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White Paper

The Pillars of a Next-Generation

Enterprise Mobility Solution

Prepared by
Ari Banerjee, Principal Analyst, Service Provider IT
Sarah Wallace, Analyst
Heavy Reading

on behalf of

September 2014

Executive Summary
As smart devices become more ubiquitous, consumer behavior has now translated
to the corporate environment, and enterprise customers are now asking that their
employees have access to company information anytime, anywhere. This is in part
because of employees' demands, but also, from a production standpoint, because
enterprises want to be able to provide services in any environment or enable their
employees to be productive on the move. Today, the notion of a mobile enterprise
is equated to increased productivity, enhanced efficiency and thus cost savings.
So of course, communications service providers are seeing increasing demand from
their customers for mobile enterprise solutions.
Enterprise customers represent "bulk" sales, covering multiple subscribers in a single
sale. This is an attractive opportunity for service providers, which are eager to increase their ARPU. This is the underlying motivation for any small to midsize business
(SMB) or enterprise-class offering. However, making a mistake in terms of product or
vendor choice can have a devastating impact. Flawlessly accommodating the demands of a mobile enterprise is easier said than done, as service providers are grappling with dated, legacy systems and lack expertise in areas such as device security
and niche application management. Service providers are looking for a comprehensive enterprise mobility solution provider that will enable them to overcome such
hurdles and provide enhanced services.
Enterprises have high expectations when it comes to enterprise mobility. Service
providers must have capabilities such as device and application management in
place, ensure a highly secure mobile environment and give enterprise customers
peace of mind as they allow employees to bring their own devices to work or download non-work-related applications. In order to provide such capabilities, service
providers must have pillars in their operations such as embedded advanced analytics, which will enable real-time actionable insight as it allows for a more granular
look at an enterprise customer's applications, network and data.
Service providers must also have a more modular approach to mobile services that
allows for the independent development of different mobile areas (such as device
and applications) which will, in the end, enable greater agility in serving enterprise
customers. It is also essential that service providers provide a flexible environment
that is easily able to roll out new mobile applications to an enterprise as their needs
quickly change.
In order for the industry to provide a more robust and flexible mobile enterprise ecosystem, the key requirements are that service providers have a more innovative yet
secure environment that will easily allow for the management of mobile services
without jeopardizing the enterprise customer's valued network or proprietary corporate information. Service providers must select a solution provider that will keep
them up to date on modern-day device and application management. For example, today's service provider should be able to offer their enterprise customers such
capabilities as app wrapping for policy and application management, and device
management that prevents jailbreaking. Additionally, a next-generation enterprise
mobility solution must easily integrate with a service provider's existing solutions. This
will enable both the service provider and the end user to have a seamless, real-time
mobile experience, which will promote efficiency and cost savings in the long run.


Drivers for Enterprise Mobility

More and more, communications service providers are finding that their business
customers are asking for services to support or enhance mobility, to allow for a more
flexible work environment that enables productivity on the move. This demand for
mobility grows every day, alongside the increased penetration of smart devices,
increased use of mobile broadband and increased expectation of anytime, anywhere access to customer information.

Productivity on the Move

Increased mobility means an enterprise customer's employees will be able to work
and access their organization's applications no matter where they are, and from
any device. Heavy Reading recently conducted a survey of 61 unique service providers worldwide, examining respondents' attitudes, perceptions and plans for how
to better serve their enterprise and SMB customers. Survey respondents indicate that
enterprises and SMBs most want mobility application services such as videoconferencing, field workforce automation, integrated business process automation and
document editing and sharing (Figure 1).
Figure 1: What Types of Mobility Application Services Are Enterprises & SMBs Asking Your Company For?

Source: Heavy Reading

Field workforce automation increases the effectiveness of the mobile workforce by

delivering integrated forecasting, scheduling, dispatch and reporting. These solutions are designed to create an efficient mobile workforce by transforming the way
in which field technicians process orders, by taking business processes to the service
site and allowing them to complete work on time. Integrated business process automation is the strategy a business uses to automate processes in order to contain
costs. It consists of integrating applications, restructuring labor resources and using
software applications throughout the organization. Document workflow automation


also simplifies collaboration and improves employee efficiency by automatically

directing documents and business content to the right place at the right time with
email notifications. These are all prime examples of how service providers can enhance their enterprise customers' productivity and operations by enabling increased mobility.

