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Volume: 11

Issue No. 5

Rabiuth Thani 1436 AH

February 2015 CE




Muhammad Rahmatullah

Fayyaz Ahmad Zaroo

Handle with respect contains Quranic verses and Ahadith.

File away for future reference

Address for Correspondence:

The Editor
The Monthly AN-NOOR
Darul-Uloom Raheemiyyah
Bandipora Kashmir. 193502
Phone (Landline): 01957-225271
email: raheemiyah @

Per Issue Rs. 10/Overseas: $ 1 (One)
Special Rs. 500/-


Hold Your Tongue

By: Hazrat Maulana Ilyas Patel Sahib

Surah Al-Baqarah


By: Hazrat Maulana Mufti Muhammad Shafi Sahib

(Rahmatullaahi Alaihi)


] s love for children

By: Maulana Abu Talha Muhammad Izharul Hasan Sahib


The Deoband Ulma and and their love for


Hazrat Rasulullah


By: Hazrat Mufti Mahmood Hasan Gangohi n] u


Family Bond

Statements of Faqeehul-Ummat n] u
Compiled By: Mufti Farooq Meeruti Sahib

Bayan ud Dua
By: Hazrat Maulana Mohammad Aaqil Sahib

Potions for the heart

By: Hadhrat Peer Zulfiqar Sahib Daamat-Barakatuhum

Bringing up Children in Islam

By: Maulana Dr. Muhammad Habibullah Mukhtar Sahib

Great Personality

Hadhrat Imam Abu Hanifah (Rahimahullah)

By: Allamah Muhammad Ibn Yusuf Salihi Sahib
Dimashqi Shafii (Rahmatullah alayhi)

Letters to Editor

Fantastic Journal
Outstanding Services

Round -up

Academic Workshop
By: Fayyaz Ahmad Zaroo Sahib




February 2015

Rabiuth Thani 1436

Hold Your Tongue
By: Maulana Ilyas Patel Sahib

For a minute, imagine that you have lost your

tongue, Allah forbid. You no more have a tongue in
your mouth. Now consider what a tremendous bounty
you have been deprived of and what difficulties you will
experience without this small organ.
The tongue has various functions. When one
eats, it pushes the food between the teeth to enable
one to chew the food. During swallowing, the back of
the tongue pushes against the esophagus (wind pipe)
and blocks it, thereby preventing food from going into it.
Thus had it not been for the tongue, one would have
choked as soon as one swallowed anything!!!
Visualise another situation. Delicious food has
been placed before you. You want to taste the
sweetness of the fruit, the spice in the meat dish, the
tangy taste of the lemon and a host of flavours in the
other food that has been laid out. Sorry. No tongue... no
Consider this scenario. Somebody observes your
mouth moving but hears nothing. He Asks: Do you
want to say something? Are you in pain? Do you wish
to call for someone? Does your child want you to read

February 2015

Rabiuth Thani 1436

something for him? Your father has phoned from

overseas. Why dont you speak to him? Sorry. No
tongue ... no speech.
Subhan-Allah! What a marvellous organ the
tongue is. What a great bounty of Allah Taala. Yet how
often do we misuse this tongue. The misuse of such a
great gift attracts the wrath of Allah Ta'ala. Hence
Hazrat Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) is reported
to have said:
"The harvest (actions) of their tongues will
cause people to be thrown into the fire of

Among the very serious aspects of misuse is to

speak vulgar languages. The tongue which is used to
take the name of Allah Ta'ala, to recite the Holy
Quraan and to send durood upon Hazrat Rasulullah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) is soiled in the terrible filth of
vulgarity. This is in complete contradiction to the clear
command of the Holy Quran, where Allah Taala
declares: And say to My servants to speak that which
is best! Vulgar language is a part of the WORST
speech, not the BEST.

February 2015

Rabiuth Thani 1436

For some people, talking vulgar languages is a

fashion. Almost every second word is an ear-shattering
expletive. Apart from being a serious sin, it is the habit
of those who lack self respect, morals and basic
decency. One should never imitate such people.
Others resort to vulgar languages in anger. Many
spouses are guilty of this often in the presence of
their children. Likewise, many employers use filthy
vulgar language to reprimand their staff. In many cases
the staff member is a non-Muslim. He is left with a very
bad impression of Muslims in general due to being
constantly sworn at by his Muslim boss.
It is reported in a Hadith that many people will
become paupers on the day of Qiyaamah. They will
come with mountains of reward for the good deeds they
had performed in the world. However, due to having
trampled the rights of people, among which is "swearing
at someone" (as mentioned in the Hadith), they will lose
all their good deeds to those they had harmed in the
world. What a severe loss!
Therefore, let us appreciate the gift of the
tongue. Use it. Do not abuse it. Especially
do not

Rabiuth Thani 1436

February 2015

(Commentary of the Holy Quran)
By: Hazrat Maulana Mufti Muhammad Shafi Sahib (Rahmatullahi Alaihi)

Note: This part of Tafseer is the remaining portion of Surah AlBaqarah Tafseer and hence connected with the previous chapter of
Surah Al-Baqarah Tafseer.

