TIMON (1st Issue CY 2014)

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January to June 2014 Issue

The Official Newsletter of the Parole and Probation Administration, Region 1

Region 1



Held biennially in different regions of the Country for the past 28 years, the National Convention
of the Parole and Probation Officers League of the Philippines, Inc. (PPOLPI) 14 th National Convention
also the 12th Training Institute was held in Region 1, on May 20-23, 2014, at Plaza del Norte Hotel
and Convention Center, Paoay, Ilocos Norte. Hosting the event for the first time are the Region 1
Union Officers who did the extra mile to make the Convention memorable and meaningful.
This years theme: Strengthening Partnerships Towards Excellence aims to promote capability
building and unionism in the government sector, enhance awareness on financial management and
foster camaraderie among the employees of the Parole and Probation Administration.
The presence of Hon. Francisco F. Baraan, III - Undersecretary of Justice, as keynote speaker
added glamour to the occasion. Other guests were: Hon. Francis Dacuycuy who represented the
City Mayor of Laoag - Hon. Chevylle Farinas, Director Allan F. Alegria of the Civil Service Commission,
Mr. Roel B. Martin, from the Department of Labor and Employment, Ms. Jocelyn O.Padua, Sun Life
Canada Financial, Ms. Geraldeen Pascual of Mariano Marcos State University, Batac City and PPA-DOJ
Administrator Hon. Manuel G. Co. Deputy Administrator Lorna A. Yumul, and Regional Directors and
Assistant Regional Directors from all over the country also attended the affair.
The PPOLPI National Convention is an opportunity for immersion in the culture and local ways of
people in the host region as well as an avenue for local tour and a taste of native and exotic
delicacies. The prospect really excites the PPA employees. What made the convention unique were the
sight of windmills, ATV ride in the Paoay Sand Dunes, the Marcos Trail and a taste of native delicacies
like the famous Pinakbet Pizza, Bagnet, Empanada and others. ( FMTomelden)

Redeeming Lives Restoring Relationships

Regional Updates

Personnel Movement, Promotions

and Filling up of Vacancies
The following personnel were hired, promoted, reassigned and transferred
during the first semester of CY 2014:

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I. Hiring
Zaidee E. Rubio

or e-mail at region1@probation.gov.ph/

Layout Artist/Encoder
Maria Theresa L. Manzano
Cristine Joy N. Hufano

All CPPOs/OICs/Designated PIOs

Shekinah T. Gapuz
TIMON is the official newsletter of the Parole and Probation Administration, Region I.

Any comment, article or letter to the editor shall be addressed to the Editor-In-Chief,
c/o PPA-DOJ Regional Office No. 1,
2nd & 3rd Flrs., O.D. Leones Bldg.Gov. Aguila Road, Sevilla,
City of San Fernando, La Union 2500



2 January - June 2014

Probation and Parole Officer II

Ilocos Norte PPO
effective April 1, 2014

Annabelle C. Rosario

Probation and Parole Officer II

La Union Province PPO
effective April 1, 2014

Ma. Carla B. Fernandez

Probation and Parole Officer I

Pangasinan PPO No. 1, Lingayen
effective January 2, 2014

Probation and Parole Officer I

Dagupan City PPO
effective January 2, 2014

Aniceto Francis C. Madronio -

Probation and Parole Officer I

Urdaneta City PPO
effective January 2, 2014

Tarhata A. Pine

Probation and Parole Officer I

Pangasinan PPO No. 2, Rosales
effective January 2, 2014

Shekinah T. Gapuz

Francia Jomarie G. Mabanag -

Administrative Aide IV
Dagupan City PPO
effective January 2, 2014

Nilo M. Rilloraza, Jr.

Administrative Aide IV
Laoag City PPO
effective January 10, 2014

Uniza C. Domingo

Administrative Aide IV
Urdaneta City PPO
effective January 10, 2014

Princess Gelaine M. Romua

Administrative Aide IV
Ilocos Norte PPO
effective June 6, 2014

II. Promotion
Krista Charisma M. Oineza

from ADA IV to PPOI

effective January 2, 2014
from PPOII to Sr.PPO
effective May 27, 2014

Constancia M. Agoot
III. Reclassified/Upgraded
Marie Angela A. Rosales

from AAII to AOI

SG-8 to SG-10
effective January 10, 2014

Sr.PPO from NCR

to Region I
effective January 20, 2014

Sr.PPO from La Union Province PPO

to Regional Office
effective May 5, 2014

IV. Transferred
Rowena DC. Ordoa
V. Detail Assignment
Roberto B. Francisco, Jr.

Regional Updates
VI. Reassignment
Virgilio G. Tiangco

from CPPO of Dagupan City PPO

to OIC-ARD of Region I
effective February 3, 2014

Danilo G. Corpuz

CPPO from La Union Province PPO

to Dagupan City PPO
effective February 3, 2014

Jasmin C. Flores

SPPO of Urdaneta City PPO

to La Union Province PPO as OIC
effective February 3, 2014

Gloria A. Ferrer

SPPO from Pangasinan PPO No. 1, Lingayen

to San Carlos City PPO
effective February 3, 2014

Ma. Victoria G. Mabanag

SPPO from La Union Province PPO

to Candon City PPO
effective February 3, 2014

Lorelie May B. Mariano

SPPO from Ilocos Norte PPO

to Laoag City PPO
effective February 3, 2014

Romeo P. Piedad

SPPO from Vigan City PPO

to Ilocos Norte PPO
effective February 3, 2014

Francia Jomarie G. Mabanag -

ADA IV from Laoag City PPO

to Dagupan City PPO
effective January 10, 2014

Abegail T. Casison

ADA IV from Urdaneta City PPO

to Regional Office No. 1
effective January 20, 2014

Krista Charisma M. Oineza

PPOI from Dagupan City PPO

to La Union Province PPO
effective January 2, 2014

from La Union Province PPO

to Regional Office No. 1 as CMRU Head
effective May 2, 2014

VII. Designation
Virgilio G. Tiangco

- designated Regional Planning Officer of PPA Region I

effective January 21, 2014

Rowena DC. Ordoa -designated as Special Assistant & Concurrent CSU/CMRU head
effective February 3, 2014

Abegail T. Casison

- act as CMRU/CSU Understudy effective May 2, 2014

Ma. Victoria G. Mabanag - designated as Officer-in-Charge of Candon City PPO

effective June 16, 2014

Corazon A. Dagdag

- full time CPPO of Vigan City/Ilocos Sur PPO

effective June 16, 2014

VIII. Task Force

Stephanie B. De Leon - SPPO, render service assistance to Alaminos City PPO
effective January 21, 2014
Elina M. Cario

- ADA IV, render service assistance to Alaminos City PPO

effective January 21, 2014

20 Inspiring Quotes
from Mahatma Gandhi:
1. Live as if you were to
die tomorrow. Learn as if
you were to live forever.
2. A man is but a product
of his thoughts. What he
thinks he becomes.
3. Be the change that you
want to see in the world.
4. The weak can never
forgive. Forgiveness is
an attribute of the
5. I will not let anyone walk
through my mind with
their dirty feet.
6. Strength does not come
from physical capacity. It
comes from an indomitable will.
7. An ounce of patience is
worth more than a tonne
of preaching.
8. Change yourself you
are in control.
9. See the good in people
and help them.
10.Without action, you
arent going anywhere.
11.Take care of this moment.
12.Be congruent, be authentic, be your true
13.Continue to grow and
14.A no uttered from the
deepest conviction is
better than a Yes uttered merely to please, or
worse, to avoid trouble.
15.Glory lies in the attempt
to reach ones goal and
not in reaching it.
16."An eye for an eye will
make the whole world
17.Happiness is when
what you think, what you
say, and what you do are
in harmony.
18.A coward is incapable
of exhibiting love; it is
the prerogative of the
19.Nobody can hurt me
without my permission.
20.In a gentle way, you can
shake the world.