Digital Lifestyle Translates From Consumer to Corporate

As previously mentioned, customer behaviors are changing, and customers are
seeking a digital lifestyle. This means providing services bundled in an ecosystem
across many devices, along with a digital content landscape that should ideally
offer subscribers virtually unlimited choice. Consumer habits have brought this demand for a digital lifestyle into the corporate environment. Service providers from
around the globe attest that enterprise customers are now behaving like consumers, and this is one of the main drivers behind the demand for increased mobility.
Leading examples of these lifestyle demands are employees' requesting to be able
to bring their own device (BYOD) or choose their own device (CYOD).
Enterprise customers are getting to the point where they have no choice but to
meet these needs of their employees, but supporting various platforms (i.e., Apple
and Android) is not easy, and service providers currently lack the expertise, and thus
find the task daunting. When looking for an enterprise mobility solution, service providers must work with a vendor that will support the rapidly changing needs of their
enterprise customers and allow for quick implementation of new products and services. The reason is that consumer needs are changing at breakneck speed, and
as the consumer lifestyle now translates into the corporate world, the expectations
of the two environments are now rapidly changing, but in parallel. Service providers
must also work with a vendor that will help them with risk protection in areas such as
identity, device loss, corporate data loss, authentication, network threats, etc.

Enterprise customers also see increased mobility as a critical mechanism to save
money through improved productivity. The aforementioned use cases of videoconferencing, field workforce automation, integrated business process automation and
document editing and sharing help employees such as sales or field workers become more efficient. For example, sales employees that spend a lot of time traveling or field workers who are offsite will be able to update their work data instantly,
rather than having to wait to get back to a desk.
The use of tablets by field workers is becoming quite common, giving them immediate access to their companies' applications. However, in order for these mobile
initiatives to be successful and really increase productivity, the applications themselves must be properly managed, or the initiatives may be moot. By offering enterprise services that enable increased mobility and productivity, service providers will
find that cost savings on their end will create cost savings for the end user as well,
increasing customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.

Time to Market
There is no doubt that service providers face the increasing challenge of sharing the
market with over-the-top (OTT) players. Not only are service providers seeing their
traditional voice revenues shrinking due to OTT players, but services such as SMS are
taking a hit as well. OTT players are able to circumvent the service provider network


by offering free communications services via a user's WiFi connection, and they are
not burdened with dated, legacy systems.
Traditional OTT providers such as Google, Skype and Facebook have always been
a threat, but small app-based players such as WhatsApp [now part of Facebook]
and Nimbus are increasingly present. This market environment creates greater pressure for service providers to rapidly introduce their own new technologies and services in order to survive. In the past, service providers' dated, legacy systems were
their excuse for slow time to market.
Another Heavy Reading survey asked 60 service providers worldwide, "What is the
top competitive challenge for your company?" The top answer, with 76% of respondents, was slow time to market with product launches and changes to plans.
This shows that service providers are well aware that time to market is a competitive
challenge. In the age of mobility, service providers now have the ability to deliver
services faster via mobile apps that can be released or updated more easily. However, in order to remain relevant in today's digital world, service providers also need
to capitalize on the real-time intelligence and customer insight that can be enabled
through the use of advanced analytics.


Enterprise Mobility 'Must Haves'

As enterprises ask for more mobility, they are becoming more selective in the service
providers they choose. The following are key "must haves" to differentiate service
providers' enterprise mobility solutions.

Embedded Advanced Analytics

Traditional, static business intelligence solutions no longer apply to service providers'
modern-day needs. Enterprise mobility solutions must have embedded advanced
analytics that can perform tasks such as pull data from existing CRM and self-service
portals to enable data mining and reporting, and ultimately create actionable insight. Data pulled from these systems, or from the resource management layer itself,
provide insight into areas such as customer usage patterns, trends of service consumption and changing demands, and planning of resources such as applications.
Advanced analytics closely aligned with service providers' IT systems should enable
enterprises to optimize or configure mobile services, predict and prevent failures,
and provide more customized services depending on an enterprise customer's
needs or even offer virtual profile exchange with third parties to enhance their
position in the value chain.
Heavy Reading recently conducted a survey of 65 unique service providers worldwide that examined their attitudes, perceptions and plans for their enterprise and
SMB customers. When asked what kinds of requests they were getting from business
customers regarding the consumerization of IT, most respondents pointed to having
separate price plans for personal and business use, along with the ability to disable
certain services when a user switches from business to personal mode (Figure 2).
Figure 2: What Requests Does Your Company Get From Business Customers Regarding the Consumerization of IT?

