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Environmental Standards

Waste Regulatory Control and Compliance


Presidency of Meteorology and Environment

PME Reference

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia National Environmental Standard

Waste Regulatory Control and Compliance

storage is holding waste for a temporary period,

after which the waste is treated, disposed of or
stored elsewhere.

Article I Preliminary



transporter means a person engaged in the offsite transportation of waste by air, rail, highway or
water and is anyone who transports the trackable
waste from its place of production or storage to
another location.

disposal means the discharge, deposit, injection,

dumping, spilling, leaking or placing of any waste
into or on any land or water so that such waste or
any constituent thereof may enter the environment
or be emitted into the air or discharged into any
waters, including ground waters.

treatment is any method, technique, or process

designed to physically, chemically or biologically
change the nature of a waste.

Competent Agency where referenced, refers to

the Presidency of Meteorology and Environment or
its designated representative.

TSD Facility refers to a treatment, storage and/or

disposal facility, including recycling facilities.

generator is a commercial or industrial

organisation which produces or stores trackable
waste and arranges for this waste to be sent for
storage, recycling, treatment or disposal at another
location via an authorised transporter.

used Oil means any oil that has been refined from
crude oil, or any synthetic oil, that has been used
and, as a result of such use, is contaminated by
physical or chemical impurities.

GER refers to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabias

General Environmental Regulations 2001.

waste agent is a person or organisation who

manages waste on behalf of a waste generator and
arranges for the transfer, storage, treatment or
disposal of the waste on their behalf.

hazardous waste is a waste with properties that

make it dangerous or capable of having a harmful
effect on human health and/or the environment.

waste facility is a site for recycling, storing,

treating or disposing of waste.

hazardous waste generator means any

person(s), whose activities or processes produce
hazardous waste identified or listed in the Waste
Classification Standard.

waste handler is a generator, transporter and

receiver of waste who has waste responsibilities.
waste tracking is the recording of information from
the waste generator about the quantity and type of
waste produced; recording information about who
transported the waste and when; recording
information from the waste receiver about the
quantity and type of waste received; and matching
information about the waste from both the generator
and the receiver.

hazardous waste code means the code assigned

by PME to each hazardous waste, constituent or
property listed in the Waste Classification Standard,
Appendix A Table 1, Appendix B Table 2 or
Appendix C Table 3.
ID number is the identification number issued by
the Competent Agency to storage, treatment and
disposal facility operators of hazardous waste.


KSA refers to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

a) This document may be cited as the Waste RCC

Standard for KSA. This standard revises the current
General Standards for the Environment (specifically
document number 1409-01) issued by the
Presidency of Meteorology and Environment (PME).

PME refers to the Presidency of Meteorology and

Environment who are designated as the responsible
authority for the protection of the environment and
the development of environmental protection
standards in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
recycling is the separation and collection of
wastes materials for the subsequent transformation
or remanufacture into usable or marketable
products or materials.
site identification number means the number
assigned by the Competent Agency to each TSD
facility operator of hazardous waste.



Timescales for implementation

a) The effective date of this standard is 01/05/1433H

corresponds to 24/03/2012G.

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Presidency of Meteorology and Environment


the assignment of a Duty of Care to Waste



information to assist agencies and
emergency services and ensure wastes are
directed to appropriate facilities;



prior notification systems for hazardous

waste activities, which provide participating
Enforcing Authorities with access to
information to assess the appropriateness
of proposed movements of hazardous
wastes in terms of facility selection;

authorise such relaxations or departures

from, the waste RCC standard and make
any such authorisation subject to the
prescribed conditions, and to modify or
revoke any such authorisation or
condition; and


authorise a local Concerned Agency to

exercise any power conferred by these
regulations by paragraphs i) - iii) above.

i) to give the Competent Agency all such

assistance; and
ii) to provide the Competent Agency with all
such information, as that may reasonably be
required for the purpose of carrying out an

a waste licensing regime for storage,

treatment and disposal facilities so that a
uniform method of waste control is adopted
throughout KSA and site operators are
accountable for their waste activities.

d) The Competent Agency or appointed individual

for the purpose of waste RCC regulation may:
i) Enter any premises for the purpose of
carrying out any investigation.
ii) carry out such inspections, measurements
and tests on premises entered, articles or
records found on any such premises, and take
away such samples of waste or articles, as
may be considered appropriate for the purpose
of enabling such investigation; or

a) This standard applies to all Generators,
Transporters and TSD Facility operators in KSA.

iii) at any reasonable time require any relevant

party to supply him with copies of, or of
extracts from, any records kept for the purpose
of demonstrating compliance with waste RCC

b) This standard extends to all waste types including

hazardous, non-hazardous and inert waste.

e) This standard enables the issue of regulations and

technical memoranda which are enforceable by the
Competent Agency who hold delegated authority
under the General Environmental Regulations.

a) Specific exemptions may be specified within this
standard at any point where relevant to the Article
that they are common to.



c) In addition to the responsibilities conferred by

other sections contained within this standard, it shall
be the duty of a relevant party;

b) PME is charged with protecting the natural

environment and therefore is obliged to issue
controls over waste activities in KSA. This standard
aims to assist improved control of environmental
pollution, protect public health and welfare and
minimise the impact upon economic development.