Verse 92

r ] ii$] $ $ kFn f^e oF % q

o 6 j]

And certainly Moses came to you with clear signs,

then you took to yourselves the calf thereafter
and you were transgressors. (Verse 92)

The clear signs mentioned in the verse refers

to the miracles which had manifested themselves
even before the Torah was given to Sayyidna Musa
Alaihis Salaam for example, his staff that turned into a
snake, the palm of his hand which shone brightly, the
splitting of the sea to make a path for the Israelites,
etc. these miracles were meant affirm the oneness of

Rabiuth Thani 1436

February 2015

Allah and his omnipotence, and to provide and

evidence for the prophethood of Sayyidna Musa
Alaihis Salaam.
In refutation of the Jews, the verse points out
that although they lay a claim to Iman (faith), yet have
been falling into the sin of Shirk (association), which
involves a denial not only of Sayyidna Musa Alaihis
Salaam but even of Allah Himself.
contemporaries of the Holy Prophet Sallalahu Alaihi
Wasallam, did not themselves take part in the worship
of the golden calf, yet they respected such of their
forefathers as had done so, and took their side. So,
far all practical purpose, they two were guilty of the
same sin.
The verse also suggests that no wonder if
these people, whose forefathers denied Sayyidna
Musa Alaihis Salaam, should now be denying the Holy
Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.

Verse 93

^ ] ^ ] ]$ $ e Fn i _% ] ^%n ^] ]
?e ^ m^e e r ] e o ] e ] ^ n
o n +

j ] ^m]

And when we took pledge from you, and raised

February 2015

Rabiuth Thani 1436

high the (Mount of) Tur above you: Hold fast to

what we have given you, and listen they said,
we have heard and disobeyed. And, no account
of their denial, they Say: evil is that which your
faith enjoins upon you, if you are believers.
(verse 93)

In refuting the claim of the Jews to be authentic

and true believers, the Holy Quran again recounts an
incident which it has already to in verse 63. When the
Israelites succeeded, with the help of Allah, in
escaping from Egypt and crossing the sea, they came
upon a people who used to worship idols. They found
this cult so attractive that they requested Sayyidna
Musa (Moses Alaihis Salaam) to fabricate a visible and
concrete god for them too. When he reprimanded
them, they realized their error, and offered
repentance. But repentance has many degrees.
Since their repentance was not of a very high order,
the darkness of their error, did not altogether leave
their hearts, but continued to grow, and finally
manifested itself in the worship of the golden calf. As
act of penance, dome of them had to be slain.
Possibly the repentance of these latter was again of a
law order. As for those who had not indulged in the
worship of the calf, they did not hate the action if the
worshippers of the calf as much as they should have.
So, their hearts too carried a trace of the sin of

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Rabiuth Thani 1436

association (shirk). So, either through the feebleness

of their repentance or through a want of proper hatred
for infidelity, their hearts became indolent in religious
matters, so much so that when Allah asked them to
take a pledge to follow the injunctions of the torah
steadfastly, Mount Tur (Sinai) was suspended over
their heads to threaten them.
This verse reports the Jews as having replied
that they heard the command of Allah, but they would
not obey, or would not be able to obey. It means that
out of sheer fright they said (only with their tongues)
that they had heard (that is to say accepted) the
command of Allah. But there was no real consent in
their hearts, and their posture and attitude was such
as if they were saying that they would not or could not
Having referred to such example of their
perversity and rebellion, the Holy Quran asks the
Jews to have a look at themselves and also at heir
claim to genuine faith. Could a true faith ever inspire
men to such deeds? If it is their brand of faith which
leads them into such grave sins, then it cannot be a
true faith. Hence their claim to be true believers is
evidently false.
(To be continued, Insha Allah)


February 2015

Rabiuth Thani 1436

Nabi ~
V s Love for Children
By: Hazrat Maulana Abu Talhah Muhammad Izharul Hasan Mahmood Sahib
Translated By: Hazrat Mufti Afzal Husain Elias Sahib

