Coursework Mbg1144 PT 1 2014 - 2015

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Semester 1 Session 2014/2015
M.Sc in Construction Contract Management
Part One (Persisir-Kuala Lumpur)
The Case
Mr Rayyan, the general manager of a large property development company invited you
to his office to get your opinion and advise on some matters concerning his companys
proposed new project development. Mr Rayyan and his executive manager were in the
meeting room to receive you and your partner. After serving both of you some coffee
and biscuits, they told to you about the large mix development project that their
company will embark on in 1 year time i.e sometime in September 2015. The proposed
project will be a mixture of commercial and housing development and may include some
of the green building and intelligent building features. The company hoped to attract
more multinational companies to purchase or lease their facilities and properties.
The executive managers and him are worried that the implementation of the proposed
project may not be as smooth as they would like it to be. Their experience with the
previous project taught them to pay more serious attention to many things that need to
be done during the initiation and planning stage of the project developement.
Mr Rayyan related some of the problems that the company experienced in the previous
project. He said the company did not get what they really want for the project because
the designers was poorly informed of their needs and requirements. The companys
administrative staff only knew about the project after the sketch design was put up for
display. The project concept, objectives and statement of clients needs have to be
amended several times during the design stage. Some of the statement in the
objectives and needs statement were not aligned with their companys business
strategy and objectives.
This time he would like you, as an experience project manager, to explain to the board
of directors what the company should do during the initiation (definition) and planning
stage, why serious attention must be placed on the intitiation and planning stage and
why there must be proper planning in order to ensure the successful implementation of
the proposed project.

By referring to the RIBA Plan of Work 2003 and 2013, Project Management Processes
by Sunny & Kim Baker and Michael Campbell (2003) and other literature (books and
internet) please prepare a report not more than 15 pages to explain to the Board of
Directors about the following:
1) The aspects that must be given more attention by the management during the
initiation and planning stages
2) What the management should do at the initiation and planning stages
3) What are the information and document that should be produced during the
initiation and planning stage.

Prepared by
Assoc Prof Dr Rosli Abdul Rashid

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