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Civil And Water Engineering SOCIETY Constitution

Faculty of Engineering

at the National University of Science and Technology


The NUST Civil Engineering Club Constitution

Faculty Of Engineering at the National University of Science And Technology
Table of Contents
1.0 General Information
1.1 Location
1.2 Contact Information
1.3 Club Purpose
2.0 Membership
3.0 Administration
3.1 Office Hours
3.2 Meetings
3.3 Dismissal and Resignation
4.0 Executive
4.1 Guidelines for All Positions
4.2 President
4.3 Vice President
4.4 Treasurer
4.5 Business Representative
4.6 Social Representative
4.7 Academic Representative
4.8 Secretary
4.9 Fifth Year Class Representative
4.10 Fourth Year Class Representative
4.11 Third Year Class Representative
4.12 Second Year Class Representative
4.13 First Year Class Representative
4.14 Sports Representative [Appointed]
4.15 Mentorship Coordinator [Appointed]
5.0 Elections
5.1 Eligibility, Nominations and Date
5.2 Dates
5.3 Procedure and Campaigning
6.0 Amendments to the Constitution

1. General Information
1.1 Location
1. Civil and Water Engineering Department.
2. Meeting venues are advised before meeting.
1.2 Contact Information
1. Mailing Address NUST Civil Engineering Club, Corner Cecil Avenue/Gwanda Road. P.P. Box 939, Ascot,
2. E-mail
3. Facebook NUST Civil and Water Engineering Club.
1.3 Club Purpose
1. The Civil and Water Engineering Club,, hereafter to be known as the Club, shall promote student
interaction and participation in various social and academic activities that aim to strengthen the student
community and experience. Furthermore, the Club will represent the interest of Civil and Water
Engineering undergraduate students to the Department, faculty, University at large and other influential
2.0 Membership
1. All undergraduate students currently enrolled in the Civil Engineering program at the University are
considered members of the Club and are hereafter to be known as Members. This includes Masters
students from our department.
2. The Club is an affiliate member to the Engineering Club Society, along with NIMES, NEEC and others.
3.0 Administration
3.1 Office Hours
1.The Club works on an open door policy, where students are encouraged to stop by and discuss any
questions, suggestions, concerns, problems or issues involving the Club when an Executive member is
aavailable, since we do not have an office yet.
3.2 Meetings
1. The Executive are to meet a minimum of once a month, announced by the Chair or Vice-Chair, greater
than 24 hours from the time and date.
2. Quorum during meetings is 50% + 1 of the current Executive.
3. An agenda must be distributed before the start of each meeting by the Chair.
4. Each of the Executive is entitled to one vote during meetings, with the exception of the positions
designated as non-voting members; in the event of a tie, the Chair shall have the deciding vote.
5. Attendance at meetings is mandatory for the Executive, unless otherwise noted for a particular meeting.
Executive who are unable to attend must send regrets must be sent to the Chair or Vice-Chair.
6. The Chair of the Club, hereafter known as the Chair, must be informed of any absence prior to the
beginning of a meeting,
7. Excused absences can only be granted by the Chair.
3.3 Dismissal and Resignation
1. Two unexcused absences from meetings by a member of the Executive will result in a warning from the
Executive. Three unexcused absences from meetings will result in a question of responsibility of the
Executive Member.
2. Any Executive may also motion for a vote on the dismissal of a member of the Executive due to nonfulfillment of duties.
3. Dismissals will be voted on through a secret ballot, and require quorum and a two-thirds majority of
votes cast to be successful.
4. In the event that a member of the Executive is dismissed or resigns, a bi-election shall be held to fill the

