simulation.


Removes very distorted elements before they become inverted

Ensures time step remains reasonably large.
Ensures solutions can continue to the End Time.
Can be used to allow simulation of material fracture, cutting and

There are three options available to initiate erosion of elements.

On Geometric Strain
An element erodes when its Effective (geometric) strain exceeds the
Geometric Strain Limit.
Typical values range from 0.5 to 2.0. The default value of 1.5 can be used
in most cases.

Effective strain is calculated from the principal strain components as


2 2 2 2
1 2 3 1 2 2 3 3 1 3 122 232 312


Custom result EFF_STN can be used to review effective strain.

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary
2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


February 27, 2009

Inventory #002665

Explicit Dynamics: Analysis Settings

Erosion Controls

Training Manual

On Material Failure
An element erodes immediately upon material failure.


Elements using damage models will erode if the damage value reaches

On Minimum Element Time Step

An element erodes when its local element time step, multiplied by
the time step safety factor falls below the Minimum Element Time
Custom result TIMESTEP can be used to review local element time

Erosion options can be used in any combination.

Elements will erode if any of the criteria are met.

Retain Inertia of Eroded Material

If this option is selected, and all elements connected to a node in the
mesh erode, the inertia of the resulting free node is retained. i.e. the
free node continues to transfer momentum in subsequent impacts.
If not selected, all free nodes are removed from the simulation.

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


February 27, 2009

Inventory #002665

Explicit Dynamics: Analysis Settings

Output Controls

Training Manual

Results files contain data used for the main post-processing
operations in Explicit Dynamics (Contour Results, Probe Results,


Save Results on
Equally Spaced Time Points (specify Number of points)
Cycles (specify Cycles frequency)
Time (specify Time frequency)
By default, 20 results files are generated for a Solve which
terminates at the specified End Time.

Restart files
Restart files contain all information required by the solver to run
(or restart) the simulation.
Save Restart Files on
Equally Spaced Time Points (specify Number of points)
Cycles (specify Cycles frequency)
Time (specify Time frequency)
By default, 5 restart files are generated for a Solve which
terminates at the specified End Time.
ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary
2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


February 27, 2009

Inventory #002665

Explicit Dynamics: Analysis Settings

Output Controls

Training Manual

Result Tracker data

Result Tracker files contains time history data for probes


Save Result Tracker Data on

Cycles (specify Cycles frequency)
Time (specify Time frequency)
By default result tracker data is recorded every cycle.
Frequency may need to be reduced for long running

Solution Output
Solution Output contains general data for the overall
solution (momentum and energy summaries, energy
conservation, e.t.c.)
Save Solution Output Data on
Cycles (specify Cycles frequency)
Time (specify Time frequency)
By default, solution output data is recorded every 100
Frequency may need to be reduced for long running
ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary
2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


February 27, 2009

Inventory #002665

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