January - June 2014 3

Regional Updates

Region I
Holds 1st General Assembly
In celebration of the 36th year of PD 968
implementation, PPA-DOJ Region I held its first General
Assembly last January 24, 2014 at the PPA-DOJ Regional
Office, San Fernando City, La Union.
All personnel of PPA-DOJ Region I figured in the event. ROIC Benita L. Maramag made the opening
remarks followed by an overview on the agenda of the gathering. Also during the opening program, newly
hired employees made their personal introductions. They voiced out their eagerness in joining the Agency in
fulfilling its goals.
Afterwards, CPPO Danilo G. Corpuz, Chairman of the Regional Sports Committee, announced the
names of employees who were chosen to represent the region in the different sports activities for the
forthcoming PPA-DOJ Inter-Luzon Sportsfest 2014.
Regional Office concerns were later discussed by AOIV Maria Theresa L. Manzano, Acct. I Marcelina G.
Mejia, and Sr.PPO Rowena DC. Ordoa. Employees were required to adhere to the new rules of the
administrative, financial, and operation divisions of the region.
The event was highlighted by the giving of recognition to officers and their respective field offices that
have shown outstanding performance for the year 2013. Certificates of recognition were awarded by ROIC
Maramag assisted by OIC-ARD Virgilio G. Tiangco as
Chairman of the Regional Praise Committee. (STGapuz)

Region I

Personnel Attend Workshop on

Gender Audit and Orientation on MOVE
The PPA-DOJ Region I joined the celebration of the
2014 Women's Month through a workshop on Gender Audit
and Orientation on Men Opposed to Violence against Women
Employees (MOVE) held last March 26, 2014 at the Sea Park Resort, Poro Point, San Fernando City, La Union.
According to the Philippine Commission on Women (PCW), this year's celebration pays tribute to the
strong and resilient 'Juanas' who inspired changes here and abroad. Hence, it was themed: "Juana, ang
Tatag Mo ay Tatag Natin sa Pagbangon at Pagsulong!".
In support of the region's women employees, SPPO Reynaldo C. De Guia, MOVE representative,
discussed the evolving gender role and women's rights. He sought personal opinions regarding the topics
though question and answer format.
Afterwards, CPPO Frances M. Tomelden, GAD Focal Person, lectured on Gender Audit followed by a
workshop on the same topic facilitated by ROIC Benita L. Maramag.
Hon. Manuel G. Co, PPA-DOJ Administrator was also present to give an inspiring and informative
message concerning the employee's role as Probation and Parole Officers.
Certificates of completion were given to participants after the event.
This month, we are reminded that women employees of PPA-DOJ are an epitome of the "strong and
resilient 'Juana.' Over the years they have painstakingly labored for the reformation and rehabilitation of
offenders for the betterment of the community. Today, they continue to become promoters of peace around
the country. (STGapuz)

4 January - June 2014

Regional Updates

Probation and Parole

Officers Undergo PPOBC
Newly promoted and hired probation and parole
officers were housed at PPA-DOJ Multi-Purpose Hall,
Quezon City from March 31 to April 12 to undergo the
Probation and Parole Officers Basic Course (PPOBC) hosted
by the Agencys Training Unit.
Nine field officers from Region I completed the
course, namely: PPOII Constancia M. Agoot, PPOII Jan Michael D. Yasto, PPOII Zaidee E. Rubio, PPOII
Annabelle C. Rosario, PPOI Rhondalia G. Poquiz, PPOI Aniceto Francis C. Madronio, PPOI Maria Carla B.
Fernandez, PPOI Shekinah T. Gapuz and PPOI Tarhata A. Pine.
The competent resource speakers were: RD Lorna Yumul, RD Allan Alcala, RD Marlene Molo (Ret.), RD
Susan Bornas, RD Pearl Silvederio, CPPO Ramon de Leon, CPPO Janet Padua, CPPO Judea Asuncion,
CPPO Chona Camacho, CPPO Nette Rojas, Chief Neitte Eugenio, Chief Edil Herodico, Atty. Rey Daniel
Gonzaga, Mr. Joby Orendain, and Mr. Danny Capili.
As part of the practical sessions, participants were challenged to interview inmates from the
Correctional Institution for Women (CIW) and write a sample Post Sentence Investigation Report (PSIR) after.
They were also trained by Philippine National Police (PNP) on the basics of Taekwondo for their self-defense.
The seminars finale included an inspirational message from Hon. Manuel G. Co, PPA-DOJ
Administrator and the awarding of certificates to the PPOBC Batch 35.
Through the PPOBC, probation and parole officers were equipped with the right skills and knowledge to
excel in public service. More importantly, they learned that being a probation and parole officer is not a
simple matter of submitting reports on time, its about treasuring lives. (STGapuz)

Walk for GAD and Forum

on Womens Concerns
As advocates of Gender and Development (GAD),
selected personnel from the Region I joined an activity for
the 2014 Womens Month entitled Walk for GAD and Forum
on Womens Concerns held last March 31, 2014 at San
Fernando City, La Union.
The women employees from PPA-DOJ Region I who
marched with fellow advocates were: AAII Cristine Joy N.
Hufano, ADAVI Ellen Catherine B. Delos Santos and ADAIV
Abegail T. Casison.
Participants assembled at San Fernando City Plaza and walked until Ortega Gym, San Fernando City
where the Forum on Womens Concerns commenced.
The exercise intends to underscore awareness on gender equality and womens rights. (STGapuz)

January - June 2014 5

La Union Cluster Updates


In line with the Agencys strategy in building it's image and
advocating volunteerism, San Fernando City Parole and Probation
Office played a key role in the annual Brigada Eskwela in three (3)
public schools in the 1st District of La Union.
In coordination with the school heads of Bitalag Integrated
School, Bacnotan, La Union, Ayaoan Elementary School, Luna, La
Union and South Central Integrated School, San Fernando City,
60 clients volunteered for the yearly undertaking which was scheduled last June 12, 14 and 16, 2014.
Considering the amount of work done in their school premise and buildings, school officials were so grateful
of our clients contribution to the national program. As token of gratitude, they prepared snacks and lunch for them.