1. If the Executive decide that a bi-election is not feasible to organize the following alternatives may take
1. Applications for filling the empty position(s) are released and a candidate is chosen through majority
Executive vote,
2. A current Executive member assumes a role of the empty position(s),
3. A member who had previously been on the Executive, if possible in the same position, will be appointed
to the position.
4.0 Executive
4.1 Guidelines for All Positions
1. The term of office is one academic year.
2. Each position may be held by only one person at a time; however this is voided if a suitable candidate
cannot be found or role replaced.
3. Only Members are eligible to serve on the Executive.
4. At least three of the Executive must be elected by the Members of the Club, which must be the Chair ,
Secretary and Treasurer.
5.. All Executive are responsible for discussing their budgets with the Treasurer, Chair and Vice-Chair.
6. At the end of the term all Executive are responsible to transition with their counterpart within the
academic year, transition includes meet-up(s) and a transition document summarizing/detailing the roles,
responsibilities, difficulties, improvements and challenges that he or she faced in their term.
7. All Executives are responsible for maintaining their roles information, and to contribute information to
the Civil Engineering Club sssssocial networks in order to benefit students.
8. Executives are responsible for spreading awareness of Club events and services using their abilities.
9. Executives are responsible for updating and uploading information to the online file system.
4.2 President
1. The Chair must be in their third or graduating year.
2. In the event that there are no eligible candidates for the position of Chair, the outgoing Chair presently
in office may waive the previous eligibility requirements.
3. The Chair is responsible for overseeing all activities undertaken by the Club, and pursuing opportunities
and initiatives that do not fall under other Executive roles to improve student experience.
4. The Chair has signing authority on all monetary documents.
5. The Chair is responsible for the Club e-mail and sending mass mails.
6. The Chair is responsible for organizing meetings with the Civil Engineering Department Chair and
Department representative(s), and meeting with other Engineering Discipline Clubs to improve
collaboration, relationships and sharing of knowledge.
8. The Chair and Vice Chair are responsible to recruit and interview for (current and future) non-elected
positions that contribute to student experience and the Club.
4.3 Vice President
1. The Vice Chair must be in their third year.
2. The Vice Chair shall assist the Chair in all duties, including pursuing opportunities and initiatives that do
not fall under other Executive roles to improve student experience.
3. In the absence of the Chair, the Vice-Chair shall assume all the duties of the Chair with the exception of
having signing authority on monetary documents.
4.4 Treasurer
1. The Treasurer must ensure that appropriate financial systems and controls are in place, there is
adequate monitoring and reporting of cash flows, and the responsible use of funds.
2. The Treasurer is responsible for preparing and updating the term budget alongside the Executive.
3. The Treasurer has signing authority on all monetary documents.
4. The Treasurer is responsible for providing financial statements at meetings when requested.

5. The Treasurer is responsible for managing the amount of cash present in the Office, ensuring there is
minimum petty cash for upcoming activities and over minimum is deposited promptly after received. In
addition, the Treasurer is responsible for ensuring that floats are prepared prior to any activities requiring
6. The Treasurer is responsible for the preparation and completion of an audit if required.
7. The Treasurer is responsible for renewing and applying for affiliation with external groups that benefit
the Club.
8. The Treasurer is responsible for applying for funding with external groups and seeking sponsorships
and discounts alongside other Executives.
9. The Treasurer is responsible for working alongside the Business Representative, and interested
Members, in organizing fundraising strategies and initiatives.
4.5 Business Representative
1. The Business Representative, hereafter to be known as the Business Rep, is responsible for the selling
and management during events and Business relations with external groups.
2. The Business Rep is responsible for the design and sale of Club merchandise throughout the school year,
including clothing, patches and other Club branded gear.
3. The Business Rep is responsible for stocking and keeping accurate records, and depositing the cash with
the Treasurer as necessary.
4. The Business Rep is responsible to identify and execute potential strategies with other Executives for
the Club to fund-raise and make money.
5. The Business Rep is responsible for looking at opportunities for the Club to offer new/alternative
services to students which include drawing tools, course tools/materials, Personal Protective Equipment
(PPEs), and other initiatives.
4.6 Social Representative
1. The Social Representative, hereafter to be known as the Social Rep, is responsible for organizing the
Civil Engineering Dinner Dance, hereafter to be known as the Dance. The Dance may be made in
collaboration with the Industrial Engineering Club, and all other existing engineering clubs.
2. The Social Rep is responsible for organizing social events to engage students and strengthen the student
community throughout the year.
4.7 Academic Representative
1. The Academic Representative, hereafter to be known as the Academic Rep, shall work with the
academic affair minister from the SRC.
2. The Academic Rep is responsible for academic advocacy within and external of the Civil and Water
Engineering Discipline, and communicating with students and the Department on academic planning,
concerns, and issues.
4.8 Secretary
1. The incoming Executive shall elect the Secretary.
2. The Secretary is responsible for the documentation of all meeting minutes and all plans of various
activities. Alternatively, meetings may be recorded, or a summary of the meetings action items may be
approved after adjournment.
3. The Secretary is responsible for updating the Clubs internal Club and external student calendar.
4. The Secretary is responsible for creating, compiling and sending the Clubs regular newsletter. The CM
is responsible for identifying the best means of spreading awareness and information to students.
5. The Secretary is responsible for posting updates related to the Club and Civil Engineering on the Club
Facebook page to engage users and build awareness of club and school news, events, and activities.
6. The Secretary is responsible for ensuring photos are taken at events and posted publicly to Civil and
Water Engineering students.

