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Professional English Programme Assessment Test

TWIN Language Centre

Please mark your answer on the answer

Choose the correct word or phrase A, B,
C, or D.
Name: Neagu Madalina
1.Where is John? He ___A____ TV at the
A. is watching
B. Watches
C. Watching
D. Was
2.___B_____ that film yesterday?
A. Do you see
B. Did you see
C. Did you saw
D. Have you see
3. ____C____ a cat in the garden.
A. It has
B. It is
C. There is
D. They re is
4. Tomorrow is Saturday and Maria ____B____
to buy a new dress.
A. will
B. is going
C. will going
D. go
5. I got a letter from my mother last week
but I __C___ to her yet.
A. dont write
B. didnt write
C. havent write
D. havent written
6. Your shoes are very dirty. You ____A____
clean them.
A. must
B. must to
C. must have
D. must be
7. This hat is ____D____.
A. my
B. me
C. to me
D. mine

8. Its now one oclock and John and Paul are

having ___C_____ lunch.
A. they
B. into
C. their
D. theirs
9. He opened the door and went ____D____
the room.
A. by
B. into
C. along
D. to
10. ____D____ broke that plate?
A. When
B. Where
C. Why
D. Who
11. Where is your book? I ____D_____ it last
A. have lost
B. lose
C. was losing
D. lost
12. Hes ____A_____ intelligent than I am.
A. more
B. very
C. so
D. as
13. Ill wash the car if I ____C____ time.
A. will have
B. would have
C. have
D. had
14. When I went into the sitting room he
___B____ TV.
A. watch
B. was watching
C. have
D. had

Septerra Recruitment Agency 77 Grivitei Street,Bl 1A, Sc. A, Ap 32, Brasov, Romania
Tel. +40 771 780 916, +40 771 789 946- Fax +40 268 33 62 67
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15. Is there a post office near here? Im not

sure, but I think ___A____.
A. so
B. yes
C. it
D. it is
16. I dont smoke now but I ____B____ smoke
40 cigarettes a day when I was 21.
A. am used to
B. used to
C. use to
D. used
17. The radio is very loud. Please ___D_____.
A. turn down it
B. turn down
C. down turn
D. turn it down
18. Would you like some coffee? yes, I
A. do
B. like
C. would
D. will
19. She doesnt enjoy ____D____ fish, you
A. eat
B. to eat
C. to eating
D. eating
20. The first time you ____A_____ London was
in 1993, wasnt it?
A. visited
B. have visited
C. was visiting
D. visit
21. He didnt let me ____A_____ the piano.
A. play
B. to play
C. playing
D. that I could play
22. If you dont mind, wed rather ____B_____
A. left
B. leave
C. to leave
D. leaving
23. We d really like you ____B____ to the
party tonight.
A. come
B. to come
C. will come
D. should come

24. Why didnt you make him ____B____ for

the damage?
A. paying
B. to pay
C. pay
D. paid
25. Ill phone when I ___B____ the news.
A. am getting
B. get
C. will get
D. will be
26. Are you still here? You were here half an
hour ago. Who ___B____ for?
A. do you wait
B. are you waiting
C. did you wait
D. have you waited
27. The policeman will explain ___C____ a
A. you to find
B. where can you find
C. where you can find
D. where find
28. If they ___A____ the examination, theyd
all be very happy.
A. will pass
B. would pass
C. pass
D. passed
29. He drives much ____B____ than he used
A. careful
B. carefully
C. more carefully
D. more careful
30. She had already told me she ____A___
possibly carry it, so I carried it for her.
A. cant
B. wont be able
C. couldnt
D. wouldnt be able
31. I wonder if youd mind ____C____ a
A. to wait
B. that you wait
C. wait
D. waiting
32. She keeps ____D____ us what to do.
A. tell
B. to tell
C. for telling

Septerra Recruitment Agency 77 Grivitei Street,Bl 1A, Sc. A, Ap 32, Brasov, Romania
Tel. +40 771 780 916, +40 771 789 946- Fax +40 268 33 62 67
Email: Web:

D. telling

B. hasnt been painted

C. had been broken into
D. was broken into

33. You didnt tell me she ___C_____ have an

A. will go to
B. would going to
C. was going to
D. has been going to
34. When she fell downstairs, ____B_____.
A. she nearly was killed
B. she was nearly killed
C. nearly she was killed
D. she was killed nearly
35. It all depends ____C_____ you.
A. of
B. to
C. on
D. for
36. Did you enjoy your holiday in Spain? No,
I wish ____D____.
A. Id never gone
B. Ive never gone
C. Ill never go
D. I never went
37. In a hundred years time the population of
the world ____A_____.
A. has been doubled
B. will have doubled
C. would have doubled
D. had been doubled
38. If he hadnt been so tired, he ____B____
A. hadnt fallen
B. wouldnt fall
C. didnt fall
D. wouldnt have fallen
39. Your hairs too long. You really should
A. have it cut
B. have cut it
C. have them cut
D. have cut them
40. He doesnt know ____D____ to come or
A. whether
B. if
C. whether he will
D. if he will
41. That house is in a terrible state! You can
see it ____B____ for years.
A. isnt painted

42. When the bank ____D____ three weeks

ago, the police were there waiting for the
A. were broken into
B. has been broken into
C. had been broken into
D. was broken into
43. Most English people prefer tea ____A_____
coffee, dont they?
A. than
B. for
C. to
D. on
44. How did the thieves steal the painting?
They stole it from the gallery ___D____
it was heavily guarded.
A. in site of
B. because
C. so that
D. although
45. Why did he give up his job in the city?
He gave it up _____C___ he could take
up farming.
A. in spite of
B. in order
C. so that
D. that
46. He was ill so he wanted ____B____ some
A. that I buy
B. me to buy
C. that I bought
D. me buy
47. This is just ____A____ Ive always wanted.
A. the car
B. car
C. a car
D. some car
48. Shes very upset. You ___A____ told her
A. shouldnt have
B. mustnt have
C. couldnt have
D. cant have
49. Sorry I cant come. I ____A____with my
A. have dinner
B. will have dinner
C. am having dinner
D. can have dinner

Septerra Recruitment Agency 77 Grivitei Street,Bl 1A, Sc. A, Ap 32, Brasov, Romania
Tel. +40 771 780 916, +40 771 789 946- Fax +40 268 33 62 67
Email: Web:

50. The thief ____A____ away with 1 million.

A. got
B. make
C. put
D. passed

Septerra Recruitment Agency 77 Grivitei Street,Bl 1A, Sc. A, Ap 32, Brasov, Romania
Tel. +40 771 780 916, +40 771 789 946- Fax +40 268 33 62 67
Email: Web:

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