prescribe specific requirements at any

time as to other characteristics of the
waste RCC standard;

b) The Competent Agency may, for the purposes of

this Standard, appoint persons to act on their behalf
as technical assessors and monitors in relation to
the powers and duties conferred on him by this
standard and/or its subsequent amendments.

iv) systems for registering waste Transporters

and the regulation of Generators and TSD
facilities so that tracking and notification
functions are compatible throughout KSA;


a) The objective of this stardards is to establish the
framework for PME to develop and integrate
systems for the management of the movement of
waste in KSA. The framework includes:

Powers of Authority
a) Within the scope of these standards the
Competent Agency may:

PME Reference


Enforcement Procedures
a) Failure to comply with the requirements of these
standards may lead to prosecution by the Competent
Agency and those convicted of such failure may be
subject to fines or periods of imprisonment as laid
out in the General Environmental Regulations.

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b) It is anticipated that the requirements of this

standard will be enforced nationally with inspections
taking place to verify their implementation at a
regional and local level.

Article II The Duty of Care Obligations


c) The concerned agencies and persons shall be

fully responsible, as part of their activities and
projects, for incidents of environmental pollution with
chemical, toxic, or hazardous wastes and materials
during the stages of production, transportation,
storage or recycling and for immediately reporting
such incidents to the Competent Agency.

Duty of Care
A Duty of Care is imposed on waste generators,
transporters and disposers to ensure that:

d) The party that caused such a pollution incident

shall bear all the costs of pollution control,
abatement, treatment and rehabilitation of the
polluted environment as well as any compensation
for damages caused by such incidents of pollution.
e) Breach of the Duty of Care is an offence and
subject to the prosecutions and penalties set out in
the General Environmental Regulations.


Penalty fines
a) Maximum fines that may be imposed for
exceeding the applicable standard, breach of permit
and failure to comply with an abatement notice are
set out in the General Environmental Regulations.


Waste is not illegally disposed of or dealt

with without a licence or in breach of a
licence or in a way that causes pollution
or harm;


Waste does not escape from a Waste

Handlers control;


Waste is transferred only to an

authorised person, such as the relevant
transporter or licensed disposer;


When the waste is transferred, it is

accompanied by a full written description
so that each person who has it knows
enough to deal with it properly and thus
avoids committing an offence under GER

The Duty of Care applies to:

a) A right of appeal exists for any organisation or
individual who is required to take action as a
consequence of the implementation of the revised
b) The right of appeal against conviction or sentence
is available through the appropriate judicial system
as set out in the General Environmental Regulations.
c) All appeals should be fully supported with a
documented case containing as a minimum, the
information required under the appeals process of
the General Environmental Regulations.



Applicability of Duty of Care



PME Reference

Period Review
a) As a minimum, the Competent Agency shall
undertake a periodic review of this standard every 5
b) Where new information suggests that
adjustments are required to this standard, all
changes will be subject to the appropriate
consultation and will be notified to facilities by the
Competent Agency. Appropriate implementation
time will be allowed.


any importer, generator or transporter of



any person who stores, treats, recycles,

reuses or disposes of waste; and


any agent who has control of waste.

b) Occupiers of residential properties are exempt

from the Duty of Care for the municipal waste that is
generated from their place of residence.


Waste Generators
a) Waste Generators shall be responsible for
identification of the types of waste and hazardous
waste they generate, as well as for ensuring that
such wastes are stored, treated and disposed of in
an environmentally sound manner that does not
cause its dispersal and also does not cause any
detrimental effect on human health, safety and
welfare or the environment and the natural
b) The Generator shall be required to:

classify and identify their waste;


refrain from delivering or transferring

wastes to a waste transporter or to a TSD
facility which are either not registered, not

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licensed or who do not have a site ID

number from the Competent Agency;

Waste operators of TSD facilities must check the

waste they receive so as to ensure compliance with
the type of waste they are licensed to handle under
their site waste licence.

refrain from delivering consignments of

waste for transportation outside the TSD
Facility without being accompanied by a
Waste Tracking Form, obtained from the
Competent Agency, where relevant;

c) Inspection Requirements
The operator of a TSD facility must inspect the
facility for malfunction, deterioration, operator errors
and leaks. Inspections must be recorded in a written
or electronic format on site and reactive
maintenance must be actioned to remedy any
problems identified during inspection.

iv) comply with segregation and storage

requirements as specified in the Waste
Segregation and Storage Standard; and

prepare the waste for transportation.

d) Training of Operators

c) Generators must properly classify and identify

their waste as they are the first step in the waste
tracking process. Generators must therefore decide
if the waste is:

industrial, commercial or municipal;


liquid or solid; and/or


hazardous, non-hazardous or inert.

PME Reference

Operators of TSD facilities must be competent in

managing the waste handled by the facility and
must comply with the requirements under the Waste
Training and Assessment of Technical Competence
of Operators Standard.

