Types: Suspensión Pasiva, Suspensión Semi-Activa y Suspensión Activa

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Suspensin pasiva, suspensin semi-activa y

suspensin activa.
Pedro Ramrez
Ingeniera en Sistemas Automotrices UPIIG IPN
6SV1, Fernando Navarro

Automotive suspension systems.

In the automotive industry have
designed different types of
suspension systems according to
customer requirements and certain
factors such as:
Space in the car.
Working conditions.
The types of suspension systems
are included as follows:
Passive suspension.
Semi-active suspension.
Active Suspension.
Where these classifications which
are mentioned below are broke.
That depend on this type of
geometry is used for a particular
suspension vehicle whether front or
rear because currently used.
Suspension front axle.
Suspension rear axle.
Independent front suspension.
Independent rear suspension.
Air suspension system.
Hydraulic suspension system.

What is the suspension automotive?

Is a system created and developed mainly for damping the
oscillations caused by the maximum surface in which the
vehicle thereby minimizing the effects of these oscillations
may have to the car and passengers in the vehicle moves.

Components of suspension automotive.

The suspension system is composed of a flexible or elastic
member (leaf spring or helical torsion bar, rubber spring, gas
or air) and a damping element (bumper) whose mission is to
neutralize the oscillations of the suspended mass caused by
flexible to adapt to uneven terrain element. These
components are essential for all types of automotive
suspension either passive, semi-active or active each of the
above system has other different components which help to
have better security, comfort and vehicle aerodynamics,
economy, simplicity and others

Passive suspension.
Passive suspension consists of fixed components which do
not have any external assistance as are electronic, hydraulic
and pneumatic components. This type of suspension is
noticeable in small and medium vehicles is one of the most
currently used suspensions from austere cars to semi - luxury

Of the types mentioned above that

most systems because the
components are variants still

Img 1. Scheme of suspension passive.

In the img 1. Conventional scheme of a passive suspension system is shown, the

necessary components are described in Spanish. The types of suspension cataloged in
passive suspension systems are described.
Depending on the type of elements used and how assemblies thereof, various suspension
systems, all based on the same principle of operation. System consisting of an elastic,
damping and stabilizer bar independent for each of the vehicle axles.
Currently there are different rules for suspension whose use depends on the type of
behavior that is sought in the vehicle

Semi-active suspension.
By using regulated systems are allowed to vary the suspension and damping mechanisms
to suit needs for sports or comfort. So speaking of suspension mechanism regulated,
unlike using a conventional suspension, adjustable components that can be assisted by
electronics: sensors, electronic modules, etc.
These systems are called semi-active and do not require external energy channel.
Compared with these systems are passive systems and improvements that the car has
modules and sensors and valves to perform a calibration of harder or softer buffer
management depending on the mode selected by the driver in this system is semi vehicles
luxury and luxury for certain benefits that are required on the vehicle or the design that
was implemented in the vehicle. This type of suspension is used front and rear.

Img 2. Scheme of suspension semi-active

Img.2 scheme in a semi- active system where the main elements of this type of
suspension is shown suspension.

Active suspension.
When looking for a more demanding the suspension system, taking into account factors
such as road conditions, speed, driving behavior, etc. you need a system of adjustable
suspension on each wheel acted quickly and steadily. To achieve this objective requires a
much more complex system than previous control. The active suspension consists of a
series of sensors and actuators that require an external energy channel.
This type of suspension is safer and complex since for controlling damping of each wheel
takes readings of the above factors such that both curves, the steering and suspension
certain paths self-adjusted so that the suspension is harder or softer depending on what is
The active suspension system is only possible to find in high-end cars or sports cars
where customers have the opportunity to purchase these vehicles and components that
are there in the system increase greatly the purchasing value of the car.
One of the biggest changes in this type of suspension is that it no longer has coil springs if
not mentioned bellows which are now regulated by air pressure.

Img 3. Scheme of suspension active.

In Img.3 Scheme passive suspension system shown where the eye involving many more
components shown that passive and semi- active suspension thus the complexity and cost
of the suspension system.

Sites internet.
Dany (2014) Sistemas de suspensin. Fecha de consulta 8 de abril de 2015 URL:


Juan Manual Pichardo (2006). Tipos de suspensin. Fecha de consulta 9 de abril de 2015 URL:

Manuals Operating.
Miller, (2012) manual de reparacin de automviles. Euromxico.

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