Rallying behind Memorandum Circular No. 10, dated April

24, 2014 by our Hon. Administrator, Manuel G. Co, 63 of the
clients from SFCPPO joined the 2014 GK Bayani Challenge by
doing community service that would improve the living condition
in GK Soledad Village, Brgy. Talogtog, San Juan, La Union.
The Village has 35 housing units built for the poorest of
the poor. Last June 6, 2014, Our clients did drainage
de-clogging, cemented pathways, weeded tall and unsightly
grasses, planted ornamental plants while female clients
refurbished the Sibol Center which serves as classroom for
children in nursery class within the GK area.


Last April 15, 2014 at the Sagayad Chapel, Sagayad, San Fernando
City, clients who are undergoing the TCLP were required to attend a
spiritual enrichment activity, a whole day recollection. It was officiated
Rev. Fr. Romeo Oliveres, CICM. Deacons from the Saint Louis College
(SLC) Campus Ministry were also in attendance. The spiritual experience
is viewed to help clients in their TCLP journey.
Bro. Marcelo Manio discussed Pagbabalik Tanaw or
Recognizing Human Dignity and Bro. Jill Padilla talked about Gods Love.
Fr. Romeo Olivares the Spiritual Director of the school elaborated on the
12 Steps to Get Away from Addiction. With these messages, the clients and officers were spiritually enlightened. It
was a time for reflection, a moment where each one had to ponder on how to live a purposeful and fulfilled life.


VPA: Basic Training Seminar - Last May 31, 2014, before the semester ended, the SFCPPO was able to
conduct one more VPA Basic Training Seminar to 24 barangay officials and community members of
Brgy. Narra, Bacnotan, La Union. The event took place at their barangay hall.
This is the second VPA Basic Training Seminar that took place right in the community, the first was
at the Barangay Hall of Brgy. Barrientos, Luna, La Union last April 3, 2013.
The set-up has been considered more practical and economical, considering the cost of
transportation participants have to incur to attend programs held in the office. They are more at home

6 January - June 2014

La Union Cluster Updates

LUPPO Conducts Volunteer Probation Aide Basic Training

Last April 22, 2014, a one-day Volunteer Probation Aide (VPA) Basic Training was held at ABC
Session Hall, 1/F Agoo Municipal Hall, Agoo, La Union. The quote One cannot give what he does not
have, strongly impacted the participants from La Union Province Parole and Probation Office.
The training sought to provide volunteers with working knowledge on the Agencys rehabilitation
thrusts and programs plus their role as VPAs in crime prevention. Overview of the Criminal Justice
System, the Probation/Parole/Executive Clemency Law, Volunteerism, Restorative Justice, and
Community Resource Development were among the topics discussed.
In attendance were ten newly recruited and
municipalities of the second congressional district of
La Union province. They came from different fields of
training namely pastors, educators, engineers and
barangay officials.

LUPPO Participates
in Brigada Eskwela
Officers of the LUPPO headed by OIC/SPPO
Jasmin C. Flores served as Learning Service
Providers (LSP) for the activity.
The VPAs are expected to be role models
and inspiration to clients under their supervision.
They are to serve with integrity and commitment to
the Agencys vision, mission, goals and objectives.
These are among the principles they are to
Upon their appointment, each volunteer
would be limited to supervise not more than five

It was the spirit of volunteerism and social

responsibility that prodded La Union Parole and
Probation Office (LUPPO) to participate in
Department of Educations Brigada Eskwela last
May 26 to 28, 2014.
For the academic year 2014-2015, three
schools benefited from the program namely Bail
National High School, Bail, Sto. Tomas, La Union,
Paringao National High School, Paringao Bauang,
La Union and President Elpidio Quirino High School,
Bacsil, Agoo, La Union.
Around 78 clients, 10 VPAs and 3 staff
volunteered their services to different school
maintenance activities. This included cleaning of
school surroundings, painting of classrooms, fences
and roofs, repairs of school furniture, riprap of school
fence, masonry, and general carpentry.
Jaime Ninalga, a probationer from
Sto. Tomas, La Union was quoted as saying We felt
joy helping the school,
Participation in Brigada Eskwela is one of the
reinforcement activities of the Therapeutic
Community Sessions (TC) conducted by PPA-DOJ to
its clients. The TC is a primary treatment modality
which seeks to promote behavioural change and
development of clients initiative and self-discipline.

January - June 2014 7

Pangasinan Cluster Updates




In observance of Fire Prevention Month, the

staff of DCPPO invited officials from the Bureau of
Fire Protection, Dagupan City to lecture about fire
safety and prevention to clients last March 21, 2014
at Japanese Garden, Bonuan-Tondaligan, Dagupan
Expounding this years theme: Isulong ang
Kaunlaran, Sunog ay Iwasan, Kaalaman at Pag-iingat
ang Kailangan, the officials from BFP Dagupan City
namely, Sr.Ins. Ferdinand Formacion, FO3 Rover
Solar, SFO2 Jesus Asto discussed about fire safety
measures such as avoiding fire hazard at home and
at the work place. Clients were also taught to rightly
handle fire extinguishers. They were excited when
told that some will be given a chance to operate
actual fire extinguisher after the talk.

Last May 23, 2014, the Dagupan City Parole

and Probation Office together with the Metro-Dagupan
Volunteer Probation Officers Association, Inc. joined
the Department of Educations Brigada Eskwela 2014
in launching a program dubbed Ensuring DisasterPreparedness and Safety in Schools.



With health care and service among its noble

aspiration, the Dagupan City PPO organized a
medical mission last April 11, 2014 at the Mayors
Pavilion, Japanese Garden, Bonuan-Tondaligan,
Dagupan City.

A lecture on the New Rules of Good Conduct

Time Allowance and Board of Pardons and Parole
Rules and Regulations was held last June 13, 2014
at the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
(BJMP), Dagupan City.

Through the MDVPA, the Dagupan City PPO

received invitations from school heads of Longos
Elementary School, Bonuan-Boquig Elementary School
and the Bonuan-Boquig National High School, namely
Mrs. Hilda Ceralde, Mrs. Maria Linda Ventinilla and
Mr. Manuel Ferrer. The probationers and parolees were
supervised by the Dagupan City field officers and the
Metro-Dagupan Volunteers. They were divided into
three groups to cover three schools. The activity lasted
for half a day. The clients, officers and volunteers did
The event concluded with the giving of various activities such as repainting the wall, cleaning
certificates of appreciation to the resource speakers the classroom, smoothing out students desks,
by CPPO Danilo G. Corpuz. (STGapuz)

8 January - June 2014

Pangasinan Cluster Updates

Alaminos City PPO Participates in

DepEd's Brigada Eskwela

Responding to DepEds Brigada Eskwela program,

Alaminos City PPO with its clients, staff and VPAs readily
joined the undertaking.
Last May 26, 2014, the Brigada Eskwela was done
in Palamis Elementary School, Barangay Palamis, Alaminos
City. The School principal, Dr. Edna Caserial, faculty
members, PTCA officers as well as Barangay Officials
appreciated the combined efforts of the PPA staff of
Alaminos City & Lingayen in leading the PPA clients and
VPAs during the activity.