The journey of a young child from the darkness of
Kufr to the light of Islam:
This is the incident of child by the name of
Maabihi. It is quite lengthy, though very interesting and
we could learn many lessons from it.
There used to be a wealthy family known as
Aabul Mulk in a town called Jee which was situated in
Persia (modern day Iran). Their leaders name was
Borzakhshan Bin Morsalaan Aabul mulki. He was a
prominent and influential person in the court of the
Persian king. He was not just wealthy, but a very
staunch fire worshipper. He had an only son by the
name of Maa-bihi whom he most dearly loved. He
brought him up with the great pomp and show. In spite
of the parents great aspirations, he was to be an
honoured person. He was never a proud person nor
was she a mischievous child. Instead of spending his
time playing with the other kids of his age, he would


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spend his time ensuring that the fire which was

worshipped never burnt out.
One day Borzakhshan fold his son Maa-bihi that
he had some important work and therefore he could not
attend to his farm lands, so Maa-bihi should do a check
on the lands for him. In fulfillment of his fathers
command he immediately set out for the fields. On his
way he passed by a church wherein the congregation
was busy praying in a loud voice. Hearing their voices
he entered the church and was greatly affected by their
method of prayer and immediately shunned his belief of
fire worship. When the Christians had completed their
prayer, he told the priest that he liked the way they
prayed and from that day on he wished to discard fire
worship and enter into Christianity. The priest became
elated and immediately baptized him and brought him
into the fold of Christianity.
The desire for the true religion (of that time),
Christianity became deeply embedded in the heart of
Maa-bihi. He asked them where was there central
church. They told him that it was in Syria. Nevertheless,
he remained at the church for the rest of the day. When
the sun had set he returned home. His father asked him
if he had checked on the fields. He said that he had not
done so as he had seen a church on his way and was
affected by the way the people in the church were
praying and he therefore remained there all day long.
The father became very angry and told him that their
religion was no good and that he was now grounded
and will not be able to leave the house anymore. He


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Rabiuth Thani 1436

also put shackles on his feet so that he could not go

anywhere. He somehow found an opportunity to send a
message to the people of the church that they should
inform him of any caravan going towards Syria.
He was informed one day that a caravan was going.
He managed to free himself from the shackles and
joined the caravan. Upon reaching Syria he enquired
about the pope and immediately went to the pope to
serve him. He told the pope that he had left Persia
and come to him to learn the religion of Christianity.
The pope agreed to keep him in his company. Now
this particular pope was outwardly and very pious and
abstinent person, but on the inside he was greedy for
wealth and he used to rob the people of their wealth
in devious ways. Maa-bihi did not like the ways and
habits of the pope but could not do much. After some
time the pope died. When the people gathered to
prepare for the burial of the pope, Maa-bihi revealed
his secret. The people were engaged and instead,
they took him and hung him on the gallows! His
successor was however a pious person who had no
inclination for the things of this world. Maa-bihi had
firm faith in him and served him, heart and soul. The
pope also made every effort to pass on his bounty to
him. As the life of this pope now neared its end, he
told Maa-bihi that he should go to a certain person in
a place called Mousil as he would not find anyone
other than that person on the true religion.

(To be continued, Insha Allah)


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Rabiuth Thani 1436





From the teachings and advices of Faqeehul-Ummat, Hazrat
Mufti Mahmood Hasan Sahib Gangohi (Rahmatullahi-Alaihi)
Compiled by: Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Rahmatullah Sahib Kashmiri
(Daamat- Barakatuhum)
(Continued from the previous issue of AN-NOOR)

Allamah Anwar Shah Kashmiri (Rahmatullahi Alaihi)

and his adherence to the Sunnah
(Rahmatullahi Alaihi) became very ill and weak that he
could not stand. He had two crutches made. He used to
take support on it and with great difficulty go to the
Masjid to perform Salah with jamaat, sitting a few times
on the way (to take rest). This was the extent of his
adherence to Sunnah.

Hazrat Nabi-e-Kareem's (Sallallahu

actions during his final illness

alaihi wasallam)

Hazrat Nabi-e-Kareem (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam)

was critically ill in his last days. He would become
unconscious from time to time. When he felt some relief
he would say, Pour seven leather bags of water over
me. Perhaps, I may get some relief and be able to
advise the people. As per instruction, seven leather


February 2015

Rabiuth Thani 1436

bags of water were poured over the Mubaarak head of

Hazrat Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam). After
this, Hazrat Nabi-e-Kareem (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam)
felt better and relieved.
Thereafter, supported by Hazrat Abbaas Raziyallahu
Anhu and Hazrat Ali Raziyallahu Anhu he proceeded to
the Masjid, where he led the congregation in Salah.
(Seeratul Mustafa Pg. 332- Albidaayah Wan Nihaayah.)