Source: Heavy Reading

These capabilities along with the other responses, such as reporting can all be
enabled by the use of embedded advanced analytics, which will allow for more


granular usage of both customer and network data. Service providers that use advanced analytics will have a distinct edge in providing enterprise mobility services.

Solution Modularity
Modularity in design is an approach that subdivides a system into smaller parts
(modules) that can be independently created and then used in different systems
to drive multiple functions. For a service provider's enterprise mobility solution, the
advantage of modularity is that the solution can be divided into functions such as
application or device management (which allows for more flexibility), but these
functions are still integrated on the back end and are relating to one another. So
even though modules are independent of one another, they can still communicate
with each other, which makes it easier for service providers to develop, test, deploy
and maintain services for their customers.
The advantage of this approach versus a monolithic one is that each module can
be managed independently, making the overall solution architecture more flexible
and making integration with third-party applications easier, without the requirement
of integrating with all the other solution functions. A modular approach will create
more flexibility for both the service provider and enterprise customer when enabling
mobile services.

Detecting & Reporting Jailbroken Devices

Many smartphone, tablet and game console makers include a layer of digital rights
management (DRM) software on their products. This DRM exists to limit the software
you can run on it and is simply there for security reasons. However, many device
owners prefer to jailbreak (or hack) their device so that they may bypass the DRM
restrictions and run unauthorized software or make tweaks to their operating system.
iPhone hackers first coined the term "jailbreaking," in reference to breaking the
phone out of Apple's iTunes "jail." The term has since been (somewhat erroneously)
used in a more general sense to refer to similar hacks made to other platforms such
as Android, where it's also known as "rooting." In any case, regardless of what you
call it, the basic concept is the same: Once a user jailbreaks a phone or tablet, the
device can be altered and unofficial apps or console emulators can be installed.
This can be very dangerous, as many applications today are malware in disguise.
This can also be a threat in terms of a virus or malicious application that may fish for
information and infiltrate a company's proprietary information. Just one compromised device can lead to a massive security breach. Since jailbroken devices have
zero security, this can allow hackers to obtain access to corporate networks (since
many company phones have VPN capabilities) and hackers can gain access to
company data such as emails, passwords and address books. Service providers that
intend to provide comprehensive mobile service to its enterprise customers must be
able to ensure the detecting and reporting of jailbroken devices.

App Wrapping & Policy Enforcement

One of the most important elements in providing mobile service to enterprise customers are the mobile applications themselves. These applications are crucial in
enabling easy access and mobility to employees, thus enhancing their work experience and enabling efficiency. The key to making the use of these applications
successful, however, will be proper management.


The two primary methods of managing and securing mobile apps are software development kits (SDKs) and app wrapping. Only some vendors are able to do app
wrapping; most require SDK integration of an app to leverage centralized policy
management. App wrapping is the process of applying a policy-based management layer to a mobile app without requiring any changes to the underlying application. App wrapping allows a mobile application management administrator to
set specific policy elements such as user authentication or file sharing that can
be applied to an application or group of applications.
In the enterprise, app wrapping allows an administrator to take an application, associate extra security and management features with it, and re-deploy it as a single,
containerized program in an enterprise app store. App wrapping may also aid in
the separating of personal and corporate data at the app level, so the granularity
of app wrapping makes it well suited to a BYOD environment.
The main difference between an SDK and app wrapping is that an SDK must be
included while the application is being developed, whereas app wrapping can
happen after an application is developed and allows business customers to easily
modify and secure third-party apps. Heavy Reading believes that app wrapping,
thanks to this flexibility, is better than a policy SDK approach. One of the other key
benefits of app wrapping is that the app developer does not have to be an expert
in security; they can leverage the expertise of the industry leaders to provide that
layer. A service provider offering a flexible mobility suite will allow for both methods,
or at least have app wrapping capability.

Differentiating From OTT Competition

Service providers are in a vulnerable position as they try to compete with OTT players
that are well established in serving business customers and offer ready-to-use applications in an SaaS/cloud model, as well as pre-integrated apps on mobile devices
and disruptive pricing models. OTT cloud service providers such as Amazon Web
Services, Rackspace, Google, etc., are the market leaders in the cloud space and
continue to provide tough competition to service providers.
There are certain attributes that service providers believe they can provide better
than their OTT competitors. For example, their closeness to the network enables
them to provide 24/7 support and network-enabled failover between locations and
network ownership, as well as the ability to bundle connectivity services with cloud
services. This bundling may help reduce cost, which service providers believe will
help them to differentiate their enterprise offerings from the competition. Service
providers are also able to integrate services in a single application (i.e., messaging
and video) with secured data, which gives them an advantage. And as the trend
accelerates toward the Internet of Things in which an array of devices will have
their own IP addresses the role of service providers becomes more relevant in terms
of connection and device management.
As more and more OTT players come on the scene every day, it is crucial that service providers highlight their strengths and distinguish themselves from such competition. Their proximity to the network and the enterprise customer's user history and
data help them to provide more customer-specific service and support.