SCCPPO Joins Brigada Eskwela

About 50 probationers and parolees figured in a school clean-up
as part of Department of Educations Brigada Eskwela last May 16,
2019 at Magtaking Elementary School, Brgy. Magtaking, San Carlos
City, Pangasinan.
The activity was made possible through the efforts of San Carlos
City Parole and Probation Office, Barangay Officials headed by OIC Boy
Alanzalon, teaching staff headed by Mr. Agosto V. Cayabyab, Principal
I, and the Volunteer Probation Aides.
Mr. Hercules N. Tandoc, Chief Parole and Probation Officer,
announced the activity as part of Therapeutic Community Ladderized
Program which gives probationers and parolees the opportunity to
render Community Work Services. It also imbibes among clients the
feeling of self-worth, belongingness to the community and to prove that
they can still become assets and productive members of the society despite their conviction.
During the event, the probationers and parolees repaired
classrooms and comforts rooms, painted ceilings, fix dilapidated chairs
and cleaned the school grounds. Some of the clients also helped in
cleaning the barangay by cutting bushes and twigs of trees along the
road of Purok V.
After the activity, OIC Boy Alanzalon and Principal Agosto V.
Cayabyab thanked San Carlos City Parole and Probation Office, VPAs,
probationers and parolees for their time spent in helping them clean
their barangay and school grounds.
The activity was covered by Ms. Charisse Victorio of GMA
Northern Luzon and aired on the same day on Channel 7 in their program Balitang Amianan. (RGPoquiz)



February 14, 2014 is a red-letter day for the probationers,

parolees, and their families as the San Carlos City Parole and Probation
Office celebrated the Healthy Heart Month at the Office of the Senior
Citizens Affairs, San Carlos City. This activity was geared to promote
spiritual, emotional, psycho-social, physical well-being of clients this
Valentines month.

January - June 2014 9

Pangasinan Cluster Updates

In keeping with the nations celebration of
Fire Prevention Month, San Carlos City Parole and
Probation Office, headed by CPPO Hercules N.
Tandoc in tandem with San Carlos City Bureau of
Fire Protection held a Fire Prevention and Safety
Lecture last March 14, 2014 at the Office of the
Senior Citizens Affairs, San Carlos City.
After the TCLP session, SFO2 Rene M. Junio
and FO3 Reynaldo Ferrer lectured on risk factors
that may start fire and tips on its prevention. First
aid measures were also discussed in case of fire
and some tactics on how to survive and escape
when trapped in a burning house, building and
Various questions from the clients regarding
fire safety showed their interest in the lecture.
They learned that Presence of mind during fire
may save lives. (MBCruz)


San Carlos Parole and Probation Office
launched a Medical-Dental Mission last June 13,
2014 at the Office of the Senior Citizens Affairs,
San Carlos City, Pangasinan. Since health and
wellness of clients are among the advocacies of the
office, thus the mission was organized.
The SCCPPO tied up with the Provincial
Health Office, Pangasinan Provincial Hospital, and
the San Carlos City Health Office. The participating
agencies sent their medical and dental teams
composing of four (4) dentists and four (4) doctors
and eight (8) registered nurses.
Despite heavy downpour, there was a good
turnout among clients, their families and VPAs. The
consultations, physical assessments, free tooth
extractions and free medicines.
The Mission delivered the much needed
health care of the clients and their families. They
were so grateful for benefiting from the medical
program of the SCCPPO. (MBCruz)

10 January - June 2014

The San Carlos City Probation Office together with

Pangasinan Provincial Agriculture Office marked the
month of April as the Vocational Skills Training Month.
Last April 11, 2014, Ms. Delia S. Fernanadez of the
Pangasinan Provincial Agriculture Office, conducted the
first VST on empanada crust, tomato jam, and tomato
empanada making. The clients were taught how to
prepare, and market the products. The training took place
at the Office of the Senior Citizens Affairs, San Carlos City,
Last April 16, 2014, Ms. Julie P. Edades of the
Pangasinan Provincial Agriculture Office conducted the
VST on Bangus Deboning. The clients were trained to
debone milkfish. A return demonstration was done by the
clients afterwards. The training was done at the Office of
the Senior Citizens Affairs, Bayambang.
Realizing the importance of vocational skills
training in promoting self-reliance through incomegenerating projects, SCCPPO will continue to provide new
avenues for the clients growth and rehabilitation. (MBCruz)

Pangasinan Cluster Updates

Community Work Services Carried Out

San Nicolas Pangasinan benefited from community work services rendered by PPA personnel together
with VPAs and a host of supervisees.
In coordination with the DepEd personnel, Brigada Eskwela activities were carried out last May 27, 2014
at the East Central Elementary School such as cleaning the schools surroundings, pulling up weeds, trimming
the plants and digging garbage pits.
A follow up community work at the same school was completed last June 18, 2014. The labor of six (6)
VPAs and sixty four (64) clients worked together in planting two hundred (200) mahogany saplings at the
school grounds, putting up tree guards, painting the roofs of the school buildings, cleaning the surroundings
and planting hundreds of eggplants at the school gardens.
Certificates of Appreciation were awarded to the participating VPAs and clients during the two occasions.
A healthy relation between the PPA and Dept. of Education came into fruition.
Last June 20, 2014 the PPA together with VPA Mayor Rebecca Mejica-Saldivar celebrated the towns
Arbor Day. It was a municipality wide tree planting. VPA-Pastor Renato Cabansag oversaw the planting of 300
Narra trees by some 64 clients in Brgy. Bensican.

Fire Prevention Month and Womens Month Celebrated

Pangasinan 2 PPO partnered with the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) and Philippine National Police
(PNP) to lecture on Hazards and Prevention of Fire and on Violence Against Women and Children (RA
9262) last March 21, 2014 at the Rosales Methodist Church. It was to observe Fire Prevention Month and
Womens Month.
Twelve (12) Volunteer Probation Aides, eighty three (83) clients and ten (10) clients spouses were in
BFP speakers- Fire Marshall Lauro Untalan and SFO 1 Wilson Barte presented informative visual aides,
while SPO 1 Emma Ruth Apostol discussed RA 9262.
Before the lectures, VPA-Pastor Renato Cabansag officiated a spiritual devotion followed by group
counseling and inspirational message from CPPO Audie Mar D. Ubaldo.
Certificates of Recognition were later awarded to the lecturers and facilitator.(AMDUbaldo)

2 More Mayors
Appointed as VPAs



Municipal Mayors Teodoro A. Ramos

of Sta. Maria, Pangasinan and Rebecca M.
Saldivar of San Nicolas, Pangasinan who
Bayanihan sa Paaralan,
were recruited last year by CPPO Audie Mar
D. Ubaldo were recently appointed as
Brigada Eskwela, kicked
off last May 19-24,
Pangasinan 2 PPA, Rosales, Pangasinan.
2014. The Urdaneta
personnel and gospel preachers from the
together with it's clients
those towns were also appointed together
with the mayors.
yearly undertaking last May 27 and 28, 2014 in Sumabnit
VPA-Mayors Ramos and Saldivar Elementary School and Balangobong Elementary School, both in
sponsored the conduct of VPA Basic Binalonan, Pangasinan.
Trainings held in their respective towns on
The engagement of the office in these undertakings were
August 8, 2013 and September 24, 2013, jointly organized by the office staff and the VPAs with Ms. Lilibeth A.
Dauz and Ms. Marlene Cueva, principals of the two schools.
The office staff, clients and the VPAs worked to cut trees and
With the appointment of the Chief
Executives as VPAs, the PPAs bond with shrubs in the school grounds, cleaned electric fans, blackboards,
them was made stronger, manifested by walls, demolished flower boxes and painted grills of school offices to
their all-out support to the PPAs pep up the schools ambiance and refurbish its facilities. The school
personnel and some private benefactors provided food for all the
Rehabilitation Programs which actively

participants. (SSBoniel)

