I Am Ashamed of The Human Race

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I am ashamed of the human race

Human beings always boast that they are the greatest creatures on the earth ever since. But
what the greatest creatures have done rather makes me feel ashamed of the human race.
Generally speaking, seriously polluted environment, sham relationships in society, and
constant conflicts between people even countries are major factors that cause inharmonies
on the globe.
For one thing, the environment pollution is more and more serious. As the technology
develop fast, environment seems to be the cost of economy. Greenhouse effect, sea level rise,
nature disasters like droughts and floods, all these appear frequently recent years are the
consequences of environment pollution. While, until now, the fact that many people still
lack the sense of protecting environment makes the matter worse. With no doubt, both
earth and humans suffer a lot.
In addition to the environment problems, sham relationships in society are another serious
issue. Some people become extremely selfish, sometimes even play filthy tricks and tale
advantages of others in order to seek for interests for themselves. How can one not be
ashamed of the flattering words and hypocritical expressions? Indifference and detachment
seem to control the while society.
Most important, constant aggravate the situation on the earth. People become temperish
and easily fight with others. For example, one must heard much about events that even
students in school can shoot others to death, let alone wars between countries. Just like the
First and Second World War, they caused inestimatble destroys to human beings and the
development of civilization. People suffered lots of pain and appealed for peace eagerly,
peace, peace, peace. It seems everyone is in favor of peace. But the fact is, till now, there
still exists wars. How ridiculous!
Those are reasons I am ashamed of human race, then what I can do is maybe just waiting
on the world to change.

Shame for human race

When friendly aliens from a highly developed civilization visit our planet and
encounter contradictory human race, I feel a little surprised at first, but later
ashamed. By contract with them, we human beings do so badly.
First, with the modern science developing, the environmental problem is
more and more severe. For example, many factories drain off exhaust gas
polluting the fresh air, wastewater contaminating the clear rivers, and waste
residue damaging the rich fields. Many forests are dying out. Animals and
birds have no dwellings. The global temperature rises because of human

letting out large amount of carbon dioxide. Deserts come towards human
beings who are now on rich earth step by step. Natural disasters take place
around the clock such as Katelila hurricane, Indian Ocean tsunami, and
Sichuan earthquake. The environmental condition is extremely rigorous,
which I am ashamed of.
Second, our present society is rarely harmony. Conflicts between persons,
countries, peoples and races happen here and there at any moment. Iraq
War rolls too many people into agony and homelessness, and makes deaths
and poverty. The abuse of nuclear weapon arouses panic around the world.
Terrorists do evil in the world without a stop. Racial discrimination still exists,
although many celebrities try to wipe it out and lose their precious lives. The
world is so unstable and tense that no one can control it. All is what I am
ashamed of.
Third, the behavior of modern people is less and less civilized. People usually
throw away their litter onto the ground if there is no dustbin beside them.
Furthermore, people care the old less. When you get on a bus, you can find
that the young squeeze his way on the bus not caring that beside him is an
old man or woman. In many families, sons or daughters always ill-treat their
parents like scolding them, offering no accommodations for them. Besides,
modern people become more and more indifferent. They almost turn a blind
eye to some crimes, not to mention offering help when someone need. All is
what I am ashamed of.
Nowadays human have made great progress in science and technology.
Maybe we human beings have gained a lot what we could not get before, but
we still lose too much what can not be compensated. The earth on which we
live can not bear what we human have done. Making our Mother Earth so
weary, I am so ashamed of human race.

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