Next-Generation Enterprise Mobility Solutions

Service providers must ensure that their vendor's next-generation mobile enterprise
solution enables the following capabilities.

Includes Device & Application Management

A service provider's enterprise mobility solution should also allow for mobile device
management (MDM) especially in the era of BYOD and CYOD. In terms of enterprise
mobility, MDM means the management of smartphones, tablets and laptops in the
workplace. The goal of proper MDM is to optimize the functionality and security of
mobile devices within the enterprise, while simultaneously protecting an enterprise's
network and proprietary data. MDM software enables the distribution of applications, data and configuration settings and patches for all the company's devices,
and allows an administrator to oversee the devices (as easily from their desktop
computer) and monitor the enterprise's users. MDM tools should include application
management, file synchronization and sharing, data security tools, and support for
either corporate-owned or personal devices.
Application management is critical for enterprise mobility and can enable automatic policies through techniques such as app wrapping. Application management also enables functions such as application planning, which can allow for the
assignment of certain applications to certain groups of employees, and determine
which applications are being downloaded, corporate or personal. Being able to
differentiate and steer when apps are downloaded helps optimize bandwidth and
bolsters security. And, of course, the ability to detect failure in the application layer
helps ensure that the customer's application environment is stable and reliable.

Enables Flexibility
A next-generation mobile enterprise solution must allow service providers to have a
flexible environment. Service providers must be able to meet enterprise customers'
changing needs by allowing for quick rollout of new mobile applications or quickly
customize enterprise services to accommodate their customer's needs. After new
services are rolled out, service providers must be able to quickly confirm whether
the services are successful, and then either alter or stop them. In order to remain
relevant, service providers must be able to do all of this in real time.
A next-generation mobile enterprise solution vendor must enable service providers
to quickly make informed decisions based on the customer data collected in the
network, application or service layer. These types of flexible capabilities will be enabled through the use of embedded advanced analytics. And since there is also
strong demand among service providers for strategic solution partners, being able
to easily integrate with these partners will enable them to provide more services to
their enterprise customers and remain innovative. Overall, service providers are
looking for a solution that both enables flexibility within their own operations and
easily interfaces with other providers.

Device Security & Jailbreaking Detection

The era of BYOD and CYOD makes companies' mobile strategies much more complex, as they now have a multitude of devices and platforms, making their networks
and applications more susceptible to security risks. Device attacks are becoming


more common, and the smaller memory of mobile devices makes security more
difficult than a PC environment: Virus scanning on mobile devices has constraints,
security functions such as administrative updates can be difficult, and connectivity
and bandwidth can be issues as well.
Service providers must pick a solution that will enable mobile threat protection and
enable comprehensive device security policies. As with other types of attacks, the
ultimate target is usually the network, rather than the device itself. For example, if
an attacker can gain complete (root or admin) access to an employee's device,
they will have access to all of the sensitive data on the device, which poses the
worst risk to the enterprise. This allows an easy back door for attacks to get into the
corporate network, which can wreak havoc. This is one of the biggest challenges
that enterprises face as they allow BYOD and CYOD. A next-generation enterprise
mobility solution provider must enable service providers to offer such security, as it is
now a standard and essential requirement.

Doesn't Compromise Operations/Easily Integrates

Obviously, the ideal solution for any service provider, no matter what the task, would
be one that does not compromise operations and easily integrates with existing systems to give the service provider and its customers a seamless experience, regardless of any changes behind the scenes. In the case of a next-generation mobile
enterprise solution, it should easily integrate with a service provider's billing and customer care systems, and it should also be easily managed, both from the service
provider and business customer perspective.
Remote monitoring and over-the-air management of remote devices is a critical
feature, as a poor interface and/or lack of a centralized management console will,
in the end, provide a poor customer experience. In today's competitive telecom
environment, service providers must aim to enhance the customer experience, not
degrade it. The solution vendor will have to enable a seamless implementation and
integration for both the service provider and end customer.