January - June 2014 11

Pangasinan Cluster Updates

PANGASINAN 1 PPO joins 2014 Brigada Eskwela

Pangasinan 1 Parole and Probation Office headed by CPPO Reynaldo Delos Angeles
participated in the annual Brigada Eskwela at Pangapisan Elementary School (PES),
Lingayen, Pangasinan last May 27, 2014.
With the joint efforts of Pangasinan 1 Parole and Probation Office staff,
VPAs Pastor Gerardo Jose Aquino, and attending parolees and probationers, a
thorough clean-up drive, garden improvement and chair arrangement were
done in the school.
In his short speech, CPPO Delos Angeles extended his gratitude to the
Principal and the faculty of Pangasinan Elementary School for partnering with
the group. He stressed that the Office has been participating in Brigada Eskwela
for five years in other schools and he emphasized that the voluntary work will go on
for the coming years.
Speaking on behalf of the whole PES teaching force, School Principal Chuchi
Malagayo acknowledged Pangasinan 1 Parole and Probation Office for what has
been accomplished. The event was considered unforgettable since it was the
first time that such activity was done in the school. Principal Malagayo lauded
the efforts of the participating probationers and parolees in volunteering their
services. Furthermore, she encouraged them to believe in themselves.
To end the well spent day, the school provided snacks for the
participants and gave certificates of recognition to the staff of Pangasinan 1
Parole and Probation Office.

A Healthy Heart
for the Hearts Month
In celebration of the 2014 Hearts Month, the Provincial Health Office
conducted a Medical Assistance in Pangasinan 1 Parole and Probation Office
Lingayen, Pangasinan last February 11, 2014.
Among the activities were blood pressure monitoring, heart check-up,
health consultation and giving of free medicines such as paracetamol and
vitamins to probationers and parolees. Clients families and other participants
benefitted from the program as well. The Provincial Health Office also provided
medical treatment to some minor injuries such as cuts and wounds and free usage of medical equipment particularly the
Dra. Celio Almoite of Provincial Health Office reminded the participants that staying healthy must be a daily
priority. She emphasized the significance of having a healthy lifestyle which nowadays is neglected by many. She also
added that the Provincial Health Office in partnership with other government agencies endeavor to offer their service as
part of their mission and vision.
Furthermore, VPA Pastor Dione Magno led a spiritual counseling and Patrick John Rosario, a registered nurse,
conducted a short lecture about Sexually Transmitted Disease/HIV. Some 53 participants under the supervision of
Pangasinan 1 Parole and Probation Office attended the medical mission.

March is Fire Prevention Month and Womens Month

In observance of Fire Prevention Month and Womens Month, a back-to-back
information dissemination for the month of March was held at Pangasinan 1 Parole and
Probation Office on March 18, 2014 With the theme, Isulong ang Kaunlaran, Sunog ay Iwasan,
Kaalaman at Pag-iingat ang Kailangan.
SFO4 Rodito Ferrer of Bureau of Fire Protection gave a detailed lecture on safety
precautions and fire prevention to the probationers and parolees of Pangasinan 1 Parole and
Probation Office. Families of the probationers and parolees, who also attended the lecture, were
informed about practical tips in conserving electricity and the basics in fire control.
Since March is also Women Empowering Month, a lecture on RA 9262 otherwise known
as Anti-Violence against Women and their Children Act of 2004 was conducted by PPO1 Ma.
Carla B. Fernandez. Issues pertaining to abuse common to women and their children including
their rights were discussed through question and answer format. Given that majority of the
clients are male, it was a great opportunity to underscore sensitivity to womens rights.

12 January - June 2014

Pangasinan Cluster Updates

Meeting with Congressman and Vice Governor

In line with the upcoming 38th Anniversary of Parole and Probation
Administration, Pangasinan 1 Parole and Probation Office met with
Congressman Leopoldo N. Bataoil of Second District of Pangasinan at
Presidents Hotel on June 5, 2014.
Congressman Bataoil wrote down his suggestions for the event which
will be held on July 25, 2014 at the newly-constructed Baywalk in Lingayen.
Among the agreed activities include: Zumba Dancing, Tree Planting and a
short Anniversary Program.
As part of strengthening the funding strategy of Pangasinan 1 Parole
and Probation Office, CPPO Reynaldo Delos Angeles had an audience with Vice
Governor Jose Ferdinand Calimlim Jr. at Lingayen Capitol last June 2, 2014.
The vice governor approved the request of the office for 30 pieces of
monoblock chairs which were delivered few days thereafter. (MCBFernandez)

Pangasinan 1 Staff Rule Inter-Judiciary

Cheer Dance Competition

The Lingayen Vanguards team which included the staff of
Pangasinan 1 PPO won the 2014 Cheerdance Championship in the
Pangasinan Judiciary-DOJ Sportsfest held at Alaminos City,
Pangasinan last June 6, 2014, besting five other teams namely
Alaminos (2nd placer), Dagupan (3rd placer), San Carlos, Urdaneta
and Vitaro.
Probation officers from Alaminos PPO, Pangasinan 1 PPO, Pangasinan 2
PPO, DCPPO, SCPPO, and UCPPO took part in the event. From the Vanguards of
Lingayen, participants were SPPO Stephanie De Leon, PPO1 Ma. Carla
Fernandez, and ADA IV Elina Cario, from the Legion of Justice Dagupan City
were PPO1 Shekinah Gapuz, and ADA IV Francia Jomarie Mabanag, from the
Tamaraw team of Urdaneta City were CPPO Mary Romua, PPO1 Aniceto Francis
Madronio, and ADAIV Uniza Domingo, and rooting for Heroes of Justice of San
Carlos City are PPO1 Rhondalia Poquiz, and ADA IV Mhelody Cruz.
The two-day event showed the probation officers athletic side. PPO1
Fernandez captured the Womens Chess title. PPO1 Madronio was part of the
basketball championship team. ADAIV Francia Mabanag was part of the 1 st
placer, Dagupan City Volleyball Team. Landing in 2 nd place for the Womens Badminton singles competition
was ADAIV Mhelody B. Cruz. The event was covered by Balitang Amianan, GMA Regional Network.