An Incident concerning Hazrat Maulana

Madani (Rahmatullahi Alaihi)
Once, two curries were served on the dastarkhaan
of Hazrat Madani (Rahmatullahi Alaihi). Normally, only
one type of gravy would be served in a large utensil.
Then everyone would sit around it and eat.
On this particular day, another dish was served for
someone who was sick. Haafiz Muhammad Husain
(Rahmatullahi Alaihi) commented, Hazrat! Are two
types of gravies going to be served on your dastarkhan
from now on? Is there any proof in the Hadith that
Hazrat Nabi-e-Kareem (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) ate
two gravies in one meal?" Hazrat Madani (Rahmatullahi
Alaihi) did not mention the narration of Abu Dawood
Shareef (which affirms this) nor did he explain that the
second curry was for a patient. Rather, he replied,
"Where am I able to follow the Sunnah? I am only a
slave of the stomach. My attention is towards food
only. These people were of such a high calibre, yet see
their humbleness, humility and respect for their elders.


Rabiuth Thani 1436

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A person will follow the Sunnah in proportion to his

love for Hazrat Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam).
The degree to which a person will mould his life in
accordance to the Sunnah of Hazrat Rasulullah
(Sallallahu alaihi wasallam), will determine the extent to
which he will spread the Deen of Allah Taala. This is
the criterion.
The Ulama of Deoband have Ishq (excessive love)
for Hazrat Nabi-e-Kareem (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam).
Even nowadays, six hundred and fifty students study
Bukhari Shareef in Darul Uloom Deoband. They are
engaged in studying Hadith Shareef day and night. The
first printer and publisher of Bukhari Shareef is Maulana
Ahmad Ali (Rahmatullahi Alaihi). He was a resident of
Deoband. He wrote a haashiyah (marginal annotation)
on it which was a summary of Fathul Baari,
Qastalaani and Aini (extensive commentaries of
Bukhari Shareef).
Hazrat Allama Anwar Shah Kashmiri's (Rahmatullahi
Alaihi) lectures on Bukhari Shareef have been
published in Arabic in four volumes, entitled, Faidhul
Maulana Khalil Ahmad Sahib (Rahmatullahi Alaihi)
has written a commentary on Abu Dawood Shareef in
14 volumes. The title of this kitaab is Bazlul Majhood.
He has also written Matraqatul Karaamah and
Baraaheen-e-Qaati'ah refuting Shi'ism. Besides this,


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Rabiuth Thani 1436

for many years he taught all the kitaabs (of the Aalim
course) including Dorah Hadith (the final year) himself.
Sheikhul Hadith, Maulana Muhammad Zakariyya
Sahib (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) has written a commentary
of Muatta Imam Maalik, which has been published in six
large volumes. This kitaab is circulated in several
countries today and is being printed in Egypt and other
places as well.
Hazrat Maulana Gangohi's (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) AI
Kokabud Durri, Laami Ud Daraari, and other kitaabs
have also been published. How much service did he
render to Hadith.
Mufti Kifaayatullah Sahib's Kifaayatul Mufti has
been published in many volumes. Mufti Azeezur
Rahmaan Sahib's fataawa are published in many
Maulana Ashraf Ali Thaanwis fataawa are also
published in many volumes.
However, Maulana Ahmad Raza Khan's Fataawa
Rizwiyyah was published just once. Thereafter, it could
not be found anywhere.
Those who educate (the people) about the Sunnats
of Hazrat Nabi-e-Kareem (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam)
and about Fiqh, Hadith and Tafseer are the Ulama of
Deoband. Many would come (to Deoband) to confront
the Deobandi Ulama but when they enter Darul Uloom
and see the Darul Hadith from where they hear the
sounds of , #] ] ^ ( #] ^, they weep and immediately
repent from their wrong beliefs.

(To be concluded, Insha-Allah)


February 2015

Rabiuth Thani 1436


Statements and Anecdotes of Faqeehul-Ummat,

Hazrat Maulana Mufti Mahmood Hasan
Gangohi Sahib n ] u..
Compiled By: Hazrat Maulana Mufti Farooq Meeruti Sahib
(Daamat- Barakatuhum)

Matters pertaining to Hadith

Establishing the wearing of the topee (headgear)
by Hazrat Nabi Kareem (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam)
Hazrat! Performing Salaah bareheaded has
become in vogue. Did Hazrat Nabi-e-Akram (Sallallahu
alaihi wasallam) wear a topee?
Hazrat Nabi-e-Akram (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) used
to wear a topee with a turban and without a turban.
There are several ahadeeth in connection to the topee
that are recorded in the commentary of Shamaail-eTirmizi.

The barakat (blessings) of Zam Zam water

does not terminate by diluting it in other water
It is commonly understood that the barakat of
Zam Zam remains even if other water is mixed with it
and this is further supported by a hadeeth that appears
in Nasai Shareef wherein it is mentioned that several
people has come to Hazrat Nabi-e-Akram (Sallallahu alaihi
wasallam) and he granted them the leftover water from
his wuzu. Hazrat Nabi-e-Akram (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam)
then mentioned. When the water decreases, mix it with


Rabiuth Thani 1436

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other water. Is this correct?