Article III Waste Tracking


Waste Handlers
a) The Duty of Care extends to Waste Handlers to
ensure that waste within their control does not
escape and includes the prevention of:

corrosion or wear of waste containers;


accidental spillage, leakage or inadvertent

leaching from waste unprotected from


spills or releases initiated by accidents or

weather conditions;

iv) waste blowing away or falling while stored

or transported; and


Waste Tracking System

a) A waste tracking system enables the Competent
Agency to track waste from its source to the place of
storage, recycling, treatment or disposal.
b) Waste tracking ensures all parties involved with
managing the waste take a responsible attitude and
that the waste is transported and managed
appropriately to prevent waste dumping and
environmental harm.
c) Waste tracking does not apply to:

municipal waste from the point of initial


scavenging of waste by vandals, thieves,

adults, children, trespassers or animals.


b) Waste Handlers must provide for protection of

waste for onward future handling once it has left
their control so that it reaches its destination intact.

commercial non-hazardous or inert waste

collected by municipal vehicles from the
point of initial collection;


waste transported in a pipeline;


iv) waste transported for use as a stock food;


TSD Facility Requirements


a) Notification of Activities
Owners and operators of TSD facilities are required
to notify the Competent Agency of their hazardous
waste activities in order to obtain a Site
Identification Number allowing them to operate. This
timeframe should take no longer than three months
from notification to operation. This requirement is
not necessary for operators of non-hazardous waste
TSD facilities.

waste transported to a farm for use as a

soil conditioner or fertiliser;

vi) waste transported to

laboratory for analysis;


vii) waste authorised to be released

sewerage or storm water drainage; or
viii) waste given an
Competent Agency.





b) Waste Analysis

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Waste Handlers
a) When transporting trackable waste, all waste
handlers involved are responsible for recording the
prescribed information about the waste and, in the
case of generators and receivers, providing or
arranging for the prescribed information to be
provided to the Competent Agency.


the Transporters
contact details;

The Generator must give the prescribed information

to the Transporter and, within fourteen days of the
transfer, give the information to the Competent
Agency on the completed form. The following
information must be provided on the form:
municipality and contact details;


the name, address, and contact details of

the person to whom the waste is to be


the day and time the Generator gives the

waste to the transporter for transporting;


the following waste details:

The type of waste;

The amount in kilograms, tonnes,

cubic metres or litres;

Its physical nature (liquid or solid);

Its hazardous waste code, if

relevant (see Waste Classification

The waste origin code for the

activity that produced the waste
(see Appendix A, Table 1).

b) Record Keeping
The Generator is required to record and keep for a
minimum period of five years the following

the information detailed in the waste

tracking form; and


the Transporters
contact details.




Responsibilities of Waste Transporters

a) The Transporter must provide the following
prescribed information to the Waste Receiver:

the information from the Generator;




the registration number of the vehicle (if a

motor vehicle) used to transport the waste.


the Waste Receivers name, address and

contact details;


the Waste Receivers

number; and


the Waste Receivers Site ID number if it is

a TSD facility for hazardous waste.



c) The Transporter must, as soon as reasonably

practicable after becoming aware of a discrepancy
in information received from the generator, give
written notice of the discrepancy to the Competent


iv) the type and number of containers if the

waste is hazardous; and


b) In addition, the Transporter must also record and

keep the following information for at least five years:

a) Waste Tracking Form



Responsibilities of Waste Generators


PME Reference

d) The Transporter must register with the

Competent Agency for approval to operate as an
authorised waste Transporter, covering hazardous,
non-hazardous and inert waste.


Responsibilities of the Waste Receiver

a) The Waste Receiver is required to record and
keep for at least five years the following information:

the information from the Generator and



the amount of waste received in kilograms

or litres or other measure as deemed


whether the waste is being received for

recycling, treatment, storage or disposal;

iv) the Waste Receiver Code for the operation

for which the waste is being received
(Appendix B).
b) The Waste Receiver must also give the following
information to the Competent Agency within
fourteen days of receipt:

the information mentioned above;


the Waste Receivers name, address and

contact details; and


the Waste




c) The Waste Receiver must, as soon as reasonably

practicable after becoming aware of a discrepancy
in information received from the transporter, give

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c) The individual completing Part A of the form

must be familiar with the waste and its hazards and
be authorised to complete the document on behalf
of the Generator.

written notice of the discrepancy to the Competent



Responsibilities of the Competent Agency

d) The Transporter completing Part B of the
document must be familiar with the waste and its
hazards and be authorised by the transportation firm
to complete the document. This person is usually
the driver. Trackable waste can only be transported
to an appropriate receiving facility as nominated by
the Generator in Part A.