March is Fire Prevention Month according to Proclamation No.
115-A, s. 1966. It is an annual nationwide observance held every
March in the Philippines during which fire prevention activities are
administered primarily by the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP).
With this years Theme/Slogan: Isulong ang Kaunlaran,
Sunog ay Iwasan, Kaalaman at Pag-iingat ang Kailangan, the
Urdaneta City Prole and Probation Office together with the highly
trained personnel of Bureau of Fire Protection of Binalonan, Pozorrubio and Urdaneta City respectively,
spearheaded the celebration and conducted a fire safety and prevention info-drive to the probationers and
parolees as part of their Therapeutic Community Program activities.
To highlight the celebration, a demonstration was carried out by the BFP personnel on the proper
method of handling and using the portable fire extinguisher to the participating stakeholders. (AFCMadronio)

January - June 2014 13

Pangasinan Cluster Updates

Alaminos City, Pangasinan, June 20, 2014-The
Pangasinan Court personnel and employees together
with the DOJ workforce kicked off its annual Sports Fest
last June 6, 2014 dubbed Sports Para Sa Lahat.
The annual Sports Festival dubbed "Sports Para
Sa Lahat" for Pangasinan court personnel, employees
and DOJ staff was held last June 6,2014 in Alaminos
The event jump started with a parade around
the City proper while excitement was rising for the
much awaited cheering competition.
Shortly after the parade and program preliminaries, the over-all chairman of the event Executive Judge
Elpidio M. Abella of Alaminos City RTC Br. 55 declared the Sports Fest Competition open. The lighting of the
symbolic torch together with all the Executive Judges of Pangasinan followed right after.
The yearly sports event is a welcome break from daily routine work. It's a venue to get acquainted with
people from other offices. Joining the competition can also boost one's self esteem, according to the proponents.
The Halls of Justice of Pangasinan were divided into six teams and were assigned the following colors:
YELLOW TEAM - Alaminos City Hall of Justice and its neighboring Courts, GREEN TEAM -Dagupan City Hall of
Justice, ORANGE TEAM - San Carlos City Hall of Justice employees,The BLUE TEAM- Urdaneta City Hall of Justice
employees, VIOLET TEAM- Lingayen Court employees, RED TEAM-Villasis-Tayug-Rosales court employees.
The staff of the Urdaneta City Parole and Probation Office headed by CPPO Mary A. Romua and Uniza
Domingo played in womens volleyball and PPOI Aniceto Francis Madronio also joined the mens basketball team.


DCPPO Holds Medical Mission

The office requested Region 1 Medical Center, Dagupan City for medical doctors along with nurses to which
the hospital responded with dispatch. Dr. Alberto Arcenue, Dr. Melissa Padua, Dr. Arlene Andress, Dr. Jose Teofilio
conducted free medical check-up while ADAIV Francia Jomarie Mabanag, joined fellow registered nurses, Lovelyjoy
Venuya-RN, Marcelo Cristobal-RN, and Jophet Lomibao-RN, in getting the constituents blood pressure. The medical
team also dispensed free vitamins and antibiotics. Also present in the event were members of the Metro-Dagupan
VPA association.
Witnessing how well the clients were treated was a heart-warming moment, giving the office a sense of
fulfilment. (STGapuz)

Dagupan City PPO Supports DepEds Brigada Eskwela 2014

repairing chairs, and gardening. After a half day toil, snacks and drinks were provided for refreshment.
The efforts made by the officers, volunteers and the clients were highly appreciated by the Department of
Education, San Fabian and Dagupan City division, school personnel and school administration. A certificate of
appreciation was awarded by the Bonuan-Boquig National High School to the Dagupan City PPO and Metro-Dagupan
VPA for their invaluable support during the Brigada Eskwela. Balitang Amianan, the Regional News Network of
GMA-7, covered the activity, featuring interviews of VPA Mr. Arturo Paredes and parolee, Mr. Federico Carcha.
Despite the accolades, nothing is more meaningful than the sense of fulfillment the participants felt after the
activity. In the heart of hearts they know they made a positive impact to their community. (FJGMabanag)

2 More Mayors Appointed as VPAs

involve our VPAs and clients under supervision. Community work services are regularly done by the PPA through
the benevolence of the local government units.
Five years ago, then Municipal Councilor and now Rosales Municipal Mayor Susan Pagador Casareno was
appointed as VPA. Casareno is in continuous support of the PPA.
CPPO Ubaldo desires to recruit as VPAs all other municipal mayors in his area in the near future to assure
maximum local support to the Agencys VPA Program. (AMDUbaldo)

14 January - June 2014

Administrator Lectures on New GCTA and BPP Rules

It was organized by the Dagupan City PPO in cooperation with the Bureau of Jail and Penology,
Dagupan City. Nearly 80 inmates took part in the lecture. In addition, the event was also attended by OICARD Virgilio G. Tiangco, CPPO Reynaldo P. Delos Angeles of Pangasinan No. 1 PPO, Metro-Dagupan VPAs,
and BJMP, Dagupan City personnel.
The program started with an invocation by JO1 Ma. Rhealyn Parayno followed by JO1 Mylin Awas
singing of the national anthem. Before the main part of the lecture, CINSP Jun Melchor Boadilla, District Jail
Warden of BJMP Dagupan City, and OIC-ARD Virgilio G. Tiangco gave their welcome and opening remarks.
Aiming to inform inmates about earning time credit with regard to their prison sentence, Hon. Manuel
G. Co, PPA-DOJ Administrator and BPP Ex-Officio Member, served as guest speaker for the lecture. For the
feedback, the Administrator wisely encouraged asking of questions.
CPPO Danilo G. Corpuz concluded the event by assuring inmates that the office will always be at their
The new rules of GCTA encourage inmates to pursue higher level of education, develop skills and godly
values that will increase their chance of not only re-entering society but becoming a blessing as well.(STGapuz)

San Carlos City PPO Celebrates Healthy Heart Month

Following the Therapeutic Community Ladderized Program (TCLP) Session, a lecture was conducted by
Dr. Edwin DV. Guinto, City Health Officer II of the San
Carlos City Health Office. Dr. Guinto discussed the
cardiovascular system anatomy and physiology, the common diseases of the heart as well as the prevention
and the treatment modality of such diseases in the community level. He emphasized the importance of proper
lifestyle modification in order to address the growing concern over heart diseases that lead to debilitation and
untimely death. Signs and symptoms of an impending heart attack were also discussed to cut the risk of
sudden cardiac death. The lecture culminated in a forum where the clients raised questions and concerns
regarding heart disease.
The lecture opened the minds of the clients, VPAs, and the SCCPPO Staff to the realities concerning
heart disease. Through it, participants learned that an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of
cure. (MBCruz)

VPA and TC Updates for the SFCPPO

and at ease when seminars are done in their locality. The office will
be less burdened, since Barangays have the budget to underwrite
the expenses during seminars.

TCLP: Commitment Ritual After eight months of implementing the

Phase I of the TC Ladderized Program, 40 clients of the office have
undergone a final activity known as the Commitment Ritual last June
12, 2014 at the lobby of the Justice Hall, Sevilla, San Fernando City.
The whole day activity was administered by the personnel of
the office and four TC trained VPAs.
The trust walk was one of the most unforgettable
experience for the participants . They felt the need to depend when
in the dark and strange surroundings. The reading of their personal
commitments was also a touching moment. They pledged to do their
best in becoming better individuals despite the uncertainties of the
future. With the values, knowledge, and skills taught and imparted to
them, it is expected that the clients will improve their lives for a
brighter future.