Yes, Insha-Allah, the barakat of Zam Zam will
remain, even though other water is mixed with it.
Proof for the Kateeb (one who delivers the Jumuah
Khutbah) answering the second azaan and speaking
when it is necessary
It appears in the hadeeth that Hazrat Muaawiyah
(Raziyallahu-Anhu) replied to the second azaan of Jumuah
and said, Hazrat Nabi-e-Akram (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam)
also replied to this azaan.
The congregation should not reply to this azaan
because Hazrat Nabi-e-Akram (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam)
said, When the Imam comes out for the Jumuah
khutbah, no Salaah will be performed nor will there be
any talking. (Fath-ul-Qadeer, Vol, Pg 37 with reference
to Muatta Imaam Maalik)
However, it is not forbidden for the Imaam to reply
to the salaam of anyone. It is also narrated that Hazrat
Umar (Raziyallahu-Anhu) had reprimanded Hazrat Usmaan
(Raziyallahu-Anhu) for coming late whilst the khutbah was in
progress. From here we understand, that If there is a need
for the Imaam to speak, then he is permitted to speak
during the khutbah, but the congregation does not have
permission to speak. (Al Bahr ur Raaiq, Vol 2, Pg 155) A
decision cannot be taken due to the lack of evidence.
(To be continued, Insha-Allah)


February 2015


Rabiuth Thani 1436


B B y: Maulana Muhammad A aqil SahibB B

The benefits and fruits of istigfaar

The benefits and fruits of istigfaar have been
mentioned in Surah Noah.
n $ ] m O ] ^$ ^ $] e$ ] j] k
rm$ k#q $ rm n e ] ^e m O ] ]
(Surah Noah) O] ^ ] $

Faqul Tustaghfiruu Rabbakum Innahu Kaana

Ghaffara, Yur Silis Samaaa Alikum Midrara,
Wayum Didkum Bi amwalium Wabaneena
Wayaj Al Lakum Jannatiun Wayj l Lakum
10. Then I said, Seek forgiveness from your Lord.
Surely He is Most Forgiving.
11. He will send down on you torrents of rain.
12. And will help you with wealth and sons and will
grow for you gardens and will make streams
flow for you.
It has been mentioned in the commentary of this
ayah that one person came to Hazrat Hasan Basri
(Ramatullah alahi) and complained of famine so he told


Rabiuth Thani 1436

February 2015

him to do istigfaar. Another person complained of

poverty, he gave him the same remedy. Another person
complained that his orchard had become dry; he said
the same to him to do istigfaar. One person said that he
does not have children he told him the same thing, do
istigfaar to your rab (Creator).
At this, Someone enquired why did you
recommended istigfaar for each one of them, when they
had different problems he answered by reciting this
verse and said I did not say anything from myself, but
his is the remedy which Allah Taala has taught us.

Words of Istighfaar (repentance)

n ] h i]$ g oe # ] j] !M
Astaghfirullaha rabbi min kulli zanbion wa
atoobu ilaih

o% v] $] F] ? p$] # ] j] !N
! n ] h i] n%]
Astaghfirullaha hallazi la ilaha illa huwal
hayyul qayyoomu wa atoobu ilaih

! n ] h i] # ] j] !O
Astaghfirullaha wa atoobu ilaih
(To be continued, Insha-Allah)


Rabiuth Thani 1436

February 2015


Potions for the Heart

A Translation of Dawa-e-Dill

By: Hazrat Peer Zulfiqar Ahmad Naqashbandi Sahib

Continued from the previous issue of AN-NOOR

ALLA H T AALAs mess a g e t o h u m a n i t y


O ]

] ]

Read, and your Lord is the most gracious. [Al-Alaq 96:03]

Let us read the Quran and act upon it, like the
Sahaabah (Raziyallahu-Anhum) who would g out while
clutching the Quran closely to their chests. They were
so simple-minded, that it a thin piece of bread was
placed before them, they would mistake it for a cloth for
wiping their hands!.
What was it, that they feared neither Persia nor Rome?
Just a small group of camel herders
Those who would mistake camphor for salt
Became those who changed the worlds destiny


February 2015

Rabiuth Thani 1436

We received honour because of the Holy Quran.