By matching the information sent by the
Generator and the Waste Receiver, the Competent
Agency will be able to track the waste journey and
identify which wastes have been disposed of both
appropriately and inappropriately. The Competent
Agency will also be able to check that the
Transporter and TSD facility are appropriately
licensed to accept the designated waste.

e) Once parts A and B of the certificate have been

completed, the Generator must detach the green
and pink copies of the document and give the
remaining white (original), yellow and blue
copies to the Transporter to accompany the waste
to the TSD facility nominated on the form. The
green copy is kept by the Generator. The pink
copy is sent to the Competent Agency within
fourteen days of completion of part A.

b) Where the information does not match, the

Competent Agency will ascertain the reason and
investigate what action, if any, should be taken.
c) Waste tracking information will also be used by
the Competent Agency to plan for and facilitate the
provision of waste minimisation programs, recycling
opportunities and disposal or treatment facilities.


f) Once the waste receiving facility has completed

part C of the document, the Transporter detaches
the blue copy of the document and gives the
remaining white (original) and yellow copies to
the person representing the waste receiving facility.
The blue copy of the document is kept by the

Waste Tracking Form

a) An approved form, known as a Waste Tracking
Form, provides details of the waste tracking
information to be provided (see Appendix C of this
Standard). The form, available from the Competent
Agency, is a five copy docket which travels with the
waste from its point of generation to the site of
storage, recycling, treatment or disposal. The form
records proof of actions for all persons involved in
the handling of the waste for regulatory purposes.

g) The person completing Part C of the document

must be familiar with the waste and its hazards and
be authorised to complete the form on behalf of the
receiving facility. The yellow copy is detached by
the waste receiver (with parts A, B and C now
completed) and is kept for their records. The white
(original) copy is sent to the Competent Agency
within fourteen days of receiving the waste.

b) Certificates are individually and uniquely

numbered. These numbers become the load
number for each waste load.
c) Generators, Transporters and Waste Receivers
of trackable waste all have responsibilities related to
the form. Relevant copies of each form are to be
provided to the Competent Agency within fourteen
days of the waste transaction by the relevant waste


PME Reference

Completing a Waste Tracking Form

a) The form (reproduced in Appendix C) has a main
section with three parts (A, B and C) which must all
be completed correctly. The form comprises five
copies: white, pink, green, yellow and blue. A full
form (all parts and copies) is progressively
completed by the Generator, Transporter and Waste
Receiver for each waste load, or in the case of
mixed loads, for each component of the load that is
transported within KSA.


Multiple Transfers of Non-Hazardous Waste

a) Where there are a series of multiple transfers of
waste of the same description being made between
the same parties, a single Waste Tracking Form
covering a given period of time can be submitted to
the Competent Agency provided that all relevant
parties are in agreement and the Competent
Agency has been duly notified.
b) The given period of time cannot extend to longer
than 12 months from the date on which the first of
the transfers subject to the arrangements takes
c) This provision does not apply to transfers of
hazardous waste.

b) The Generator and Waste Receiver are each

required to forward an original carbonless copy of
the certificate to the Competent Agency.

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Article IV Registration of Waste Transporters



Initial Notification
a) All operators of hazardous waste TSD facilities
are required to initially notify the Competent Agency
of their hazardous waste activities in order to obtain
a Site Identification Number. In deciding whether
their site requires an ID number, a Waste Receiver
must decide whether their waste:

Scope of Registration
a) Transporters of waste must be registered with
the Competent Agency in order to transport waste
by rail, boat, air or on the highway.
b) The following are exempt from the requirement
to register:


is specifically listed as a hazardous waste



householders transporting waste for the

purposes of recycling to a collection point;


possesses a hazardous waste constituent;



operators of vessels, ferries, aircraft,

hovercraft, floating containers or vehicles
who transport waste as part of their main


possesses a hazardous waste ignitability,

corrosibility, reactivity or toxicity property
(see Waste Classification Standard).


b) In addition, hazardous waste Generators who

store hazardous wastes at the site where the
wastes are generated for more than three months
and who exceed the storage limits, shall be deemed
operators of a storage facility.

doctors and nurses transporting medical

waste in their vehicles from residential
properties or nursing homes; and

iv) charities and voluntary organisations

transporting waste in the course of their


a) An application for registration must be made to
the Competent Agency on the form detailed in
Appendix D of this Standard.
b) If registration is approved by the Competent
Agency, a Registration Certificate is issued to the
Transporter. Copies of this Certificate must be
provided to other waste handlers as and when
requested under their Duty of Care requirements.
c) Notification must be provided to the Competent
Agency and the Registration amended to reflect
change in ownership, operation, equipment or


Site Identification Form

a) A notification application must be submitted for
each site that handles hazardous waste using a Site
Identification Form, reproduced in Appendix V of
this Standard.
b) The form provides site-specific information about
a facility necessary to obtain a Site ID number.
Subsequent notifications are required to update site
specific information. The form consists of:

the reason for submitting the form;


the sites ID number (if known);


the name of the site;

iv) the location of the site;



PME Reference

Seizure of Vehicles

the land type of the site;

vi) the contact person and details at the site;

a) The Competent Agency has the power to seize

vehicles when it has reason to believe they are
being used illegally, to wit:

the vehicle owner is not registered with the

Competent Agency; and/or


the Transporter is using the vehicle to

illegally deposit waste.

vii) name of the operator and legal owner of

the site;
viii) the sites waste activities;
ix) the description of hazardous waste;

additional comments; and

xi) certification statement.