4.9 Fifth Year Class Representative

1. The Fifth Year Class Representative, hereafter to be known as the Fourth Year Rep. must be a Club
member in their final year.
2. The Fifth Year Rep is elected by the final year class.
3The Fifth Year Rep shall assist in and inform their class of all activities of the Club.
4. The Fifth Year Rep is responsible for organizing events and activities to improve the experience of their
class academically, socially and/or professionally, to make their class a great community.
4.10 Fourth Year Class Representative
1. The Fourth Year Class Representative, hereafter to be known as the Fourth Year Rep. must be a Club
member in their attachment year.
2. The Fourth Year Rep is elected by the attachment class.
3The Fourth Year Rep shall assist in and inform their class of all activities of the Club.
4. The Fourth Year Rep is responsible for organizing events and activities to improve the experience of
their class academically, socially and/or professionally, to make their class a great community.
4.11 Third Year Class Representative
1. The Third Year Class Representative, hereafter to be known as the Third Year Rep. Must be a Club
member in their third year.
2. The Third Year Rep is elected by the third year class.
3. The Third Year Rep shall assist in and inform their class of all activities of the Club.
4. The Third Year Rep is responsible for organizing events and activities to improve the experience of their
class academically, socially and/or professionally, to make their class a great community.
4.12 Second Year Class Representative
1. The Second Year Class Representative, hereafter to be known as the Second Year Rep. must be a Club
member in their second year.
2. The Second Year Rep is elected by the second year class.
3. The Second Year Rep shall assist in and inform their class of all activities of the Club.
4. The Second Year Rep is responsible for organizing events and activities to improve the experience of
their class academically, socially and/or professionally, to make their class a great community.
4.13 First Year Class Representative
1. The First Year Class Representative, hereafter to be known as the First Year Rep. must be a Club
member in their first year.
2. The First Year Rep is elected by the first year class.
3. The First Year Rep shall assist in and inform their class of all activities of the Club.
4. The First Year Rep is responsible for organizing events and activities to improve the experience of their
class academically, socially and/or professionally, to make their class a great community.
4.14 Sports Representative [Appointed]
1. The Sports Representative, hereafter to be known as the Sports Rep, shall chair the Sports Committee.
2. The Sports Rep is responsible for organizing sporting and athletic events for Members to participate in
throughout the year, within the discipline, between disciplines, and between Universities and other
3. The Sports Rep is responsible for promoting healthy active living amoung students.
4. The Sports Rep is responsible for liaising with the SRC sports minister.
5. The Sports Rep is responsible for organizing a Civil and Water team for various competitions and
hobbies of interest to students.

4.15 Mentorship Coordinator [Appointed]

1. The Mentorship Coordinator, hereafter to be known as the MC, is responsible for organizing, running,
improving and maintaining the Civil and Water Engineering Mentorship Program throughout the year.
2. The MC is responsible to plan and oversee the recruitment and selection of Mentorship Groups, Mentors
and Mentees through the Alumni Office.
5.0 Elections
5.1 Eligibility, Nominations and Date
1. All Members are eligible to participate in elections.
2. Civil Engineering Club shall be using SRC procedure of separate Nomination, Campaigning and Voting
periods using their Election bylaws and Official Election rules.
5.3 Procedure and Campaigning
1. A Member of the Club, who is not a candidate in the election, shall be appointed by the outgoing Chair to
act as Chief Returning Officer, hereafter to be known as the CRO.
2. All nominated candidates are allowed to campaign from the time of nomination until the day before the
Club elections; campaigning on the day of the Club elections is prohibited.
3. Candidates may not utilize resources within the university that would give them an unfair advantage
over opponents.
4. The CRO shall be responsible for making clear what is unfair and giving candidates adequate time to
respond accordingly should something be deemed unfair.
5. The CRO shall have the power to disqualify a candidate who commits severe and/or repeated acts
which impact the ability of candidates to compete fairly provided that the CRO makes a diligent attempt to
forewarn the offending candidate.
6. The disqualification of a candidate is ultimately subject to approval by the outgoing Executive through a
majority vote, with the exception of any outgoing Executive who is also a candidate in the Club election.
7. In the case of a bi-election the same procedures apply.
6.0 Amendments to the Constitution
1. Amendments to the constitution will be made annually at the end of the academic year by the departing
2. Suggested amendments will be voted on by the Executive and must be accepted by a two-thirds
majority of votes cast to pass.

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