Let us promise that from now on, we will understand the
Holy Quran and apply it to our lives. We will sacrifice
our lives and our wealth to gain closeness to Allah
Wash all the filth away and change my dead heart
Wash all the filth away and change my dead heart
Make me alive again, give me fresh start
Wash all the filth away and change my death heart
Make me alive again, give me a fresh start
So change my heart please and wash the filth away
Dont leave me drowning here alone and astray.
So change my heart please and wash the filth away
Dont leave me drowning here alone and astray.
I spent my life running away from you
I spent my life running away from you
And now I have nowhere to turn except to you
I turn to you and begging you to be saved
I turn to you and begging you to be saved
And change me into an obedient slave
I turn to you and begging you to be saved
And change me into an obedient slave
(To be Continued, Insha-Allah)


February 2015

Rabiuth Thani 1436

Family Bond

By: Hazrat Maulana Dr. Muhammad Habibullaah Mukhtaar Sahib

Translated by: Jenab Rafiq Abdurrahmaan Sahib

(Continued from the previous issue of AN-NOOR)

The rights a friend enjoys to greet when meeting

Islam holds greeting someone and serving food
as the best of conduct.1 To exchange greeting with one
another is to develop mutual love.2
Visiting a sick person
It has been commanded to visit the sick.3 Among
the rights of a Muslim over another Muslim are that they
visit the sick, escort the janaazah (funeral), and reply to
the greeting and sneezing of a Muslim.4
Response to sneezing
According to a hadith, when a Muslim sneezes,
one must respond by saying, # ] u m Yarhamu-kallah,
that is, May Allah Taala have mercy on you.5
To meet for the pleasure of Allah
When a person meets a Muslim solely for the
pleasure of Allah Taala, a caller calls out, May you
keep well, may your walking be blessed, indeed, you
have built your abode in jannah.6

Bukhaa-rii and Muslim.

Bukhaa-rii and Muslim.
Ibn Maajah and Tirmidhii.


February 2015

Rabiuth Thani 1436

When a person travels to another habitation to

meet a fellow Muslim, Allah Taala Most High appoints an
angel to wait for the persons arrival there and to covey
the glad tidings of being the beloved of Allah Taala.1
To assist in times of difficulty and worry
A Muslim is the brother of another Muslim. A
Muslim is never oppressed nor left in the lurch. He is
always attentive to fulfill another Muslims needs.
Remember,, if a person removes the misery of a Muslim,
Allah Taala will eliminate that persons misery on the day
of Qiyamah. Allah Taala Most High will conceal the faults
of the one who conceals the faults of a Muslim.2
A Muslim has five rights over another:
Respond to greetings.
Visit when ill.
Offer janaazah Salaah for one who has died.
Accept an invitation.
Respond to sneezing.3
To offer congratulations on different events
One emerging from the Masjid after the Friday
Salaah, a person must say to his Muslim brother, May
Allah Taala accept it on my and your behalf.4 When
Allah Taala accepted the repentance of Sayyidna Kab,
Sayyidna Talhah, (Raziyallahu-Anhuma) offered him
congratulations.5 It is among the rights of a neighbor to
be congratulated on a happy occasion.6

Bukhaa-rii and Muslim.
Bukhaa-rii and Muslim.
Bukhaa-rii and Muslim.


February 2015

Rabiuth Thani 1436

Offering gifts at various occasions

A hadeeth states, Present a gift and win mutual
affection.1 Once, Hazrat Nabi-e-Akram (Sallallahu alaihi
wasallam), suggested to some women that they should
always exchange gifts even if it be a hoof of a sheep.
He said that it was instrumental in creating love and
removing, jealousy and ill-will.2
Therefore, meet your neighbor politely whether
he is your permanent neighbor or a temporary one.
Display good manners. While travelling, be goodmannered to your companions and care for them.
Rights of seniors
By seniors, we mean every person who is older
than we are in age, knowledge, deen, taqwaa,
respectability or status. Respect such persons and fulfill
their rights. The hadeeth states, When a young person
venerates an older person because of his age, Allah
Taala, the Exalted, appoints someone to respect the
young one when he grows old.3 One who does not
respect and honour an elder person is not a true
Muslim.4 The glorification of Allah Taala calls upon one
to respect an aged Muslim, a haafiz of the Holy Quran,
and a righteous and just ruler.5 One has been
commanded to respect every person in keeping with
that persons status.6
(To be continued, Insha-Allah)

Mujam-ul-Ausat of Tabraa-nii, Dayla-mii, Muwatta of Imaam Malik

Mujam-ul-Ausat of Tabraa-nii, Dayla-mii, Muwatta of Imam Maalik.
Abuu Daawuud and Tirmidhii.
Abuu Daawuud.
Abbu Daawuud.