Article V Notification of Hazardous Waste Activities

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PME Reference

Article VI Waste Licensing


General Licensing Requirements

a) No persons or agencies may treat, store or
dispose of waste materials without a licence from
the Competent Agency in accordance with the
procedures and requirements as prescribed in this
b) New facilities constructed after the requirements
in this Standard are implemented must obtain a
licence before they can operate. Where facilities are
already in existence, they may be allowed an interim
period of twelve months to continue operations from
the date of implementation of this Standard by
which time they must have applied for a licence to
operate or otherwise cease operations.
c) Exemptions to the licensing requirements:

Facilities recycling the following materials

only are exempt from the licensing

Industrial ethyl alcohol;

Used batteries returned to the
Scrap metal;
Fuels produced from refining
oil-bearing hazardous wastes;
Oil reclaimed from hazardous

treated, kept or disposed of in accordance

with the terms of the licence; and


dealt with in such a way that it is unlikely to

cause pollution or harm to human health.

Waste Licence
a) The Waste Licence ensures the proper treatment,
storage or disposal of waste in an environmentally
acceptable manner while protecting public health
and the environment including surface and
b) Any person who installs, materially alters or
extends a waste TSD facility must obtain this
licence. Sites which require a Waste Licence

biological and chemical treatment facilities;


storage and waste transfer facilities where

waste is stored for more than 90 days;


material recycling facilities;

iv) landfills; and


waste processing facilities.


Generators who store no more than 1,000

kg of waste on site at any one time.

c) A waste licence application identifies the types

and volumes of wastes to be accepted and the
treatment, storage and disposal methods to be
employed. It also includes detailed site mapping,
geologic and soils data and a certified
environmental compliance history on the firm and
any related holdings.


TSD facilities which accumulate less than

1,000 kg of hazardous waste at any one

d) An Operational Plan must accompany any waste

licence application.
The application includes
information on all the waste licensing requirements:

iv) Farmers disposing of pesticide wastes on

their own property.

Totally enclosed treatment units directly

connected to an industrial production
process such that treatment prevents the
release of hazardous constituents into the

vi) Waste produced by private households

which is stored within an area attached to
the property.




Prohibition on Unauthorised or Harmful

Depositing, Treatment or Disposal of Waste
a) It is an offence to deposit, knowingly cause or
permit the disposal of industrial, commercial or
municipal waste on land without a licence, or where
an exemption from licensing is not in place.


facility design;





iv) preparedness for emergencies;


closure; and

vi) financial responsibility of the applicant.

d) Applications can be made for:

new and existing TSD facilities;


licence transfers to site owners;


licence modifications in relation to site

operations and activities; and

iv) surrender of site licences.

b) Waste must be:

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PME Reference

e) The waste licence application review process can

encompass a number of scientific disciplines and
complex environmental protection systems for a
proposed facility. The total time required to process
a permit application is also dependent on the
completeness of the application filed, timely
responses by the applicant to information requests,
and obtaining approvals from local governments or
other agencies. Applicants can expedite this
process by submitting complete applications with all
supporting documentation and approvals.
f) Initial discussions with the Competent Agency are
recommended prior to the submission of an
application to ensure that all issues are dealt with.
A list of requirements is provided in the Waste
Licence Application Form reproduced in Appendix
VI of this Standard.


The Application Process

a) A licence application must be submitted for each
site conducting activities associated with the
treatment, storage or disposal of waste.
b) Applications must be filed with the Competent
Agency no more than 12 months after the
implementation of this Standard for existing
facilities, and no less than 6 months before a new
facility is opened to accept waste.
c)The applicant prepares and submits detailed site
plans and specifications including an Operational
Plan for the proposed TSD facility.
d) Relevant supporting information must be
submitted with the application, such as, operator
technical competence details (listed in the Waste
Licence Application in Appendix VI).
e) The required number of copies of the completed
application and supporting information are filed with
the Competent Agency.
f) The Competent Agency distributes the application
to interested local and municipal authorities for
review and comment, and conducts an inspection of
the proposed site.
g) Once the application is deemed technically
complete and the review process is complete, the
Competent Agency issues the licence and an
accompanying waste number so that the licence
can be traced and identified.

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219 Tobacco Product Manufacturing

