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Over the past few decades, there have been many attempts to adopt various techno

logies for tourism development, but very few have managed to become successful.
Most of them are mostly limited to pilot projects or uncompleted prototypes. But
one key sector in tourism that has been largely receptive to new technology is
the hotel industry, which is also the sector that can benefit greatly from cloud
computing technology.
It has been posited by analysts that the hotel industry s current way of handling
information and computer resources will soon be turned upside down with the migr
ation to the cloud, regardless of the size of the hotels concerned. As is the ca
se with firms, cloud computing can greatly lower the time requirements and cost
of entry for hotels, as it gives a very pliable scale of computing power that ca
n be distributed across different streams in a relatively short amount of time.
It can also provide immediate access to hardware resources without needing any c
apital investments upfront.
However, like in any other industry, most hotels are using the cloud in conventi
onal ways that prevents them from maximizing the potential of the cloud.
Common Benefits of Cloud Computing Technology
Cloud Computing Technology is no longer in its infancy (though the technology it
self is still being innovated and polished, and will most likely further evolve
in the future), so the industry has already gleaned a good picture of its primar
y benefits. With regard to the hotel industry, the cloud can help in the followi
ng ways:
1. It helps reduce costs and resources since cloud services can be acquired on a
n as needed basis, hotels no longer need to invest a hefty sum at the forefront ju
st to get a basic backend running, as they only need to pay for the exact amount
of computing power and storage that they need.
2. It shortens the deployment process - another benefit of renting the service o
n an as needed basis is that the hotel management no longer needs to experience
delays in the deployment, as the service is ready to use once they acquire it fr
om the provider.
3. Strengthens security
since the data and critical information are all in the c
loud, guarded by highly skilled staff of a provider that is ethically and financ
ially obligated to maintain high security levels, and the fact that data is safe
from physical damage due to the cloud provider having redundant and off-site ba
4. Makes information accessible
another benefit of the cloud is that most of the
grunt work that requires technical skills is already handled by the cloud provi
der, and customers only need to learn how to use the systems on an end-user leve
l. This not only saves on training, it also allows even non-tech savvy people fr
om the executive level to gain access to pertinent and mission critical data.
The Use of Cloud for Customer Service
A number of hotels have already begun to use cloud technology in order to improv
e the overall guest experience of their respective businesses. Some of these inc
lude improving time to market of new systems through affordable pricing, as well
as being able to extend the life of their existing systems in order to gain com
petitive advantages in the hospitality industry. Some hotels are being more crea
tive in employing a cloud-based guest Internet platform, which allows them to ma
ximize revenue while providing a compelling guest experience.
Much as it helped in the overall quality of service, there is still some potenti
als that haven t been tapped yet especially by smaller hotels.

Data for a personalized service. Hotels are yet to learn on how to extract data
and interpret it to provide each of their customer a personal service without ha
ving to spend a lot. Currently, regular high rollers in hotels can get the most
personal service they can afford but those that rent the cheapest rooms also get
an equivalent quality of service.
The fact is that there are a lot of data that may be collected that would make i
t possible for hotels to provide a more personal service without having to spend
an extra dime. Knowing a customer s health condition, for example, will allow hot
els to cut down on cost of their buffet as they can serve only the dishes that c
ustomers may eat.
Taking down geographical barriers. One of the many advantages of the cloud is th
e ability to make the world a smaller place. Information and services may now be
extended to anyone in the world. Hotels may develop a more intimate connection
with their customers if they only know how to utilize the cloud.
One of the weaknesses of the many hotels is their inability to stay connected wi
th their customers after the customer left their hotel. The cloud may be help in
allowing hotels to provide service to their customers even when they are not ch
ecked in.
Providing total package. It is still amazing how many hotels miss on the opportu
nity to earn more by simply linking with other businesses. The cloud can provide
many hotels the capacity to partner with travel agencies, offbeat recreational
companies, entertainment companies and others.
More Practical Applications of the Cloud in Hotels
There are hotels who have found more practical in the sense that it is easily vi
sible to customers uses for cloud computing technology. Examples of these includ
e Spa and Salon appointment systems, POS and restaurant ordering systems that ca
n be migrated to the cloud and accessed on a mobile phone, a PC, or a tablet, so
that guests can start booking appointments or ordering food from the comforts o
f their rooms, so that everything will be ready by the time they reach the estab
At the end of the day, the main benefit of cloud computing technology for hotels
rest on the laurels of cost-efficiency. The cloud s ability to provide savings in
the form of reduced spending on redundant hardware or unneeded manpower can be
passed on to customers, or reinvested back into the business and used for improv
ing existing services or adding new ones.
However, smaller hotels must learn how to use the technology to their advantage.
It is the only way they can truly develop a faithful customer base and have a f
ighting chance against bigger hotels.
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