Rabiuth Thani 1436

February 2015

Great Personality

Rahimahullahu Taala
By: Hazrat Allamah Muhammad Ibn Yusuf Salihi Dimashqi Shafii

(Continued from the previous issue of AN-NOOR)

Hazrat Imam Sahibs jurisprudential skill in the

light of the other Imams

Hazrat Ata Ibn Abi Rabah (Rahmatullahi-Alaihi)

Hazrat Saymari (Rahmatullahi-Alaihi) narrates that Harith
Ibn Abdur RAhman said: Whatever Hazrat Abu Hanifah
(Rahmatullahi-Alaihi) came to Hazrat Ata Ibn Abi Rabh
(Rahmatullahi-Alaihi) while we were seated before him, he
would make place for him and seat him right next to him.
He narrates that Hazrat Nasr Ibn Ali (RahmatullahiAlaihi) said: I asked Hazrat Abdul Qasim (Rahmatullahi-Alaihi)
who according to him, was a greater Faqih; Hazrat Abu
Hanifah (Rahmatullahi-Alaihi) or Hazrat Sufyan Thawri
(Rahmatullahi-Alaihi)? He replied: According to me, Hazrat
Abu Hanifah (Rahmatullahi-Alaihi) is a greater Faqih than
Hazrat Ibnu Juraij (Rahmatullahi-Alaihi) also. My eyes havent
fallen on anyone as learned as him in the field of Fiqh.

Hazrat Dawud Tai (Rahmatullahi-Alaihi)

He also narrates from Dawud Tai that when Hazrat
Imam Abu Hanifah (Rahmatullahi-Alaihi) was mentioned before
him, he commented: He (Imam Sahib) was a star who
enabled the nocturnal wayfarer to treat the right path and


February 2015

Rabiuth Thani 1436

he was an embodiment of such Ilm which was accepted

by the hearts of the believer.

Hazrat Yusuf Ibn Khalif Simti (Rahmatullahi-Alaihi)

Hazrat Saymari (Rahmatullahi-Alaihi) narrates that
Fiqih Yusuf Ibn Khalid Simti (Rahmatullahi-Alaihi) said: We
used to sit in the company of Hazrat Uthman Batti
(Rahmatullahi-Alaihi) in Basrah. When we came to Kufa, we
started sitting in the company of Hazrat Imam Abu
Hanifah (Rahmatullahi-Alaihi). Whew! How can we compare
the vast oceans to a little rivulet? I havent come across
anybody who, when Hazrat Imam Abu Hanifah
(Rahmatullahi-Alaihi) was mentioned, said that he saw
anyone like him. In the field of religious knowledge, he
was not hindered by any constraints. Many people were
jealous of him.

Hazrat Qadi Shuraik (Rahmatullahi-Alaihi)

He also narrates that Hazrat Qadi Shuraik

(Rahmatullahi-Alaihi) said: Hazrat Imam Abu Hanifah
(Rahmatullahi-Alaihi) was a man of prolonged silence,
excessive meditation, penetrative insight in Fiqh, and a
man who had a propensity to extract analogies in
religious sciences and discussions. He was very patient
with him students. If a student was needy and destitute,
he would make him independent and fix a set
allowance for the student as well as his family for the
duration of his entire studentship. At the termination of
his studies, he would address him saying: Now by you
acquiring the laws of lawful and unlawful, you have
acquired immense wealth and ultimate independence.
(To be continued, Insha-Allah)


February 2015

Rabiuth Thani 1436

L e t t e r s t o t h e e di t o r
Fantastic & Fruitful journal
Dear Editor,

I read, first time, the joint issue of your esteemed

monthly journal, AN-NOOR, that is, a joint issue of
October, November & December-2014. Its content was
knowledge-rich, reformative and invaluable, and hence I
found your AN-NOOR a fantastic and fruitful journal.
Moreover, I really appreciate and congratulate the
voluntary services rendered by Hazrat Maulana
Muhammad Rahmatullah Sahib Qasmi and his team of
volunteers to the flood-affected victims of the Kashmir
Saleem Aijaz Kapra
Producer & Director of the weekly broadcast: Humsafar
Radio Kashmir Srinagar

Outstanding services
Dear Editor,
Apropos of the joint issue of AN-NOOR, Oct, Nov &
Dec-2014. You deserve a great reward for your
outstanding voluntary services rendered under the banner
of Darul-Uloom Raheemiyyah Bandipora to the Muslim
community. Jazakumullahu-Khaira.
Dr. Shafeeq Ahmad Shah
Research Scholar at the University of Kashmir
Hazratbal Srinagar