Appendix A Waste Origins

22 Textile, Clothing, Footwear and Leather


Table 1 Industrial Waste Origins

221 Textile Fibre, Yarn and Woven Fabric

222 Textile Product Manufacturing

Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing

223 Knitting Mills

01 Agriculture

224 Clothing Manufacturing

011 Horticulture and Fruit Growing

225 Footwear Manufacturing

012 Grain, Sheep and Beef Cattle Farming

226 Leather and Leather Product


013 Dairy Cattle Farming

014 Poultry Farming

23 Wood and Paper Product Manufacturing

015 Other Livestock Farming

231 Log Sawmilling and Timber Dressing

016 Other Crop Growing

232 Other Wood Product Manufacturing

02 Services to Agriculture; Hunting and


233 Paper and Paper Product Manufacturing

24 Printing, Publishing and Recorded Media


241 Printing and Services to Printing

022 Hunting and Trapping

242 Publishing

03 Forestry and Logging

243 Recorded Media Manufacturing and


030 Forestry and Logging

04 Commercial Fishing

25 Petroleum, Chemical and Associated

Product Manufacturing

041 Marine Fishing

251 Petroleum Refining

042 Aquaculture

252 Petroleum Product Manufacturing

253 Basic Chemical Manufacturing


254 Other Chemical Product Manufacturing

11 Oil and Gas Extraction

255 Rubber Product Manufacturing

110 Oil and Gas Extraction

256 Plastic Product Manufacturing

12 Metal Ore Mining

26 Non-Metallic Mineral Product


121 Metal Ore Mining

13 Other Mining

261 Glass and Glass Product Manufacturing

131 Construction Material Mining

262 Ceramic Product Manufacturing

132 Other Mining

263 Cement, Lime, Plaster and Concrete

Product Manufacturing

14 Services to Mining
141 Exploration

264 Non-Metallic Mineral Product


142 Other Mining Services

27 Metal Product Manufacturing


271 Iron and Steel Manufacturing

21 Food, Beverage and Tobacco


272 Basic Non-Ferrous Metal Manufacturing

273 Non-Ferrous Basic Metal Product

211 Meat and Meat Product Manufacturing

274 Structural Metal Product Manufacturing

212 Dairy Product Manufacturing

275 Sheet Metal Product Manufacturing

213 Fruit and Vegetable Processing

276 Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing

214 Oil and Fat Manufacturing

215 Flour Mill and Cereal Food Manufacturing
216 Bakery Product Manufacturing
217 Other Food Manufacturing

28 Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing

281 Motor Vehicle and Part Manufacturing
282 Other Transport Equipment

218 Beverage and Malt Manufacturing

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283 Photographic and Scientific Equipment


662 Services to Water Transport

284 Electronic Equipment Manufacturing

664 Other Services to Transport

285 Electrical Equipment and Appliance

286 Industrial Machinery and Equipment

663 Services to Air Transport

67 Storage
670 Storage
Military and Defence

29 Other Manufacturing
291 Prefabricated Building Manufacturing

82 Defence
820 Defence

292 Furniture Manufacturing

294 Other Manufacturing

Health Services
Electricity, Gas and Water Supply

86 Health Services
861 Hospitals and Nursing Homes

36 Electricity and Gas Supply

361 Electricity Supply

862 Medical and Dental Services

362 Gas Supply

863 Other Health Services

37 Water Supply, Sewerage and Drainage


864 Veterinary Services

370 Water Supply, Sewerage and Drainage


41 General Construction
411 Building Construction
412 Non-Building Construction
42 Construction Trade Services
421 Site Preparation Services
422 Building Structure Services
423 Installation Trade Services
424 Building Completion Services
425 Other Construction Services
Transport and Storage
61 Road Transport
611 Road Freight Transport
612 Road Passenger Transport
62 Rail Transport
620 Rail Transport
63 Water Transport
630 Water Transport
64 Air and Space Transport
640 Air and Space Transport
65 Other Transport
650 Other Transport
66 Services to Transport
661 Services to Road Transport

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Table 2 Commercial Waste Origins

Finance and Insurance
73 Finance
Wholesale Trade

731 Central Bank

45 Basic Material Wholesaling

732 Deposit Taking Financiers

451 Farm Produce Wholesaling

733 Other Financiers

452 Mineral, Metal and Chemical Wholesaling

734 Financial Asset Investors

453 Builders Supplies Wholesaling

46 Machinery and Motor Vehicle
461 Machinery and Equipment Wholesaling
462 Motor Vehicle Wholesaling
47 Personal and Household Good

74 Insurance
741 Life Insurance and Superannuation
742 Other Insurance
75 Services to Finance and Insurance
751 Services to Finance and Investment
752 Services to Insurance

471 Food, Drink and Tobacco Wholesaling

472 Textile, Clothing and Footwear
473 Household Good Wholesaling

Property and Business Services

77 Property Services
771 Property Operators and Developers

479 Other Wholesaling

772 Real Estate Agents

773 Non-Financial Asset Investors

Retail Trade

774 Machinery and Equipment Hiring and


51 Food Retailing
511 Supermarket and Grocery Stores
512 Specialised Food Retailing
52 Personal and Household Good Retailing

78 Business Services
781 Scientific Research
782 Technical Services

521 Department Stores

783 Computer Services

522 Clothing and Soft Good Retailing

784 Legal and Accounting Services

523 Furniture, Houseware and Appliance


785 Marketing and Business Management


524 Recreational Good Retailing

786 Other Business Services

525 Other Personal and Household Good

526 Household Equipment Repair Services
53 Motor Vehicle Retailing and Services
531 Motor Vehicle Retailing

Government Administration
81 Government Administration
811 Government Administration
812 Justice

532 Motor Vehicle Services

813 Foreign Government Representation

Accommodation, Cafes and Restaurants

57 Accommodation, Cafes and Restaurants
571 Accommodation

84 Education
841 Preschool Education

572 Cafes and Restaurants

842 School Education

573 Clubs (Hospitality)

843 Post School Education

844 Other Education

Communication Services
71 Communication Services
711 Postal and Courier Services
712 Telecommunication Services

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Community Services
87 Community Services