Policy Enforcement via App Wrapping

App wrapping is the process of applying a policy-based management layer to a
mobile app without requiring any changes to the underlying application. This means
that a specific set of policy elements can be applied automatically, which allows
for heightened security.
Apps can be wrapped with policies to enhance it with various security capabilities
such as encryption, authentication, VPN connection or geo-location. This will allow
service providers to differentiate their solutions for enterprise customers by protecting data in transit via app proxy by driving corporate apps through the corporate
VPN, but leaving personal traffic on the user's data plan. Users have no idea that
their application has been wrapped but on an administrative level for corporate
apps it adds more security, priority and added peace of mind.
When choosing a next-generation mobile enterprise vendor, service providers
should look for a solution provider that will offer policy enforcement via app wrapping. Heavy Reading believes this approach to policy management is more flexible,
and this flexibility will allow for continual security to an enterprise customer's devices
and network. A more static model, such as an SDK, will take longer to update and
not be as agile for both the service provider and the enterprise customer.



Highly Secure
As service providers offer enterprise mobility services and enable capabilities such
as BYOD and CYOD, one of the biggest concerns for all parties involved is security.
Security is especially a concern when employees download third-party apps that
may cause issues on enterprise networks. Figure 3 drawn from the same survey as
Figure 2 shows that service providers see security as the biggest problem in supporting their business customers' BYOD initiatives. And as device security is complex,
service providers may look to experts to help them in areas such as malware detection, app reputation, and performance and reputation analysis, as all of these will
help in heightening enterprise security.
Figure 3: What Key Problems Do You Envision in Supporting Your Business Customers BYOD Initiatives?

Source: Heavy Reading

So, a next-generation mobile enterprise solution provider will have to enable high
security for both the device and application layers and engender confidence in
service providers as they offer new mobile services. BYOD/CYOD initiatives are very
appealing in terms of cost savings and productivity, but both enterprise customers
and service providers still have many concerns in providing or enabling such services. A next-generation enterprise mobility solution provider will have to ensure that
all aspects of their solution are highly secure to both the end user and service provider. This will help solidify the service provider's trust with its enterprise customers and
also ensure regulatory compliance by securing customer and transaction data.

Enables Multi-Tenancy
Multi-tenancy means the ability to utilize the same software/hardware to serve a
number of tenants. A next-generation mobile enterprise solution must enable multitenancy, so that a service provider's application can serve multiple customers and
ultimately provide the ability for tenants to customize some parts of the application,
such as user interface color or certain business rules. In the end, multi-tenancy can
be economical for both the service provider and their enterprise customers, because software development and maintenance costs are shared. In terms of operational efficiency, with a multi-tenancy architecture, the provider only has to make
updates once. And with cloud computing models, multi-tenancy architecture has
been virtualized and includes remote access. It is crucial that service providers have
this ability, and that their solution provider deems it just as important. This will be key
in enabling the service provider to handle growth in the future as well.



Vendor Profile Symantec

Symantec's Mobility Suite is a next-generation mobile management solution that
service providers may use to enable anytime, anywhere productivity for their enterprise customers. Symantec Mobility Suite is designed to make mobility manageable
and secure and integrate mobile device management (MDM), mobile application
management (MAM) and threat protection into one centrally-controlled console.
By targeting mobile security at multiple layers, Mobility Suite enables enterprises to
embrace BYOD and CYOD policies without compromising security or infringing on
user privacy.
Through its unique app wrapping technology, Mobility Suite applies a security and
policy management layer around mobile apps and content, while enabling a clear
separation of enterprise and personal data on the device. Because it does not require source code changes or an SDK, administrators can wrap an app in a matter
of minutes, accelerating the time to deployment. To further reduce IT overhead,
Mobility Suite allows end users to choose new mobile apps and content from an
intuitive enterprise "app store," which enables self-service support of mobile application and computing needs.
Figure 4: Symantec Mobility Suite An Integrated, Modular Solution for Multiple Use Cases