February 2015

Rabiuth Thani 1436

Fayyaz Ahmad Zaroo

Academic workshop for Quzaat &

Muftis held at Raheemiyyah varsity
On 28 & 29 Safarul-Muzaffer 1436 AH
corresponding to 21 & 22 December 2014, a two-day
workshop for Quzaat (plural of Qaazi: such a scholar
of Islamic jurisprudence who is skilled in settling the
personal disputes between Muslims as an arbitrator
in accordance with the Islamic Shariah) and Muftis
was held at the campus of Darul-Uloom
Raheemiyyah varsity Bandipora Kashmir. The
workshop was presided over by the Honourable
Ameerul-Hind, Hazrat Maulana Qaari Sayyid
Muhammad Usmaan Sahib Mansoorpuri DaamatBarakatuhum. Eminent scholars of the country were
invited to this workshop for imparting the special
training of juristic skills to Quzaat and Muftis for
establishing and running Muhkamah-Shariyyah (an
arbitration council of Islamic scholars for settling the
personal disputes of Muslims like marital disputes,
inheritance, etc.) at their places of work. A big
number of young Quzaat, Muftis and budding
research scholars of Islam across the Jammu &


February 2015

Rabiuth Thani 1436

Kashmir state participated in this two-day academic

workshop enthusiastically.
The first session of this workshop began after
offering Maghrib-Salaah. The Esteemed Rector of the
Raheemiyyah varsity, Hazrat Maulana Muhammad
Rahmatullah Sahib Qasmi Daamat-Barakatuhum,
delivered the welcome address and thanked all the
respected guests and participants of this important
workshop. It was followed by the preface speech by
the Grand Mufti of the Raheemiyyah varsity, Hazrat
Maulana Mufti Nazeer Ahmad Qasmi Sahib DaamatBarakatuhum, in which Hazrat Mufti Sahib shared his
extensive experience of dealing with marital and
inheritable disputes of Muslims with the participating
scholars of this academic workshop.
The great significance of establishing the
institution of Nizaam-e-Qaza (arbitration council) for
settling disputes between Muslims was highlighted by
the Honourable Ameerul-Hind, Hazrat Maulana Qaari
Sayyid Muhammad Usmaan Sahib Mansoorpuri
Daamat-Barakatuhum. Disputes are inevitable in the
social life, however, the scholars of Islam have to
settle them peacefully, and for settling the personal
disputes of our Muslim brethren we have to establish
arbitration councils and then persuade the members
of the Muslim community to bring their disputes
before these councils, Hazrat Qaari Sahib


February 2015

Rabiuth Thani 1436

Hazrat Maulana Muizzuddeen Sahib, imparted the
skills that are necessary for running Muhkamah
Shariyyah and also told the modus operandi of this
system to the participating scholars of the workshop.
One of countrys learned scholars, Hazrat
Maulana Mufti Shabbeer Ahmad Sahib DaamatBarakatuhum, who is a renowned Mufti at Jaamiah
Qaasmiyyah Madrasah Shaahi Muraad-abaad, gave
a knowledgeable lesson on Aadaab-e-Qaza and told
the workshop attendees that the scholar who
becomes an arbitrator must be equipped with juristic
skills and piety.
The academic as well as practical skills which the
scholars need to run Muhkamah-Shariyyah were
imparted to the young Quzaat and Muftis of this
workshop by one of countrys most eminent scholars,
Hazrat Maulana Mufti Muhammad Salmaan Sahib
Qaasmiyyah Madrasah Shaahi Muraad-abaad.
Before concluding the final session, the Grand
Mufti Sahib of Raheemiyyah varsity invited some
participants to the dais for their comments on this twoday
Muhammad Sahib Baramulla, Qaazi Imraan Sahib
Srinagar, Mufti Ghulam Mohiddeen Sahib Islamabad,


February 2015

Rabiuth Thani 1436

Mufti Inaayatullah Qasmi Sahib Jammu, Mufti

Muhammad Ameen Sahib Kupwara, Mufti Mumtaaz
Ahmad Sahib Achabal Sopore, Mufti Muhammad
Sultaan Sahib Srinagar, Mufti Pervaiz Sahib Doda,
Mufti Sajjadur-rahmaan Sahib Kupwara, Mufti Shafee
Sahib Uri, Mufti Sajjad Sahib Raheemiyyah
Bandipora, Mufti Aijaz Ahmad Bhat Sahib and Mufti
Abdur-rasheed Sahib Shatloo made comments about
the workshop.
After it, the esteemed rector of the
Raheemiyyah varsity, Hazrat Maulana Muhammad
Rahmatullah Sahib Qasmi Daamat-Barakatuhum, came
to the dais and read out eight (8) proposals and the
same were endorsed by one and all present in the
said workshop.
At last, the concluding speech was delivered by
the Honourable Ameerul-Hind, Hazrat Qaari Usmaan
Sahib Daamat-Barakatuhum who advised the participants
that while reforming others they have to reform their
own selves as well. He underlined the need of the
presence of such Islamic scholars and righteous
persons in every locality who will solve the problems
and settle the personal disputes of Muslims in a
peaceful manner. He also stressed that this work
should be performed collectively. He prayed for the
better results of this important work and for the
betterment and welfare of the entire Muslim community.

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