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871 Child Care Services

872 Community Care Services
Cultural and Recreational Services
91 Motion Picture, Radio and Television
911 Film and Video Services
912 Radio and Television Services
92 Libraries, Museums and the Arts
921 Libraries
922 Museums
923 Parks and Gardens
924 Arts
925 Services to the Arts
93 Sport and Recreation
931 Sport
932 Other Recreation Services
Personal and Other Services
95 Personal Services
951 Personal and Household Goods Hiring
952 Other Personal Services
96 Other Services
961 Religious Organisations
962 Interest Groups
963 Public Order and Safety Services

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Appendix B Waste Receiver Codes

Table 1 Recovery and Recycling Codes
These are operations which may lead to resource recovery, recycling, reclamation, direct re-use or alternative
Use as a fuel (other than direct incineration)
Solvent and other organic substance reclamation/regeneration
Recycling/reclamation of organic substances which are not used as solvents
Recycling/reclamation of metals and metal compounds
Recycling/reclamation of other inorganic materials
Regeneration of acids or base
Recovery of components used for pollution abatement
Recovery of components from catalysts
Used oil refining or other re-uses of previously used oil
Use of residual materials obtained from any of the operations coded A1-A9
Accumulation of material intended for any of the operations coded A1-A11
Recycling/reconditioning/laundering of drums


Table 2 Treatment and Disposal Codes

Operations which do not lead to the possibility of resource recovery, recycling, reclamation, direct re-use or
alternative uses.
Land farming
Surface impoundment
Biological Treatment
Other physio/chemical treatment
Permanent Storage
Blending or mixing prior to submission to any of the above operations
Repackaging prior to submission to any of the above operations
Storage pending any of the above operations

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Appendix C Waste Tracking Form

Part A
Name of waste generator

Name of emergency contact/phone
Nominated receiving facility
Description of waste
Hazardous waste code
Waste origin
Bulk/no. and types of packages
Amount of waste
Name and position /signature /date

The person/company/partnership/body corporate
generating the waste if applicable, generator ID
Site address where waste is held
Refers to an authorised representative of the
Name of facility specified to the transporter as the
receiver of waste
General description of the waste
See Waste Classification Standard
See Appendix A Waste Origin Codes
Whether the waste is transported in bulk, or number
and types of packages
This specifies the amount of waste in kgs or litres
This refers to an authorized representative of the

Part B
Name of transporter

Mode of transport
Vehicle registration number

The person/company/partnership/body corporate
transporting the waste preferably the name under
which the Competent Agency has issued the
Registration Certificate.
Registered business address is preferred
This refers to the driver of the vehicle in which the
waste is being transported

Part C
Name of receiving facility

Site ID Number
Waste Receiver Code
Waste Licence Number

The person/company/partnership/body corporate
receiving the waste if applicable, receiver ID
Site address
If relevant for a hazardous waste facility
See Appendix B Table 1 and 2
Issued with Waste Licence for waste facility
Refers to an authorised representative of the receiver
Details of any discrepancy between the waste
described in Part A and the waste being received

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Appendix D Transporter Registration Form

The Competent Agency


1. Why you are filling in this application? Look at the four headings below and decide which applies
to you. Please then tick one of the descriptions under that heading to let us know why you are filling in
this application.
Y N 1. I am applying to register as a transporter for the first time
Y N 2. To renew my transporter registration.
Y N 3. To re-register a lapsed registration.
Y N 4. To amend details on the extant registration.
2. Contact Details of person we can phone or write to with questions about this application.
This can be someone acting as an agent for the applicant.
3. Details of Applicant:
Name of Individual if Operating Alone or Business Name:
Main Operating Address:
4. Do you also hold a Waste Licence? For example, a licence for a waste storage or a landfill site?
N Go to Point 5 and provide reason(s) for submitting this application.
Y Give details for each licence:
Waste Licence Number:
Name in which licence is held under:
Site Address:
5. Additional Comments

6. Certification
I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction
or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly
gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who
manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information
submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that
there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and/or
imprisonment for knowing violations.
Signature of transporter,
Name and Official Title (type
Date Signed
owner, or an authorized
or print)

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Appendix V Site Identification Form

FORM TO: The Competent



1. Reason for Submittal

2. Site PME ID Number

3. Site Name
4. Site Location Information

5. Site Land Type

6. Site Contact Person
7. Operator & Legal Owner
of the Site

Reason for Submittal:

To provide Initial Notification of Waste Activity (to obtain an ID
Number for hazardous waste or used oil activities)
To provide Subsequent Notification of a Waste Activity (to
update site identification information)
As a component of a Hazardous Waste Permit Application
PME ID Number
I___I___I___I I___I___I___I I___I___I___I I___I___I___I
Street Address:
Village, Town, or City:




Site Land Type:

Phone Number:
A. Name of Sites Operator:



Date became Operator:

Operator Type:
B. Name of Sites Legal Owner:
Date became Owner:
Owner Type:
Legal Owner Address:
8. Type of Waste Activity
Mark yes or no for all activities
A. Hazardous Waste Activities
Y N 1. Generator of Hazardous Waste
(where hazardous waste has been stored for > 3
Y N 2. Treatment of Hazardous Waste



B. Used Oil Activities

Y N 1. Used Oil Processor and/or Re-refiner
If yes, mark each that applies:
a. Processor
b. Re-refiner

Y N 3. Storage of Hazardous Waste

Y N 4. Disposer of Hazardous Waste
Y N 5. Recycler of Hazardous Waste
9. Description of Hazardous Wastes
Waste Codes for Hazardous Wastes. Please list the waste codes of the hazardous wastes handled at
your site. List them in the order of classification as they are listed in the Waste Classification Standard.
(e.g., D001, D003, F007, U112). Use an additional page if more spaces are needed.