Source: Symantec

Symantec's modular approach allows companies to deploy MAM or Threat Protection in conjunction with an existing MDM solution or without one, giving enterprises
optimal protection and flexibility. The MDM module offers broad mobile platform support, including iOS, Android, Samsung SAFE and Windows Phone, allowing companies
to support a greater range of user-chosen devices. By deploying Symantec's Mobility
Threat Protection, end users and enterprises can gain greater visibility into app use



and their device impact. Leveraging Norton Mobile Insight and Symantec's Security
Technology and Response (STAR) experts, companies can secure personal and corporate-owned Android devices without the fear of compromised information.
Symantec Mobility Suite is designed to address all the critical aspects of enterprise
mobility, including:
Device Management: Mobility Suite includes comprehensive and scalable MDM,
providing visibility and control over iOS, Android and Windows Phone smartphones
and tablets. Users can enroll devices in their enterprise environment, configure and
update device settings over the air, and protect their mobile devices with certificatebased security. Enterprises can prevent non-compliant devices (such as jailbroken/
rooted devices, or devices missing required apps) from connecting to corporate
assets, helping ensure compliance to internal and external security requirements.
Application Management: Corporate apps and data are protected using a technology that wraps a layer of security and policy management around mobile apps,
without any source code changes or SDK embedding. This powerful technology
provides granular control of corporate apps and data with comprehensive per-app
policies for connectivity, authentication, encryption, data access and document/
data sharing.
Enterprise App Store: The enterprise app store lets system administrators/IT easily distribute and manage in-house or third-party apps to employees and other authorized users. Employees, contractors and partners can view only the apps they are
authorized to use based upon their roles. Users can rate and review apps, while
administrators can get reports on app downloads.
Secure Productivity Apps: Mobility Suite includes Symantec Secure Email and Symantec Secure Web, which allows IT to accelerate mobile productivity with a protected mobile workspace. Secure Email, a Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync-based
email app, allows secure syncing and storage of corporate email. Secure Web, a
secure Web browser, provides safe access to internal Web-based applications and
content. The Symantec Sealed marketplace, an ecosystem of secured third-party
mobile apps, provides wrapped apps for document editing, file sync and share,
note taking and more. With this secured ecosystem, content cannot transverse to
an unsecured domain (i.e., personal email), unless specifically permitted in the ITmanaged profile.
Content Management: Mobility Suite's mission is to make it easier for enterprises to
distribute files and manage content on end-users mobile devices. Employees and
partners have a common place to get critical documents where and when they
need them. Documents and multimedia content can be distributed in different file
formats, and appropriate corporate security policies can be applied at a per-file
level. In addition, content can be updated and revoked seamlessly, easily supporting the dynamic nature of every organization.
Threat Protection: Mobility Suite provides protection against malicious threats and
unauthorized access to sensitive corporate information. Leveraging technology,
research and intelligence from Norton Mobile Insight and Symantec STAR experts,
the suite protects Android devices from privacy and performance risks, mobile malware and fraudulent websites.



As the consumer digital lifestyle translates into the corporate setting, enterprise customers are expecting and demanding ease of access and mobility. Service providers are well aware of this demand and are more than willing to accommodate their
enterprise customers, as they need to make up for revenue losses in more traditional
services. However, there are many hurdles that prevent service providers from enabling enterprise mobility, such as dated back-office systems and lack of expertise in
areas such as security or application and device management.
Service providers must look to a next-generation enterprise mobility solution provider
that will enable a flexible and innovative, yet secure environment that will easily
allow for the rollout of new mobile applications and services without jeopardizing
the enterprise customer's valued network or proprietary corporate information. They
must select a solution provider that uses modern, agile techniques such as app
wrapping for policy and application management, and device management that
can preemptively prevent jailbreaking or the compromise of the corporate device.
These capabilities, paired with the use of embedded advanced analytics to enable
real-time actionable insight, are imperative traits for a next-generation enterprise
mobility solution, providing the end user with a seamless, real-time mobile experience that will promote efficiency and cost savings in the long run.
In Heavy Reading's opinion, Symantec Mobility Suite is very well aligned with our
vision of a next-generation mobile enterprise solution for service providers. Symantec's solution provides App Management, Device Management and Threat Protection modules to give service providers choice in deploying the right solution for their
needs. The Symantec Mobility Suite is available as a hosted solution that allows the
delivery of advanced application, device control and multi-tenant administration
from service provider-branded portals.



About Symantec
Symantec Corporation (Nasdaq: SYMC) is an information protection expert that helps
people, businesses and governments seeking the freedom to unlock the opportunities
technology brings anytime, anywhere. Founded in April 1982, Symantec, a Fortune
500 company, operating one of the largest global data-intelligence networks, has
provided leading security, backup and availability solutions for where vital information
is stored, accessed and shared. The company's more than 20,000 employees reside
in more than 50 countries. Ninety-nine percent of Fortune 500 companies are Symantec customers. In fiscal 2014, it recorded revenue of $6.7 billion. To learn more go to or connect with Symantec at:



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