January - June 2014 15

Ilocos Cluster Updates


At the start of the year 2014, the Candon City Parole and Probation Office
wasted no time implementing rehabilitation programs designed to reform and
rehabilitate its clients.
Heeding the mandate of PD 968, a medical mission was conducted last January
21, 2014 headed by Dr. Rogeline Gilera, President of Southern Ilocos Sur Medical
Mission. Free medical check-up was made available to the clients and their family
members. Medicines and food supplements were also distributed. The event was
organized by then CPPO Corazon A. Dagdag, Sr.PPO Noribel A. Bernardez and the Rimat
VPA Association members.

With the cool breeze of January ebbing, we are now beginning to feel the
summer heat. Greening the landscape has become a passion for the CCPPO headed by
CPPO Corazon A. Dagdag and her staff. Hence, they made a follow up tree planting
activity last February 11,2014 in San Andres, Candon City.
This is part of the TC Philosophy Nurture Nature for the Future. The staff, clients, family members and VPAs worked together, weeding and cleaning the site. There
was also a plan to develop the site into a tree park. For their native shelter,the clients
have gone as far as building a nipa hut in the area. Materials needed such as nipa, bamboo, tree branches were in abundance in the place. The old tradition of Bayanihan or
the dynamics of teamwork was clearly in play during the event.

In observance of the Philippines Earth Day, this office in tandem with local
barangay officials of Calongbuyan, Candon City, held a coastal clean-up. It was
attended by 58 participants including the barangay officials, clients and VPAs.
In line with the Regional Memorandum Circular issued by Regional Officer In
Charge Benita L. Maramag, DPA, re: 2014 Bayani Challenge, Candon City Parole and
Probation Office staff, clients and Volunteer Probation Aide joined hands for a Brigada
Eskwela at Talogtog Elementary School, Candon City, Ilocos Sur last May 16, 2014.
The teaching staff headed by Principal Ma. Elena Altis, the Parent, Community and
Teachers Association headed by its president, Mr. Roland Manzano also joined the
Trimming fruit bearing trees, repairing fences, cleaning the surrounding,
sweeping the falling dried leaves in the yard and pathways, weeding grasses, digging
compose pits for the schools waste were among the activities performed. Despite the
hard work, participants found relief from the refreshment coming from generous VPAs,
teaching staff and the PTCA of the school. After the event, joy was written all over the
faces of the participants. It was a moment of inspiration when the participants realized
they have done public service in a selfless manner. Last June 6, 2014, another
Brigada Eskwela took place at the South Central Elementary School, Candon City.

Five appointed Volunteer Probation Aides attended the Basic Training Course
for VPAs last March 21, 2014 at Santa, Ilocos Sur. It was a joint training seminar
with the Ilocos Sur/Vigan City Parole & Probation Office under the leadership of CPPO
Corazon Dagdag.

In light of the Environmental Month, SPPO Mabanag, Sr. PPO Bernardez and the
VPAs of CCPPO joined the Fiesta ti Kabanbantayan 2014 last June 30, 2014 at Sitio
Mindanao, Amguid, Candon City.
The activity was attended by Hon Ryan Luis V. Singson, Governor of Ilocos Sur,
Hon. Ericson Singson, City Mayor of Candon City and the different school officials, LGUs,
NGOs and GOs. A short program was held before the seedlings were turned over to the
different participating groups. An intermission number featuring the tribal culture of
igorots was performed by some selected students from Naguimba Elementary School,
Banayoyo, Ilocos Sur. (MVGMabanag)

16 January - June 2014

Ilocos Cluster Updates

On May 14, 2014, the Laoag City and INPPO staff and clients joined
the conduct of Dep-eds Brigada Eskwela in three different schools in the
City - the Ilocos Norte National High School, Shamrock Elementary School
and San Mateo Elementary School.
The Brigada Eskwela is an annual activity/program of the
Department of Education which aims to promote community spirit and
participation in the repair, maintenance and the clean-up drive in the
elementary and secondary schools nationwide. The cleanliness and
beautification drive is meant to give students a head start when classes
begin. The joint activity was conducted last May 14, 2014 in coordination
with the Department of Education, City Division Office.
The Laoag City and INPPO personnel, clients and the teaching staff
of each participating school helped in fixing the school facilities particularly
the repair and repainting of doors, chairs and tables, window-glass fitting,
cleaning of the school surroundings and waterways, constructing plant
boxes, fixing fence, digging pit for garbage and sewage and cutting
overgrown tree branches. The school authorities were very appreciative of
our voluntary performance of CWS since most of the clients were skilled in
repair and construction.
For her part, the School Principal, Mrs. Isabel Sandi of Ilocos Norte
National High School (INCAT) offered the SAMIWENG Singers and the
Tamboreros to perform, for free during opening program of the Parole and
Probation OfficersLeague (PPOLPI) National Convention on May 20, 2014 at the Plaza del Norte, Laoag City. It would
also be platform for the group to display their rare musical talent.
The participants of PPOLPI National Convention were blown away by the Samiweng Singers and Tamboreros


In observance and support of the Bayani Challenge 2014 and pursuant to MC No. 5 Series 2014 by the Secretary of Justice, Hon. Leila de
Lima, the Laoag City and Ilocos Norte Parole and Probation Offices' Staff
and Clients conducted Community Work Service in Brgy. Payas, San
Nicolas, Ilocos Norte, on June 10, 2014.
The drainage and street clean-up drive along Brgy. Payas road and
along the Irrigation canal, behind the Balai Condominium, were achieved
by partnering with the Gawad Kalinga Team headed by Mr. and Mrs. Miguel
Daoang, and the municipal government of San Nicolas, through the
leadership of Hon. Melanie Grace Valdez, Municipal Mayor.
Notwithstanding the heavy rain during the activity, the participants
completed the cleaning of drainage canals and other waterways clogged by
dead trees, plants, plastic materials and other debris that obstructed the
water flow. This drainage cleaning activity is in line with flood prevention
and control of the Municipality.
Bayani Challenge 2014 was organized by the Gawad Kalinga. It
aims to gather one million volunteers to aid in nation-building efforts
among disaster-stricken provinces in Visayas and Mindanao. Although
sending volunteers to such areas is beyond our reach, this conduct of CWS
in our jurisdiction is an expression of our compassion to the victims of
calamity and our contribution in nation-building.
As a token of gratitude and hospitality , the Honorable Mayor provided lunch for all the participants in the said community service.

January - June 2014 17

Ilocos Cluster Updates

A Livelihood Training on
Papaya Food Processing
In order to provide income generating skills among
the ISPPO clients , the office made a request to Mr. Teofilo
Quintal, Provincial Agriculturist
to conduct a livelihood
The ISPPO staff decided that training on papaya food
processing be conducted; because of its abundance during
rainy season and majority of our clients have papaya plants
in their own backyard. Papaya is also easy to propagate
and to harvest. Hence, last June 11, 2014 a Skills and
Livelihood Training was held at the conference Hall, Provincial Library Building, Vigan City. Various foods
products that can be derived from the papaya fruit were discussed by Madames Florence Soria and Ruth
Cabaldon. An actual demo was also conducted for better understanding of the clients and their family
members. They were able to actually taste the final product.
After the training our clients now possess the skill to produce resource based marketable products,
making them potential income earners.