10. Additional Comments

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11. Certification
I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction
or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly
gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who
manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information
submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that
there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and/or
imprisonment for knowing violations.
If this form is accompanying a Waste Licence Application, all operator(s) and owner(s) must sign.
Signature of operator, owner, or
an authorized representative

Name and Official Title (type

or print)

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Date Signed

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Appendix VI Waste Licence Application Form

FORM TO: The Competent



1. Contact Details of person we can phone or write to with questions about this application.
This can be someone acting as an agent for the applicant.
2. Details of Applicant:
Name of Individual if operating alone or Business Name:
Main Operating Address:
3. Who are the relevant people in the company? Give details of each director, manager, company
secretary and any other similar officer. Use additional sheets
4. Site ID Number:
Site ID Number not relevant as site does not carry out hazardous waste activities
Site ID Form submitted with this application
Site ID Number already obtained for the site
ID Number:
5. Location of the Site. Enclose a site plan showing (outlined in red) the area of land this application
relates to. This area cannot be altered once a licence is issued.
Full Site Address:
6. Occupancy of the Site:
Does the Applicant occupy the land this application relates to? A licence can only be issued to a person
who occupies the land, for example, if they are owner-occupier, tenant or lessee.
Y Provide evidence that the Applicant
occupies the site
7. What is the Applicants interest in the land? Evidence must be given that the Applicant is entitled
to use the land. Use additional sheets
8. Does any other person have a legal right to use or gain access to the land?
Y Give Details:
9. Which of the following applies to this Facility:
A. Planning permission
Date applied for:
Date granted on:
B. Planning permission is not required
State why not and enclose written confirmation
from the planning authority
10. What will be the main waste activity at the site? Use additional sheets as required
Storage Facility
Material Recycling Facility
Municipal Waste Amenity Facility
Treatment Facility Specify process:
Other Provide details:
11. Specify any other waste activities to be carried out at the site For example, baling, sorting,
screening, mixing, landfill gas flaring, leachate treatment.

12. Are any of the activities listed in answer to Q.10 subject to any other regulatory controls?
Y Give details and enclose a copy of relevant
authorising documents:
13. What are the types and maximum quantities of waste the site will handle?
Waste Type
Physical Form of Waste
Tonnes per Day
Tonnes per Annum
(delete as appropriate)

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Hazardous Waste
Municipal Waste
Commercial Waste
Industrial Waste
Scrap Metal
Others, please specify:


14. Does the Applicant intend to accept hazardous waste at the site?
Y Give details below
Waste Type
Physical Form of Waste
Tonnes per
Waste Code
(delete as appropriate)

Tonnes per

15. What type of site does this application relate to?
Treatment Plant Go to question 16
Other Go to question 17
16. What is the throughput of the proposed treatment plant? Complete if relevant and go onto
question 18.
A. Maximum theoretical throughput (based on
B. Proposed actual throughput if different from A
maximum design capacity of plant)
Tonnes per hour:
Tonnes per hour:
17. What is the capacity of the proposed site? For solids, provide total storage capacity in tonnes
and cubic metres. For liquids, state units used.
Cubic metres:








Cubic metres:
Cubic metres:

18. What is the estimated active life of the site?
19. When does the Applicant intend to start work on the site? Give the proposed start date for
preparatory work or for operations where no preparatory work is required.
20. Operating Hours Give the proposed operating hours for the site, using the 24 hour clock
A. Hours permitted under planning law
Saturday to
B. Hours open for receipt/removal of waste if
different from permitted hours
Saturday to
C. Hours open for processing/handling of waste if
different from permitted hours
Saturday to

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21. Has the Applicant applied for a Certificate of Technical Competence?
Technical Competence Form submitted to
Date applied for:
Competent Agency
Technical Competence Certificate already
Date of Issue:
obtained for the site
Type of Certificate:
Name of Certificate Holder:
22. Provide a plan of the estimated expenditure for each phase of the proposed activity. The plan
should include the likely costs of monitoring, clearing the site (including drainage systems) of all wastes,
remedial action in the event of the failure of pollution control systems, and final site closure.
23. Please tick to confirm inclusion of the following documents:
Completed Application Form
Company Registration Documents
Site ID Form, if relevant
Evidence of Land Occupancy
Planning Permission
Copy of other relevant authorising documents
Technical Competence Certificate, if already obtained
Expenditure Plan
Site Operating Manual & Plans
Other Supporting Documents. Give details of
each document:
24. Certification
I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction
or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly
gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who
manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information
submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that
there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and/or
imprisonment for knowing violations. All operator(s) and owner(s) must sign.
Signature of operator, owner, or
an authorized representative

Name and Official Title (type

or print)

Date Signed

10 Data protection notice

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