In preparation for the Volunteer Probation Aides

Training of the VPAs from the Municipality of Santa, Ilocos
Sur , CPPO Corazon Dagdag and PPO1 Jennifer Villafranca
made a courtesy call to the Honorable Mayor Jesus Jeremy
Bueno, III on March 3, 2014.
The visit proved to be a huge success. VPA training
was held last March 21, 2014 at the ABC Hall, Santa, Ilocos
Sur. Some 40 new recruits showed up for the training,
mostly Barangay Captains and members of the Lupong
Tagapamayapa from the Municipality of Santa, and a few
from Candon City PPO. It was attended by ROIC Benita
Maramag and OIC ARD Virgilio Tiangco together with Special Assistant Rowena Ordoa. Also in attendance
were the members of the Sanguniang Bayan of the Municipality of Santa led by Hon. Mayor JJ Bueno and
Vice Mayor Jesus Bueno, II.
The event was a great start for both the Municipality of santa and the ISPPO for future partnership in
the service of the people, especially that from the municipality of Santa.

Environment Month 2014

The Provincial Government of Ilocos Sur in its
celebration of the Environment Month invited different local
and national agencies to be part of the various activities
scheduled for June 2014. The ISPPO staff and their clients
participated in the month-long celebration with the theme:
Raise Your Voice, Not the sea Level.
Clients from the 1st district of Ilocos Sur showed up for the
coastal clean-up held at Puerto Beach, Sto. Domingo, Ilocos
Sur last June 18,2014 . Meanwhile, clients from the 2nd
district of Ilocos Sur extended their helping hand to the
Tree Planting at San Mariano, Bantay, Ilocos Sur last June 25, 2014.
Our clients willingness to engage in community service in support of a government project is a clear sign of
their cooperation to their probation and parole conditions and a humble way of showing respect and care to
our environment.

18 January - June 2014

RJ Training and


Last June 26-27, 2014, the regional office held a seminar

dubbed Restorative Justice Training with Workshop on Report
Preparation and Lecture on the new BPP Rules and Regulations and
the new GCTA Law at the Sea and Sky Hotel, San Fernando, La
There were 44 field officers from the region who attended
the training. It was a refresher course for veteran employees and a
boot camp for new employees.
Resource speakers who shared their wealth of experience
were: CPPO Nicanor Taron (Ilocos Norte PPO), OIC Jasmin Flores
(La Union PPO), CPPO Frances Tomelden (Laoag City PPO), CPPO
Audie Mar Ubaldo (Rosales PPO), and PPOI Francis Madronio
(Urdaneta PPO). The day ended with a practical application
session. Participants were challenged to rightly apply the different
types of RJ processes through role playing.
The second day of the training began with a workshop on
report preparation discussed by Sr.PPO
Rowena Ordona.
Proficiency of clerks and field officers in preparing reports was
gauged through question and answer format. Adding significance
to the training was the presence of Hon. Manuel G. Co, PPA-DOJ
Administrator, who updated the participants on the new Good
Conduct Time Allowance Law and the new Board of Pardons and
Parole rules.
The two-day event closed with the turn-over ceremony for
ROIC Benita L. Maramag (Outgoing Regional Officer-In-Charge)
and ROIC Marissa C. Alquetra (Incoming Regional Officer-InCharge). The PPA-DOJ Region I personnel expressed their sincere
gratitude and appreciation to ROIC Maramag for her exemplary
service and good leadership. With the same breath, they warmly
welcomed ROIC Alquetra as the new leader. (STGapuz)


The Urdaneta City PPO conducted TC commitment ritual for
clients who have successfully completed Phase I of the TC Laddered
Program which runs from its commencement in October 2013 to April
2014 pursuant to Memorandum Order No. 20, s. 2013 issued by the
Honorable Administrator Manuel G. Co. The closing ritual marks the
first batch of UCPPO clients under the newly adopted TC Ladderized
Program from its former Realigned model.
The office staff headed by CPPO Mary Romua with the support
of SPPO Susan Boniel, PPOI Aniceto Francis C. Madronio and ADAIV
Uniza C. Domingo, conducted separate commitment rituals for each TC
cluster. The groups were ; Urdaneta-Asingan Cluster on April 15, 2014,
Binalonan-Manaoag cluster on April 22, 2014 and Pozorrubio-Sision
cluster on May 8, 2014. A total of 97 clients went through the
meaningful capping event. The program seeks to imbibe Inspiration to
their TC journey while undergoing probation/parole surveillance.

January - June 2014 19

Region 1

Joins 5th Inter-Luzon Regional

Sports Fest and GAD Seminar

Field offices from Region I have once again teamed up to display their sports skills and talents
at the 5th Inter-Luzon Regional Sports Fest held in Marikina City.
The Region competed against PPA-DOJ Region II, PPA DOJ Region III, PPA-DOJ Region IV, PPA
-DOJ Region V, PPA-DOJ CAR, PPA-DOJ Central Office, and PPA-DOJ NCR. The three-day festival which
ran from February 18 to 20 was hosted by PPA-DOJ NCR.
Jumpstarting the event was a seminar on Gender and Development (GAD) with the theme
Achieving Gender Equality through Capability Building as the Agencys Strategy for Change. It was
held at Marikina Convention Center, Marikina City. The highlights of the seminar were the 2014 GAD
Plan and Budget Review for Efficacious Implementation and the Launching of the Inter-Luzon Men
Opposed to Violence against Women Employees (MOVE).
Participants paraded on the second day of the fest, each region sporting the colour of their
team. The Region I personnel marched around Marikina Sports Complex in moss green sports attire.
The parade marked the opening of the sports festivities.
Included were various sports disciplines such as volleyball, badminton, table tennis, and
bowling. Minor games like sack race and patintero also challenged the employees physical skills.
Winners from Region I were: OIC-ARD Virgilio G. Tiangco, CPPO G. Danilo Corpuz, CPPO
Nicanor K. Taron, PPOI Aniceto Francis M. Madronio, ADAIV Nilo M. Rilloraza, Jr. (1 st Place, Obstacle
Course, Mens Category), ADAIV Nilo M. Rilloraza (2 nd Place, 100-Meter Dash), PPOII Jacqueline F.
Quatchon, PPOI Carla B. Fernandez, ADAIV Mhelody B. Cruz, ADAIV Lea C. Hufalar, ADAIV Francia
Jomarie G. Mabanag (3rd Place, Sack Race, Womens Category), PPOI Aniceto Francis C. Madronio (4 th
Place, Table Tennis Male Single Category) and the Region I Bowling Team (4 th Place, Pinball).
Notwithstanding the atmosphere of intense competition, the event promoted camaraderie
through its Socials Night dubbed Party like a Rockstar. To add more fun, employees dressed in rock
star outfits had an opportunity to hobnob with other regions. The main event was a beauty pageant
where CPPO Frances Tomelden joined as candidate and representative of the Region.
The cheer dance competition, being the most awaited portion was reserved for the last day of
the festival. Mixing a native overtone to their performance, PPA-DOJ Region I cheer dancers landed in
4th place.
The program closed with the awarding of winners and with a message from Hon. Manuel G. Co,
PPA-DOJ Administrator. (FMTomelden)

20 January - June 2014

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